# Simple Bot Twitch en Python utilisant la librairie [TwitchIO](https://github.com/TwitchIO/TwitchIO). ## Setup and Run Requires Python `3.9.5`. Install necessary packages: ```bash python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt ``` Rename `.envexample` file in `.env` inside `src` folder, then open the file and complete the fields, there is an explanation below: | Field | Explanation | |----------------|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | `ACCESS_TOKEN` | Access token of the account you created for your bot that you can take [here](https://twitchtokengenerator.com/) (be sure you selected Bot Chat Token) | | `PREFIX` | Prefix you want to use for your bot | | `CHANNEL` | The name of the your Twitch channel you want the bot to run at (separate by comma) | | `DISCORD` | Link to your discord server | Start Bot: ```bash cd src python3 main.py ``` ## Use Docker With a [docker-compose](https://gitlab.com/ConfrerieDuKassoulait/Bot-Tom/-/blob/main/docker-compose.yml) or in command line: ``` docker run -d \ --name="TwitchBot" \ registry.gitlab.com/confreriedukassoulait/bot-tom:latest \ --ACCESS_TOKEN="yourAccessToken" \ --PREFIX="yourPrefix" \ --CHANNEL="yourChannel(s)" \ --DISCORD="yourDiscordLink" ```