# import/no-mutable-exports Forbids the use of mutable exports with `var` or `let`. ## Rule Details Valid: ```js export const count = 1 export function getCount() {} export class Counter {} ``` ...whereas here exports will be reported: ```js export let count = 2 export var count = 3 let count = 4 export { count } // reported here ``` ## Functions/Classes Note that exported function/class declaration identifiers may be reassigned, but are not flagged by this rule at this time. They may be in the future, if a reassignment is detected, i.e. ```js // possible future behavior! export class Counter {} // reported here: exported class is reassigned on line [x]. Counter = KitchenSink // not reported here unless you enable no-class-assign // this pre-declaration reassignment is valid on account of function hoisting getCount = function getDuke() {} // not reported here without no-func-assign export function getCount() {} // reported here: exported function is reassigned on line [x]. ``` To prevent general reassignment of these identifiers, exported or not, you may want to enable the following core ESLint rules: - [no-func-assign] - [no-class-assign] [no-func-assign]: https://eslint.org/docs/rules/no-func-assign [no-class-assign]: https://eslint.org/docs/rules/no-class-assign ## When Not To Use It If your environment correctly implements mutable export bindings.