passage des methodes non asynchrone dans un fichier extene "core"
This commit is contained in:
7 changed files with 189 additions and 191 deletions
@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ from random import choice
from datetime import datetime
from pytz import timezone
customTimezone = os.environ['TIMEZONE']
from utils.core import goodTimezone, userOrNick
def setup(client):
@ -91,25 +92,13 @@ class ConfrerieDuKassoulait(commands.Cog):
channel = self.client.get_channel(742588187456831659)
embed = discord.Embed(description = f"{message.content}")
embed.set_author(name = self.user_or_nick(, icon_url =
embed.set_author(name = userOrNick(, icon_url =
if not user_suppressed:
embed.set_footer(text = f"Channel: #{} | Date : {self.goodTimezone(message.created_at, 1)}\nSupprimé le {'%d/%m/%Y à %H:%M:%S')}")
embed.set_footer(text = f"Channel: #{} | Date : {goodTimezone(message.created_at, 1, customTimezone)}\nSupprimé le {'%d/%m/%Y à %H:%M:%S')}")
embed.set_footer(icon_url = user_suppressed.avatar_url, text = f"Channel: #{} | Date : {self.goodTimezone(message.created_at, 1)}\nSupprimé par {self.user_or_nick(user_suppressed)} le {'%d/%m/%Y à %H:%M:%S')}")
embed.set_footer(icon_url = user_suppressed.avatar_url, text = f"Channel: #{} | Date : {goodTimezone(message.created_at, 1, customTimezone)}\nSupprimé par {userOrNick(user_suppressed)} le {'%d/%m/%Y à %H:%M:%S')}")
await channel.send(embed = embed)
# ne fonctionne pas quand un message a été supprimé avant que le bot ai démarré
# info sur la personne qui a supprimé ne fonctionne pas si il a supprimé un message auparavant (les logs se rajoute a un log deja existant)
def user_or_nick(user):
if user.nick:
return f"{user.nick} ({}#{user.discriminator})"
return f"{}#{user.discriminator}"
def goodTimezone(self, date, type):
if type == 0:
return str(timezone(customTimezone).fromutc(date))[:-13].replace('-', '/').split()
elif type == 1:
return str(timezone(customTimezone).fromutc(date))[:-13].replace('-', '/').replace(' ', ' à ')
@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ from discord.ext import commands
from random import randint, choice
from datetime import timedelta
from discord_slash import cog_ext
from utils.core import retirerDoublons
def setup(client):
@ -84,8 +85,8 @@ class Fun(commands.Cog):
user2 = list(users[1].nick)
user2 = list(users[1].name)
user1_CALC = self._retirerDoublons([x.lower() for x in user1])
user2_CALC = self._retirerDoublons([x.lower() for x in user2])
user1_CALC = retirerDoublons([x.lower() for x in user1])
user2_CALC = retirerDoublons([x.lower() for x in user2])
coef_amour = 0
if len(user1_CALC) > len(user2_CALC):
taille_du_pls_grand = len(user1_CALC)
@ -107,12 +108,6 @@ class Fun(commands.Cog):
if fromSlash != True:
await ctx.message.add_reaction(emoji = '❌')
await ctx.send(f"Erreur! Syntaxe : `{ctx.prefix}love <User1> [User2]`\n")
def _retirerDoublons(self, liste):
Newliste = []
for element in liste:
if element not in Newliste:
return Newliste
async def _love_error(self, ctx, error):
await ctx.send(str(error).replace('Member "', "Le membre **").replace('" not found', "** n'as pas été trouvé."))
@ -1,13 +1,11 @@
import discord
import json
import requests
import time
import feedparser
import os
from discord.ext import commands
from random import choice
from asyncpraw import Reddit
from discord_slash import cog_ext
from utils.core import randomImage
def setup(client):
@ -88,25 +86,6 @@ class Internet(commands.Cog):
return await self._memes(ctx, subreddit, True)
def _random_image(self, link):
temps_requete = int(round(time.time() * 1000))
request_data = requests.get(link)
except Exception as e:
raise Exception(f"Une erreur s'est produite lors de la tentative de demande de l'API {link} : {e}")
if not request_data.status_code == 200:
raise Exception(f"Code HTTP {request_data.status_code} au lieu de HTTP 200 à l'appel de {link} : {request_data.text}")
json_data = json.loads(request_data.text)
except Exception as e:
raise Exception(f"Erreur lors de la transformation les données de {link} en json : {e}")
temps_requete = int(round(time.time() * 1000)) - temps_requete
return (json_data, temps_requete)
@commands.command(name='cat', aliases = ['chat'])
async def _cat(self, ctx, fromSlash = False):
"""Te montre un magnifique chat\n ➡ Syntaxe: {PREFIX}cat/chat"""
@ -116,7 +95,7 @@ class Internet(commands.Cog):
name = f"{}"
embed = discord.Embed(title = f"Poticha pour {name}", colour = discord.Colour.random())
cat = self._random_image("")
cat = randomImage("")
embed.set_image(url = cat[0]['file'])
embed.set_footer(text = f" a pris {cat[1]} ms.")
if fromSlash != True:
@ -136,7 +115,7 @@ class Internet(commands.Cog):
name = f"{}"
embed = discord.Embed(title = f"Potichien pour {name}", colour = discord.Colour.random())
dog = self._random_image("")
dog = randomImage("")
embed.set_image(url = dog[0]['message'])
embed.set_footer(text = f" a pris {dog[1]} ms.")
if fromSlash != True:
@ -157,7 +136,7 @@ class Internet(commands.Cog):
choice_of_nsfw = choice(liste_hot)
embed = discord.Embed(title = f"{choice_of_nsfw.capitalize()} pour {}", colour = discord.Colour.random())
nsfw = self._random_image(f'http://api.o{choice_of_nsfw}.ru/noise/')
nsfw = randomImage(f'http://api.o{choice_of_nsfw}.ru/noise/')
embed.set_image(url = f"http://media.o{choice_of_nsfw}.ru/{nsfw[0][0]['preview']}")
embed.set_footer(text = f"o{choice_of_nsfw}.ru a pris {nsfw[1]} ms.")
await ctx.message.add_reaction(emoji = '✅')
@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ import lyricsgenius
import time
import os
genius = lyricsgenius.Genius(os.environ['TOKEN_GENIUS'])
from utils.core import ligneFormatage, userOrNick
# Silence useless bug reports messages
youtube_dl.utils.bug_reports_message = lambda: ''
@ -518,7 +519,7 @@ class Music(commands.Cog):
type_de_comptage = "\n"
for ligne in paroles.split(type_de_comptage):
if len(f"{lignetotal}{type_de_comptage}{ligne}") < 1900:
lignetotal = f"{lignetotal}{type_de_comptage}{self.ligne_formatage(ligne)}"
lignetotal = f"{lignetotal}{type_de_comptage}{ligneFormatage(ligne)}"
if premierembed == True:
premierembed = False
@ -528,10 +529,10 @@ class Music(commands.Cog):
embed = discord.Embed(description = lignetotal, color = couleur_embed)
await ctx.send(embed = embed)
lignetotal = f"{self.ligne_formatage(ligne)}"
lignetotal = f"{ligneFormatage(ligne)}"
temps_requete = int(round(time.time() * 1000)) - temps_requete
footer_embed = f"Pour {self.user_or_nick(} par Genius en {round(temps_requete / 1000, 2)} s."
footer_embed = f"Pour {userOrNick(} par Genius en {round(temps_requete / 1000, 2)} s."
await ctx.message.add_reaction(emoji = '✅')
if premierembed == True:
premierembed = False
@ -545,19 +546,6 @@ class Music(commands.Cog):
await ctx.message.add_reaction(emoji = '❌')
await ctx.send(f"Aucune musique demandé... `{ctx.prefix}lyrics/l/lyrics <song>`.")
def ligne_formatage(self, ligne):
liste_balise = [
('[Hook', '[Accroche'), ('[Verse', '[Couplet'), ('[Chorus', '[Chœur'),
('[Bridge', '[Pont'),('[Pre-Chorus', '[Pré-chœur'), ('[Post-Chorus', '[Post-chœur')
for balises in liste_balise:
ligne = ligne.replace(balises[0], balises[1])
return ligne
def user_or_nick(self, user):
if user.nick:
return f"{user.nick} ({}#{user.discriminator})"
return f"{}#{user.discriminator}"
@commands.command(name='lyricsromanized', aliases = ['lr', 'lyricromanized'], hidden = True)
async def _lyricsromanized(self, ctx, *, song: str = None):
@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ from datetime import datetime
from pytz import timezone
from discord_slash import cog_ext
import shlex
from utils.core import map_list_among_us, get_age, getURLsInString, getMentionInString, cleanCodeStringWithMentionAndURLs, cleanUser, userOrNick, ageLayout
def setup(client):
@ -21,7 +22,6 @@ class Utils(commands.Cog):
self.client = client
self.customTimezone = os.environ['TIMEZONE']
async def _ping(self, ctx, *, question = '0'):
"""Affiche mon ping.\n ➡ Syntaxe: {PREFIX}ping [help]"""
@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ class Utils(commands.Cog):
equation = f"'{equation}' arrondi à 2"
equation = equation.replace('*', '×').replace('/', '÷').replace('>=', '≥').replace('<=', '≤')
embed = discord.Embed(color = discord.Colour.random(), title = 'Calculatrice')
embed.set_footer(text = self._userOrNick(, icon_url =
embed.set_footer(text = userOrNick(, icon_url =
embed.add_field(name = 'Calcul :', value = equation, inline = False)
embed.add_field(name = 'Réponse :', value = answer.replace('False', 'Faux').replace('True', 'Vrai'), inline = False)
@ -265,28 +265,28 @@ class Utils(commands.Cog):
map = "0"
if map.lower() in self._map_list_among_us("mira"):
if map.lower() in map_list_among_us("mira"):
image = ""
embed = discord.Embed(title = f"Map Mira HQ d'Among Us", color = discord.Colour.random(), description = f"[lien de l'image]({image})")
embed.set_image(url = image)
if fromSlash != True:
await ctx.message.add_reaction(emoji = '✅')
await ctx.send(embed = embed)
elif map.lower() in self._map_list_among_us("polus"):
elif map.lower() in map_list_among_us("polus"):
image = ""
embed = discord.Embed(title = f"Map Polus d'Among Us", color = discord.Colour.random(), description = f"[lien de l'image]({image})")
embed.set_image(url = image)
if fromSlash != True:
await ctx.message.add_reaction(emoji = '✅')
await ctx.send(embed = embed)
elif map.lower() in self._map_list_among_us("skeld"):
elif map.lower() in map_list_among_us("skeld"):
image = ""
embed = discord.Embed(title = f"Map The Skeld d'Among Us", color = discord.Colour.random(), description = f"[lien de l'image]({image})")
embed.set_image(url = image)
if fromSlash != True:
await ctx.message.add_reaction(emoji = '✅')
await ctx.send(embed = embed)
elif map.lower() in self._map_list_among_us("airship"):
elif map.lower() in map_list_among_us("airship"):
image = ""
embed = discord.Embed(title = f"Map Airship d'Among Us", color = discord.Colour.random(), description = f"[lien de l'image]({image})")
embed.set_image(url = image)
@ -302,22 +302,12 @@ class Utils(commands.Cog):
args = args.split()
del args[0]
args = " ".join(args)
if args.lower() in self._map_list_among_us("all"):
if args.lower() in map_list_among_us("all"):
await ctx.invoke(self.client.get_command("amongus"), map=args)
await ctx.invoke(self.client.get_command("amongus"))
await ctx.message.add_reaction(emoji = '❓')
def _map_list_among_us(self, map):
"""Sélecteur de map pour la commande amongus"""
maps = {}
maps["skeld"] = ["skeld", "the skeld", "theskeld"]
maps["mira"] = ["mira", "mira hq", "mirahq"]
maps["polus"] = ["polus"]
maps["airship"] = ["airship", "air ship"]
if map == "all":
return maps["skeld"] + maps["mira"] + maps["polus"] + maps["airship"]
return maps[map]
@cog_ext.cog_slash(name="amongus", description = "Affiche la carte voulue d'Among Us.")
async def __amongus(self, ctx, map):
return await self._amongus(ctx, map, True)
@ -344,14 +334,14 @@ class Utils(commands.Cog):
value = str(user[0].created_at.astimezone(timezone(self.customTimezone)))[:-13].replace('-', '/').split()
embed.add_field(name = "Compte créé le", value = f"{value[0][8:]}/{value[0][5:-3]}/{value[0][:4]} à {value[1]}")
embed.add_field(name = "Âge du compte", value = self._ageLayout(self._get_age(user[0].created_at)))
embed.add_field(name = "Âge du compte", value = ageLayout(get_age(user[0].created_at)))
embed.add_field(name = "Mention", value = user[0].mention)
value = str(user[0].joined_at.astimezone(timezone(self.customTimezone)))[:-13].replace('-', '/').split()
embed.add_field(name = "Serveur rejoint le", value = f"{value[0][8:]}/{value[0][5:-3]}/{value[0][:4]} à {value[1]}")
embed.add_field(name = "Est sur le serveur depuis", value = self._ageLayout(self._get_age(user[0].joined_at)))
embed.add_field(name = "Est sur le serveur depuis", value = ageLayout(get_age(user[0].joined_at)))
if fromSlash != True:
await ctx.message.add_reaction(emoji = '✅')
return await ctx.send(embed = embed)
@ -364,90 +354,6 @@ class Utils(commands.Cog):
return await self._whois(ctx, user, True)
def _get_age(self, date):
joursRestants = - date
years = joursRestants.total_seconds() / (365.242 * 24 * 3600)
months = (years - int(years)) * 12
days = (months - int(months)) * (365.242 / 12)
hours = (days - int(days)) * 24
minutes = (hours - int(hours)) * 60
seconds = (minutes - int(minutes)) * 60
return (int(years), int(months), int(days), int(hours), int(minutes), int(seconds))
def _ageLayout(self, tuple):
time = {}
time[0], time[1], time[2], time[3], time[4], time[5] = "an", "mois", "jour", "heure", "minute", "seconde"
for i in range(len(tuple)):
if tuple[i] > 1 and i != 1:
time[i] = time[i] + "s"
message = ""
if tuple[5] > 0: # pour les secondes
affichage = [5] # on affiche que : seconde
if tuple[4] > 0:
affichage = [4, 5] # on affiche : minute + seconde
if tuple[3] > 0:
affichage = [3, 4, 5] # on affiche : heure + minute + seconde
if tuple[2] > 0:
affichage = [2, 3, 4] # on affiche : jour + heure + minute
if tuple[1] > 0:
affichage = [1, 2, 3] # on affiche : mois + jour + heure
if tuple[0] > 0:
affichage = [0, 1, 3] # on affiche : an + mois + heure
for i in affichage:
message = message + f", {tuple[i]} {time[i]}"
return message[2:]
def _userOrNick(self, user):
if user == None:
return "Utilisateur inconnu" # Mauvais copié/collé -> changement d'ID
if user.nick:
return f"{user.nick} ({}#{user.discriminator})"
return f"{}#{user.discriminator}"
def _cleanUser(self, ctx, stringMessage, stringID):
stringMessage = stringMessage.replace("<@!", "").replace(">", "").replace("<@", "")
associatedID = self._userOrNick(
stringMessage = stringMessage.replace(stringID, associatedID)
return stringMessage
def _cleanCodeStringWithMentionAndURLs(self, string):
string = f"`{self._removeStartEndSpacesString(string)}`"
findedMention = self._getMentionInString(string)
for i in range(0, len(findedMention)):
string = string.replace(findedMention[i], f"`{findedMention[i]}`") # conserve la mention dans le message
if string.startswith("``<@"): # conserve le format quand mention au début de la string
string = string[2:]
if string.endswith(">``"): # conserve le format quand mention à la fin de la string
string = string[:-2]
string = string.replace("``", "") # conserve le format quand deux mentions sont collés
return string
def _getMentionInString(self, string):
findedMention = []
for findingMention in re.findall(r'<@[!]?\d*>', string): # récupération mention dans le string
findedMention = list(dict.fromkeys(findedMention)) # suppression doublon de mention dans la liste
return findedMention
def _getURLsInString(self, string):
findedURLs = []
for findingMention in re.findall(r'http[s]?://(?:[a-zA-Z]|[0-9]|[$-_@.&+]|[!*\(\),]|(?:%[0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F]))+', string): # récupération URLs dans le string
return findedURLs
def _removeStartEndSpacesString(self, string):
while string.startswith(" "):
string = string[1:]
while string.endswith(" "):
string = string[:-1]
return string
async def _sondage(self, ctx, *args):
"""Fais un sondage.\n ➡ Syntaxe: {PREFIX}sondage "<Question>" "<Proposition1>" "<Proposition...>" "<Proposition20>" """
@ -461,7 +367,7 @@ class Utils(commands.Cog):
if len(args) > 2:
question = args[0]
for i in re.findall(r'\d+', question):
question = self._cleanUser(ctx, question, i)
question = cleanUser(ctx, question, i)
propositions = args[1:]
if len(propositions) <= 20:
message = ""
@ -485,7 +391,7 @@ class Utils(commands.Cog):
for i in range(len(args[1:])):
message += f"{emojis_chosen[i]} -> {propositions[i]}\n"
embed = discord.Embed(title = question, description = message, color = discord.Colour.random()).set_footer(text = f"Sondage de {self._userOrNick(}", icon_url =
embed = discord.Embed(title = question, description = message, color = discord.Colour.random()).set_footer(text = f"Sondage de {userOrNick(}", icon_url =
sondage = await ctx.send(embed = embed)
for i in range(len(args[1:])):
await sondage.add_reaction(emoji = emojis_chosen[i])
@ -519,9 +425,9 @@ class Utils(commands.Cog):
else: # si titre défini
titre = args[0]
for findedId in re.findall(r'\d+', titre): # récupération mention dans titre
titre = self._cleanUser(ctx, titre, findedId)
titre = cleanUser(ctx, titre, findedId)
args = args[1:]
embed = discord.Embed(title = titre, description = self._cleanCodeStringWithMentionAndURLs(args[0]), color = discord.Colour.random()).set_footer(text = f"Sondage de {self._userOrNick(}", icon_url =
embed = discord.Embed(title = titre, description = cleanCodeStringWithMentionAndURLs(args[0]), color = discord.Colour.random()).set_footer(text = f"Sondage de {userOrNick(}", icon_url =
message = await ctx.send(embed = embed)
reactions = ['✅', '🤷', '❌']
for i in reactions:
@ -581,7 +487,7 @@ class Utils(commands.Cog):
await asyncio.sleep(seconds)
message =
if mention:
mentionList = self._getMentionInString(reminder)
mentionList = getMentionInString(reminder)
for i in mentionList:
message += f" {i}"
@ -589,11 +495,11 @@ class Utils(commands.Cog):
await ctx.message.add_reaction(emoji = '✅')
finalEmbed = discord.Embed(description = self._cleanCodeStringWithMentionAndURLs(reminder), timestamp = timestamp, color = discord.Colour.random())
finalEmbed = discord.Embed(description = cleanCodeStringWithMentionAndURLs(reminder), timestamp = timestamp, color = discord.Colour.random())
finalEmbed.set_footer(text=f"Message d'il y a {counter}")
links = ""
findedURLs = self._getURLsInString(reminder)
findedURLs = getURLsInString(reminder)
for i in range(0, len(findedURLs)):
links += f"[Lien {i + 1}]({findedURLs[i]}) · "
if len(findedURLs) > 0:
@ -5,9 +5,9 @@ import re
import os
from discord_slash import SlashCommand
from discord.ext import commands
from pytz import timezone
customPrefix = os.environ['PREFIX']
customTimezone = os.environ['TIMEZONE']
from utils.core import userOrNick, goodTimezone
client = commands.Bot(command_prefix = customPrefix, case_insensitive = True, intents = discord.Intents.all())
slash = SlashCommand(client, sync_commands = True)
@ -104,18 +104,18 @@ async def on_message(message):
embed.set_author(name = "Citation", icon_url =
icon_url =
date_1 = goodTimezone(msgID.created_at, 0)
date_1 = goodTimezone(msgID.created_at, 0, customTimezone)
edit = ""
if msgID.edited_at:
date_edit = goodTimezone(msgID.edited_at, 0)
date_edit = goodTimezone(msgID.edited_at, 0, customTimezone)
edit = f" et modifié le {date_edit[0][8:]}/{date_edit[0][5:-3]}/{date_edit[0][:4]} à {date_edit[1]}"
messageDuBas = f"Posté le {date_1[0][8:]}/{date_1[0][5:-3]}/{date_1[0][:4]} à {date_1[1]}{edit}"
date_2 = goodTimezone(message.created_at, 0)
date_2 = goodTimezone(message.created_at, 0, customTimezone)
date_2 = f"{date_2[0][8:]}/{date_2[0][5:-3]}/{date_2[0][:4]} à {date_2[1]}"
if auteur == "Auteur":
messageDuBas = messageDuBas + f"\nCité par {user_or_nick(} le {date_2}"
messageDuBas = messageDuBas + f"\nCité par {userOrNick(} le {date_2}"
embed.set_footer(icon_url = icon_url, text = messageDuBas)
if message.content == linkURL.replace(' ',''):
await = embed)
@ -127,17 +127,5 @@ async def on_message(message):
if not "invalid literal for int() with base 10:" in e or not "404 Not Found (error code: 10008)" in e: # faute de frappe / message supprimé
def user_or_nick(user):
if user.nick:
return f"{user.nick} ({}#{user.discriminator})"
return f"{}#{user.discriminator}"
def goodTimezone(date, type):
if type == 0:
return str(timezone(customTimezone).fromutc(date))[:-13].replace('-', '/').split()
elif type == 1:
return str(timezone(customTimezone).fromutc(date))[:-13].replace('-', '/').replace(' ', ' à ')
print("Connexion à Discord...", end = " ")
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
import re
import json
import requests
import time
from pytz import timezone
from datetime import datetime
def goodTimezone(date, type, tz):
"""renvoie une date en fonction d'un timezone"""
if type == 0:
return str(timezone(tz).fromutc(date))[:-13].replace('-', '/').split()
elif type == 1:
return str(timezone(tz).fromutc(date))[:-13].replace('-', '/').replace(' ', ' à ')
def map_list_among_us(map):
"""Sélecteur de map pour la commande amongus"""
maps = {}
maps["skeld"] = ["skeld", "the skeld", "theskeld"]
maps["mira"] = ["mira", "mira hq", "mirahq"]
maps["polus"] = ["polus"]
maps["airship"] = ["airship", "air ship"]
if map == "all":
return maps["skeld"] + maps["mira"] + maps["polus"] + maps["airship"]
return maps[map]
def get_age(date):
"""Recupère un age précisément à la seconde près"""
joursRestants = - date
years = joursRestants.total_seconds() / (365.242 * 24 * 3600)
months = (years - int(years)) * 12
days = (months - int(months)) * (365.242 / 12)
hours = (days - int(days)) * 24
minutes = (hours - int(hours)) * 60
seconds = (minutes - int(minutes)) * 60
return (int(years), int(months), int(days), int(hours), int(minutes), int(seconds))
def ageLayout(tuple):
"""avec la méthode 'get_age', permet de mettre en forme un âge"""
time = {}
time[0], time[1], time[2], time[3], time[4], time[5] = "an", "mois", "jour", "heure", "minute", "seconde"
for i in range(len(tuple)):
if tuple[i] > 1 and i != 1:
time[i] = time[i] + "s"
message = ""
if tuple[5] > 0: # pour les secondes
affichage = [5] # on affiche que : seconde
if tuple[4] > 0:
affichage = [4, 5] # on affiche : minute + seconde
if tuple[3] > 0:
affichage = [3, 4, 5] # on affiche : heure + minute + seconde
if tuple[2] > 0:
affichage = [2, 3, 4] # on affiche : jour + heure + minute
if tuple[1] > 0:
affichage = [1, 2, 3] # on affiche : mois + jour + heure
if tuple[0] > 0:
affichage = [0, 1, 3] # on affiche : an + mois + heure
for i in affichage:
message = message + f", {tuple[i]} {time[i]}"
return message[2:]
def userOrNick(user):
"""Affiche le pseudo et/ou le surnom"""
if user == None:
return "Utilisateur inconnu" # Mauvais copié/collé -> changement d'ID
if user.nick:
return f"{user.nick} ({}#{user.discriminator})"
return f"{}#{user.discriminator}"
def cleanUser(ctx, stringMessage, stringID):
"""récupère l'utilisateur avec son id"""
stringMessage = stringMessage.replace("<@!", "").replace(">", "").replace("<@", "") # améliorer ça avec du regex
associatedID = userOrNick(
stringMessage = stringMessage.replace(stringID, associatedID)
return stringMessage
def cleanCodeStringWithMentionAndURLs(string):
"""formate un string avec des ` tout en gardant les mention et les liens"""
string = f"`{removeStartEndSpacesString(string)}`"
findedMention = getMentionInString(string)
for i in range(0, len(findedMention)):
string = string.replace(findedMention[i], f"`{findedMention[i]}`") # conserve la mention dans le message
if string.startswith("``<@"): # conserve le format quand mention au début de la string
string = string[2:]
if string.endswith(">``"): # conserve le format quand mention à la fin de la string
string = string[:-2]
string = string.replace("``", "") # conserve le format quand deux mentions sont collés
return string
def getMentionInString(string):
"""récupère les mentions dans un string"""
findedMention = []
for findingMention in re.findall(r'<@[!]?\d*>', string): # récupération mention dans le string
findedMention = list(dict.fromkeys(findedMention)) # suppression doublon de mention dans la liste
return findedMention
def getURLsInString(string):
"""récupère les liens dans un string"""
findedURLs = []
for findingMention in re.findall(r'http[s]?://(?:[a-zA-Z]|[0-9]|[$-_@.&+]|[!*\(\),]|(?:%[0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F]))+', string): # récupération URLs dans le string
return findedURLs
def removeStartEndSpacesString(string):
"""Retire les espaces en trop au début et à la fin d'un string"""
while string.startswith(" "):
string = string[1:]
while string.endswith(" "):
string = string[:-1]
return string
def randomImage(link):
"""Récupération d'une image aléatoirement"""
temps_requete = int(round(time.time() * 1000))
request_data = requests.get(link)
except Exception as e:
raise Exception(f"Une erreur s'est produite lors de la tentative de demande de l'API {link} : {e}")
if not request_data.status_code == 200:
raise Exception(f"Code HTTP {request_data.status_code} au lieu de HTTP 200 à l'appel de {link} : {request_data.text}")
json_data = json.loads(request_data.text)
except Exception as e:
raise Exception(f"Erreur lors de la transformation les données de {link} en json : {e}")
temps_requete = int(round(time.time() * 1000)) - temps_requete
return (json_data, temps_requete)
def retirerDoublons(liste):
"""Supprime les doublons d'une liste"""
Newliste = []
for element in liste:
if element not in Newliste:
return Newliste
def ligneFormatage(ligne):
"""Traduit en français les balises dans les lyrics d'une chanson"""
liste_balise = [
('[Hook', '[Accroche'), ('[Verse', '[Couplet'), ('[Chorus', '[Chœur'),
('[Bridge', '[Pont'),('[Pre-Chorus', '[Pré-chœur'), ('[Post-Chorus', '[Post-chœur')
for balises in liste_balise:
ligne = ligne.replace(balises[0], balises[1])
return ligne
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