You have to replace `TOKEN_DISCORD`, `PREFIX`, `TOKEN_GENIUS`, `TOKEN_REDDIT_CLIENT_ID`, `TOKEN_REDDIT_CLIENT_SECRET`, `TOKEN_REDDIT_USER_AGENT` and [`TIMEZONE`]( with your desired values. You must also specify a path to the folder where the database will be.
- You shouldn't change at least the service name of the Lavalink container because the bot is using his DNS name (and it's based on the service's name).
- You can add the environment variable `DEACTIVATE` to disable some cogs (separate the cogs with commas and no spaces between).
- You can add the environment variable `REGION_DISCORD` to force the Lavalink server to use your voice region.
To find reddit tokens, go to [this site]( and here are the instructions: ![instructions](
*redirection uri (for copy/paste) : http://localhost:8080*
To find Genius token, go to [this site](, `login to your account` and on the left select `New API Client`. Fill the field with what you want then click `Save`. Now your token is the `CLIENT ACCESS TOKEN`.
- In the [Discord Dev Portal]( create an application, and make sure it's a `Bot` (third tab).
- To invite it, go to the `OAuth2` (second tab) tab, select the scopes `bot` (required) and `applications.commands` (for the slashs commands) and in the bot permissions select `Administrator` (You can select manually at your own risk).
If you want to run it without Docker, clone the repo (and his submodules by doing `git submodule update --force --recursive --init --remote` in the git folder) then create an .env file to store variables in the root folder (there is an example [here](
If you need to install Java, there is some step to have the same as the [Docker image built for the project]( :