window.addEventListener("load", () => main()); // Get input area const input = document.getElementById("firstname"); const main = () => { // Reset content of the input input.value = ""; // Create the paragraph of the first name const string_firstname = document.createElement("div"); string_firstname.className = "firstname-constant-string"; // Create the paragraph of the constant const double_firstname = document.createElement("p"); double_firstname.className = "firstname-constant-double"; // Add the elements to the page const firstname_constant = document.getElementsByClassName("firstname-constant").item(0); firstname_constant.append(string_firstname); firstname_constant.append(double_firstname); // Fill informations with placeholder updateConst(); // Call callback when editing the input input.addEventListener("input", updateConst); }; // Callback: called when first name is changed const updateConst = () => { const firstname = input.value.trim().toLowerCase(); if (firstname.length) { const data = getConst(firstname); setString(firstname.replace(/^\w/, (c) => c.toUpperCase()), data.infos); getDouble().textContent = data.const; } else { defaultInfos(); } }; // Define the string who show the firstname const setString = (firstname = String, data = Object) => { const string_div = document.getElementsByClassName("firstname-constant-string").item(0); // Reset the string data string_div.innerHTML = ""; // For each letter of the first name [...firstname].forEach(letter_value => { // Create the letter const letter = document.createElement("p"); // Fill elements with data letter.textContent = letter_value; // Check if the letter is inside part of the constant if (Object.keys(data).includes(clearText(letter_value))) { // Info about a specific constant const infos = document.createElement("span"); Object.keys(data[clearText(letter_value)]).forEach(key => { const link = document.createElement("a"); link.href = data[clearText(letter_value)][key]; link.innerText = key; infos.append(link); }); // Change parameter of the info card infos.hidden = true; = "absolute"; // Link info to the letter letter.append(infos); // Add behaviour when hovering over the letter letter.addEventListener("mouseenter", (e) => = false); letter.addEventListener("mouseleave", (e) => = true); } // Add the letter string_div.append(letter); }); }; // Get the paragraph of the constant const getDouble = () => { return document.getElementsByClassName("firstname-constant-double").item(0); }; // Set the paragraph of the name to the placeholder const defaultInfos = () => { // Retrieve the constant from the default first name const data = getConst(input.placeholder); // Define the string setString(input.placeholder, data.infos); // Define the constant getDouble().textContent = data.const; }; // Remove accent and lower the string const clearText = (string = String) => { return string.normalize('NFD').replace(/[\u0300-\u036f]/g, "").toLowerCase(); }; const getConst = (letters = String) => { // Turn letters to an array const letters_array = [...clearText(letters)]; // Store constants of each letters of the first name const const_data = []; // Store some constants info const const_infos = {}; // Assign each letter to a constant, fallback to 1 if no one has been found let position = 0; letters_array.forEach(letter => { position++; switch (letter) { case "a": const_data.push(1.2824271291006226 ** position); const_infos[letter] = { "Wikipedia": "" }; break; case "b": const_data.push(1.456074 ** position); const_infos[letter] = { "Wikipedia": "" }; break; case "c": const_data.push(299792458 ** position); const_infos[letter] = { "Wikipedia": "" }; break; case "d": const_data.push(0.7390851332151606 ** position); const_infos[letter] = { "Wikipedia": "" }; break; case "e": const_data.push(2.718281828459045 ** position); const_infos[letter] = { "Wikipedia": "" }; break; case "f": const_data.push(2.807770242028519 ** position); const_infos[letter] = { "Wikipedia": "" }; break; case "g": const_data.push(0.8346268416740731 ** position); const_infos[letter] = { "Wikipedia": "" }; break; case "h": const_data.push(6.62607015e-34 ** position); const_infos[letter] = { "Wikipedia": "" }; break; case "i": const_data.push(0.20787957635076190 ** position); const_infos[letter] = { "OEIS": "" }; break; case "j": const_data.push(5.5208e27 ** position); const_infos[letter] = { "Wikipedia": "" }; break; case "k": const_data.push((-273.15) ** position); const_infos[letter] = { "Wikipedia": "" }; break; case "l": const_data.push(0.97027011439203392 ** position); const_infos[letter] = { "Wikipedia": "" }; break; case "m": const_data.push(0.2614972128476427 ** position); const_infos[letter] = { "Wikipedia": "" }; break; case "n": const_data.push(6.02214076e+23 ** position); const_infos[letter] = { "Wikipedia": "" }; break; case "o": const_data.push(1.66168794963359412 ** position); const_infos[letter] = { "Wikipedia": "" }; break; case "p": const_data.push(2.295587149392638 ** position); const_infos[letter] = { "Wikipedia": "" }; break; case "q": const_data.push(1.8755459e-18 ** position); const_infos[letter] = { "Wikipedia": "" }; break; case "r": const_data.push(2625374126407687e2 ** position); const_infos[letter] = { "Wikipedia": "" }; break; case "s": const_data.push(0.1878596424620671 ** position); const_infos[letter] = { "Wikipedia": "" }; break; case "t": const_data.push(1.927561975482925 ** position); const_infos[letter] = { "Wikipedia": "" }; break; case "u": const_data.push(1.8477590650225735 ** position); const_infos[letter] = { "Wikipedia": "" }; break; case "v": const_data.push(0.4221577331158266 ** position); const_infos[letter] = { "Wikipedia": "" }; break; case "w": const_data.push(2.0945514815423265 ** position); const_infos[letter] = { "OEIS": "" }; break; case "x": const_data.push(1.0021e-13 ** position); const_infos[letter] = { "Wikipedia": "" }; break; case "y": const_data.push(0.5772156649015328 ** position); const_infos[letter] = { "Wikipedia": "" }; break; case "z": const_data.push(376.730313668 ** position); const_infos[letter] = { "Wikipedia": "" }; break; default: // By default, equals to 1 const_data.push(1); } }); return { // Multiply all the constants together "const": const_data.reduce((x, y) => x * y), "infos": const_infos }; };