# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Copyright (c) 2019 Valentin B. https://gist.github.com/vbe0201/ade9b80f2d3b64643d854938d40a0a2d """ import asyncio import functools import itertools import math import random import discord import youtube_dl from async_timeout import timeout from discord.ext import commands # Genius API import lyricsgenius import time import os genius = lyricsgenius.Genius(os.environ['TOKEN_GENIUS']) # Silence useless bug reports messages youtube_dl.utils.bug_reports_message = lambda: '' def setup(client): client.add_cog(Music(client)) class VoiceError(Exception): pass class YTDLError(Exception): pass class YTDLSource(discord.PCMVolumeTransformer): YTDL_OPTIONS = { 'format': 'bestaudio/best', 'extractaudio': True, 'audioformat': 'mp3', 'outtmpl': '%(extractor)s-%(id)s-%(title)s.%(ext)s', 'restrictfilenames': True, 'noplaylist': True, 'nocheckcertificate': True, 'ignoreerrors': False, 'logtostderr': False, 'quiet': True, 'no_warnings': True, 'default_search': 'auto', 'source_address': '', } FFMPEG_OPTIONS = { 'before_options': '-reconnect 1 -reconnect_streamed 1 -reconnect_delay_max 5', 'options': '-vn', } ytdl = youtube_dl.YoutubeDL(YTDL_OPTIONS) def __init__(self, ctx: commands.Context, source: discord.FFmpegPCMAudio, *, data: dict, volume: float = 0.5): super().__init__(source, volume) self.requester = ctx.author self.channel = ctx.channel self.data = data self.uploader = data.get('uploader') self.uploader_url = data.get('uploader_url') date = data.get('upload_date') self.upload_date = date[6:8] + '.' + date[4:6] + '.' + date[0:4] self.title = data.get('title') self.thumbnail = data.get('thumbnail') self.description = data.get('description') self.duration = self.parse_duration(int(data.get('duration'))) self.tags = data.get('tags') self.url = data.get('webpage_url') self.views = data.get('view_count') self.likes = data.get('like_count') self.dislikes = data.get('dislike_count') self.stream_url = data.get('url') def __str__(self): return f"**{self.title}** de **{self.uploader}**" @classmethod async def create_source(cls, ctx: commands.Context, search: str, *, loop: asyncio.BaseEventLoop = None): loop = loop or asyncio.get_event_loop() partial = functools.partial(cls.ytdl.extract_info, search, download=False, process=False) data = await loop.run_in_executor(None, partial) if data is None: raise YTDLError(f"Je n'ai rien trouvé qui corresponde à `{search}`") if 'entries' not in data: process_info = data else: process_info = None for entry in data['entries']: if entry: process_info = entry break if process_info is None: raise YTDLError(f"Je n'ai rien trouvé qui corresponde à `{search}`") webpage_url = process_info['webpage_url'] partial = functools.partial(cls.ytdl.extract_info, webpage_url, download=False) processed_info = await loop.run_in_executor(None, partial) if processed_info is None: raise YTDLError(f"Impossible d'obtenir `{webpage_url}`") if "entries" not in processed_info: info = processed_info else: info = None while info is None: try: info = processed_info['entries'].pop(0) except IndexError: raise YTDLError(f"Aucune correspondances pour `{webpage_url}`") return cls(ctx, discord.FFmpegPCMAudio(info['url'], **cls.FFMPEG_OPTIONS), data=info) @staticmethod def parse_duration(duration: int): minutes, seconds = divmod(duration, 60) hours, minutes = divmod(minutes, 60) days, hours = divmod(hours, 24) duration = [] if days > 0: duration.append(f"{days} jours,{'' if days <= 1 else 's'}") if hours > 0: duration.append(f"{hours} H,{'' if hours <= 1 else 's'}") if minutes > 0: duration.append(f"{minutes} min{'' if minutes <= 1 else 's'}") if seconds > 0: duration.append(f"{seconds} sec{'' if seconds <= 1 else 's'}") return ' '.join(duration) class Song: __slots__ = ('source', 'requester') def __init__(self, source: YTDLSource): self.source = source self.requester = source.requester def create_embed(self): embed = (discord.Embed(title="Joue", description=f"\n[{self.source.title}]({self.source.url})\n", color=discord.Colour.random()) .add_field(name="Durée", value=self.source.duration) .add_field(name="Demandé par", value=self.requester.mention) .add_field(name="Chaîne", value=f"[{self.source.uploader}]({self.source.uploader_url})") .set_thumbnail(url=self.source.thumbnail)) return embed def title(self): return self.source.title class SongQueue(asyncio.Queue): def __getitem__(self, item): if isinstance(item, slice): return list(itertools.islice(self._queue, item.start, item.stop, item.step)) else: return self._queue[item] def __iter__(self): return iter(self._queue.__iter__()) def __len__(self): return self.qsize() def clear(self): self._queue.clear() def shuffle(self): random.shuffle(self._queue) def remove(self, index: int): del self._queue[index] class VoiceState: def __init__(self, client: commands.bot, ctx: commands.Context): self.client = client self._ctx = ctx self.current = None self.voice = None self.next = asyncio.Event() self.songs = SongQueue() self._loop = False self._volume = 1.0 self.audio_player = client.loop.create_task(self.audio_player_task()) def __del__(self): self.audio_player.cancel() @property def loop(self): return self._loop @loop.setter def loop(self, value: bool): self._loop = value @property def volume(self): return self._volume @volume.setter def volume(self, value: float): self._volume = value @property def is_playing(self): return self.voice and self.current async def audio_player_task(self): while True: self.next.clear() if not self.loop: # Try to get the next song within 3 minutes. # If no song will be added to the queue in time, # the player will disconnect due to performance # reasons. try: async with timeout(180): # 3 minutes self.current = await self.songs.get() except asyncio.TimeoutError: self.client.loop.create_task(self.stop()) return self.current.source.volume = self._volume self.voice.play(self.current.source, after=self.play_next_song) await self.current.source.channel.send(embed=self.current.create_embed()) await self.next.wait() def play_next_song(self, error=None): if error: raise VoiceError(str(error)) self.next.set() def skip(self): if self.is_playing: self.voice.stop() async def stop(self): self.songs.clear() if self.voice: await self.voice.disconnect() self.voice = None class Music(commands.Cog): """Commandes relatives à la musique - © vbe0201.""" def __init__(self, client: commands.bot): self.client = client self.voice_states = {} def get_voice_state(self, ctx: commands.Context): state = self.voice_states.get(ctx.guild.id) if not state: state = VoiceState(self.client, ctx) self.voice_states[ctx.guild.id] = state return state def cog_unload(self): for state in self.voice_states.values(): self.client.loop.create_task(state.stop()) def cog_check(self, ctx: commands.Context): if not ctx.guild: raise commands.NoPrivateMessage("Je ne fais pas de musiques en DM.") return True async def cog_before_invoke(self, ctx: commands.Context): ctx.voice_state = self.get_voice_state(ctx) async def cog_command_error(self, ctx: commands.Context, error: commands.CommandError): await ctx.send(f"Une erreur est survenue : {str(error)}") @commands.command(name='join', aliases=['j'], invoke_without_subcommand=True) async def _summon(self, ctx: commands.Context, *, channel: discord.VoiceChannel = None): """Se connecte au salon vocal.\n ➡ Syntaxe: .connect/join⁢⁢⁢⁢⁢⁢⁢⁢⁢⁢""" if not channel and not ctx.author.voice: await ctx.send("Aucun channel à rejoindre. Connecte toi dans un vocal ou donne-moi son id.") raise VoiceError("Vous n'êtes pas connecté à un channel vocal et n'avez spécifié aucun channel à rejoindre.") destination = channel or ctx.author.voice.channel await ctx.send(f":thumbsup: **Connecté à __{destination}__**") if ctx.voice_state.voice: await ctx.voice_state.voice.move_to(destination) return ctx.voice_state.voice = await destination.connect() @commands.command(name='stop', aliases=['disconnect', 'dc']) async def _leave(self, ctx: commands.Context): """Arrête la chanson en cours de lecture et quitte le salon vocal.\n ➡ Syntaxe: .disconnect/dc/stop⁢⁢⁢⁢⁢⁢⁢⁢⁢⁢""" if not ctx.voice_state.voice: embed = discord.Embed(description = "Tape `.play ` pour jouer quelque chose ou `.join [id]` pour me connecter à un salon vocal.", color = 0xC41B1B) embed.set_author(name = "Je ne suis connecté à aucun vocal.") return await ctx.send(embed = embed) await ctx.voice_state.stop() del self.voice_states[ctx.guild.id] await ctx.send("📭 **Déconnecté du salon**") @commands.command(name='volume', aliases=['vol']) async def _volume(self, ctx: commands.Context, *, volume: int = False): """Modifie le volume du bot (entre 1 et 100).\n ➡ Syntaxe: .volume/vol [1;100]⁢⁢⁢⁢⁢⁢⁢⁢⁢⁢""" if not ctx.voice_state.is_playing: return await ctx.send("Rien n'est joué pour le moment.") if not volume: return await ctx.send(f"Le volume est à **{ctx.voice_state.volume * 100}%**") if 0 > volume > 100: return await ctx.send("Le volume doit être compris entre 0 et 100.") ctx.voice_state.volume = volume / 100 await ctx.send(f"Volume réglé sur **{volume}%**") @commands.command(name='now', aliases=['current', 'playing', 'np']) async def _now(self, ctx: commands.Context): """Affiche des informations sur la chanson en cours de lecture.\n ➡ Syntaxe: .now/current⁢⁢⁢⁢⁢⁢⁢⁢⁢⁢/playing/np""" await ctx.send(embed=ctx.voice_state.current.create_embed()) @commands.command(name='pause') async def _pause(self, ctx: commands.Context): """Mets en pause de la chanson en cours de lecture.⁢⁢⁢⁢⁢⁢⁢⁢⁢⁢""" if not ctx.voice_state.is_playing and ctx.voice_state.voice.is_playing(): ctx.voice_state.voice.pause() await ctx.message.add_reaction('⏯') await ctx.send(f"**`{ctx.author}`** met en pause la chanson en cours.") else: embed = discord.Embed(description = "Tape `.play ` pour jouer quelque chose.", color = 0xC41B1B) embed.set_author(name = "Je ne joue rien en ce moment !") return await ctx.send(embed = embed) @commands.command(name='resume') async def _resume(self, ctx: commands.Context): """Reprends la chanson en pause.""" if not ctx.voice_state.is_playing and ctx.voice_state.voice.is_paused(): ctx.voice_state.voice.resume() await ctx.message.add_reaction('⏯') await ctx.send(f"**`{ctx.author}`** relance la chanson.") else: if ctx.voice_state.is_playing: embed = discord.Embed(description = "Tape `.pause` pour mettre en pause la chanson.", color = 0xC41B1B) embed.set_author(name = "Je suis déjà en lecture !") return await ctx.send(embed = embed) else: embed = discord.Embed(description = "Tape `.play ` pour jouer quelque chose ou `.join [id]` pour me connecter à un salon vocal.", color = 0xC41B1B) embed.set_author(name = "Je ne suis connecté à aucun vocal.") return await ctx.send(embed = embed) @commands.command(name='skip', aliases=['s']) async def _skip(self, ctx: commands.Context): """Passe la chanson.\n ➡ Syntaxe: .skip/s""" if not ctx.voice_state.is_playing: embed = discord.Embed(description = "Tape `.play ` pour jouer quelque chose.", color = 0xC41B1B) embed.set_author(name = "Je ne joue rien en ce moment !") return await ctx.send(embed = embed) await ctx.message.add_reaction('⏭') ctx.voice_state.skip() await ctx.send(f"**`{ctx.author}`**: Passe la chanson !") @commands.command(name='queue', aliases=['q', 'playlist']) async def _queue(self, ctx: commands.Context, *, page: int = 1): """Affiche la file d'attente des chansons à venir.\n ➡ Syntaxe: .queue/q⁢⁢⁢⁢⁢⁢⁢⁢⁢⁢/playlist [page]""" if len(ctx.voice_state.songs) == 0: embed = discord.Embed(description = "Tape `.play ` pour jouer quelque chose.", color = 0xC41B1B) embed.set_author(name = "Il n'y a plus de chanson à venir dans la playlist.") return await ctx.send(embed = embed) items_per_page = 10 pages = math.ceil(len(ctx.voice_state.songs) / items_per_page) if page > pages: embed = discord.Embed(description = "Tape `.play ` pour rajouter encore de la musique.", color = 0xC41B1B) embed.set_author(name = "Il n'y a pas autant de pages") return await ctx.send(embed = embed) start = (page - 1) * items_per_page end = start + items_per_page queue = '' for i, song in enumerate(ctx.voice_state.songs[start:end], start=start): queue += f"`{i + 1}.` [**{song.source.title}**]({song.source.url})\n" embed = (discord.Embed(description=f"**{len(ctx.voice_state.songs)} piste{'s' if len(ctx.voice_state.songs)>1 else ''} :**\n\n{queue}", color = discord.Colour.random()) .set_footer(text=f"Page {page}/{pages}")) await ctx.send(embed=embed) @commands.command(name='shuffle') async def _shuffle(self, ctx: commands.Context): """Mélange la file d'attente.""" if len(ctx.voice_state.songs) == 0: embed = discord.Embed(description = "Tape `.play ` pour jouer quelque chose.", color = 0xC41B1B) embed.set_author(name = "La file est vide.") return await ctx.send(embed = embed) ctx.voice_state.songs.shuffle() await ctx.message.add_reaction('✅') @commands.command(name='remove') async def _remove(self, ctx: commands.Context, index: int): """Supprime une chanson de la file d'attente.""" if len(ctx.voice_state.songs) == 0: return await ctx.send("File vide.") ctx.voice_state.songs.remove(index - 1) await ctx.message.add_reaction('✅') await ctx.send("Chanson sélectionnée supprimée de la file d'attente.") @commands.command(name='loop', aliases=['repeat']) async def _loop(self, ctx: commands.Context): """Répète la chanson actuellement en lecture.\n ➡ Syntaxe: .loop/repeat""" if not ctx.voice_state.is_playing: embed = discord.Embed(description = "Tape `.play ` pour jouer quelque chose.", color = 0xC41B1B) embed.set_author(name = "Je ne joue rien en ce moment !") return await ctx.send(embed = embed) # Inverse boolean value to loop and unloop. ctx.voice_state.loop = not ctx.voice_state.loop await ctx.message.add_reaction('✅') await ctx.send("La chanson change d'état.") @commands.command(name='play', aliases=['p']) async def _play(self, ctx: commands.Context, *, search: str): """Recherche une chanson sur les sites compatibles avec YoutubeDL si aucun URL n'est donné et l'ajoute à la file d'attente.\n ➡ Syntaxe: .play/p⁢⁢⁢⁢⁢⁢⁢⁢⁢⁢""" if not ctx.voice_state.voice: await ctx.invoke(self._summon) async with ctx.typing(): try: source = await YTDLSource.create_source(ctx, search, loop=self.client.loop) except YTDLError as e: await ctx.send(f"Une erreur s'est produite lors du traitement de cette demande : {str(e)}") else: song = Song(source) await ctx.voice_state.songs.put(song) await ctx.send(f"En file d'attente {str(source)}") @_summon.before_invoke @_play.before_invoke async def ensure_voice_state(self, ctx: commands.Context): if not ctx.author.voice or not ctx.author.voice.channel: raise commands.CommandError("Vous n'êtes connecté à aucun channel vocal.") if ctx.voice_client: if ctx.voice_client.channel != ctx.author.voice.channel: raise commands.CommandError("Le bot est déjà dans un channel vocal.") @commands.command(name='lyrics', aliases = ['l', 'lyric']) async def _lyrics(self, ctx, *, song: str = None): """Affiche les paroles de la musique en cours, ou de la chanson spécifiée.\n ➡ Syntaxe: .lyrics/lyric/l (musique)⁢⁢⁢⁢⁢⁢⁢⁢⁢⁢""" if song or ctx.voice_state.is_playing: if not song: song = f"{ctx.voice_state.current.title()}" if " romanized" in song: message = await ctx.send(f":mag: **Cherche les paroles romanisées de ** `{song.replace(' romanized', '')}`") else: message = await ctx.send(f":mag: **Cherche les paroles de ** `{song}`") temps_requete = int(round(time.time() * 1000)) song_genius = genius.search_song(song) couleur_embed = discord.Colour.random() try: paroles = song_genius.lyrics except: await ctx.message.add_reaction(emoji = '❌') return await message.edit(content = f"Pas de résultats trouvés pour `{song}`.") lignetotal = "" premierembed = True if len(paroles) > 7500: await ctx.message.add_reaction(emoji = '❌') return await message.edit(content = f"Désolé, les paroles sont trop longues pour être affichés (lien vers la page des paroles : {song_genius.url}).") title_first_embed = f"Paroles de {song_genius.title} par {song_genius.artist}." desc_first_embed = f"[Lien vers les paroles sur le site]({song_genius.url})" type_de_comptage = "\n\n" if paroles.count("\n\n") > 2 else "\n" for ligne in paroles.split(type_de_comptage): if len(ligne) >= 2048: type_de_comptage = "\n" for ligne in paroles.split(type_de_comptage): if len(f"{lignetotal}{type_de_comptage}{ligne}") < 1900: lignetotal = f"{lignetotal}{type_de_comptage}{self.ligne_formatage(ligne)}" else: if premierembed == True: premierembed = False embed = discord.Embed(title = title_first_embed, description = f"{desc_first_embed}{lignetotal}", color = couleur_embed) embed.set_thumbnail(url = song_genius.song_art_image_url) await message.edit(embed = embed) else: embed = discord.Embed(description = lignetotal, color = couleur_embed) await ctx.send(embed = embed) lignetotal = f"{self.ligne_formatage(ligne)}" temps_requete = int(round(time.time() * 1000)) - temps_requete footer_embed = f"Pour {self.user_or_nick(ctx.author)} par Genius en {round(temps_requete / 1000, 2)} s." await ctx.message.add_reaction(emoji = '✅') if premierembed == True: premierembed = False embed = discord.Embed(title = title_first_embed, description = f"{desc_first_embed}{lignetotal}", color = couleur_embed) embed.set_footer(icon_url = ctx.author.avatar_url, text = footer_embed) return await message.edit(embed = embed) else: embed = discord.Embed(description = lignetotal, color = couleur_embed) embed.set_footer(icon_url = ctx.author.avatar_url, text = footer_embed) return await ctx.send(embed = embed) else: await ctx.message.add_reaction(emoji = '❌') await ctx.send("Aucune musique demandé... `.lyrics/l/lyrics `.") def ligne_formatage(self, ligne): liste_balise = [ ('[Hook', '[Accroche'), ('[Verse', '[Couplet'), ('[Chorus', '[Chœur'), ('[Bridge', '[Pont'),('[Pre-Chorus', '[Pré-chœur'), ('[Post-Chorus', '[Post-chœur') ] for balises in liste_balise: ligne = ligne.replace(balises[0], balises[1]) return ligne def user_or_nick(self, user): if user.nick: return f"{user.nick} ({user.name}#{user.discriminator})" else: return f"{user.name}#{user.discriminator}" @commands.command(name='lyricsromanized', aliases = ['lr', 'lyricromanized'], hidden = True) async def _lyricsromanized(self, ctx, *, song: str = None): await ctx.invoke(self.client.get_command("lyrics"), song = f"{song} romanized" if song else song)