/** * @author Toru Nagashima * See LICENSE file in root directory for full license. * * @deprecated since v4.2.0 * This rule was based on an invalid assumption. * No meaning. */ "use strict" const path = require("path") const resolve = require("resolve") const { pathToFileURL, fileURLToPath } = require("url") const { defaultResolve: importResolve, } = require("../converted-esm/import-meta-resolve") const getPackageJson = require("../util/get-package-json") const mergeVisitorsInPlace = require("../util/merge-visitors-in-place") const visitImport = require("../util/visit-import") const visitRequire = require("../util/visit-require") const CORE_MODULES = new Set([ "assert", "buffer", "child_process", "cluster", "console", "constants", "crypto", "dgram", "dns", /* "domain", */ "events", "fs", "http", "https", "module", "net", "os", "path", /* "punycode", */ "querystring", "readline", "repl", "stream", "string_decoder", "timers", "tls", "tty", "url", "util", "vm", "zlib", ]) const BACK_SLASH = /\\/gu module.exports = { meta: { docs: { description: "disallow third-party modules which are hiding core modules", category: "Possible Errors", recommended: false, url: "https://github.com/weiran-zsd/eslint-plugin-node/blob/HEAD/docs/rules/no-hide-core-modules.md", }, type: "problem", deprecated: true, fixable: null, schema: [ { type: "object", properties: { allow: { type: "array", items: { enum: Array.from(CORE_MODULES) }, additionalItems: false, uniqueItems: true, }, ignoreDirectDependencies: { type: "boolean" }, ignoreIndirectDependencies: { type: "boolean" }, }, additionalProperties: false, }, ], }, create(context) { if (context.getFilename() === "") { return {} } const filePath = path.resolve(context.getFilename()) const dirPath = path.dirname(filePath) const packageJson = getPackageJson(filePath) const deps = new Set( [].concat( Object.keys((packageJson && packageJson.dependencies) || {}), Object.keys((packageJson && packageJson.devDependencies) || {}) ) ) const options = context.options[0] || {} const allow = options.allow || [] const ignoreDirectDependencies = Boolean( options.ignoreDirectDependencies ) const ignoreIndirectDependencies = Boolean( options.ignoreIndirectDependencies ) const targets = [] return [ visitImport(context, { includeCore: true }, importTargets => targets.push(...importTargets) ), visitRequire(context, { includeCore: true }, requireTargets => targets.push(...requireTargets) ), { "Program:exit"() { for (const target of targets.filter( t => CORE_MODULES.has(t.moduleName) && t.moduleName === t.name )) { const name = target.moduleName const allowed = allow.indexOf(name) !== -1 || (ignoreDirectDependencies && deps.has(name)) || (ignoreIndirectDependencies && !deps.has(name)) if (allowed) { continue } let resolved = "" const moduleId = `${name}/` try { resolved = resolve.sync(moduleId, { basedir: dirPath, }) } catch (_error) { try { const { url } = importResolve(moduleId, { parentURL: pathToFileURL(dirPath).href, }) resolved = fileURLToPath(url) } catch (_error) { continue } } context.report({ node: target.node, loc: target.node.loc, message: "Unexpected import of third-party module '{{name}}'.", data: { name: path .relative(dirPath, resolved) .replace(BACK_SLASH, "/"), }, }) } }, }, ].reduce( (mergedVisitor, thisVisitor) => mergeVisitorsInPlace(mergedVisitor, thisVisitor), {} ) }, }