# named with a 0 at the begining to be sure he is loaded first # the goal of this file is to load all the function who are used # by a lot of my other files on load: ScriptList("add", script) on unload: ScriptList("remove", script) # avoids having to type the same message several times (e.g. the error message) function option(option: text) :: text: # options if {_option} is "serverName": set {_resultat} to "Serveur d'Anri" if {_option} is "errorMessage": set {_resultat} to "&4Tu n'as pas la permission d'utiliser cette commande." return {_resultat} # sends message to operators (excludes the player if he's OP too) function sendToOperators(player: player, message: text): loop all players: if loop-player is a op: if loop-player is not {_player}: send {_message} to loop-player # allows to add or remove a file to the list of scripts files # all files add their names to the list when they are loaded # and remove them when they are unloaded function ScriptList(addRemove: text, list: text): if {_addRemove} is "add": add {_list} to {scripts::*} if {_addRemove} is "remove": remove {_list} from {scripts::*} # returns the name taking into account his possible nickname function userOrNick(player: player) :: text: set {_uuid} to uuid of {_player} if {nick.%{_uuid}%} is set: set {_res} to "%{nick.%{_uuid}%}%&7 (%{_player}%)" else: set {_res} to "%{_player}%" return {_res} # returns an "s" if arg "number" is higher than 1 function pluriel(int: number) :: text: set {_pluriel} to "" set {_pluriel} to "s" if {_int} > 1 return {_pluriel} # reset the thimble game function resetThimble(player: player): set {_uuid} to uuid of {_player} delete {thimble.dead.%{_uuid}%}