déplacement méthode en rapport avec le temps dans un fichier a part

This commit is contained in:
Mylloon 2021-06-07 21:33:20 +02:00
parent 4440372dbb
commit acc8da8be3
5 changed files with 135 additions and 126 deletions

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@ -3,7 +3,8 @@ import re
import os
from discord.ext import commands
customTimezone = os.environ['TIMEZONE']
from utils.core import goodTimezone, userOrNick
from utils.core import userOrNick
from utils.time import goodTimezone
def setup(client):

View file

@ -6,7 +6,8 @@ from random import choice
from datetime import datetime
from pytz import timezone
customTimezone = os.environ['TIMEZONE']
from utils.core import goodTimezone, userOrNick
from utils.core import userOrNick
from utils.time import goodTimezone
from cogs.internet import Internet
def setup(client):

View file

@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
import discord
import time
import os
import re
from discord.ext import commands, tasks
@ -8,9 +7,9 @@ from datetime import datetime
from pytz import timezone
from discord_slash import cog_ext
from utils.reminder import Reminder
from utils.core import map_list_among_us, get_age, getURLsInString, getMentionInString, cleanCodeStringWithMentionAndURLs
from utils.core import cleanUser, userOrNick, ageLayout, stringTempsVersSecondes, timedeltaToString, intToTimestamp, nowTimestampUTC
from utils.core import timestampFR
from utils.core import map_list_among_us, getURLsInString, getMentionInString, cleanCodeStringWithMentionAndURLs
from utils.core import cleanUser, userOrNick
from utils.time import stringTempsVersSecondes, nowUTC, intToDatetime, timedeltaToString, timestampScreen, getAge, ageLayout, nowCustom
def setup(client):
@ -36,22 +35,22 @@ class Utils(commands.Cog):
arg = None
if arg == 'help':
return await ctx.send(embed = discord.Embed(color = discord.Colour.random(), description = ":hourglass: correspond au temps entre deux battements de cœurs\n\n:stopwatch: correspond au temps que met le client a calculer le ping\n\n:heartbeat: correspond au temps que met le client a réagir au messages"))
return await ctx.send(embed = discord.Embed(color = discord.Colour.random(), description = ":hourglass: correspond au temps entre deux battements de cœurs\n\n:heartbeat: correspond au temps que met le client a réagir au messages (0 est normal lors de l'utilisation d'une commande slash)\n\n:stopwatch: correspond au temps que met le client a calculer le ping"))
now = int(round(time.time() * 1000))
now = int(round(nowCustom() * 1000))
if fromSlash != True:
ping = now - int(round(ctx.message.created_at.timestamp() * 1000))
ping = now - int(round(ctx.slash_created_at * 1000))
embed = discord.Embed(description = 'Pinging...')
message = await ctx.send(embed = embed)
ping2 = int(round(time.time() * 1000)) - now
await message.edit(embed = discord.Embed(color = discord.Colour.random(), description = f':hourglass: {round(self.client.latency * 1000)} ms\n\n:stopwatch: {ping2} ms\n\n:heartbeat: {ping} ms'))
ping2 = int(round(nowCustom() * 1000)) - now
await message.edit(embed = discord.Embed(color = discord.Colour.random(), description = f':hourglass: {round(self.client.latency * 1000)} ms\n\n:heartbeat: {ping} ms\n\n:stopwatch: {ping2} ms'))
if fromSlash != True:
await ctx.message.add_reaction(emoji = '')
@cog_ext.cog_slash(name="ping", description = "Affiche mon ping, mettre 'help' en argument pour connaître à quoi correspond les données.")
async def __ping(self, ctx, arg = None):
ctx.slash_created_at = int(datetime.now(timezone(self.customTimezone)).timestamp())
ctx.slash_created_at = nowCustom()
if arg == None:
return await self._ping(ctx, True)
@ -227,7 +226,7 @@ class Utils(commands.Cog):
await ctx.message.delete()
embed = discord.Embed(description = text, color = discord.Colour.random())
embed.set_author(name = f"Mémo noté depuis {ctx.guild.name}", icon_url = ctx.author.avatar_url)
embed.set_footer(text = f'📝 le {datetime.now(timezone(self.customTimezone)).strftime("%d/%m/%Y à %H:%M:%S")}')
embed.set_footer(text = f'📝 le {timestampScreen(intToDatetime(nowUTC()))}')
await ctx.author.send(embed = embed)
return await ctx.send("Tu viens de recevoir ton mémo !", delete_after = 5)
@ -368,14 +367,14 @@ class Utils(commands.Cog):
value = str(user[0].created_at.astimezone(timezone(self.customTimezone)))[:-13].replace('-', '/').split()
embed.add_field(name = "Compte créé le", value = f"{value[0][8:]}/{value[0][5:-3]}/{value[0][:4]} à {value[1]}")
embed.add_field(name = "Âge du compte", value = ageLayout(get_age(user[0].created_at)))
embed.add_field(name = "Âge du compte", value = ageLayout(getAge(user[0].created_at)))
embed.add_field(name = "Mention", value = user[0].mention)
value = str(user[0].joined_at.astimezone(timezone(self.customTimezone)))[:-13].replace('-', '/').split()
embed.add_field(name = "Serveur rejoint le", value = f"{value[0][8:]}/{value[0][5:-3]}/{value[0][:4]} à {value[1]}")
embed.add_field(name = "Est sur le serveur depuis", value = ageLayout(get_age(user[0].joined_at)))
embed.add_field(name = "Est sur le serveur depuis", value = ageLayout(getAge(user[0].joined_at)))
if fromSlash != True:
await ctx.message.add_reaction(emoji = '')
return await ctx.send(embed = embed)
@ -510,7 +509,7 @@ class Utils(commands.Cog):
elif seconds > 7776000: # 90 * 60 * 60 * 24
embed.add_field(name="Attention", value="Tu as spécifié une durée trop longue, la durée maximum étant de 90 jours.")
now = int(nowTimestampUTC())
now = int(nowUTC())
messageID = None
if fromSlash != True:
messageID = ctx.message.id
@ -526,7 +525,7 @@ class Utils(commands.Cog):
@tasks.loop(minutes = 1)
async def _reminderLoop(self):
expiration = Reminder().recuperationExpiration(int(nowTimestampUTC()))
expiration = Reminder().recuperationExpiration(int(nowUTC()))
for expired in expiration:
message = f"<@{expired[4]}>"
reminder = expired[2]
@ -539,8 +538,8 @@ class Utils(commands.Cog):
if sourceMessage != None:
sourceMessage = await channel.fetch_message(sourceMessage)
await sourceMessage.add_reaction(emoji = '')
finalEmbed = discord.Embed(description = cleanCodeStringWithMentionAndURLs(reminder), timestamp = intToTimestamp(expired[3]), color = discord.Colour.random())
finalEmbed.set_footer(text=f"Message d'il y a {timedeltaToString(int(nowTimestampUTC()) - expired[3])}")
finalEmbed = discord.Embed(description = cleanCodeStringWithMentionAndURLs(reminder), timestamp = intToDatetime(expired[3]), color = discord.Colour.random())
finalEmbed.set_footer(text=f"Message d'il y a {timedeltaToString(int(nowUTC()) - expired[3])}")
links = ""
findedURLs = getURLsInString(reminder)
@ -577,12 +576,12 @@ class Utils(commands.Cog):
texte = reminder[0]
if len(texte) > 1024:
texte = f"{texte[:1021]}..."
expiration = reminder[2] - int(nowTimestampUTC())
expiration = reminder[2] - int(nowUTC())
if expiration > 0:
expiration = f"Expire dans {timedeltaToString(expiration)} +1m de retard max."
expiration = f"A déjà expiré."
embed.add_field(value = texte, name = f"Fais le {timestampFR(intToTimestamp(reminder[1]))}\n{expiration}", inline = False)
embed.add_field(value = texte, name = f"Fais le {timestampScreen(intToDatetime(reminder[1]))}\n{expiration}", inline = False)
embed.add_field(name = "\u200b", value = "Vous n'avez aucun rappel en attente !")
embed.set_footer(text = "Les rappels qui ont déjà expirés vont apparaître dans quelques instants.")

View file

@ -1,19 +1,7 @@
import re
import json
import requests
import os
from time import time
from pytz import timezone
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
myTimezone = os.environ['TIMEZONE']
def goodTimezone(date, tz, type = 0):
"""renvoie une date en fonction d'un timezone"""
if type == 0:
return str(timezone(tz).fromutc(date))[:-13].replace('-', '/').split()
elif type == 1:
return str(timezone(tz).fromutc(date))[:-13].replace('-', '/').replace(' ', ' à ')
def map_list_among_us(map):
"""Sélecteur de map pour la commande amongus"""
@ -26,41 +14,6 @@ def map_list_among_us(map):
return maps["skeld"] + maps["mira"] + maps["polus"] + maps["airship"]
return maps[map]
def get_age(date):
"""Recupère un age précisément à la seconde près"""
joursRestants = datetime.now() - date
years = joursRestants.total_seconds() / (365.242 * 24 * 3600)
months = (years - int(years)) * 12
days = (months - int(months)) * (365.242 / 12)
hours = (days - int(days)) * 24
minutes = (hours - int(hours)) * 60
seconds = (minutes - int(minutes)) * 60
return (int(years), int(months), int(days), int(hours), int(minutes), int(seconds))
def ageLayout(tuple):
"""avec la méthode 'get_age', permet de mettre en forme un âge"""
time = {}
time[0], time[1], time[2], time[3], time[4], time[5] = "an", "mois", "jour", "heure", "minute", "seconde"
for i in range(len(tuple)):
if tuple[i] > 1 and i != 1:
time[i] = time[i] + "s"
message = ""
if tuple[5] > 0: # pour les secondes
affichage = [5] # on affiche que : seconde
if tuple[4] > 0:
affichage = [4, 5] # on affiche : minute + seconde
if tuple[3] > 0:
affichage = [3, 4, 5] # on affiche : heure + minute + seconde
if tuple[2] > 0:
affichage = [2, 3, 4] # on affiche : jour + heure + minute
if tuple[1] > 0:
affichage = [1, 2, 3] # on affiche : mois + jour + heure
if tuple[0] > 0:
affichage = [0, 1, 3] # on affiche : an + mois + heure
for i in affichage:
message = message + f", {tuple[i]} {time[i]}"
return message[2:]
def userOrNick(user):
"""Affiche le pseudo et/ou le surnom"""
if user == None:
@ -154,62 +107,3 @@ def ligneFormatage(ligne):
for balises in liste_balise:
ligne = ligne.replace(balises[0], balises[1])
return ligne
def stringTempsVersSecondes(time):
conversionTemps = {
"86400": ["j", "d"],
"3600": ["h"],
"60": ["m"],
"1": ["s", ""]
valeursMultiplicateur = ""
for i in conversionTemps.values():
for j in i:
valeursMultiplicateur += f"{j}|"
match = re.findall(f'([0-9]+)({valeursMultiplicateur[:-1]})?', time)
if not match:
return "Veuillez entrer un temps valide."
remindertime = 0
for i in match:
for tempsEnSeconde, nomCommun in conversionTemps.items():
if i[1] in nomCommun:
remindertime += int(tempsEnSeconde) * int(i[0])
return remindertime
def nowTimestampCustom():
return datetime.now(timezone(myTimezone)).timestamp()
def UTCTimestampToCustomTimestamp(timestamp):
return timezone(myTimezone).fromutc(timestamp)
def nowTimestampUTC():
return datetime.utcnow().timestamp()
def intToTimestamp(int):
return datetime.fromtimestamp(int)
def timedeltaToString(time):
age = str(timedelta(seconds = time)).replace('days, ', 'jours, :').split(':')
if len(age) == 4:
a = [1, 1, 1, 1] # a pour affichage
if len(age) == 3:
a = [0, 1, 1, 1]
age.insert(0, None)
for i in range(1, 4):
if int(age[i]) == 0:
a[i] = 0
age[0] = age[0] if a[0] == 1 else ''
age[1] = f"{age[1]}h " if a[1] == 1 else ''
age[2] = f"{age[2]}m " if a[2] == 1 else ''
age[3] = f"{age[3]}s" if a[3] == 1 else ''
return ''.join(age)
def timestampFR(timestamp):
date_edit = str(UTCTimestampToCustomTimestamp(timestamp)).replace('-', '/').split(' ')
date = date_edit[0]
heure = date_edit[1].split('+')[0]
return f"{date[8:]}/{date[5:-3]}/{date[:4]} à {heure}"

src/utils/time.py Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
from os import environ
from pytz import timezone
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from re import findall
myTimezone = environ['TIMEZONE']
def stringTempsVersSecondes(time):
"""Convertis une durée rentrée par un utilisateur en string vers des secondes en int"""
conversionTemps = {
"86400": ["j", "d"],
"3600": ["h"],
"60": ["m"],
"1": ["s", ""]
valeursMultiplicateur = ""
for i in conversionTemps.values():
for j in i:
valeursMultiplicateur += f"{j}|"
match = findall(f'([0-9]+)({valeursMultiplicateur[:-1]})?', time)
if not match:
return "Veuillez entrer un temps valide."
remindertime = 0
for i in match:
for tempsEnSeconde, nomCommun in conversionTemps.items():
if i[1] in nomCommun:
remindertime += int(tempsEnSeconde) * int(i[0])
return remindertime
def nowCustom():
"""Heure de maintenant avec fuseau horaire local en float"""
return datetime.now(timezone(myTimezone)).timestamp()
def nowUTC():
"""Heure de maintenant en UTC en float"""
return datetime.utcnow().timestamp()
def UTCDatetimeToCustomDatetime(datetime):
"""Conversion d'une timestamp UTC en timestamp local en datetime"""
return timezone(myTimezone).fromutc(datetime)
def intToDatetime(intOrFloat):
"""Convertis un int ou float en Datetime"""
return datetime.fromtimestamp(intOrFloat)
def timestampScreen(timestamp):
"""Affichage d'une timestamp"""
date_edit = str(UTCDatetimeToCustomDatetime(timestamp)).replace('-', '/').split(' ')
date = date_edit[0]
heure = date_edit[1].split('+')[0]
return f"{date[8:]}/{date[5:-3]}/{date[:4]} à {heure.split('.')[0]}"
def timedeltaToString(time):
"""Différence entre une heure en seconde et maintenant"""
age = str(timedelta(seconds = time)).replace('days, ', 'jours, :').split(':')
if len(age) == 4:
a = [1, 1, 1, 1] # a pour affichage
if len(age) == 3:
a = [0, 1, 1, 1]
age.insert(0, None)
for i in range(1, 4):
if int(age[i]) == 0:
a[i] = 0
age[0] = age[0] if a[0] == 1 else ''
age[1] = f"{age[1]}h " if a[1] == 1 else ''
age[2] = f"{age[2]}m " if a[2] == 1 else ''
age[3] = f"{age[3]}s" if a[3] == 1 else ''
return ''.join(age)
def getAge(date):
"""Recupère un age précisément à la seconde près"""
joursRestants = datetime.now() - date
years = joursRestants.total_seconds() / (365.242 * 24 * 3600)
months = (years - int(years)) * 12
days = (months - int(months)) * (365.242 / 12)
hours = (days - int(days)) * 24
minutes = (hours - int(hours)) * 60
seconds = (minutes - int(minutes)) * 60
return (int(years), int(months), int(days), int(hours), int(minutes), int(seconds))
def ageLayout(tuple):
"""avec la méthode 'getAge', permet de mettre en forme un âge"""
time = {}
time[0], time[1], time[2], time[3], time[4], time[5] = "an", "mois", "jour", "heure", "minute", "seconde"
for i in range(len(tuple)):
if tuple[i] > 1 and i != 1:
time[i] = time[i] + "s"
message = ""
if tuple[5] > 0: # pour les secondes
affichage = [5] # on affiche que : seconde
if tuple[4] > 0:
affichage = [4, 5] # on affiche : minute + seconde
if tuple[3] > 0:
affichage = [3, 4, 5] # on affiche : heure + minute + seconde
if tuple[2] > 0:
affichage = [2, 3, 4] # on affiche : jour + heure + minute
if tuple[1] > 0:
affichage = [1, 2, 3] # on affiche : mois + jour + heure
if tuple[0] > 0:
affichage = [0, 1, 3] # on affiche : an + mois + heure
for i in affichage:
message = message + f", {tuple[i]} {time[i]}"
return message[2:]
def goodTimezone(date, tz, type = 0):
"""Renvoie une date en fonction d'un timezone"""
if type == 0:
return str(timezone(tz).fromutc(date))[:-13].replace('-', '/').split()
elif type == 1:
return str(timezone(tz).fromutc(date))[:-13].replace('-', '/').replace(' ', ' à ')