fmt and some rewrite of expressions

This commit is contained in:
Mylloon 2023-10-21 02:43:18 +02:00
parent dc34c9f194
commit 2f05f7ba09
Signed by: Anri
GPG key ID: A82D63DFF8D1317F

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@ -36,9 +36,13 @@ program:
/* Définition de types */
// Manque le 'type_variable located list' ici, on met une liste vide en attendant
| TYPE tc=located(type_constructor) EQUAL td=tdefinition {
DefineType (tc, [], td)
| TYPE tc=located(type_constructor) tvl=optionlist(definition_typevariablelist)
EQUAL td=tdefinition {
DefineType (tc, tvl, td)
// La tdefinition peut être optionnel, dans ce cas on utilise c'est abstrait
| TYPE tc=located(type_constructor) tvl=optionlist(definition_typevariablelist) {
DefineType (tc, tvl, Abstract)
/* Valeurs externes */
| EXTERN id=located(identifier) ts=located(type_scheme) {
@ -49,11 +53,16 @@ definition:
DefineValue v
| INFERIOR l=separated_nonempty_list(COMMA, located(type_variable)) SUPERIOR {
/* Type sommes */
/* la définition étant assez compliqué, on va utilisé d'autre terme pour réduire la taille */
| option(PIPE) l=separated_nonempty_list(PIPE,list_constructor_and_ty) {
| option(PIPE) l=separated_nonempty_list(PIPE, list_constructor_and_their_ty) {
/* Type produit étiqueté */
@ -61,14 +70,16 @@ tdefinition:
list_constructor_and_ty: c=located(constructor) t=list_ty{
list_ty: LPAREN l=separated_nonempty_list(COMMA,located(ty)) RPAREN {
// TODO: C'est pas sensé être en option list_ty ici?
| c=located(constructor) t=list_ty {
(c, t)
| LPAREN l=separated_nonempty_list(COMMA, located(ty)) RPAREN {
| l=located(label) COLON t=located(ty) {
@ -86,7 +97,7 @@ vdefinition:
* - fun : int f a = 1
* - fun f a = 1 and : int g a = 2 */
| FUN fl=separated_nonempty_list(AND_KW, fundef) {
@ -96,7 +107,8 @@ vdef_type_scheme:
| COLON t=option(located(type_scheme)) i=located(identifier) p=located(pattern) EQUAL e=located(expression) {
| COLON t=option(located(type_scheme)) i=located(identifier) p=located(pattern)
EQUAL e=located(expression) {
i, t, FunctionDefinition(p, e)
| i=located(identifier) p=located(pattern) EQUAL e=located(expression) {
@ -110,10 +122,7 @@ fundef:
* TODO : y'a environ 50 warnings ici, surtout au niveau du POr et PAnd */
| b=separated_nonempty_list(PIPE, located(branch)) {
| PIPE b=separated_nonempty_list(PIPE, located(branch)) {
| option(PIPE) b=separated_nonempty_list(PIPE, located(branch)) {
@ -148,24 +157,37 @@ simple_pattern:
| const=located(constructor) {
PTaggedValue(const, None, [])
| const=located(constructor) INFERIOR liste_ty=option(separated_nonempty_list(COMMA, located(ty))) SUPERIOR {
| const=located(constructor)
INFERIOR liste_ty=option(separated_nonempty_list(COMMA, located(ty))) SUPERIOR {
PTaggedValue(const, liste_ty, [])
| const=located(constructor) LPAREN liste_pattern=separated_nonempty_list(COMMA, located(pattern)) RPAREN {
| const=located(constructor)
LPAREN liste_pattern=separated_nonempty_list(COMMA, located(pattern)) RPAREN {
PTaggedValue(const, None, liste_pattern)
| const=located(constructor) INFERIOR liste_ty=option(separated_nonempty_list(COMMA, located(ty))) SUPERIOR LPAREN liste_pattern=separated_nonempty_list(COMMA, located(pattern)) RPAREN {
| const=located(constructor)
INFERIOR liste_ty=option(separated_nonempty_list(COMMA, located(ty))) SUPERIOR
LPAREN liste_pattern=separated_nonempty_list(COMMA, located(pattern)) RPAREN {
PTaggedValue(const, liste_ty, liste_pattern)
/* Enregistrement */
/* à refaire */
| LBRACE l=separated_nonempty_list(COMMA, separated_pair(located(label), EQUAL, located(pattern))) RBRACE {
| LBRACE l=separated_nonempty_list(
separated_pair(located(label), EQUAL, located(pattern))
PRecord(l, None)
| LBRACE l=separated_nonempty_list(COMMA, separated_pair(located(label), EQUAL, located(pattern))) RBRACE INFERIOR SUPERIOR {
| LBRACE l=separated_nonempty_list(
separated_pair(located(label), EQUAL, located(pattern))
PRecord(l, None)
| LBRACE l=separated_nonempty_list(COMMA, separated_pair(located(label), EQUAL, located(pattern))) RBRACE INFERIOR liste_ty=option(separated_nonempty_list(COMMA, located(ty))) SUPERIOR {
| LBRACE l=separated_nonempty_list(
separated_pair(located(label), EQUAL, located(pattern))
) RBRACE INFERIOR liste_ty=option(separated_nonempty_list(COMMA, located(ty))) SUPERIOR {
PRecord(l, liste_ty)
/* Disjonction */
@ -182,7 +204,8 @@ pattern_and:
| p1=simple_pattern{
| p1=located(simple_pattern) AND p_list=separated_nonempty_list(AND, located(simple_pattern)) {
| p1=located(simple_pattern)
AND p_list=separated_nonempty_list(AND, located(simple_pattern)) {
PAnd(p1 :: p_list)
@ -207,7 +230,9 @@ simple_ty:
| tc=type_constructor {
TyCon(tc, [])
| tc=type_constructor INFERIOR liste_ty=separated_nonempty_list(COMMA, located(ty)) SUPERIOR {
/* 'liste_ty' doit etre optionnel => gérer par le cas au dessus */
| tc=type_constructor
INFERIOR liste_ty=separated_nonempty_list(COMMA, located(ty)) SUPERIOR {
TyCon(tc, liste_ty)
/* Variables de type */
@ -237,7 +262,8 @@ ty:
/* Il faut peut être modifié le séparateur */
| LBRACK liste_typevar=separated_list(COMMA, located(type_variable)) RBRACK ty=located(ty) {
| LBRACK liste_typevar=separated_list(COMMA, located(type_variable))
RBRACK ty=located(ty) {
ForallTy(liste_typevar, ty)
| ty=located(ty) {
@ -247,167 +273,134 @@ type_scheme:
/********************************* EXPRESSION *********************************/
/* De manière générale, il faudrait au mieux revoir le code, pour le factoriser et le rendre plus propre */
/* (il y a même moyen que ça le soit obligatoire pour pas avoir des conflits éventuel) */
/* Exemple : TAgged et Record, trop de cas différent alors qu'on pourrait en faire en 2 fois au moins voir 1 */
/* Simple litteral */
| l=located(literal) {
Literal l
/* Variable */
| i=located(identifier) {
Variable(i, None)
| i=located(identifier) INFERIOR SUPERIOR {
Variable(i, None)
| i=located(identifier) INFERIOR t_list=option(separated_nonempty_list(COMMA, located(ty))) SUPERIOR {
Variable(i, t_list)
| i=located(identifier) tl=option(type_list) {
Variable(i, tl)
/* Tuple n = 0 and n > 1 */
/* Tuple n = 0 and n > 1 - Construction d'un 0-uplet */
| LPAREN e=located(expression) COMMA e_list=separated_nonempty_list(COMMA, located(expression)) RPAREN {
/* Tuple n > 1 - Construction d'un n-uplet (n > 1) */
| el=expr_list {
/* Tagged Value*/
/* K */
| const=located(constructor) {
Tagged(const, None, [])
/* Tagged Value - Construction d'une donnée */
| const=located(constructor) tl=option(type_list) el=optionlist(expr_list) {
Tagged(const, tl, el)
/* K < > */
| const=located(constructor) INFERIOR SUPERIOR {
Tagged(const, None, [])
/* Record - Construction d'un enregistrement */
| LBRACE l=separated_nonempty_list(
separated_pair(located(label), EQUAL, located(expression))
) RBRACE tl=option(type_list) {
Record(l, tl)
/* K < > (e1, ..., en) */
| const=located(constructor) INFERIOR SUPERIOR LPAREN e_list=separated_nonempty_list(COMMA, located(expression)) RPAREN {
Tagged(const, None, e_list)
/* K <ty_1, ... ty_m> */
| const=located(constructor) INFERIOR t_list=option(separated_nonempty_list(COMMA, located(ty))) SUPERIOR {
Tagged(const, t_list, [])
/* K <ty_1, ..., ty_m> (e1, ..., en) */
| const=located(constructor) INFERIOR t_list=option(separated_nonempty_list(COMMA, located(ty))) SUPERIOR LPAREN e_list=separated_nonempty_list(COMMA, located(expression)) RPAREN {
Tagged(const, t_list, e_list)
/* Record */
| LBRACE l=separated_nonempty_list(COMMA, separated_pair(located(label), EQUAL, located(expression))) RBRACE {
Record(l, None)
| LBRACE l=separated_nonempty_list(COMMA, separated_pair(located(label), EQUAL, located(expression))) RBRACE INFERIOR SUPERIOR {
Record(l, None)
| LBRACE l=separated_nonempty_list(COMMA, separated_pair(located(label), EQUAL, located(expression))) RBRACE INFERIOR t_list=option(separated_nonempty_list(COMMA, located(ty))) SUPERIOR {
Record(l, t_list)
/* Lecture de variable */
/* ! expr */
/* Lecture de variable
* !expr */
| EXCLA e=located(simple_expression) {
| INFERIOR tl=optionlist(separated_nonempty_list(COMMA, located(ty))) SUPERIOR {
| LPAREN el=separated_nonempty_list(COMMA, located(expression)) RPAREN {
| e=simple_expression {
/* Field */
/* e.l */
| e=located(expression) DOT l=located(label) {
Field(e, l, None)
/* Field - Projection dun champ */
| e=located(expression) DOT l=located(label) tl=option(type_list) {
Field(e, l, tl)
/* e.l < > */
| e=located(expression) DOT l=located(label) INFERIOR SUPERIOR {
Field(e, l, None)
/* Sequence - Séquencement *
* Pas sûr, voir s'il ne fuat pas une troisième couche d'expression */
| e=located(simple_expression)
SEMICOLON e_list=separated_nonempty_list(SEMICOLON, located(simple_expression)) {
Sequence(e :: e_list)
/* e.l <ty_1...ty_n>*/
| e=located(expression) DOT l=located(label) INFERIOR t_list=option(separated_nonempty_list(COMMA, located(ty))) SUPERIOR {
Field(e, l, t_list)
/* Sequence */
/* Pas sûr, voir s'il ne fuat pas une troisième couche d'expression */
| e=located(simple_expression) SEMICOLON e_list=separated_nonempty_list(SEMICOLON, located(simple_expression)) {
/* Definition locale */
| vd=vdefinition SEMICOLON e=located(expression) {
Define(vd, e)
/* Fonction anonyme */
| BACKSLASH p=located(pattern) ARROW e=located(expression) {
Fun(FunctionDefinition(p, e))
/* Application */
| e1=located(expression) e2=located(expression) {
Apply(e1, e2)
/* Match (exp) {| ...| ... | ...} */
/* Operateurs binaires - Application infixe */
/* | e1=located(expression) b=binop e2=located(expression) {
Apply(Apply(b, e1), e2)
} */
/* Analyse de motifs
* match (exp) {| ...| ... | ...} */
| MATCH LPAREN e=located(expression) RPAREN LBRACE b=branches RBRACE {
Case(e, b)
/* TODO if ( exp ) then { expr } j'ai RIEN COMPRIS */
/* | IF LPAREN e=located(expression) RPAREN
/* Conditionnelle (1)
* if ( expr ) then { expr } */
| IF LPAREN e1=located(expression) RPAREN
THEN LBRACE e2=located(expression) RBRACE {
IfThenElse(e, e2, None)
} */
/* if ( expr ) then { expr } else { expr } */
| IF LPAREN e=located(expression) RPAREN
(* else { () } aka le 0-uplet *)
IfThenElse(e1, e2, Position.unknown_pos (Tuple []))
/* Conditionnelle (2)
* if ( expr ) then { expr } else { expr } */
| IF LPAREN e1=located(expression) RPAREN
THEN LBRACE e2=located(expression) RBRACE
ELSE LBRACE e3=located(expression) RBRACE {
IfThenElse(e, e2, e3)
IfThenElse(e1, e2, e3)
/* Reference ref expr */
/* Reference - Allocation
* ref expr */
| REF e=located(expression) {
/* Affectation
* expr := expr */
| e1=located(expression) ASSIGN e2=located(expression) {
Assign(e1, e2)
/* While */
/* while ( expr ) { expr } */
| WHILE LPAREN e=located(expression) RPAREN
/* While - Boucle non bornée
* while ( expr ) { expr } */
| WHILE LPAREN e1=located(expression) RPAREN
LBRACE e2=located(expression) RBRACE {
While(e, e2)
While(e1, e2)
/* Do while
/* Do while - Boucle non bornée et non vide
* do { expr } until ( expr ) */
/* TODO */
/* Boucle for
| DO LBRACE e1=located(expression) RBRACE UNTIL LPAREN e2=located(expression) RPAREN {
Sequence([e2 ; Position.unknown_pos (While(e1, e2))])
/* Boucle for - Boucle bornée
* for x in (e1 to e2) { expr } */
| FOR x=located(identifier)
| FOR var=located(identifier)
FROM LPAREN e1=located(expression) RPAREN TO LPAREN e2=located(expression) RPAREN
LBRACE e3=located(expression) RBRACE {
For(x, e1, e2, e3)
For(var, e1, e2, e3)
/* Parenthésage pas sûr mais je vois pas sinon */
/* Parenthésage
* Pas sûr mais je vois pas sinon */
| LPAREN e=expression RPAREN {
/* Annotation de type
* (e : ty) */
| LPAREN e=located(expression) COLON t=located(ty) RPAREN {
@ -415,14 +408,6 @@ expression:
/* Operateurs binaires */
/* | e1=located(expression) b=binop e2=located(expression) {
} */
/******************************** BASIC TYPES *********************************/
@ -451,12 +436,15 @@ label:
/* Entier positif */
| i=INT {
LInt i
/* Caractère */
| c=CHAR {
LChar c
/* Chaîne de caractères */
| s=STRING {
LString s
@ -469,7 +457,7 @@ identifier:
%inline binop:
/*| loc=located(PLUS) { ("`+`",loc) }*/
/* | loc=located(PLUS) { ("`+`",loc) } */
| MINUS { "`-`" }
| STAR { "`*`" }
@ -485,3 +473,7 @@ identifier:
%inline located(X): x=X {
Position.with_poss $startpos $endpos x
%inline optionlist(X): x=option(X) {
match x with | Some l -> l | None -> []