This commit is contained in:
Mylloon 2023-09-13 22:45:51 +02:00
parent f403e1cd5f
commit 6940346762
Signed by: Anri
GPG key ID: A82D63DFF8D1317F
2 changed files with 30 additions and 36 deletions

View file

@ -19,12 +19,12 @@ main() {
# === Remove extra packages ==
pacman -D --asexplicit archlinux-keyring # keep this package
sudo pacman -Rsn --noconfirm \
epiphany gnome-maps cheese gnome-weather gnome-music \
# gnome-firefox, maps, caméra, météo, musique
gnome-books vim gnome-boxes gnome-photos malcontent \
# liseuse, vim, machines, photos, parental control
gnome-contacts totem gedit "$(pacman -Qqtd)"
# contacts, vidéos, gedit, dependencies
epiphany gnome-maps cheese gnome-weather gnome-music gnome-books vim \
# gnome-firefox, maps, caméra, météo, musique, liseuse, vim
gnome-boxes gnome-photos malcontent gnome-contacts totem gedit
# machines, photos, parental control, contacts, vidéos, gedit
"$(pacman -Qqtd)"
# dependencies
# === Rustup ==
# Init rustup
@ -49,22 +49,19 @@ main() {
# === AUR packages ==
paru -S --noconfirm \
obsidian parsec-bin onlyoffice-bin evolution-etesync-git \
x11-emoji-picker gnome-shell-extension-dash-to-dock \
gnome-shell-extension-desktop-icons-ng dracula-gtk-theme \
dracula-icons-git vscodium-bin otf-symbola \
gnome-shell-extension-appindicator-git touchegg \
gnome-shell-extension-x11gestures spotify-launcher \
gnome-shell-extension-no-overview nerd-fonts-meslo \
gnome-shell-extension-gsconnect spim-svn \
gnome-shell-extension-rounded-window-corners \
gnome-shell-extension-alphabetical-grid-extension \
gnome-shell-extension-tiling-assistant \
obsidian parsec-bin onlyoffice-bin evolution-etesync-git x11-emoji-picker \
gnome-shell-extension-dash-to-dock gnome-shell-extension-desktop-icons-ng \
dracula-gtk-theme dracula-icons-git vscodium-bin otf-symbola touchegg \
gnome-shell-extension-appindicator-git spotify-launcher nerd-fonts-meslo \
gnome-shell-extension-x11gestures gnome-shell-extension-no-overview \
gnome-shell-extension-gsconnect gnome-shell-extension-tiling-assistant \
gnome-shell-extension-rounded-window-corners topgrade-bin ufw-docker \
gnome-shell-extension-alphabetical-grid-extension texlive-latexindent-meta \
gnome-shell-extension-quick-settings-tweaks-git \
epson-inkjet-printer-stylus-photo-px810fw-series \
topgrade-bin ufw-docker texlive-latexindent-meta \
gnome-shell-extension-nightthemeswitcher \
gnome-shell-extension-blur-my-shell \
# === Disable wayland ==
sed -i "s/#Wayland/Wayland/g" /etc/gdm/custom.conf
@ -322,7 +319,7 @@ main() {
fish -c "fisher install reitzig/sdkman-for-fish"
sdk install java 17.0.6-tem #
sdk install java #
# Renable nounset
set -o nounset
@ -353,10 +350,10 @@ main() {
usermod -aG docker "$USER"
# === Unused icons ==
apps=("fish" "cmake-gui" "com.github.hluk.copyq" "electron17" "org.gnome.Evince"
"avahi-discover" "bssh" "bvnc" "org.flameshot.Flameshot"
"org.fontforge.FontForge" "lstopo" "htop" "micro" "qv4l2" "qvidcap"
"x11-emoji-picker" "xdvi" "yelp" "spotify")
apps=("fish" "cmake-gui" "com.github.hluk.copyq" "electron17" "htop" "yelp"
"avahi-discover" "bssh" "bvnc" "org.flameshot.Flameshot" "lstopo"
"org.fontforge.FontForge" "micro" "qv4l2" "qvidcap" "org.gnome.Evince"
"x11-emoji-picker" "xdvi" "spotify")
for app in "${apps[@]}"
if [ -f /usr/share/applications/"$app".desktop ]

View file

@ -31,16 +31,13 @@ main() {
# === Install packages ==
sudo pacman -S --noconfirm \
git wget zip openssh bat base-devel make \
python-pygments micro git-lfs npm sdl2_image nodejs \
fish autoconf valgrind automake python-virtualenv gdb \
tk sdl2_mixer eza fzf glu man-pages-fr uwufetch mdcat \
python-pip opam cpanminus unison timidity++ \
rebuild-detector git-delta sdl2_ttf rustup libsamplerate \
rsync doxygen emacs-nox otf-fira-sans ttf-fira-code \
otf-fira-mono mingw-w64-gcc otf-font-awesome \
soundfont-fluid fluidsynth pulseaudio-alsa \
texlive-latexextra texlive-langfrench texlive-luatex \
git wget zip openssh bat base-devel make python-pygments micro git-lfs npm \
sdl2_image nodejs fish autoconf valgrind automake python-virtualenv gdb \
tk sdl2_mixer eza fzf glu man-pages-fr uwufetch mdcat python-pip opam \
cpanminus unison timidity++ rebuild-detector git-delta sdl2_ttf rustup \
libsamplerate rsync doxygen emacs-nox otf-fira-sans ttf-fira-code \
otf-fira-mono mingw-w64-gcc otf-font-awesome soundfont-fluid fluidsynth \
pulseaudio-alsa texlive-latexextra texlive-langfrench texlive-luatex \
@ -167,7 +164,7 @@ main() {
fish -c "fisher install reitzig/sdkman-for-fish"
sdk install java 17.0.6-tem #
sdk install java #
# Renable nounset
set -o nounset