License | Information | Moderation | Notes

Boneco de neve


This file has been released by zema under the following license:

Creative Commons Attribution 3.0

You can use this model for any porposes according to the following conditions:

  • You MUST give attribution/credit to zema.

Blend information

Help us moderate this blend

If you encounter any problems with this blend including:

  • Broken links to other blends.
  • Missing textures and other internal assets.
  • Innacurate preview images on the site.
  • Render results are not the same as advertised by the author.
  • Illegal distribution of third party files/assets.
  • Ripping from a game or other 3D assets library.
  • Uncredited or incorrect use of CC licensed assets.
  • Other issues 1

Please submit a report of the problem from here. PROVIDE EVIDENCE OF THE PROBLEM (screen shots, renders, links, etc.) so we can solve the issue.


  • Please do not report blends when you don't know about a feature in Blender. Authors will get a worrying email when their blend is reported, so please avoid them the hassle. If you have a question about how to use a blend please first leave a cool comment in the comment section instead of sending a Report, Reports are for serious stuff. Thanks.