extends Control var ads_scene = [] var ads = [] """ var ads_scene = [preload("res://scenes/game/ads/Ads_password.tscn"), preload("res://scenes/game/ads/Ads_sudoku.tscn")] """ func getFilePathsByExtension(directoryPath: String, extension: String) -> Array: var dir = DirAccess.open(directoryPath) if !dir : printerr("Warning: could not open directory: ", directoryPath) return [] var filePaths := [] if dir: dir.list_dir_begin() var fileName = dir.get_next() while fileName != "": if dir.current_is_dir(): print("Found directory: " + fileName) else: print("Found file: " + fileName) if fileName.get_extension() == extension: var filePath = dir.get_current_dir() + "/" + fileName filePaths.append(filePath) fileName = dir.get_next() else: print("An error occurred when trying to access the path.") return filePaths func new_ads(): print("her") randomize() var _range = randi_range(0, ads_scene.size()-1) var instance = ads_scene[_range].instantiate() add_child(instance) # Replace with function body. var _scale = Vector2(0.5,0.5) instance.scale = _scale var _size = instance.get_size() * _scale print(_size) instance.position.x = randf_range(1, get_viewport_rect().size.x - (_size.x)) instance.position.y = randf_range(1, get_viewport_rect().size.y - (_size.y*1.5)) ads.push_back(instance) print(instance.position) # Called when the node enters the scene tree for the first time. func load_scene(): var _ads_scene = getFilePathsByExtension("res://scenes/game/ads", "tscn") for scene in _ads_scene: ads_scene.push_back(load(scene)) func _ready(): load_scene() print(ads_scene) for n in 15: new_ads() func win(): for ad in ads: if ad.visible == true : return false return true # Called every frame. 'delta' is the elapsed time since the previous frame. func _process(_delta): if win(): pass print("mettre écran victoire")