from matplotlib import pyplot as plt from dotenv import load_dotenv from spotipy import Spotify, exceptions from spotipy.oauth2 import SpotifyOAuth def get_user_tracks(spotify: Spotify) -> list: """Fetch the saved tracks of a specified user.""" offset = 0 saved_tracks = [] limit = 50 # Loop until either we reach the end of the playlist, or we getting limited # by the API while True: try: print(f"Récupération {offset}-{offset + limit}") results: dict | None = spotify.current_user_saved_tracks( limit=limit, offset=offset ) if results is None: print("L'API de Spotify délire") exit(1) except exceptions.SpotifyException as e: if e.http_status == 429: print("Récolte terminé, l'API a bien mangé.") break else: print(f"Ca a buggé: {e}") exit(1) else: offset += limit # Break the loop if we reach the end if len(results["items"]) == 0: break saved_tracks.extend(results["items"]) return saved_tracks def get_years(data: list) -> list: """Extract data""" years = [] for item in data: track = item["track"] years.append(int(track['album']['release_date'][:4])) return years def get_occurences(years: list) -> dict: """ Map of all the years and how many times there is an occurence, sorted by years """ year_count = {} for year in years: if year in year_count: year_count[year] += 1 else: if year > 0: year_count[year] = 1 return dict(sorted(year_count.items())) def export_data(color) -> str: """Build a graphic""" plt.clf() match color: case "light": pass case "dark":"dark_background") case _: print("Comprends pas cette couleur") exit(1) filename = f"resultat_{color}.png" plt.plot(occurences.keys(), occurences.values()) plt.title("Occurrences of what I've listened to over the years") plt.xlabel("Year") plt.ylabel("Occurrence") plt.savefig(filename) return filename if __name__ == '__main__': # Load .env load_dotenv() # Connect to spotify spotify = Spotify( auth_manager=SpotifyOAuth(scope="user-library-read", open_browser=False) ) # Get of release year of liked user tracks saved_tracks = get_user_tracks(spotify) years = get_years(saved_tracks) # Get how many time each years appears in the data occurences = get_occurences(years) # Build chart light, dark = export_data("light"), export_data("dark") print(f"Check ton graph:\n- {light}\n- {dark}")