# import/first This rule reports any imports that come after non-import statements. ## Rule Details ```js import foo from './foo' // some module-level initializer initWith(foo) import bar from './bar' // <- reported ``` Providing `absolute-first` as an option will report any absolute imports (i.e. packages) that come after any relative imports: ```js import foo from 'foo' import bar from './bar' import * as _ from 'lodash' // <- reported ``` If you really want import type ordering, check out [`import/order`]. Notably, `import`s are hoisted, which means the imported modules will be evaluated before any of the statements interspersed between them. Keeping all `import`s together at the top of the file may prevent surprises resulting from this part of the spec. ### On directives Directives are allowed as long as they occur strictly before any `import` declarations, as follows: ```js 'use super-mega-strict' import { suchFoo } from 'lame-fake-module-name' // no report here ``` A directive in this case is assumed to be a single statement that contains only a literal string-valued expression. `'use strict'` would be a good example, except that [modules are always in strict mode](https://262.ecma-international.org/6.0/#sec-strict-mode-code) so it would be surprising to see a `'use strict'` sharing a file with `import`s and `export`s. Given that, see [#255] for the reasoning. ### With Fixer This rule contains a fixer to reorder in-body import to top, the following criteria applied: 1. Never re-order relative to each other, even if `absolute-first` is set. 2. If an import creates an identifier, and that identifier is referenced at module level *before* the import itself, that won't be re-ordered. ## When Not To Use It If you don't mind imports being sprinkled throughout, you may not want to enable this rule. ## Further Reading - [`import/order`]: a major step up from `absolute-first` - Issue [#255] [`import/order`]: ./order.md [#255]: https://github.com/import-js/eslint-plugin-import/issues/255