open Pusk.Net open Pusk.Drivers open Pusk.Utils open Twitter let start driver = let name_driver = prepare driver in let data_driver = run_process name_driver [] in let session_id = get_session () in data_driver, session_id ;; let stop (driver_process, session_id) = if not (close_session session_id) then print_endline "Can't close the session"; stop_process driver_process ;; let rec check ctx = (* Loop *) let max_time = 2505600 (* 29 days *) in let recheck timeout = if ctx.debug then print_endline (fmt "Waiting for the next check in %d seconds" timeout); Unix.sleep timeout; if ctx.debug then print_endline "Refresh profile page..."; refresh_page ctx.session_id; Unix.sleep 8; check ctx in (* Time to wait until next check *) let timeout = if ctx.debug then print_endline "Check latest tweets..."; match find_latest_tweet ctx with | Some tweet_date -> (* Get date of tweet and return time to wait before tweeting *) let now = Float.to_int (Unix.time ()) in let diff = now - tweet_date in if diff > max_time then 0 (* Timeout expired *) else max_time - diff (* Timeout for when it will expire *) | None -> if ctx.debug then print_endline "No tweets found..."; 0 in if 0 = timeout then ( if ctx.debug then print_endline "Tweeting..."; (* Tweet *) tweet ctx "This tweet is for the Twitter's CTO: don't suspend my account for inactivity."; (* Returns to profile page *) go_to_profile ctx; (* Wait the maximum time since we just tweeted *) recheck max_time) else (* Wait the amount of time calculated from the post *) recheck timeout ;; let main ctx = let username, password = match Sys.getenv_opt "TWITTER_USERNAME", Sys.getenv_opt "TWITTER_PASSWORD" with | Some u, Some p -> u, p | None, None -> raise (Any "Username and password not set") | None, Some _ -> raise (Any "Username not set") | Some _, None -> raise (Any "Password not set") in login_twitter ctx username password (Sys.getenv_opt "TWITTER_TOTP"); go_to_profile ctx; (* Start check routine *) if ctx.debug then print_endline "Start routine..."; check ctx ;; let handler data (signal : int) = stop_process data; exit (match signal with | v when v = Sys.sigint -> 130 | _ -> 1) ;; let () = let data = start (Gecko "0.33.0") in Sys.set_signal Sys.sigint (Sys.Signal_handle (handler (fst data))); (* Load env variables *) load_dotenv; let ctx = { session_id = snd data ; debug = (match Sys.getenv_opt "PUSK_DEBUG" with | Some boolean -> if String.lowercase_ascii boolean = "true" then true else false | None -> false) } in if ctx.debug then print_endline "Logging is enabled"; (try main ctx with | Any why -> print_endline why); stop data ;;