support des commandes slash pour la catégorie cogs compatible
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 188 additions and 62 deletions
@ -4,6 +4,8 @@ from random import randint, shuffle
from datetime import datetime
from pytz import timezone
import re, asyncio
from discord_slash import cog_ext
import shlex
def setup(client):
@ -31,22 +33,49 @@ class Utils(commands.Cog):
await ctx.message.add_reaction(emoji = '✅')
async def _avatar(self, ctx, *, user = '0'):
async def _avatar(self, ctx, *user):
"""Affiche ton avatar ou celui que tu mentionnes.\n ➡ Syntaxe: {PREFIX}avatar [user]"""
if user == '0':
fromSlash = False
if len(user) > 0:
if user[-1] == True:
fromSlash = user[-1]
user = user[:-1]
if len(user) > 0:
user = user[0]
user = None
if user == None:
user =
user = self.client.get_user(int(user[2:-1].replace("!","")))
await ctx.message.add_reaction(emoji = '✅')
if fromSlash != True:
await ctx.message.add_reaction(emoji = '✅')
embed = discord.Embed(description = f"[lien vers la photo de profil]({user.avatar_url}) de {user.mention}", color = discord.Colour.random())
embed.set_author(name = f"Photo de profil de {}")
embed.set_image(url = user.avatar_url)
await ctx.send(embed = embed)
@cog_ext.cog_slash(name="avatar", description = "Affiche ton avatar ou celui que tu mentionnes.")
async def __avatar(self, ctx, user = None):
if user == None:
return await self._avatar(ctx, True)
return await self._avatar(ctx, user, True)
async def _calc(self, ctx, *, msg):
async def _calc(self, ctx, *calcul):
"""Calculatrice.\n ➡ Syntaxe: {PREFIX}calc <calcul>"""
equation = msg.replace('^', '**').replace('x', '*').replace('×', '*').replace('÷', '/').replace('≥', '>=').replace('≤', '<=')
fromSlash = False
if len(calcul) > 0:
if calcul[-1] == True:
fromSlash = calcul[-1]
calcul = calcul[:-1]
if len(calcul) > 0:
calcul = calcul[0]
raise ModuleNotFoundError
equation = calcul.replace('^', '**').replace('x', '*').replace('×', '*').replace('÷', '/').replace('≥', '>=').replace('≤', '<=')
if '=' in equation:
@ -79,14 +108,18 @@ class Utils(commands.Cog):
embed.add_field(name = 'Calcul :', value = equation, inline = False)
embed.add_field(name = 'Réponse :', value = answer.replace('False', 'Faux').replace('True', 'Vrai'), inline = False)
await ctx.message.add_reaction(emoji = '✅')
await ctx.send(content = None, embed = embed)
if fromSlash != True:
await ctx.message.add_reaction(emoji = '✅')
await ctx.send(embed = embed)
async def _calc_error(self, ctx, error):
await ctx.send("Tu n'as pas spécifié de calcul.")
@cog_ext.cog_slash(name="calc", description = "Calculatrice.")
async def __calc(self, ctx, calcul):
return await self._calc(ctx, calcul, True)
async def _syntax(self, ctx):
async def _syntax(self, ctx, fromSlash = False):
"""Informations pour bien éditer son texte."""
syntaxe = "-----------------------------------------------------\n"
syntaxe += discord.utils.escape_markdown("```Js\n")
@ -128,32 +161,52 @@ class Utils(commands.Cog):
syntaxe += "-----------------------------------------------------\n"
syntaxe += discord.utils.escape_markdown(">>> cette ligne est cité\ncelle là aussi (et elles le seront toutes!)\n")
syntaxe += ">>> cette ligne est cité\ncelle là aussi (et elles le seront toutes!)\n"
await ctx.message.add_reaction(emoji = '✅')
if fromSlash != True:
await ctx.message.add_reaction(emoji = '✅')
await ctx.send(syntaxe)
@cog_ext.cog_slash(name="syntax", description = "Informations pour bien éditer son texte.")
async def __syntax(self, ctx):
return await self._syntax(ctx, True)
@commands.command(name='memo', aliases = ['note'])
async def _memo(self, ctx, *, text):
async def _memo(self, ctx, *text):
"""T'envoie un petit memo par message privé.\n ➡ Syntaxe: {PREFIX}memo/note <message>"""
fromSlash = False
if len(text) > 0:
if text[-1] == True:
fromSlash = text[-1]
text = text[:-1]
if len(text) > 0:
text = " ".join(text)
raise ModuleNotFoundError
if len(text) <= 5:
await ctx.message.add_reaction(emoji = '❌')
if fromSlash != True:
await ctx.message.add_reaction(emoji = '❌')
return await ctx.send("Ta note doit au moins faire 5 caractères.")
elif len(text) >= 2048:
await ctx.message.add_reaction(emoji = '❌')
if fromSlash != True:
await ctx.message.add_reaction(emoji = '❌')
return await ctx.send("Ta note doit faire moins de 2048 caractères.")
await ctx.message.delete()
if fromSlash != True:
await ctx.message.delete()
embed = discord.Embed(description = text, color = discord.Colour.random())
embed.set_author(name = f"Mémo noté depuis {}", icon_url =
embed.set_footer(text = f'📝 le {"%d/%m/%Y à %H:%M:%S")}')
await = embed)
return await ctx.send("Tu viens de recevoir ton mémo !", delete_after = 5)
async def _note_error(self, ctx, error):
async def _memo_error(self, ctx, error):
if str(error) == "text is a required argument that is missing.":
await ctx.send(f"Vous devez renseigner un message : `{ctx.prefix}note/memo <message>`.")
await ctx.send(f"Vous devez renseigner un message : `{ctx.prefix}memo/note <message>`.")
@cog_ext.cog_slash(name="memo", description = "T'envoie un petit memo par message privé.")
async def __memo(self, ctx, memo):
return await self._memo(ctx, memo, True)
@commands.command(name='infos', aliases = ['info'])
async def _infos(self, ctx):
async def _infos(self, ctx, fromSlash = False):
"""Donne des infos sur le bot.\n ➡ Syntaxe: {PREFIX}infos/info"""
appinfo = await self.client.application_info()
@ -187,21 +240,60 @@ class Utils(commands.Cog):
embed.add_field(name = "Timezone", value = f"`{self.customTimezone}`")
embed.add_field(name = "Version", value = f"`{version}`")
embed.set_footer(text = f"Basé sur {discord.__version__}")
await ctx.message.add_reaction(emoji = '✅')
if fromSlash != True:
await ctx.message.add_reaction(emoji = '✅')
await ctx.send(embed = embed)
@cog_ext.cog_slash(name="infos", description = "Donne des infos sur le bot.")
async def __infos(self, ctx):
ctx.prefix = "/"
return await self._infos(ctx, True)
def _map_list_among_us(self, map):
maps = {}
maps["skeld"] = ["skeld", "the skeld", "theskeld"]
maps["mira"] = ["mira", "mira hq", "mirahq"]
maps["polus"] = ["polus"]
maps["airship"] = ["airship", "air ship"]
if map == "all":
return maps["skeld"] + maps["mira"] + maps["polus"] + maps["airship"]
return maps[map]
async def _amongus(self, ctx, *map):
"""Affiche la carte voulue d'Among Us.\n ➡ Syntaxe: {PREFIX}amongus <carte>"""
fromSlash = False
if len(map) > 0:
if map[-1] == True:
fromSlash = map[-1]
map = map[:-1]
if len(map) > 0:
map = " ".join(map)
map = "0"
if map.lower() in self._map_list_among_us("mira"):
image = ""
embed = discord.Embed(title = f"Map Mira HQ d'Among Us", color = discord.Colour.random(), description = f"[lien de l'image]({image})")
embed.set_image(url = image)
if fromSlash != True:
await ctx.message.add_reaction(emoji = '✅')
await ctx.send(embed = embed)
elif map.lower() in self._map_list_among_us("polus"):
image = ""
embed = discord.Embed(title = f"Map Polus d'Among Us", color = discord.Colour.random(), description = f"[lien de l'image]({image})")
embed.set_image(url = image)
if fromSlash != True:
await ctx.message.add_reaction(emoji = '✅')
await ctx.send(embed = embed)
elif map.lower() in self._map_list_among_us("skeld"):
image = ""
embed = discord.Embed(title = f"Map The Skeld d'Among Us", color = discord.Colour.random(), description = f"[lien de l'image]({image})")
embed.set_image(url = image)
if fromSlash != True:
await ctx.message.add_reaction(emoji = '✅')
await ctx.send(embed = embed)
elif map.lower() in self._map_list_among_us("airship"):
image = ""
embed = discord.Embed(title = f"Map Airship d'Among Us", color = discord.Colour.random(), description = f"[lien de l'image]({image})")
embed.set_image(url = image)
if fromSlash != True:
await ctx.message.add_reaction(emoji = '✅')
await ctx.send(embed = embed)
await ctx.send(f"`{ctx.prefix}amongus <mira/polus/skeld/airship>`")
@commands.command(name='among', hidden = True)
async def _among(self, ctx, *, args = ""):
"""Raccourci à la commande amongus"""
if not args == "":
args = args.split()
del args[0]
@ -212,40 +304,29 @@ class Utils(commands.Cog):
await ctx.invoke(self.client.get_command("amongus"))
await ctx.message.add_reaction(emoji = '❓')
async def _amongus(self, ctx, *, map = "0"):
"""Affiche la carte voulue d'Among Us.\n ➡ Syntaxe: {PREFIX}amongus <carte>"""
if map.lower() in self._map_list_among_us("mira"):
image = ""
embed = discord.Embed(title = f"Map Mira HQ d'Among Us", color = discord.Colour.random(), description = f"[lien de l'image]({image})")
embed.set_image(url = image)
await ctx.send(embed = embed)
await ctx.message.add_reaction(emoji = '✅')
elif map.lower() in self._map_list_among_us("polus"):
image = ""
embed = discord.Embed(title = f"Map Polus d'Among Us", color = discord.Colour.random(), description = f"[lien de l'image]({image})")
embed.set_image(url = image)
await ctx.send(embed = embed)
await ctx.message.add_reaction(emoji = '✅')
elif map.lower() in self._map_list_among_us("skeld"):
image = ""
embed = discord.Embed(title = f"Map The Skeld d'Among Us", color = discord.Colour.random(), description = f"[lien de l'image]({image})")
embed.set_image(url = image)
await ctx.send(embed = embed)
await ctx.message.add_reaction(emoji = '✅')
elif map.lower() in self._map_list_among_us("airship"):
image = ""
embed = discord.Embed(title = f"Map Airship d'Among Us", color = discord.Colour.random(), description = f"[lien de l'image]({image})")
embed.set_image(url = image)
await ctx.send(embed = embed)
await ctx.message.add_reaction(emoji = '✅')
await ctx.send(f"`{ctx.prefix}amongus <mira/polus/skeld/airship>`")
def _map_list_among_us(self, map):
"""Sélecteur de map pour la commande amongus"""
maps = {}
maps["skeld"] = ["skeld", "the skeld", "theskeld"]
maps["mira"] = ["mira", "mira hq", "mirahq"]
maps["polus"] = ["polus"]
maps["airship"] = ["airship", "air ship"]
if map == "all":
return maps["skeld"] + maps["mira"] + maps["polus"] + maps["airship"]
return maps[map]
@cog_ext.cog_slash(name="amongus", description = "Affiche la carte voulue d'Among Us.")
async def __amongus(self, ctx, map):
return await self._amongus(ctx, map, True)
async def _whois(self, ctx, *user: discord.Member):
"""Affiche les infos sur l'utilisateur.\n ➡ Syntaxe: {PREFIX}whois [user]"""
fromSlash = False
if len(user) > 0:
if user[-1] == True:
fromSlash = user[-1]
user = user[:-1]
if len(user) <= 1:
if user == ():
user = []
@ -267,9 +348,17 @@ class Utils(commands.Cog):
embed.add_field(name = "Serveur rejoint le", value = f"{value[0][8:]}/{value[0][5:-3]}/{value[0][:4]} à {value[1]}")
embed.add_field(name = "Est sur le serveur depuis", value = self._ageLayout(self._get_age(user[0].joined_at)))
await ctx.message.add_reaction(emoji = '✅')
if fromSlash != True:
await ctx.message.add_reaction(emoji = '✅')
return await ctx.send(embed = embed)
return await ctx.send(f"Tu mentionnes trop d'utilisateurs : `{ctx.prefix}whois [@Membre]`")
@cog_ext.cog_slash(name="whois", description = "Affiche les infos sur l'utilisateur.")
async def __whois(self, ctx, user: discord.Member = None):
ctx.prefix = "/" # pas sûr que ce soit utile
if user == None:
return await self._whois(ctx, True)
return await self._whois(ctx, user, True)
def _get_age(self, date):
joursRestants = - date
@ -358,6 +447,12 @@ class Utils(commands.Cog):
async def _sondage(self, ctx, *args):
"""Fais un sondage.\n ➡ Syntaxe: {PREFIX}sondage "<Question>" "<Proposition1>" "<Proposition...>" "<Proposition20>" """
fromSlash = False
if len(args) > 0:
if args[-1] == True:
fromSlash = args[-1]
args = args[:-1]
args = list(args)
if len(args) > 2:
question = args[0]
@ -390,15 +485,27 @@ class Utils(commands.Cog):
sondage = await ctx.send(embed = embed)
for i in range(len(args[1:])):
await sondage.add_reaction(emoji = emojis_chosen[i])
return await ctx.message.add_reaction(emoji = '✅')
if fromSlash != True:
return await ctx.message.add_reaction(emoji = '✅')
return await ctx.send(f"Désolé, mais tu as mis trop de possibilités (maximum : 20)")
return await ctx.send(f'Désolé, mais il manque des arguments : `{ctx.prefix}sondage "<Question>" "<Proposition1>" "<Proposition...>" "<Proposition20>"`')
@cog_ext.cog_slash(name="sondage", description = "Fais un sondage.")
async def __sondage(self, ctx, args):
ctx.prefix = "/"
args = shlex.split(args)
return await self._sondage(ctx, *args, True)
@commands.command(name='avis', aliases=['vote'])
async def _avis(self, ctx, *args):
"""Demande un avis.\n ➡ Syntaxe: {PREFIX}avis/vote "[Titre]" "<Demande>" """
fromSlash = False
if len(args) > 0:
if args[-1] == True:
fromSlash = args[-1]
args = args[:-1]
args = list(args)
if len(args) > 2 or len(args) == 0:
return await ctx.send("Désolé, la syntaxe est mauvaise.")
@ -415,11 +522,26 @@ class Utils(commands.Cog):
reactions = ['✅', '🤷', '❌']
for i in reactions:
await message.add_reaction(emoji = i)
return await ctx.message.delete()
if fromSlash != True:
return await ctx.message.delete()
@cog_ext.cog_slash(name="avis", description = "Demande un avis.")
async def __avis(self, ctx, args):
args = shlex.split(args)
return await self._avis(ctx, *args, True)
@commands.command(name='reminder', aliases=["remind", "remindme"])
async def _reminder(self, ctx, time, *, reminder):
async def _reminder(self, ctx, time, *reminder):
"""Met en place un rappel.\n ➡ Syntaxe: {PREFIX}reminder/remind/remindme <temps (d/h/m/s)>[@] <message> """
fromSlash = False
if len(reminder) > 0:
if reminder[-1] == True:
fromSlash = reminder[-1]
reminder = reminder[:-1]
if len(reminder) > 0:
reminder = " ".join(reminder)
reminder = None
embed = discord.Embed(color = 0xC41B1B)
seconds = 0
timestamp = datetime.utcnow()
@ -459,7 +581,8 @@ class Utils(commands.Cog):
for i in mentionList:
message += f" {i}"
await ctx.message.add_reaction(emoji = '✅')
if fromSlash != True:
await ctx.message.add_reaction(emoji = '✅')
finalEmbed = discord.Embed(description = self._cleanCodeStringWithMentionAndURLs(reminder), timestamp = timestamp, color = discord.Colour.random())
@ -476,3 +599,6 @@ class Utils(commands.Cog):
embed.add_field(name="Attention", value="Mauvaise syntaxe : reminder <temps> <message>")
await ctx.send(embed = embed)
@cog_ext.cog_slash(name="reminder", description = "Met en place un rappel.")
async def __reminder(self, ctx, time, reminder):
return await self._reminder(ctx, time, reminder, True)
Reference in a new issue