import { REST } from "@discordjs/rest"; import { Routes } from "discord-api-types/v9"; import { Client } from "discord.js"; import { readdir } from "fs/promises"; import { removeExtension } from "../utils/misc"; /** Load all the commands. */ export default async (client: Client) => { const rest = new REST({ version: "10" }).setToken(client.token ?? ""); const command_categories = (await readdir(__dirname)).filter( (element) => !element.endsWith(".js") && !element.endsWith(".ts") ); const commands = ( await Promise.all( // For each categorie (command_category) => { // Retrieve all the commands const command_files = await readdir(`${__dirname}/${command_category}`); // Add the category to the collection for the help command client.commands.categories.set(command_category,; // Add the command return Promise.all( (command_file) => { const command = (await import(`../commands/${command_category}/${command_file}`)) .default; // Add it to the collection so the interaction will work =; client.commands.list.set(, command); return command; }) ); }) ) ).flat(2); // Send guilds commands to Discord const scopedCommands = new Map(); // Add commands to guild where the bot is const allowedGuilds = client.guilds.cache; // Assign each commands to the guilds commands .filter((c) => c.scope().length > 0) .forEach((c) => { c.scope().forEach((guild: string) => { if (allowedGuilds.get(guild) !== undefined) { const guildCommands = scopedCommands.get(guild); if (guildCommands === undefined) { scopedCommands.set(guild, []); } else { guildCommands.push(; scopedCommands.set(guild, guildCommands); } } }); }); scopedCommands.forEach( async (command, guild) => await rest.put(Routes.applicationGuildCommands(client.user?.id as string, guild), { body: command, }) ); // Send global commands to Discord const globalCommands = commands.filter((c) => c.scope().length == 0); return await rest.put(Routes.applicationCommands(client.user?.id as string), { body: =>, }); };