Fields (marche pas), début pattern, Tuple et Fun

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Nicolas PENELOUX 2023-12-05 19:16:35 +01:00
parent ab4f675239
commit 0ec66864fb

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@ -90,8 +90,16 @@ and synth_pattern
: HopixTypes.typing_environment -> HopixAST.pattern Position.located
-> HopixTypes.aty * HopixTypes.typing_environment
fun env Position.{ value = p; position = pos } ->
failwith "Students! This is your job! (synth_pattern)"
fun env Position.{ value = p; position = pos } -> match p with
| PWildcard -> failwith "PWildcard"
| PLiteral l-> failwith "Pliteral"
| PVariable pv -> failwith "PVariable"
| PTypeAnnotation(p,ty) -> failwith "PTypeAnnot"
| PTuple(plist) -> failwith "PTuple"
| POr(plist) -> failwith "POr"
| PAnd (plist) -> failwith "PAnd"
| PTaggedValue(cons,tlist,plist) -> failwith "PTagged"
| PRecord(plist,tlist) -> failwith "PRecord"
and synth_variable
: HopixTypes.typing_environment -> identifier Position.located
@ -206,7 +214,10 @@ and synth_fun
: HopixTypes.typing_environment -> pattern Position.located
-> expression Position.located -> HopixTypes.aty
fun tenv pat expr -> failwith "Students! This is your job! (synth_fun)"
fun tenv pat expr ->
let pat_type, tenv = synth_pattern tenv pat in
let expr_type = synth_expression tenv expr in
and synth_tannot
: HopixTypes.typing_environment -> expression Position.located -> ty Position.located
@ -222,12 +233,35 @@ and synth_field
: HopixTypes.typing_environment -> expression Position.located
-> label Position.located -> ty Position.located list option -> HopixTypes.aty
fun tenv expr lbl tlist -> failwith "Students! This is your job! (synth_field)"
fun tenv expr lbl tlist -> failwith "synth_field" (*let expr_type = synth_expression tenv expr in
match expr_type with
| ATyCon(cons,atlist) ->
(* Impossible car n'est pas dans le mli*)
let lbllist = HopixTypes.lookup_information_of_type_constructor lbl.position cons tenv in
match lbllist with
| Record r ->
if List.mem lbl.value r
let label_scheme =
try HopixTypes.lookup_type_scheme_of_label label_pos label_val tenv with
| HopixTypes.Unbound (pos, Label (LId i)) ->
HopixTypes.type_error pos (Printf.sprintf "Unbound label `%s'." i)
try HopixTypes.instantiate_type_scheme label_scheme atlist with
| HopixTypes.InvalidInstantiation { expected; given } ->
invalid_instantiation (Position.position expr) expected given
failwith "Erreur de label"
| _ -> failwith "Ceci n'est pas un label"
and synth_tuple
: HopixTypes.typing_environment -> expression Position.located list -> HopixTypes.aty
fun tenv elist -> failwith "Students! This is your job! (synth_tuple)"
fun tenv elist -> let list_type =
fun x -> synth_expression tenv x
) elist in HopixTypes.ATyTuple(list_type)
and synth_sequence
: HopixTypes.typing_environment -> expression Position.located list -> HopixTypes.aty