if grep "Ubuntu" /proc/version > /dev/null || grep "WSL" /proc/version > /dev/null; then # Update of APT sudo apt update which git &> /dev/null || sudo apt install git -y # install git if not already installed git clone -c http.sslverify=false https://git.kennel.ml/Anri/myLinuxConfiguration.git cd myLinuxConfiguration # Upgrade and clean already installed packages sudo apt upgrade -y echo -e "\nUpgrading packages done! 🎉" sudo apt autoremove -y echo -e "\nCleaning unnecessary packages done! 🎉" # Install Fish bash installFish.sh # Install gl4D bash installgl4D.sh # Install Latex bash installLatex.sh # Install Java bash installJava.sh # Install Python useful tools sudo apt install python3-virtualenv python3-tk -y echo -e "\nPython's vEnv and Tkinter installed! 🎉" # Install Rust bash installRust.sh # Sign all commits by default with my GPG key git config --global commit.gpgsign true echo -e "\nGPG are now used by default in Git! 🎉" if grep "Ubuntu" /proc/version > /dev/null; then # Install Brave bash installBrave.sh # Uninstall Firefox sudo snap remove firefox && rm -r $HOME/snap/firefox # Install VSCode sudo snap install code --classic echo -e "\nVS Code installed! 🎉" # Install Spotify bash installSpotify.sh # Remove Spotify's bottom-banner bash removeBannerSpotify.sh # Install Syncthing bash installSyncthing.sh # Install Discord wget -q --show-progress "https://discord.com/api/download?platform=linux&format=deb" -O discord.deb && sudo apt install ./discord.deb -y && rm discord.deb echo -e "\nDiscord installed! 🎉" # Install Obsidian bash installObsidian.sh # Install Flameshot bash installFlameshot.sh # Install Parsec bash installParsec.sh # Install OnlyOffice bash installOnlyoffice.sh # Install EmojiPicker and its keyboard shortcut wget -q --show-progress https://raw.githubusercontent.com/GaZaTu/x11-emoji-picker/master/install.sh -O tmp.sh && bash tmp.sh; rm tmp.sh # Setup Ubuntu configuration bash ubuntuConfiguration.sh # Install clipboard history bash installClipboardHistory.sh # Install MultiMC bash installMultiMC.sh # Install Signal bash installSignal.sh # Infos echo -e "\n\nTake care, you may need to install manually some others stuff, check the README (and the logs) of" echo "the project => https://git.kennel.ml/Anri/myLinuxConfiguration/src/branch/main/README.md" else # WSL # Create Z and Y mount folders for my WSL custom configuration sudo mkdir /mnt/z && sudo mkdir /mnt/y echo -e "\nMounts folder (Z & Y) created! 🎉" # Remove SU password because anyways if someone have access to your computer he will have access to windows # And WSL isn't a daily drive OS who you store sensible things, comment this line if you wanna keep your SU pass sudo sed -i "26s#.*#%sudo ALL=(ALL:ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL#" /etc/sudoers echo -e "\nSU password removed! 🎉" # Change LTS update to normal sudo sed -i "16s#.*#Prompt=normal#" /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades echo -e "\nChannel update moved from \"LTS\" to \"normal\"! 🎉" # Remove snap for WSL because it block the 21.10 update (https://github.com/microsoft/WSL/issues/6942#issuecomment-879904997) # sudo apt autoremove --purge snapd -y # echo -e "\nSnap daemon removed! 🎉" # Alternative solution for the update (https://github.com/microsoft/WSL/issues/6942#issuecomment-901121849) sudo sed -i 's/bionic/impish/g' /etc/apt/sources.list sudo sed -i 's/bionic/impish/g' /etc/apt/sources.list.d/*.list # Make the update sudo apt update sudo apt upgrade sudo apt full-upgrade sudo apt autoremove # Infos echo -e "\n\nTake care, by default the fish configuration is set for Ubuntu, you may need to uncomment" echo "some of the lines in $HOME/.config/fish/config.fish to enable custom network disks from Windows." # echo -e "\nYou may need to update your distro to the latest version" # echo "Check this tutorial : https://git.kennel.ml/Anri/cat/wiki/Tuto-installation-WSL#%C3%A9tape-3-mise-%C3%A0-jour-de-ubuntu" fi # Delete this repo cd .. rm -rf myLinuxConfiguration else echo "Your distribution isn't supported." fi