37 lines
1,012 B
37 lines
1,012 B
open Pusk.Net
open Pusk.Drivers
open Pusk.Utils
open Twitter
let start driver =
let name_driver = prepare driver in
let data_driver = run_process name_driver [] in
let session_id = get_session ~headless:false () in
data_driver, session_id
let stop (driver_process, session_id) =
if not (close_session session_id) then print_endline "Can't close the session";
stop_process driver_process
let main ctx =
(* Load credentials *)
let username, password =
match Sys.getenv_opt "TWITTER_USERNAME", Sys.getenv_opt "TWITTER_PASSWORD" with
| Some u, Some p -> u, p
| None, None -> raise (Any "Username and password not set")
| None, Some _ -> raise (Any "Username not set")
| Some _, None -> raise (Any "Password not set")
login_twitter ctx username password (Sys.getenv_opt "TWITTER_TOTP")
let () =
let data = start (Gecko "0.33.0") in
let ctx = { session_id = snd data } in
(try main ctx with
| Any why -> print_endline why);
stop data