open Cohttp_lwt_unix open Utils let driver_url = "" let driver id = fmt "%s/%s" driver_url id let send_post_request url json = let headers = Cohttp.Header.init_with "Content-Type" "application/json" in let body = Cohttp_lwt.Body.of_string json in Lwt.bind ( ~headers ~body (Uri.of_string url)) (fun (_response, body) -> Cohttp_lwt.Body.to_string body) ;; let send_get_request url = Lwt.bind (Client.get (Uri.of_string url)) (fun (_response, body) -> Cohttp_lwt.Body.to_string body) ;; let send_delete_request url = Lwt.bind (Client.delete (Uri.of_string url)) (fun (_response, body) -> Cohttp_lwt.Body.to_string body) ;; let execute_post_request url json = (send_post_request url json) let execute_get_request url = (send_get_request url) let execute_delete_request url = (send_delete_request url) (* Server MUST be started already *) let get_session () = let response = execute_post_request (fmt "%s" driver_url) Json.connection_payload in match Yojson.Safe.from_string response with | `Assoc fields -> let value = List.assoc "value" fields in let rec find_session_id = function | ("sessionId", `String session_id) :: _ -> session_id | _ :: rest -> find_session_id rest | [] -> failwith "Session ID not found" in find_session_id (Yojson.Safe.Util.to_assoc value) | _ -> failwith "get_session | Invalid JSON" ;; let close_session id = execute_delete_request (driver id) = "{\"value\":null}" let execute_sync session_id src = execute_post_request (fmt "%s/execute/sync" (driver session_id)) (Json.execute_payload src) ;; let rec wait_for_load session_id = let response = execute_sync session_id "return document.readyState" in match Yojson.Safe.from_string response with | `Assoc fields -> (match List.assoc "value" fields with | `String res -> if not (res = "complete") then ( Unix.sleep 1; wait_for_load session_id) | _ -> failwith "Error when waiting for page to load") | _ -> failwith "wait_for_load | Invalid JSON" ;; let navigate ?(wait = true) url session_id = let res = execute_post_request (fmt "%s/url" (driver session_id)) (Json.navigate_payload url) in if wait then wait_for_load session_id; res ;; let screenshot session_id = execute_get_request (fmt "%s/screenshot" (driver session_id))