add some optional logging

This commit is contained in:
Mylloon 2023-05-15 16:28:24 +02:00
parent 39a5e10530
commit 73aafd941c
Signed by: Anri
GPG key ID: A82D63DFF8D1317F
3 changed files with 32 additions and 7 deletions

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@ -19,13 +19,17 @@ let rec check ctx =
(* Loop *)
let max_time = 2505600 (* 29 days *) in
let recheck timeout =
if ctx.debug
then print_endline (fmt "Waiting for the next check in %d seconds" timeout);
Unix.sleep timeout;
if ctx.debug then print_endline "Refresh profile page...";
refresh_page ctx.session_id;
Unix.sleep 4;
check ctx
(* Time to wait until next check *)
let timeout =
if ctx.debug then print_endline "Check latest tweets...";
match find_latest_tweet ctx with
| Some tweet_date ->
(* Get date of tweet and return time to wait before tweeting *)
@ -34,15 +38,17 @@ let rec check ctx =
if diff > max_time
then 0 (* Timeout expired *)
else max_time - diff (* Timeout for when it will expire *)
| None -> 0
| None ->
if ctx.debug then print_endline "No tweets found...";
if 0 = timeout
then (
if ctx.debug then print_endline "Tweeting...";
(* Tweet and returns to profile page *)
"This tweet is for the Twitter's CTO: don't suspend my account for inactivity.";
go_to_profile ctx;
(* Wait the maximum time since we just tweeted *)
recheck max_time)
else (* Wait the amount of time calculated from the post *)
@ -50,8 +56,6 @@ let rec check ctx =
let main ctx =
(* Load credentials *)
let username, password =
match Sys.getenv_opt "TWITTER_USERNAME", Sys.getenv_opt "TWITTER_PASSWORD" with
| Some u, Some p -> u, p
@ -62,6 +66,7 @@ let main ctx =
login_twitter ctx username password (Sys.getenv_opt "TWITTER_TOTP");
go_to_profile ctx;
(* Start check routine *)
if ctx.debug then print_endline "Start routine...";
check ctx
@ -76,7 +81,17 @@ let handler data (signal : int) =
let () =
let data = start (Gecko "0.33.0") in
Sys.set_signal Sys.sigint (Sys.Signal_handle (handler (fst data)));
let ctx = { session_id = snd data } in
(* Load env variables *)
let ctx =
{ session_id = snd data
; debug =
(match Sys.getenv_opt "PUSK_DEBUG" with
| Some boolean -> if String.lowercase_ascii boolean = "true" then true else false
| None -> false)
if ctx.debug then print_endline "Logging is enabled";
(try main ctx with
| Any why -> print_endline why);
stop data

View file

@ -69,13 +69,16 @@ let inject_2fa session_id secret input =
let login_twitter ctx username password secret =
if ctx.debug then print_endline "Login to twitter...";
(* Navigate to login page and wait for page loaded*)
ignore (navigate ctx.session_id "");
Unix.sleep 5;
let creds = { username; password } in
(* Insert the username *)
if ctx.debug then print_endline "Type username...";
inject_username ctx.session_id creds;
(* Find password input *)
if ctx.debug then print_endline "Type password...";
inject_password ctx.session_id creds;
(* Detection and injection of 2FA code if needed *)
match find ctx.session_id (CSS "input[name='text']") with
@ -83,10 +86,13 @@ let login_twitter ctx username password secret =
| _ as l ->
if List.length l > 1
then raise (Any "Too many elements found as 2FA input")
else inject_2fa ctx.session_id secret (List.nth l 0)
else (
if ctx.debug then print_endline "Type 2FA code...";
inject_2fa ctx.session_id secret (List.nth l 0))
let go_to_profile ctx =
if ctx.debug then print_endline "Locate profile button...";
let profile_button =
match find ctx.session_id (XPath "//a[@data-testid='AppTabBar_Profile_Link']") with
| [] -> raise (Any (fmt "Profile button not found"))
@ -95,6 +101,7 @@ let go_to_profile ctx =
then raise (Any "Too many profile button found")
else List.nth l 0
if ctx.debug then print_endline "Navigate to user replies...";

View file

@ -2,7 +2,10 @@ exception Any of string
let fmt = Printf.sprintf
type context = { session_id : string }
type context =
{ session_id : string
; debug : bool
let load_dotenv =
(* Load variables *)