open Pusk.Net open Pusk.Utils type credentials = { username : string ; password : string } let inject_username session_id creds = (* Find username input *) let strat = CSS "input[name='text']" in let input_username = match find session_id strat with | [] -> raise (Any (fmt "Username input not found")) | it :: [] -> it | _ -> raise (Any "Too many elements found as the username input") in (* Insert the username *) send_keys session_id input_username creds.username; Unix.sleep 2; send_keys session_id input_username Keys.return; Unix.sleep 6 ;; let rec _inject_password session_id creds try_count = if try_count == 0 then raise (Any "Password input not found"); let input_password = match find session_id (CSS "input[name='password']") with | [] -> (* Retry to inject username with the second page *) (* NOTE: I think this is only when a email is first sent, so the second * injection NEED to be a username (or phone number) * * Maybe allow user to provides us with username and email and use email * by default and fallback to username in the second attempt *) inject_username session_id creds; _inject_password session_id creds (try_count - 1); None | it :: [] -> Some it | _ -> raise (Any "Too many elements found as the password input") in match input_password with | Some input -> (* Insert password *) send_keys session_id input creds.password; Unix.sleep 2; send_keys session_id input Keys.return; Unix.sleep 6 | None -> () ;; let inject_password session_id creds = _inject_password session_id creds 1 let inject_2fa session_id secret input = let code = match secret with | Some seed -> Twostep.TOTP.code ~secret:seed () | None -> raise (Any "No TOTP code given, but 2FA code required") in (* Insert 2FA code *) send_keys session_id input code; Unix.sleep 2; send_keys session_id input Keys.return; Unix.sleep 10 ;; let login_twitter ctx username password secret = if ctx.debug then print_endline "Login to twitter..."; (* Navigate to login page and wait for page loaded*) ignore (navigate ctx.session_id ""); Unix.sleep 5; let creds = { username; password } in (* Insert the username *) if ctx.debug then print_endline "Type username..."; inject_username ctx.session_id creds; (* Find password input *) if ctx.debug then print_endline "Type password..."; inject_password ctx.session_id creds; (* Detection and injection of 2FA code if needed *) match find ctx.session_id (CSS "input[name='text']") with | [] -> print_endline "Doesn't use 2FA as no input found" | it :: [] -> if ctx.debug then print_endline "Type 2FA code..."; inject_2fa ctx.session_id secret it | _ -> raise (Any "Too many elements found as 2FA input") ;; let go_to_profile ctx = if ctx.debug then print_endline "Locate profile button..."; let profile_button = match find ctx.session_id (XPath "//a[@data-testid='AppTabBar_Profile_Link']") with | [] -> raise (Any (fmt "Profile button not found")) | it :: [] -> it | _ -> raise (Any "Too many profile button found") in if ctx.debug then print_endline "Navigate to user replies..."; ignore (navigate ctx.session_id (fmt "" (get_attribute ctx.session_id profile_button "href"))); Unix.sleep 8 ;; let find_latest_tweet ctx = match find ctx.session_id (XPath "//article[@data-testid='tweet']") with | [] -> None | _ as tweets -> (* Get dates attached to each tweets *) let dates = (* When a tweet is a RT, two dates are attached *) List.flatten ( (fun tweet -> match find_in_element ctx.session_id (CSS "time[datetime]") tweet with | [] -> raise (Any (fmt "No dates found for tweet '%s'" tweet)) | _ as l -> l) tweets) in (* Turn datetime from ISO 8601 format to epoch int *) let datetimes = (fun date -> let time = Core.Time_float.of_string_with_utc_offset (get_attribute ctx.session_id date "datetime") in Float.to_int (Core.Time_float.Span.to_sec (Core.Time_float.to_span_since_epoch time))) dates in (* Returns the most recent date *) Some (List.fold_left max min_int datetimes) ;; let tweet ctx msg = ignore (navigate ctx.session_id ""); Unix.sleep 4; let tweet_area = match find ctx.session_id (CSS "div[data-testid='tweetTextarea_0']") with | [] -> raise (Any (fmt "Tweet area not found")) | it :: [] -> it | _ -> raise (Any "Too many tweet areas found") in send_keys ctx.session_id tweet_area msg; Unix.sleep 2; let send_tweet_button = match find ctx.session_id (XPath "//button[@data-testid='tweetButtonInline']") with | [] -> raise (Any (fmt "Tweet button not found")) | it :: [] -> it | _ -> raise (Any "Too many tweet button found") in (* We need first to click somewhere on the page to be able to interact with it *) click_somewhere ctx.session_id 800 200; Unix.sleep 2; click ctx.session_id send_tweet_button; Unix.sleep 8 ;;