@ECHO OFF :: Start as administrator fltmc >NUL 2>&1 || ( PowerShell Start -Verb RunAs '%0' 2>NUL || ( EXIT 1 ) EXIT 0 ) ECHO CTMPF :: Clean TeMPorary Files :: Empty the user's temp folder ECHO Delete files in %TEMP%... DEL /S /F /Q %LOCALAPPDATA%\Temp\* 2>NUL RMDIR /S /Q "%TEMP%" 2>NUL :: Empty the system's temp folder ECHO Delete files in %WINDIR%\Temp... RMDIR /S /Q "%WINDIR%\Temp" 2>NUL :: Empty the Prefetch folder ECHO Delete files in %WINDIR%\Prefetch... RMDIR /S /Q "%WINDIR%\Prefetch" 2>NUL :: Remove old Windows installation if exist "%SYSTEMDRIVE%\Windows.old" ( ECHO Delete old Windows installation in %SYSTEMDRIVE%\Windows.old... TAKEOWN /f "%SYSTEMDRIVE%\Windows.old" /a /r /d y ICACLS "%SYSTEMDRIVE%\Windows.old" /grant administrators:F /t RMDIR /S /Q "%SYSTEMDRIVE%\Windows.old" ) :: Empty useless files of Windows ECHO Delete files in C:\$WinREAgent... RMDIR /S /Q "C:\$WinREAgent" 2>NUL ECHO Delete files in C:\Recovery... RMDIR /S /Q "C:\Recovery" 2>NUL :: Empty AMD installer files ECHO Delete files in C:\AMD... RMDIR /S /Q "C:\AMD" 2>NUL :: Empty Windows generated logs ECHO Delete files in C:\PerfLogs... RMDIR /S /Q "C:\PerfLogs" 2>NUL :: Delete Dump ECHO Delete stack files in C:\DumpStack.log... DEL /Q "C:\DumpStack.log" 2>NUL :: Empty NVidia shader caches ECHO Delete NVidia cache... DEL /S /F /Q %LOCALAPPDATA%Low\NVIDIA\PerDriverVersion\DXCache\* 2>NUL DEL /S /F /Q %LOCALAPPDATA%\NVIDIA\GLCache\* 2>NUL :: Clean disks ECHO Clean computer with the cleanmgr tool... CD %WINDIR%\system32 cleanmgr /AUTOCLEAN cleanmgr /VERYLOWDISK EXIT /B