command deacoudre []: # lancement de la partie executable by: players description: Lance une partie de dé à coudre. trigger: if arg-1 is set: if player is op: if arg-1 is "spawn": set {thimble.location} to location of player send "&aLe dé à coudre téléportes désormais ici." stop else: send option("errorMessage") stop if {thimble.location} is not set: send "&4Tu n'as pas défini de point de téléportation : &r&l/deacoudre spawn" stop if {party.player.%uuid of player%} is set: if {thimble} is true: delete {thimble} loop {party.list::*}: send "&cPartie de dé à coudre terminée." to loop-value teleport loop-value to {thimble.location} set gamemode of loop-value to creative execute player command "fill 103 57 -313 99 57 -305 water" else: set {thimble} to true loop {party.list::*}: send "&aDémarrage de la partie de dé à coudre !" to loop-value teleport loop-value to {thimble.location} set gamemode of loop-value to adventure feed loop-value heal loop-value cure loop-value else: send "&4Tu n'es pas dans une partie." every 0.5 second in "world": # pose du bloc et téléporatation if {thimble} is not true: stop loop {party.list::*}: set action bar of loop-value to "&dEn partie de &lDé à coudre&r&d." if block at loop-value is water: set {_xLocationBlock1} to difference between X-location of block at loop-value and 103.5 set {_xLocationBlock2} to difference between X-location of block at loop-value and 99.5 set {_zLocationBlock1} to difference between Z-location of block at loop-value and -312.5 set {_zLocationBlock2} to difference between Z-location of block at loop-value and -304.5 set {_yLocationBlock} to difference between Y-location of block at loop-value and 57.5 if {_xLocationBlock1} and {_xLocationBlock2} and {_zLocationBlock1} and {_zLocationBlock2} <= 0: continue if {_xLocationBlock1} and {_xLocationBlock2} >= 4: continue if {_yLocationBlock} != 0: continue if {_zLocationBlock1} and {_zLocationBlock2} >= 8: continue set {_niceJump} to true set {_blockX} to X-location of block at loop-value set {_blockY} to Y-location of block at loop-value set {_blockZ} to Z-location of block at loop-value if block at location ({_blockX} - 1), {_blockY}, {_blockZ} in world "world" is water: set {_niceJump} to false if block at location ({_blockX} + 1), {_blockY}, {_blockZ} in world "world" is water: set {_niceJump} to false if block at location {_blockX}, {_blockY}, ({_blockZ} - 1) in world "world" is water: set {_niceJump} to false if block at location {_blockX}, {_blockY}, ({_blockZ} + 1) in world "world" is water: set {_niceJump} to false if {_niceJump} is true: set block at loop-value to gold block set {_player} to loop-value loop {party.list::*}: if gamemode of {_player} is adventure: send "%{_player}% a fait un beau jump !" to loop-value-2 else: if gamemode of {_player} is adventure: set block at loop-value to wool teleport loop-value to {thimble.location} feed loop-value heal loop-value on death: if {thimble} is true: if {party.player.%uuid of player%} is set: cancel event set gamemode of player to spectator loop {party.list::*}: send "&c%player%&b a été éliminé !" to loop-value