2023-05-13 10:39:51 +02:00

78 lines
2.3 KiB

open Lwt.Syntax
open Cohttp_lwt
open Cohttp_lwt_unix
open Utils
let rec download uri dest =
let* response, body = Client.get uri in
let status = Response.status response in
let code = Cohttp.Code.code_of_status status in
if Cohttp.Code.is_redirection code
then (
let headers = Response.headers response in
match Cohttp.Header.get headers "location" with
| Some url ->
let uri = Uri.of_string url in
let redirect_url = Uri.resolve "" uri uri in
download redirect_url dest
| None -> failwith "Redirect location not found")
else if Cohttp.Code.is_success code
then (
print_endline "Downloading...";
let stream = Body.to_stream body in
let res =
Lwt_io.with_file ~mode:Lwt_io.output dest (fun chan ->
Lwt_stream.iter_s (Lwt_io.write chan) stream)
let* () = res in
print_endline "Download done!";
("Failed to download file. HTTP status: " ^ Cohttp.Code.string_of_status status)
let download_gecko_driver version output =
let url =
download (Uri.of_string (fmt url version version)) output
let run_program_in_background program args =
let pid = Unix.fork () in
match pid with
| 0 ->
(* Child process *)
let dev_null = Unix.openfile "/dev/null" [ O_WRONLY ] 0o666 in
Unix.dup2 dev_null Unix.stdout;
Unix.dup2 dev_null Unix.stderr;
Unix.close dev_null;
Unix.execvp program (Array.of_list (program :: args))
| _ -> pid (* Parent process *)
type driver = Gecko of string
let prepare = function
| Gecko version_driver ->
let driver = fmt "geckodriver-%s" version_driver in
if not (Sys.file_exists driver)
then (
let archive = fmt "./gecko-%s.tar.gz" version_driver in
Lwt_main.run (download_gecko_driver version_driver archive);
(* TODO: Use native version instead of relying on Unix tools *)
let _ = Sys.command (fmt "tar xvzf %s" archive) in
let _ = Sys.command (fmt "mv geckodriver %s" driver) in
let _ = Sys.command (fmt "rm %s" archive) in
let run path args =
let pid = run_program_in_background path args in
(* Wait so we sure the server is up *)
Unix.sleepf 0.5;