extends Node onready var villain = $"Villain/AnimatedSprite" onready var villain_animations = $"Villain" onready var mainMusic = $"MainMusic" onready var eyeMusic = $"EyeMusic" onready var alert = $"Alert" onready var directory = $"Directory" var rng = RandomNumberGenerator.new() const texture_file = preload("res://Assets/dossier/1.png") # Called when the node enters the scene tree for the first time. func _ready() -> void: rng.randomize() var nbDossier = rng.randi_range(0, 3) for i in range(nbDossier): var dossier = directory.duplicate() var icon = dossier.get_node("Sprite") var window = dossier.get_node("Screen") var button_window = window.get_node("Button2") # Une chance sur 2 d'avoir une icĂ´ne if rng.randi_range(0, 1) == 0: # Text (icon) var name_icon = dossier.get_node("Label") name_icon.text = "Fichier" # Texture (icon) var scale_icon = 0.35 icon.scale = Vector2(scale_icon, scale_icon) icon.texture = texture_file # Background (window) window.get_node("Window").visible = false window.get_node("Window2").visible = true # Change button text button_window.text = "." button_window.focus_mode = Button.FOCUS_NONE dossier.position = Vector2(dossier.position.x, dossier.position.y + 150 * (i + 1)) dossier.set_z_index(dossier.get_z_index() + 10 * (i + 1)) add_child(dossier) # Called every frame. 'delta' is the elapsed time since the previous frame. func _process(_delta) -> void: if villain.animation == villain_animations.animations[-1]: mainMusic.set_volume_db(-80) eyeMusic.set_volume_db(0) if alert.is_playing(): alert.stop() elif villain.animation == villain_animations.animations[1]: if !alert.is_playing(): alert.play() else: mainMusic.set_volume_db(0) eyeMusic.set_volume_db(-80)