from os import makedirs from os.path import isfile, join from pathlib import Path from random import choice from sys import argv from urllib.request import urlretrieve from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageEnhance, ImageFilter, ImageFont zodiac_signs = [ "Belier", "Cancer", "Balance", "Capricorne", "Taureau", "Lion", "Scorpion", "Verseau", "Gemeaux", "Vierge", "Sagittaire", "Poissons", ] image_dir = join(Path(argv[0]).parent.resolve(), "images") def generate_horoscope() -> dict[str, dict[str, str]]: """Generate horoscope predictions""" horoscope = {} for sign in zodiac_signs: love = choice(["+++", "++", "+", "-", "- -"]) work = choice(["+++", "++", "+", "-", "- -"]) horoscope[sign] = {"love": love, "work": work} return horoscope def get_path(image: str): """Return the path of an image""" return join(image_dir, f"{image.lower()}.png") def get_sign_image(image: str): """Get sign image""" sign_image ="RGBA") # Add thickness alpha = sign_image.split()[3] bold_mask = alpha.filter(ImageFilter.MaxFilter()) sign_image.putalpha(bold_mask) # Add contrast enhancer = ImageEnhance.Contrast(sign_image) enhanced_image = enhancer.enhance(2.0) enhanced_image.thumbnail((100, 105)) return enhanced_image def vertical_text(text: str, font: ImageFont.ImageFont | ImageFont.FreeTypeFont): """Image with vertical text""" text_img ="RGBA", (135, 24), (255, 255, 255, 0)) text_draw = ImageDraw.Draw(text_img) text_draw.text((0, 0), f"{text:^15}", font=font, fill="black") text_draw = text_img.rotate(90, expand=True) return text_draw def create_horoscope_image(horoscope: dict[str, dict[str, str]]): """Generate horoscope images""" img_width, img_height = 1200, 425 image ="RGBA", (img_width, img_height), color=(255, 255, 255, 0)) draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image) size_emoji = (30, 30) font_sign = ImageFont.load_default(24) font_prediction = ImageFont.load_default(40) x, y = 10, 10 for sign, prediction in horoscope.items(): sign_image = get_sign_image(sign) image.paste(sign_image, (x + 20, y), sign_image) # Sign text text_draw = vertical_text(sign, font_sign) image.paste(text_draw, (x - 10, y - 10), text_draw) # Love prediction love =, "love.png")).convert("RGBA") love.thumbnail(size_emoji) image.paste(love, (x + 125, y + 20), love) draw.text( (x + 160, y + 10), prediction["love"], fill="black", font=font_prediction, ) # Work prediction work =, "work.png")).convert("RGBA") work.thumbnail(size_emoji) image.paste(work, (x + 125, y + 60), work) draw.text( (x + 160, y + 50), prediction["work"], fill="black", font=font_prediction, ) x += 320 if x > 1200: x = 10 y += 150 return image def download_images(): """Download images from source""" url = "" makedirs(image_dir, exist_ok=True) for el in zodiac_signs + ["love", "work"]: path = get_path(el) if not isfile(path): image = el.lower() + ".png" print(f"Download {image}...") urlretrieve(url + image, path) if __name__ == "__main__": if len(argv) > 2 or (len(argv) == 2 and argv[1] != "online"): exit(1) if len(argv) == 2: print("Fetch missing images...") download_images() # Generate new horoscope new_horoscope = generate_horoscope() # Create and save the image horoscope_image = create_horoscope_image(new_horoscope) png = "nouvel_horoscope.png" print(f"Nouvel horoscope généré et sauvegardé sous '{png}'")