diff --git a/main.py b/main.py
index 0b2dd1b..5a8998c 100644
--- a/main.py
+++ b/main.py
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ from sys import argv
from os import environ
from dotenv import load_dotenv
from cloudscraper import CloudScraper, create_scraper
-from re import findall
+from re import findall, sub
class Scraper:
def __init__(self, pseudo, password, app, debug = False):
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ class Scraper:
return session
- def search(self, session) -> list:
+ def search(self, session) -> tuple[list[dict], list[dict]]:
"""Do the research."""
if self.debug: print("Going to search page and check connection...", end = " ")
reponse = session.get(f"{self.url}/search.php", params = {"keywords": self.requested_app, "sr": "topics", "sf": "titleonly"}) # fetch results page
@@ -44,9 +44,13 @@ class Scraper:
if self.debug: print(f"Fetching results for {self.requested_app}...", end = " ")
- return self.parse(reponse.text)
+ topics = self.parse(reponse.text)
- def parse(self, htmlPage: str) -> list:
+ self.save(topics)
+ return topics, self.getInfos(session, topics)
+ def parse(self, htmlPage: str) -> list[dict]:
"""Parse HTML reponse to a clean list"""
if "No suitable matches were found." in htmlPage:
return []
@@ -55,6 +59,7 @@ class Scraper:
for i in range(0, len(elements)):
_title = findall(r"class=\"topictitle\">(.*)<\/a>", elements[i])[0]
+ _title = sub(r" ?& ?", " ", _title)
_title = None
@@ -71,34 +76,98 @@ class Scraper:
_date = None
print("\n" + elements[i] + "\n")
- elements[i] = {"title": _title, "author": _author, "date": _date, "link": f"https://forum.mobilism.org/viewtopic.php?f={_link['f']}&t={_link['t']}", "linkParams": _link}
+ elements[i] = {"title": _title, "author": _author, "date": _date, "link": f"{self.url}/viewtopic.php?f={_link['f']}&t={_link['t']}", "linkParams": _link}
return elements
+ def getInfos(self, session, elements: list) -> list:
+ """Go to the first n pages and get a lot of infos"""
+ page = 3
+ if self.debug: print(f"Going to the {page} first pages...", end = " ")
+ results = []
+ for i in range(0, len(elements)):
+ if i < page:
+ reponse = session.get(f"{self.url}/viewtopic.php", params = elements[i]["linkParams"]) # fetch results page
+ results.append(reponse)
+ if reponse.status_code != 200:
+ raise ConnectionError(self.errorFormat(code = reponse.status_code, message = f"Error while doing the search n°{i}")) # called only status code isn't 200
+ if self.debug: print(f"Done.")
+ if self.debug: print(f"Parsing results page...", end = " ")
+ results = self.parsingInfos(results)
+ if self.debug: print(f"Done.")
+ return results
+ def parsingInfos(self, elements: list) -> list[dict]:
+ """Parse infos from the page of the app"""
+ for i in range(0, len(elements)):
+ elements[i] = elements[i].text
+ if "Download Instructions" not in elements[i]:
+ elements[i] = {"changelogs": None, "downloadLinks": None}
+ continue
+ try:
+ _changelogs = findall(r"What's New: ?
T", elements[i])[0]
+ if len(_changelogs) < 2: # if result none, trying other method
+ _changelogs = findall(r"What's New: ?
T", elements[i])[0]
+ except:
+ _changelogs = "No changelog found."
+ try:
+ _downloadLinks = findall(r"Download Instructions: ?
Trouble downloading|", elements[i])[0]
+ if len(_downloadLinks) < 2:# if result none, trying other method
+ _downloadLinks = findall(r"Download Instructions: ?
(.*|[\s\S]*)", elements[i])[0]
+ except:
+ _downloadLinks = None
+ _downloadLinks = sub(r"\n|||\">(\S*)", "", _downloadLinks)
+ _downloadLinks = sub(r"
\n?", "\n", _downloadLinks)
+ _downloadLinks = sub(r"Mirrors(?!:)|Mirror(?!s)(?!:)", "Mirror:", _downloadLinks)
+ elements[i] = {"changelogs": _changelogs, "downloadLinks": _downloadLinks}
+ return elements
+ def prettyPrint(self, topics: tuple[list[dict], list[dict]]):
+ """Show a pretty message with all the specialized infos"""
+ topics, topicsInfos = topics
+ print("\n")
+ result = []
+ for i in range(0, len(topicsInfos)):
+ result.append({
+ "title": topics[i]["title"],
+ "author": topics[i]["author"],
+ "date": topics[i]["date"],
+ "changelogs": str(topicsInfos[i]["changelogs"]).replace("
", "\n"),
+ "downloadLinks": topicsInfos[i]["downloadLinks"]
+ })
+ print(f"Title: {result[i]['title']}\n")
+ print(f"Author: {result[i]['author']}\n")
+ print(f"Date of release: {result[i]['date']}\n")
+ print(f"Changelogs: \n{result[i]['changelogs']}\n")
+ print(f"Download links: \n{result[i]['downloadLinks']}")
+ print("\n\n---\n")
+ return result
def work(self) -> str:
"""Call all the others methods."""
- session = self.connect()
- topics = self.search(session)
+ return self.prettyPrint(self.search(self.connect()))
- return topics
-def save(elements):
- """Save all the results parsed to a CSV file."""
- taille = len(elements)
- if taille == 0:
- print("Aucun élément n'a été trouvé avec la recherche.")
- return
- filename = "results.csv"
- with open(filename, "w") as f:
- topCSV = list(elements[0].keys()) # create a copy of the first element keys
- topCSV.remove("linkParams") # remove linkParams
- f.write(";".join(topCSV))
- f.write("\n")
- for element in elements:
- if element != "linkParams":
- f.write(";".join(str(e) for e in list(element.values())[:-1]))
+ def save(self, elements):
+ """Save all the results parsed to a CSV file."""
+ taille = len(elements)
+ if taille == 0:
+ print("Aucun élément n'a été trouvé avec la recherche.")
+ return
+ filename = "results.csv"
+ with open(filename, "w") as f:
+ topCSV = list(elements[0].keys()) # create a copy of the first element keys
+ topCSV.remove("linkParams") # remove linkParams
+ f.write(";".join(topCSV))
- print(f"{taille} éléments ont étés enrengistés dans le fichier {filename}.")
+ for element in elements:
+ if element != "linkParams":
+ f.write(";".join(str(e) for e in list(element.values())[:-1]))
+ f.write("\n")
+ print(f"{taille} éléments ont étés enrengistés dans le fichier {filename}.")
if __name__ == "__main__":
argv = argv[1:]
@@ -121,6 +190,6 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
argv = argv[-2:]
else: # if it failed again there is a problem
raise KeyError
- save(Scraper(pseudoMobilism, passwordMobilism, " ".join([n for n in argv]), debug).work()) # call the work() function
+ Scraper(pseudoMobilism, passwordMobilism, " ".join([n for n in argv]), debug).work() # call the work() function
except KeyError:
print('Please fill in the username and password (with quotes) by args or with .env file and give an app to retrieve.')