if grep "Ubuntu" /proc/version > /dev/null || grep "WSL" /proc/version > /dev/null; then git clone https://git.kennel.ml/Anri/myLinuxConfiguration.git cd myLinuxConfiguration # Install Fish bash installFish.sh # Install gl4D bash installgl4D.sh # Install Latex sudo apt update && sudo apt install texlive-full -y # Install Java bash installJava.sh if grep "Ubuntu" /proc/version > /dev/null; then # Install Brave bash installBrave.sh # Uninstall Firefox sudo snap remove firefox && rm -r $HOME/snap/firefox # Install Spotify bash installSpotify.sh # Install Syncthing bash installSyncthing.sh # Install Discord wget -q --show-progress "https://discord.com/api/download?platform=linux&format=deb" -O discord.deb && sudo apt install ./discord.deb -y && rm discord.deb # Install Obsidian bash installObsidian.sh # Install Flameshot sudo apt update && sudo apt install flameshot -y # Install Parsec bash installParsec.sh # Install Java bash installJava.sh # Install OnlyOffice bash installOnlyoffice.sh # Install EmojiPicker and its keyboard shortcut bash installEmojiPicker.sh # info echo "" echo "" echo "Take care, you may need to install manually some others stuff, check the README of" echo "the project => https://git.kennel.ml/Anri/myLinuxConfiguration/src/branch/main/README.md" else # WSL echo "" echo "" echo "Take care, by default the fish configuration is set for Ubuntu, you may need to comment and uncomment" echo "some of the lines in $HOME/.config/fish/config.fish" fi # Supprime le repo cd .. rm -rf myLinuxConfiguration else echo "Your distribution isn't supported." fi