#!/usr/bin/env bash # The goal is : # -> to create a folder ".vscodium_scripts" # at $HOME who have this script and the .AppImage # # -> to create some shortcut "code" for codium # and "updateCodium" to relaunch this script # and update codium # kill codium if already running if pgrep -f "codium" > /dev/null then pkill -9 codium fi if [ -x $HOME/.vscodium_scripts ] ; then # if the folder already exists (not the first run?) # go to the folder and clear it cd $HOME/.vscodium_scripts rm * else # if the folder isn't already created (first run?) # creating the folder mkdir $HOME/.vscodium_scripts cd $HOME/.vscodium_scripts echo "" echo "First run, adding commmands to shell, you will need to restart your shell" echo "to use theses commands : \`code\` for Codium and \`updateCodium\` to update it." # adding code command and updateCodium command # to all the shell installed # to .bashrc (i assume it always exists, anyways if not this script is hard to start # because all the alias/abbr are using bash) echo "" >> $HOME/.bashrc echo "# Alias for Codium" >> $HOME/.bashrc echo "alias updateCodium='bash \$HOME/.vscodium_scripts/updateVSCodium.sh'" >> $HOME/.bashrc echo "alias code='bash \$HOME/.vscodium_scripts/VSCodium.AppImage --no-sandbox > /dev/null 2>&1 &;disown'" >> $HOME/.bashrc echo "" >> $HOME/.bashrc # to .zshrc if exists if [ -f $HOME/.zshrc ] ; then echo "" >> $HOME/.zshrc echo "# Alias for Codium" >> $HOME/.zshrc echo "alias updateCodium='bash \$HOME/.vscodium_scripts/updateVSCodium.sh'" >> $HOME/.zshrc echo "alias code='\$HOME/.vscodium_scripts/VSCodium.AppImage --no-sandbox > /dev/null 2>&1 & disown'" >> $HOME/.zshrc echo "" >> $HOME/.zshrc fi # if config.fish exists if [ -f $HOME/.config/fish/config.fish ] ; then fish -c "abbr updateCodium 'bash \$HOME/.vscodium_scripts/updateVSCodium.sh'" fish -c "abbr code '\$HOME/.vscodium_scripts/VSCodium.AppImage --no-sandbox > /dev/null 2>&1 & disown'" fi fi # downloading this script in the folder wget -q --show-progress https://git.kennel.ml/Anri/downloadcodium/raw/branch/main/updateVSCodium.sh # retrieve latest vscodium package url wget -q https://api.github.com/repos/VSCodium/vscodium/releases/latest grep 'browser_download_url": ".*.AppImage"' latest | awk '{ print substr ($0, 32 ) }' | awk '{ print substr( $0, 1, length($0)-1 ) }' > url rm latest # download the latest vscodium AppImage wget -q --show-progress -i url -O VSCodium.AppImage rm url # make it executable chmod u+x VSCodium.AppImage echo "" # not really installed because no packet manager know what happened echo "VSCodium is now downloaded and \"installed*\" at $PWD/VSCodium.AppImage." #echo "You need to restart your shell to use all the new commands." echo "\`updateCodium\` -> update Codium to the latest version" echo "\`code\` -> start Codium"