feat(lang): update en-US #69

Anri merged 1 commit from feat/lang-us into main 2023-02-13 17:08:50 +01:00

View file

@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
{ {
"e_interacreate_no_command": "Sorry, the command probably no longer exists...", "e_interacreate_no_command": "Sorry, the command probably no longer exists...",
"e_interacreate_no_modal": "Sorry, the model no longer exists...",
"e_interacreate_no_button": "Sorry, the button no longer exists...",
"c_ping_name": "Ping", "c_ping_name": "Ping",
"c_ping_desc": "Pong!", "c_ping_desc": "Pong!",
@ -14,5 +16,142 @@
"c_help2": "`/help <command>` to get more information about a command.", "c_help2": "`/help <command>` to get more information about a command.",
"c_help3": "Can't find :", "c_help3": "Can't find :",
"u_time_at": "at" "c_archive_name": "clean",
"c_archive_desc": "Clean category for new year",
"c_archive_opt1_name": "category",
"c_archive_opt1_desc": "Name of the category to be cleaned",
"c_archive1": "List of categories subject to cleaning",
"c_archive2": "`L1`, `L2`, `L3`, `M1`, `M2`",
"c_archive3": "Unable to find/clean the channel:",
"c_archive4": "List of archived channels in the category",
"c_archive5": "to",
"c_archive6": "Cleaning",
"c_archive7": "Category already cleaned",
"c_prep_name": "Preparation",
"c_prep_desc": "Preparation of general channels for the new year",
"c_prep_opt1_name": "year",
"c_prep_opt1_desc": "Name of the year to be prepared",
"c_prep1": "List of categories submitted to the preparation",
"c_prep2": "`L1`, `L2`, `L3`, `M1`, `M2`",
"c_prep3": "Unable to find/clean the channel:",
"c_prep4": "Lists of prepared channels `",
"c_prep5": "created",
"c_prep6": "No preparation required",
"u_time_at": "at",
"c_reminder_name": "reminder",
"c_reminder_desc": "Command related to reminders",
"c_reminder_sub1_name": "new",
"c_reminder_sub1_desc": "Sets up a reminder",
"c_reminder_sub1_opt1_name": "time",
"c_reminder_sub1_opt1_desc": "Desired time before the reminder, append an @ to activate the mention or a p to send in DM",
"c_reminder_sub1_opt2_name": "message",
"c_reminder_sub1_opt2_desc": "Reminder message",
"c_reminder_sub2_name": "list",
"c_reminder_sub2_desc": "Displays the list of reminders of a user",
"c_reminder_sub2_opt1_name": "user",
"c_reminder_sub2_opt1_desc": "Displays the list of this user",
"c_reminder_sub2_opt2_name": "page",
"c_reminder_sub2_opt2_desc": "Page to view",
"c_reminder_sub3_name": "erase",
"c_reminder_sub3_desc": "Delete a reminder",
"c_reminder_sub3_opt1_name": "id",
"c_reminder_sub3_opt1_desc": "Reminder to be deleted",
"c_reminder1": "A reminder has been set up for in",
"c_reminder2": "The ID entered is not valid.",
"c_reminder3": "Reminder not found, not on the right guild or not belonging to you.",
"c_reminder4": "Unknown user.",
"c_reminder5": "Reminders of",
"c_reminder6": "Page",
"c_reminder7": "No message",
"c_reminder8": "Expires in",
"c_reminder9": "Do on",
"c_reminder10": "The user has no pending reminders or page no.",
"c_reminder11": "empty",
"c_reminder12": "Previous",
"c_reminder13": "Next",
"c_reminder14": "Message sent in DM as the channel is no longer available.",
"c_reminder15": "Message sent in DM because you have left",
"c_reminder16": "Message sent in DM because the Discord guild is no longer available.",
"c_reminder17": "Message from",
"c_play_name": "play",
"c_play_desc": "Plays a song/playlist, no query displays the now playing song",
"c_play_opt1_name": "query",
"c_play_opt1_desc": "What you want to listen to",
"c_play1": "You're not in any vocal channel.",
"c_play2": "I am already in a voice channel.",
"c_play3": "Unable to join the voice channel.",
"c_play4": "not found",
"c_play5": "added to the queue",
"c_play6": "The bot is not playing anything right now.",
"c_play7": "Currently playing",
"c_stop_name": "stop",
"c_stop_desc": "Stop the music",
"c_stop1": "The bot is not playing anything right now.",
"c_stop2": "The music has been stopped.",
"c_pause_name": "pause",
"c_pause_desc": "Pauses or restarts music",
"c_pause1": "Resuming music...",
"c_pause2": "Pause the music.",
"c_pause3": "The bot is not playing anything right now.",
"c_queue_name": "queue",
"c_queue_desc": "Command relative to the music queue",
"c_queue_sub1_name": "show",
"c_queue_sub1_desc": "Displays the music queue",
"c_queue_sub1_opt1_name": "page",
"c_queue_sub1_opt1_desc": "Page to be displayed",
"c_queue_sub2_name": "shuffle",
"c_queue_sub2_desc": "Shuffle the queue",
"c_queue_sub3_name": "remove",
"c_queue_sub3_desc": "Remove a song from the queue",
"c_queue_sub3_opt1_name": "id",
"c_queue_sub3_opt1_desc": "Song ID to be removed",
"c_queue1": "Queue",
"c_queue2": "The queue is empty.",
"c_queue3": "Shuffled queue",
"c_queue4": "Music",
"c_queue5": "deleted",
"c_queue6": "This ID doesn't exist.",
"c_queue7": "Page",
"c_queue8": "Previous",
"c_queue9": "Next",
"c_queue10": "Sorry, an error occurred.",
"c_skip_name": "skip",
"c_skip_desc": "Play the current song",
"c_skip_opt1_name": "id",
"c_skip_opt1_desc": "ID of the song you want to play",
"c_skip1": "Skip the song",
"c_skip2": "The bot is not playing anything right now.",
"c_skip3": "Skip to the song",
"c_lyrics_name": "lyrics",
"c_lyrics_desc": "Displays the lyrics of a song",
"c_lyrics_opt1_name": "song",
"c_lyrics_opt1_desc": "Wanted song",
"c_lyrics1": "The bot is not playing anything at the moment and no songs are specified.",
"c_lyrics2": "Unable to find the lyrics for",
"c_repeat_name": "repeat",
"c_repeat_desc": "Command for the type of music repetition",
"c_repeat_sub1_name": "stop",
"c_repeat_sub1_desc": "Disables repeat",
"c_repeat_sub2_name": "track",
"c_repeat_sub2_desc": "Activates the repeat for the current song",
"c_repeat_sub3_name": "queue",
"c_repeat_sub3_desc": "Activates the repeat for the current queue",
"c_repeat_sub4_name": "autoplay",
"c_repeat_sub4_desc": "Activates automatic playback",
"c_repeat1": "The bot is not playing anything right now.",
"c_repeat2": "Repeat disabled.",
"c_repeat3": "Repeating the queue",
"c_repeat4": "Automatic playback",
"c_repeat5": "Repeating the song",
"c_repeat6": "activated."
} }