add command to see the block's name in a radius of 3 block

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Mylloon 2021-06-27 17:48:05 +02:00
parent 0114747e96
commit 07b4f6fe95

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@ -315,5 +315,24 @@ command /reponse <text>: # réponse à un DM
else: else:
send "&4Tu n'as personne a qui répondre." send "&4Tu n'as personne a qui répondre."
on server ping: on server ping: # motd
set motd to "&e&k|| &cServeur d'Anri &e&k||" set motd to "&e&k|| &cServeur d'Anri &e&k||"
every 1 second in "world": # affiche le block proche de toi
loop all players:
if {blockNear.%uuid of loop-player%} is not true:
loop all blocks in radius 3 of loop-player:
if loop-block is target block of loop-player:
set action bar of loop-player to "&a%target block of loop-player%"
command /quelbloc: # commande pour activer ou désactiver l'affiche du bloc proche de toi
executable by: players
description: T'affiche le bloc en face de toi (switch off/on)
if {blockNear.%uuid of player%} is set:
delete {blockNear.%uuid of player%}
send "&cTu ne verras désormais plus le nom du bloc proche de toi."
set {blockNear.%uuid of player%} to true
send "&aTu verras désormais le nom du bloc proche de toi."