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2023-10-25 18:42:49 +02:00
module type LANG = sig
type t
val pp : t Fmt.t
val equal : t -> t -> bool
val rewrite : t -> t Seq.t
module Make(L : LANG) = struct
type graph = (L.t * L.t) Seq.t
let rec reductions t =
let open Seq in
let* t' = L.rewrite t in
cons (t, t') (reductions t')
let is_normal t =
L.rewrite t |> Seq.uncons |> Option.is_none
let normal_forms t =
let open Seq in
reductions t |> map snd |> filter is_normal |> Seq.dedup L.equal
let to_graphviz g =
let b = Buffer.create 100 in
let ff = Format.formatter_of_buffer b in
(* Disable line breaks. *)
let ff_funs = Format.pp_get_formatter_out_functions ff () in
{ ff_funs with
out_newline = (fun _ -> ());
out_indent = (fun _ -> ());
out_spaces = (fun _ -> ());
Format.fprintf ff "strict digraph {\n";
Format.fprintf ff " overlap=scale;\n";
Format.fprintf ff " splines=true;\n";
Format.fprintf ff " rankdir=\"LR\";\n";
Seq.iter (fun (t, t') ->
Format.fprintf ff "\"%a\" -> \"%a\";\n"
L.pp t
L.pp t') g;
Format.fprintf ff "}@.";
Buffer.contents b
let display ?(verbose = false) ?(max = 20) g =
let gv_fn, oc = Filename.open_temp_file "red" ".dot" in
let pdf_fn = Filename.temp_file "graph" ".pdf" in
output_string oc @@ to_graphviz @@ Seq.take max g;
close_out oc;
if verbose then Printf.eprintf "Graph in %s, PDF in %s\n" gv_fn pdf_fn;
flush stderr;
ignore @@ Unix.system Printf.(sprintf "dot -Tpdf %s > %s" gv_fn pdf_fn);
ignore @@ Unix.system Printf.(sprintf "xdg-open %s" pdf_fn)