extends "res://scripts/ads/ads_default.gd" var hold := [-1, -1] # current selection var correct := [-1, -1] # good selection var alterne := false # change la valeur de gauche ou de droite @onready var image1 := $PairWallpaper/GridContainer/Button1 @onready var image2 := $PairWallpaper/GridContainer/Button2 @onready var image3 := $PairWallpaper/GridContainer/Button3 @onready var image4 := $PairWallpaper/GridContainer/Button4 @onready var image5 := $PairWallpaper/GridContainer/Button5 @onready var image6 := $PairWallpaper/GridContainer/Button6 var buttons var images func _ready(): buttons = [image1, image2, image3, image4, image5, image6] images = [ load("res://ressources/assets/Pair/Card_1_V2.png") , load("res://ressources/assets/Pair/Card_2_V2.png") , load("res://ressources/assets/Pair/Card_3_V2.png") , load("res://ressources/assets/Pair/Card_4_V2.png") , load("res://ressources/assets/Pair/Card_5_V2.png") ] var selection = images.pick_random() images.push_back(selection) images.shuffle() for i in range(0, images.size()): if images[i] == selection: if correct[0] == -1: correct[0] = i else: correct[1] = i break # Apply texture to buttons for i in range(0, buttons.size()): buttons[i].icon = images[i] func exit_condition(): return condition func _on_pressed(num): # Click reset if hold[0] == num: hold[0] = -1 if hold[1] == num: hold[1] = -1 # Click rotation if alterne: # Droit hold[1] = num else: # Gauche hold[0] = num # Verification condition = hold[0] == correct[0] and hold[1] == correct[1] or hold[1] == correct[0] and hold[0] == correct[1] # Alternation alterne = !alterne # Reset colors for i in range(0, buttons.size()): buttons[i].icon = images[i] # TODO: Color grayscale ou un truc du genre