from sys import argv from os import environ from dotenv import load_dotenv from cloudscraper import CloudScraper, create_scraper from re import findall class Scraper: def __init__(self, pseudo, password, app, debug = False): self.debug = debug self.url = "" self.requested_app = app self.loginData = { "username": pseudo, "password": password, "login": "Login" } def errorFormat(self, code: int = None, message: str = "") -> str: return f"{f'[{code}]' if code else ''}{' ' if len(message) > 0 and code else ''}{message}." def connect(self) -> CloudScraper: session = create_scraper(browser = {"browser": "chrome", "platform": "windows"}) # connect with cloudflare bypasser with a chrome browser on windows if not session: raise SystemError(self.errorFormat(message = "The creation of the session failed")) if self.debug: print("Retrieval of the login SID...", end = " ") reponse = session.get(f"{self.url}/ucp.php", params = {"mode": "login"}) # get login page to get "sid" if reponse.status_code != 200: raise ConnectionError(self.errorFormat(code = reponse.status_code, message = "Login page not available")) try: self.loginData["sid"] = reponse.cookies.get_dict()["ppcw_29d3s_sid"] # register "sid" except: raise ValueError(self.errorFormat(message = "Cookie containing the SID not found.")) if self.debug: print("SID retrieval done,", end = " ") if self.debug: print("connection attempt...", end = " ") reponse ="{self.url}/ucp.php", data = self.loginData, params = {"mode": "login"}) # connect to the forum using credentials if reponse.status_code != 200: raise ConnectionRefusedError(self.errorFormat(code = reponse.status_code, message = "Unable to connect")) if self.debug: print("Connection done.") reponse = session.get(f"{self.url}/index.php", cookies = reponse.cookies, params = {"sid": self.loginData["sid"]}) # back to index page if reponse.status_code != 200: raise ConnectionError(self.errorFormat(code = reponse.status_code, message = "Unable to get to the index page")) return session def search(self, session) -> list: if self.debug: print("Going to search page...", end = " ") reponse = session.get(f"{self.url}/search.php", params = {"keywords": self.requested_app, "sr": "topics", "sf": "titleonly"}) if reponse.status_code != 200: raise ConnectionError(self.errorFormat(code = reponse.status_code, message = "Impossible to make the search")) if self.debug: print(f"Results retrieval for {self.requested_app}...", end = " ") return self.parse(reponse.text) def parse(self, htmlPage: str) -> list: if "No suitable matches were found." in htmlPage: return [] elements = htmlPage.split("\n")[1:] elements[-1] = elements[-1].split("\n")[0] for i in range(0, len(elements)): try: _title = findall(r"class=\"topictitle\">(.*)<\/a>", elements[i])[0] except: _title = None try: _author = findall(r"
\n by (.*)", elements[i])[0][-1] except: _author = None try: _link = findall(r"\./viewtopic\.php\?f=(\d*)&t=(\d*)&", elements[i])[0] _link = {"f": _link[0], "t": _link[1]} except: _link = None elements[i] = {"title": _title, "author": _author, "link": f"{_link['f']}&t={_link['t']}", "linkParams": _link} return elements def work(self) -> str: session = self.connect() link = return link def save(elements): taille = len(elements) if taille == 0: print("Aucun élément n'a été trouvé avec la recherche.") return filename = "results.csv" with open(filename, "w") as f: f.write(";".join(list(elements[0].keys())[:-1])) f.write("\n") for element in elements: if element != "linkParams": f.write(";".join(list(element.values())[:-1])) f.write("\n") print(f"{taille} éléments ont étés enrengistés dans le fichier {filename}.") if __name__ == "__main__": argv = argv[1:] if len(argv) >= 3 and len(argv) <= 4: save(Scraper(*argv).work()) else: try: load_dotenv() try: debug = environ["DEBUG_MOBILISM"].lower() in ("yes", "true", "1") except: debug = False save(Scraper(environ["PSEUDO_MOBILISM"], environ["PASSWORD_MOBILISM"], environ["APP_MOBILISM"], debug).work()) except KeyError: print('Please fill in the username and password (with ") by args or with .env file.')