2020-11-29 11:39:41 +01:00
import discord
from discord.ext import commands
from random import randint, choice
import asyncio
def setup(client):
class Games(commands.Cog):
"""Commandes relatives aux jeux."""
def __init__(self, client):
self.client = client
self.guessing_game = {}
@commands.command(name='chifumi', aliases = ["shifumi", "ppc"])
async def _chifumi(self, ctx, *, choix):
"""Un simple Chifumi contre le bot.\n ➡ Syntaxe: .chifumi/shifumi/ppc <pierre/papier/ciseaux>"""
choix_jeu = ["Pierre ✊", "Papier 🧻", "Ciseaux ✂"]
orditxt = choice(choix_jeu)
ordi = choix_jeu.index(orditxt)
choix = choix.lower()
if choix == "pierre":
choix = PIERRE
if choix == "papier" or choix == "feuille":
choix = PAPIER
if choix == "ciseaux" or choix == "ciseau":
choix = CISEAUX
description = (f"{choix_jeu[choix][:-1]} VS {choix_jeu[ordi][:-1]}\n\n**"
f"{('Égalité !', 'Tu as perdu !', 'Tu as gagné !')[(choix != ordi) + ((choix > ordi and ordi +1 == choix) or (choix < ordi and choix + ordi == 2))]}**")
embed = discord.Embed(title = f"{choix_jeu[choix][-1:]}VS {choix_jeu[ordi][-1:]}", description = description)
embed.set_author(name = ctx.author.name, icon_url = ctx.author.avatar_url)
await ctx.send(embed = embed)
await ctx.message.add_reaction(emoji = '✅')
async def _chifumi_error(self, ctx, error):
await ctx.send("Mauvaise syntaxe : `.chifumi/shifumi/ppc <pierre/papier/ciseaux>`.")
@commands.command(name='plusoumoins', aliases = ['+ou-', '+-'])
async def _plusoumoins(self, ctx):
"""Un plus ou moins entre 1 et 100.\n ➡ Syntaxe: .plusoumoins/+ou-/+-"""
if str(ctx.author.id) in self.guessing_game:
return await ctx.send("Tu es déjà en partie.")
guess = 5
self.guessing_game[str(ctx.author.id)] = guess
number = randint(1,100)
message = f"Choisis un nombre entre 1 et 100 {ctx.author.mention}."
await ctx.send(message)
while self.guessing_game[str(ctx.author.id)] != 0:
def check(message):
if message.author.bot == False:
return str(message.author.id) in self.guessing_game
msg = await self.client.wait_for('message', check = check, timeout = 30)
except asyncio.TimeoutError:
del self.guessing_game[str(ctx.author.id)]
return await ctx.send(f"Tu as mis trop de temps a répondre {ctx.author.mention}. La réponse était {number}.")
if msg.author == ctx.author:
if msg.content == "stop":
del self.guessing_game[str(ctx.author.id)]
return await ctx.send(f"Fin du plus ou moins {ctx.author.mention}. La réponse était {number}.")
attempt = int(msg.content)
if attempt > number:
if guess-1 != 0:
await ctx.send(f"J'pense que c'est moins {ctx.author.mention}... Il te reste {guess-1} essai{'s' if guess-1>1 else ''}.")
guess -= 1
self.guessing_game[str(ctx.author.id)] = guess
if guess != 0:
await ctx.send(message)
elif attempt < number:
if guess-1 != 0:
await ctx.send(f"J'pense que c'est plus {ctx.author.mention}... Il te reste {guess-1} essai{'s' if guess-1>1 else ''}.")
guess -=1
self.guessing_game[str(ctx.author.id)] = guess
if guess != 0:
await ctx.send(message)
elif attempt == number:
del self.guessing_game[str(ctx.author.id)]
return await ctx.send(f"Tu as trouvé {ctx.author.mention}, bien joué !")
await ctx.send(f"Erreur dans la réponse {ctx.author.mention}, merci de n'écrire qu'un nombre. Tapez `stop` pour arrêter le jeu.")
del self.guessing_game[str(ctx.author.id)]
2020-11-29 11:59:49 +01:00
await ctx.send(f"T'as pas trouvé {ctx.author.mention}... dommage, c'était {number}.")