extends Control var ads_scene = [] var ads = [] var level = [10, 15, 25] var nlevel = 0 var nb = 10 func new_ads(): print("her") randomize() var _range = randi_range(0, ads_scene.size() - 1) print(_range) var instance = ads_scene[_range].instantiate() $GamesAreUnderThisNode.add_sibling(instance) var _scale = Vector2(0.5, 0.5) instance.scale = _scale var _size = instance.get_size() * _scale print(_size) instance.position.x = randf_range(1, get_viewport_rect().size.x - (_size.x)) instance.position.y = randf_range(1, get_viewport_rect().size.y - (_size.y * 1.5)) ads.push_back(instance) print(instance.position) # Called when the node enters the scene tree for the first time. func load_scene(): for scene in [ "res://scenes/game/ads/ads_music.tscn" , "res://scenes/game/ads/ads_normal.tscn" , "res://scenes/game/ads/ads_operation.tscn" , "res://scenes/game/ads/ads_pair.tscn" , "res://scenes/game/ads/ads_roll.tscn" , "res://scenes/game/ads/ads_sexy_robot.tscn" , "res://scenes/game/ads/ads_weather.tscn" ]: ads_scene.push_back(load(scene)) func _input(event): if event.is_action_pressed("ui_cancel"): if ($Rules.visible): $Rules.set_visible(false) $Timer.start() else: $Rules.set_visible(true) $Timer.stop() func newLevel(): for n in nb: new_ads() Reset_Timer() $Timer.start() func _ready(): load_scene() print(ads_scene) if Global.mode == 1 : nb = level[nlevel] if Global.mode == 2 : pass newLevel() var seconds := 0 var Dsecond := 45 func win(): for ad in ads: if ad.visible == true : return false if Global.mode == 1 : nlevel +=1 if nlevel < 3: nb = level[nlevel] newLevel() return false return true # Called every frame. 'delta' is the elapsed time since the previous frame. func lose(): return seconds == 0 func _process(_delta): if lose(): $Timer.stop() get_tree().change_scene_to_file("res://scenes/game/defeat.tscn") if win(): if Global.mode == 1 : $Timer.stop() get_tree().change_scene_to_file("res://scenes/game/victory.tscn") if Global.mode == 2 : nb +=5 newLevel() func _on_timer_timeout(): $Label.text = str(seconds) seconds -=1 func Reset_Timer(): seconds=Dsecond