94 lines
3.2 KiB
94 lines
3.2 KiB
print("Chargement des extensions & librairie...", end = " ")
import discord
from os import listdir, rename, getcwd
from discord_slash import SlashCommand
from discord.ext import commands
from utils.core import load, addReaction
from utils.page import listReaction
customPrefix = keys["PREFIX"]
client = commands.Bot(command_prefix = customPrefix, case_insensitive = True, intents = discord.Intents.all())
slash = SlashCommand(client, sync_commands = True)
client.cogs_folder = "cogs"
if keys["DEACTIVATE"] != "None":
path = getcwd()
for file in keys["DEACTIVATE"]:
rename(f"{path}/{client.cogs_folder}/{file}.py", f"{path}/{client.cogs_folder}/-{file}.py") # désactivation
print(f"No file {file} found, check your \"DEACTIVATE\" variable.")
for file in listdir(client.cogs_folder):
if file.endswith(".py") and file.startswith("-") == False:
print("Terminé !")
async def on_connect():
"""Triggered when the bot is connected to Discord"""
print(f"Connecté !")
async def on_disconnect():
"""Triggered when the bot is disconnected to Discord"""
async def on_resumed():
"""Triggered when the bot is reconnected to Discord"""
print(f"Reconnecté !")
async def on_ready():
"""Triggered when the bot is ready to operate"""
await client.change_presence(status = discord.Status.online, activity = discord.Activity(name = f"{customPrefix}help", type = discord.ActivityType.playing))
print("Bot prêt.")
async def on_command_error(ctx, error):
"""Triggered when a command enconter an error"""
if isinstance(error, commands.errors.CommandNotFound): # si commande inconnu
if ctx.message: # si pas une commande slash
if not ctx.invoked_with.startswith(f"{customPrefix}"):
await addReaction(ctx.message, 1) # ajout réaction
await addReaction(ctx.message, 2) # ajout réaction
raise error
async def on_message(message):
"""Triggered a message is received"""
await client.process_commands(message)
if message.author == client.user:
"""informations concernant le bot lorsqu'il est mentionner"""
if client.user.mention == message.content.replace("!",""):
ctx = await client.get_context(message)
prefix = await client.get_prefix(message)
await ctx.send(f">>> Coucou !\nMon préfix est `{prefix}` et ma commande d'aide est `{prefix}help`")
"""Ses évenements sont pour le reminder et le todo"""
async def on_raw_reaction_add(payload):
"""Triggered when a reaction is added"""
message, embed = await listReaction(client, payload)
if message:
await message.edit(embed = embed)
async def on_raw_reaction_remove(payload):
"""Triggered when a reaction is removed"""
message, embed = await listReaction(client, payload)
if message:
await message.edit(embed = embed)
print("Connexion à Discord...", end = " ")