from dotenv import load_dotenv from os import environ from tweepy import OAuthHandler, API, StreamListener, Stream from re import sub from random import choice from datetime import datetime from pytz import timezone def load(variables): """Load env variables.""" keys = {} load_dotenv() # load .env file for var in variables: try: keys[var] = environ[var] except KeyError: print(f"Please set the environment variable {var} (.env file supported)") exit(1) return keys class Listener(StreamListener): def __init__(self, api = None): super(Listener, self).__init__() self.api = api def on_status(self, status): """Answer to tweets.""" if seniority(status._json["created_at"]): tweetText = sub(r'https?:\/\/\S+| +?\?|\?| +?\!| ?\!', '', status._json["text"]) if tweetText.endswith(tuple(quoi)): if status._json["user"]["screen_name"] in friends: try: self.api.update_status(status = choice(feur), in_reply_to_status_id = status._json["id"], auto_populate_reply_metadata = True) print(f"{status._json['user']['screen_name']} est passé au coiffeur !") except Exception as error: print(f"Error happens! {error}") pass def seniority(date: str): datetimeObject = datetime.strptime(date, '%a %b %d %H:%M:%S +0000 %Y') # Convert String format to datetime format datetimeObject = datetimeObject.replace(tzinfo = timezone('UTC')) # Twitter give us an UTC time age ='UTC')) - datetimeObject # Time now in UTC minus the time we got to get the age of the date return False if age.days >= 1 else True # False if older than a day def permute(array: list): quoi = [] for text in array: # all element of the list n = len(text) mx = 1 << n # Number of permutations is 2^n text = text.lower() # Converting string to lower case for i in range(mx): # Using all subsequences and permuting them combination = [k for k in text] for j in range(n): if (((i >> j) & 1) == 1): # If j-th bit is set, we convert it to upper case combination[j] = text[j].upper() temp = "" for i in combination: temp += i quoi.append(temp) return quoi def main(accessToken, accessTokenSecret, consumerKey, consumerSecret, user): """Main method.""" auth = OAuthHandler(consumerKey, consumerSecret) auth.set_access_token(accessToken, accessTokenSecret) api = API(auth) listener = Listener(api) stream = Stream(auth = api.auth, listener = listener) for friend in api.friends(user, skip_status = True): friends.append(friend._json["screen_name"]) print(f"Scroll sur Twitter avec les abonnements de @{user}...") stream.filter(track = quoi, languages = ["fr"], is_async = True) if __name__ == '__main__': """ TOKEN is the Access Token available in the Authentication Tokens section under Access Token and Secret sub-heading. TOKEN_SECRET is the Access Token Secret available in the Authentication Tokens section under Access Token and Secret sub-heading. CONSUMER_KEY is the API Key available in the Consumer Keys section. CONSUMER_SECRET is the API Secret Key available in the Consumer Keys section. -- PSEUDO is the PSEUDO of the account you want to listen to snipe. A proportion of who s.he follow will be targeted. """ quoi = permute(["quoi", "koi"]) feur = ["feur", "(feur)", "FEUR", "feur lol"] friends = [] keys = load(["TOKEN", "TOKEN_SECRET", "CONSUMER_KEY", "CONSUMER_SECRET", "PSEUDO"]) main(keys["TOKEN"], keys["TOKEN_SECRET"], keys["CONSUMER_KEY"], keys["CONSUMER_SECRET"], keys["PSEUDO"])