2021-06-28 13:02:44 +02:00

53 lines
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on chat: # chat
cancel event
if {nick.%uuid of player%} is set:
set {_player} to {nick.%uuid of player%}
set {_player} to player's name
broadcast "<%{_player}%&r> %colored message%" in world of player
command nickname [<player>] <text>: # changement de pseudo
executable by: players
aliases: nick
description: Change ton nom ou celui d'un autre joueur. (max 15 charactères)
if player is op:
set {_playerUUID} to uuid of player
set {_player} to player
set {_playerNAME} to player
if arg-1 is set:
set {_playerUUID} to uuid of arg-1
set {_player} to arg-1
if player is {_player}:
set {_playerNAME} to "vous"
if arg-2 is "off":
delete {nick.%{_playerUUID}%}
send "&6Tu n'as plus de surnom. (changé par %player%&6)" to {_player}
if length of arg-2 is greater than 15:
send "&4Ce surnom est trop long."
set {nick.%{_playerUUID}%} to colored arg-2
send "&6Ton surnom est désormais &r%{nick.%{_playerUUID}%}%&6. (changé par %{_playerNAME}%&6)" to {_player}
send option("errorMessage")
command msg <player> <text>: # DM
executable by: players
aliases: whisper, w, tell, t
description: Envoie un message privé à un joueur.
send "&8[Moi -> %arg-1%&8]&7 %colored arg-2%" to player
send "&8[%player%&8 -> Moi] &b%colored arg-2%" to arg-1
set {dmReply.%uuid of player%} to arg-1
set {dmReply.%uuid of arg-1%} to player
command reponse <text>: # réponse à un DM
executable by: players
aliases: rep, r
description: Envoie un réponse à un joueur.
if {dmReply.%uuid of player%} is set:
execute player command "msg %{dmReply.%uuid of player%}% %arg-1%"
send "&4Tu n'as personne a qui répondre."