/*! `julia` grammar compiled for Highlight.js 11.9.0 */
    var hljsGrammar = (function () {
  'use strict';

  Language: Julia
  Description: Julia is a high-level, high-performance, dynamic programming language.
  Author: Kenta Sato <bicycle1885@gmail.com>
  Contributors: Alex Arslan <ararslan@comcast.net>, Fredrik Ekre <ekrefredrik@gmail.com>
  Website: https://julialang.org
  Category: scientific

  function julia(hljs) {
    // Since there are numerous special names in Julia, it is too much trouble
    // to maintain them by hand. Hence these names (i.e. keywords, literals and
    // built-ins) are automatically generated from Julia 1.5.2 itself through
    // the following scripts for each.

    // ref: https://docs.julialang.org/en/v1/manual/variables/#Allowed-Variable-Names
    const VARIABLE_NAME_RE = '[A-Za-z_\\u00A1-\\uFFFF][A-Za-z_0-9\\u00A1-\\uFFFF]*';

    // # keyword generator, multi-word keywords handled manually below (Julia 1.5.2)
    // import REPL.REPLCompletions
    // res = String["in", "isa", "where"]
    // for kw in collect(x.keyword for x in REPLCompletions.complete_keyword(""))
    //     if !(contains(kw, " ") || kw == "struct")
    //         push!(res, kw)
    //     end
    // end
    // sort!(unique!(res))
    // foreach(x -> println("\'", x, "\',"), res)
    const KEYWORD_LIST = [

    // # literal generator (Julia 1.5.2)
    // import REPL.REPLCompletions
    // res = String["true", "false"]
    // for compl in filter!(x -> isa(x, REPLCompletions.ModuleCompletion) && (x.parent === Base || x.parent === Core),
    //                     REPLCompletions.completions("", 0)[1])
    //     try
    //         v = eval(Symbol(compl.mod))
    //         if !(v isa Function || v isa Type || v isa TypeVar || v isa Module || v isa Colon)
    //             push!(res, compl.mod)
    //         end
    //     catch e
    //     end
    // end
    // sort!(unique!(res))
    // foreach(x -> println("\'", x, "\',"), res)
    const LITERAL_LIST = [

    // # built_in generator (Julia 1.5.2)
    // import REPL.REPLCompletions
    // res = String[]
    // for compl in filter!(x -> isa(x, REPLCompletions.ModuleCompletion) && (x.parent === Base || x.parent === Core),
    //                     REPLCompletions.completions("", 0)[1])
    //     try
    //         v = eval(Symbol(compl.mod))
    //         if (v isa Type || v isa TypeVar) && (compl.mod != "=>")
    //             push!(res, compl.mod)
    //         end
    //     catch e
    //     end
    // end
    // sort!(unique!(res))
    // foreach(x -> println("\'", x, "\',"), res)
    const BUILT_IN_LIST = [

    const KEYWORDS = {
      $pattern: VARIABLE_NAME_RE,
      keyword: KEYWORD_LIST,
      literal: LITERAL_LIST,
      built_in: BUILT_IN_LIST,

    // placeholder for recursive self-reference
    const DEFAULT = {
      keywords: KEYWORDS,
      illegal: /<\//

    // ref: https://docs.julialang.org/en/v1/manual/integers-and-floating-point-numbers/
    const NUMBER = {
      className: 'number',
      // supported numeric literals:
      //  * binary literal (e.g. 0x10)
      //  * octal literal (e.g. 0o76543210)
      //  * hexadecimal literal (e.g. 0xfedcba876543210)
      //  * hexadecimal floating point literal (e.g. 0x1p0, 0x1.2p2)
      //  * decimal literal (e.g. 9876543210, 100_000_000)
      //  * floating pointe literal (e.g. 1.2, 1.2f, .2, 1., 1.2e10, 1.2e-10)
      begin: /(\b0x[\d_]*(\.[\d_]*)?|0x\.\d[\d_]*)p[-+]?\d+|\b0[box][a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9_]*|(\b\d[\d_]*(\.[\d_]*)?|\.\d[\d_]*)([eEfF][-+]?\d+)?/,
      relevance: 0

    const CHAR = {
      className: 'string',
      begin: /'(.|\\[xXuU][a-zA-Z0-9]+)'/

    const INTERPOLATION = {
      className: 'subst',
      begin: /\$\(/,
      end: /\)/,
      keywords: KEYWORDS

      className: 'variable',
      begin: '\\$' + VARIABLE_NAME_RE

    // TODO: neatly escape normal code in string literal
    const STRING = {
      className: 'string',
      contains: [
      variants: [
          begin: /\w*"""/,
          end: /"""\w*/,
          relevance: 10
          begin: /\w*"/,
          end: /"\w*/

    const COMMAND = {
      className: 'string',
      contains: [
      begin: '`',
      end: '`'

    const MACROCALL = {
      className: 'meta',
      begin: '@' + VARIABLE_NAME_RE

    const COMMENT = {
      className: 'comment',
      variants: [
          begin: '#=',
          end: '=#',
          relevance: 10
          begin: '#',
          end: '$'

    DEFAULT.name = 'Julia';
    DEFAULT.contains = [
        className: 'keyword',
      { begin: /<:/ } // relevance booster
    INTERPOLATION.contains = DEFAULT.contains;

    return DEFAULT;

  return julia;


    hljs.registerLanguage('julia', hljsGrammar);