obs = obslua function script_description() return [[Saves replays to sub-folders using the current fullscreen video game executable name. Author: redraskal]] end function script_load() ffi = require("ffi") ffi.cdef[[ int get_running_fullscreen_game_path(char* buffer, int bufferSize) ]] detect_game = ffi.load(script_path() .. "detect_game.dll") print(get_running_game_title()) obs.obs_frontend_add_event_callback(obs_frontend_callback) end function obs_frontend_callback(event) if event == obs.OBS_FRONTEND_EVENT_REPLAY_BUFFER_SAVED then local path = get_replay_buffer_output() local folder = get_running_game_title() if path ~= nil and folder ~= nil then print("Moving " .. path .. " to " .. folder) move(path, folder) end end end function get_replay_buffer_output() local replay_buffer = obs.obs_frontend_get_replay_buffer_output() local cd = obs.calldata_create() local ph = obs.obs_output_get_proc_handler(replay_buffer) obs.proc_handler_call(ph, "get_last_replay", cd) local path = obs.calldata_string(cd, "path") obs.calldata_destroy(cd) obs.obs_output_release(replay_buffer) return path end function get_running_game_title() local path = ffi.new("char[?]", 260) local result = detect_game.get_running_fullscreen_game_path(path, 260) if result ~= 0 then return nil end result = ffi.string(path) local len = #result if len == 0 then return nil end local max = len - 4 local i = max while i > 1 do local char = result:sub(i, i) if char == "\\" then break end i = i - 1 end return result:sub(i + 1, max) end function move(path, folder) local sep = string.match(path, "^.*()/") local root = string.sub(path, 1, sep) .. folder local file_name = string.sub(path, sep, string.len(path)) local adjusted_path = root .. file_name if obs.os_file_exists(root) == false then obs.os_mkdir(root) end obs.os_rename(path, adjusted_path) end