Merge branch 'jalon4'
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 349 additions and 168 deletions
@ -8,9 +8,7 @@ module S = Source.AST
module Target = Fopix
module Target = Fopix
module T = Target.AST
module T = Target.AST
(** The translation from Hobix to Fopix turns anonymous
The translation from Hobix to Fopix turns anonymous
lambda-abstractions into toplevel functions and applications into
lambda-abstractions into toplevel functions and applications into
function calls. In other words, it translates a high-level language
function calls. In other words, it translates a high-level language
(like OCaml) into a first order language (like C).
(like OCaml) into a first order language (like C).
@ -63,97 +61,108 @@ module T = Target.AST
(Remark: Did you notice that this form of "auto-application" is
(Remark: Did you notice that this form of "auto-application" is
very similar to the way "this" is defined in object-oriented
very similar to the way "this" is defined in object-oriented
programming languages?)
programming languages?) *)
(** Helpers functions. *)
let error pos msg = Error.error "compilation" pos msg
Helpers functions.
let error pos msg =
Error.error "compilation" pos msg
let make_fresh_variable =
let make_fresh_variable =
let r = ref 0 in
let r = ref 0 in
fun () -> incr r; T.Id (Printf.sprintf "_%d" !r)
fun () ->
incr r;
T.Id (Printf.sprintf "_%d" !r)
let make_fresh_function_identifier =
let make_fresh_function_identifier =
let r = ref 0 in
let r = ref 0 in
fun () -> incr r; T.FunId (Printf.sprintf "_%d" !r)
fun () ->
incr r;
T.FunId (Printf.sprintf "_%d" !r)
let define e f =
let define e f =
let x = make_fresh_variable () in
let x = make_fresh_variable () in
T.Define (x, e, f x)
T.Define (x, e, f x)
let rec defines ds e =
let rec defines ds e =
match ds with
match ds with
| [] ->
| [] -> e
| (x, d) :: ds -> T.Define (x, d, defines ds e)
| (x, d) :: ds ->
T.Define (x, d, defines ds e)
let seq a b =
let seq a b = define a (fun _ -> b)
define a (fun _ -> b)
let rec seqs = function
let rec seqs = function
| [] -> assert false
| [] -> assert false
| [ x ] -> x
| [ x ] -> x
| x :: xs -> seq x (seqs xs)
| x :: xs -> seq x (seqs xs)
let allocate_block e =
let allocate_block e = T.(FunCall (FunId "allocate_block", [ e ]))
T.(FunCall (FunId "allocate_block", [e]))
let write_block e i v = T.(FunCall (FunId "write_block", [ e; i; v ]))
let read_block e i = T.(FunCall (FunId "read_block", [ e; i ]))
let lint i = T.(Literal (LInt (Int64.of_int i)))
let write_block e i v =
(* Liste de fonction prédéfini par le code, que l'on retrouve dans les tests *)
T.(FunCall (FunId "write_block", [e; i; v]))
let fonction_predef =
[ "print_string"; "equal_string"; "equal_char"; "observe_int"; "print_int" ]
let read_block e i =
T.(FunCall (FunId "read_block", [e; i]))
let lint i =
T.(Literal (LInt (Int64.of_int i)))
(* On regarde si la fonction est prédéfini :
- soit par des noms
- soit par des opérations binaires *)
let is_a_predefined_function (S.Id op) =
FopixInterpreter.is_binary_primitive op || List.mem op fonction_predef
(** [free_variables e] returns the list of free variables that
(** [free_variables e] returns the list of free variables that
occur in [e].*)
occur in [e].*)
let free_variables =
let free_variables =
let module M =
let module M =
Set.Make (struct type t = S.identifier let compare = compare end)
Set.Make (struct
type t = S.identifier
let compare = compare
let rec unions f = function
let rec unions f = function
| [] -> M.empty
| [] -> M.empty
| [ s ] -> f s
| [ s ] -> f s
| s :: xs -> M.union (f s) (unions f xs)
| s :: xs -> M.union (f s) (unions f xs)
(* Une variable libre est une variable qui peut être substitué *)
let rec fvs = function
let rec fvs = function
| S.Literal _ ->
| S.Literal _ -> M.empty
(* Si la fonction est prédéfini, alors ce n'est pas une variable libre. *)
| S.Variable x ->
| S.Variable x -> if is_a_predefined_function x then M.empty else M.singleton x
M.singleton x
| S.While (cond, e) -> unions fvs [ cond; e ]
| S.While (cond, e) ->
failwith "Students! This is your job!"
| S.Define (vd, a) ->
| S.Define (vd, a) ->
failwith "Students! This is your job!"
let liste_def_valeur =
| S.ReadBlock (a, b) ->
match vd with
unions fvs [a; b]
| S.SimpleValue (id, expr) -> [ id, expr ]
| S.Apply (a, b) ->
| S.RecFunctions list -> list
unions fvs (a :: b)
| S.WriteBlock (a, b, c) | S.IfThenElse (a, b, c) ->
let id, expr = List.split liste_def_valeur in
unions fvs [a; b; c]
M.diff (unions fvs (a :: expr)) (M.of_list id)
| S.AllocateBlock a ->
| S.ReadBlock (a, b) -> unions fvs [ a; b ]
fvs a
| S.Apply (a, b) -> unions fvs (a :: b)
| S.Fun (xs, e) ->
| S.WriteBlock (a, b, c) | S.IfThenElse (a, b, c) -> unions fvs [ a; b; c ]
failwith "Students! This is your job!"
| S.AllocateBlock a -> fvs a
| S.Fun (xs, e) -> M.diff (fvs e) (M.of_list xs)
| S.Switch (a, b, c) ->
| S.Switch (a, b, c) ->
let c = match c with None -> [] | Some c -> [c] in
let c =
unions fvs (a :: ExtStd.Array.present_to_list b @ c)
match c with
| None -> []
| Some c -> [ c ]
unions fvs ((a :: ExtStd.Array.present_to_list b) @ c)
fun e -> M.elements (fvs e)
fun e -> M.elements (fvs e)
(** A closure compilation environment relates an identifier to the way
A closure compilation environment relates an identifier to the way
it is accessed in the compiled version of the function's
it is accessed in the compiled version of the function's
@ -170,58 +179,101 @@ let free_variables =
Indeed, "x" is a local variable that can be accessed directly in
Indeed, "x" is a local variable that can be accessed directly in
the compiled version of this function's body whereas "y" is a free
the compiled version of this function's body whereas "y" is a free
variable whose value must be retrieved from the closure's
variable whose value must be retrieved from the closure's
environment. *)
type environment =
{ vars : (HobixAST.identifier, FopixAST.expression) Dict.t
type environment = {
; externals : (HobixAST.identifier, int) Dict.t
vars : (HobixAST.identifier, FopixAST.expression) Dict.t;
externals : (HobixAST.identifier, int) Dict.t;
let initial_environment () =
let initial_environment () = { vars = Dict.empty; externals = Dict.empty }
{ vars = Dict.empty; externals = Dict.empty }
let bind_external id n env = { env with externals = Dict.insert id n env.externals }
let is_external id env = Dict.lookup id env.externals <> None
let bind_external id n env =
let reset_vars env = { env with vars = Dict.empty }
{ env with externals = Dict.insert id n env.externals }
let bind_var env id expr = { env with vars = Dict.insert id expr env.vars }
let is_external id env =
Dict.lookup id env.externals <> None
let reset_vars env =
{ env with vars = Dict.empty }
(** Precondition: [is_external id env = true]. *)
(** Precondition: [is_external id env = true]. *)
let arity_of_external id env =
let arity_of_external id env =
match Dict.lookup id env.externals with
match Dict.lookup id env.externals with
| Some n -> n
| Some n -> n
| None -> assert false (* By is_external. *)
| None -> assert false (* By is_external. *)
(** [translate p env] turns an Hobix program [p] into a Fopix program
(** [translate p env] turns an Hobix program [p] into a Fopix program
using [env] to retrieve contextual information. *)
using [env] to retrieve contextual information. *)
let translate (p : S.t) env =
let translate (p : S.t) env =
let rec program env defs =
let rec program env defs =
let env, defs = ExtStd.List.foldmap definition env defs in
let env, defs = ExtStd.List.foldmap definition env defs in
(List.flatten defs, env)
List.flatten defs, env
and definition env = function
and definition env = function
| S.DeclareExtern (id, n) ->
| S.DeclareExtern (id, n) ->
let env = bind_external id n env in
let env = bind_external id n env in
(env, [T.ExternalFunction (function_identifier id, n)])
env, [ T.ExternalFunction (function_identifier id, n) ]
| S.DefineValue vd ->
| S.DefineValue vd -> env, value_definition env vd
(env, value_definition env vd)
and value_definition env = function
and value_definition env = function
| S.SimpleValue (x, e) ->
| S.SimpleValue (x, e) ->
let fs, e = expression (reset_vars env) e in
let fs, e = expression (reset_vars env) e in
fs @ [ T.DefineValue (identifier x, e) ]
fs @ [ T.DefineValue (identifier x, e) ]
| S.RecFunctions fdefs ->
| S.RecFunctions fdefs ->
let fs, defs = define_recursive_functions fdefs in
let fs, defs = define_recursive_functions env fdefs in
fs @ (fun (x, e) -> T.DefineValue (x, e)) defs
fs @ (fun (x, e) -> T.DefineValue (x, e)) defs
(* Ce qu'il faut faire dans le cadre des fonctions mutuellement récursives :
and define_recursive_functions rdefs =
- On récupère la liste des fonctions
failwith "Students! This is your job!"
- On créé des clotures pour chaque récursion
- On traduit chaque fonction mutuellement récursive en appel
de fonction anonyme
- On finit par combiner chaque liste de définition,
celle des la fonction de base, puis celle des des fonctions traduites. *)
and define_recursive_functions env rdefs =
(* On récupère d'abord les informations qui nous intéresse :
nom, variables libres, arguments, et le corps de la fonction récursive *)
let rdefs =
let rname = fst rdefs in
let free_vars f =
match f with
| S.Fun (id, expr) ->
let new_id = id @ rname in
let lfree_vars = free_variables (S.Fun (new_id, expr)) in
lfree_vars, id, expr
| _ -> failwith "Error recFunctions : This is not a function"
| (fun (name, expr) -> name, free_vars expr) rdefs
(* On regarde si la fonction recursive est seule, si c'est le cas, on traite
le cas simple d'une fonction anonyme seul. *)
match rdefs with
| [ (name, (free_vars, arguments, expr)) ] ->
let defs, expre = fonction_anonyme env ~name free_vars arguments expr in
defs, [ identifier name, expre ]
| _ ->
(* Sinon, on créé des clotures pour chaque fonction de
nos fonctions récursives *)
let rdefs = creation_cloture_rec rdefs in
let fs, rdefs = List.split rdefs in
(* Puis on les traduit toute les fonctions *)
let trad_rdef = trad_rec_definition rdefs in
let fs', exprs = List.split trad_rdef in
fs @ List.concat fs', exprs
(* Fonction qui créé des clotures pour chaque récursion *)
and creation_cloture_rec rdefs =
let nb = List.length rdefs - 1 in
(fun (name, (free_vars, x, e)) ->
let new_name = make_fresh_variable () in
( T.DefineValue (new_name, new_cloture nb free_vars)
, ((name, new_name), (free_vars, x, e)) ))
(* Fonction qui traduit chaque fonction en appel de fonction anonyme
mais également le nom en identifiant de fonction pour fopix. *)
and trad_rec_definition rdefs =
let rname = fst rdefs in
(fun ((name, new_name), (fv, x, e)) ->
let names = List.filter (fun (xi, _) -> xi != name) rname in
let defs, expr = fonction_anonyme ~name ~block:(new_name, names) env fv x e in
defs, (identifier name, expr))
and expression env = function
and expression env = function
| S.Literal l ->
| S.Literal l -> [], T.Literal (literal l)
[], T.Literal (literal l)
| S.While (cond, e) ->
| S.While (cond, e) ->
let cfs, cond = expression env cond in
let cfs, cond = expression env cond in
let efs, e = expression env e in
let efs, e = expression env e in
@ -232,66 +284,195 @@ let translate (p : S.t) env =
| None -> T.Variable (identifier x)
| None -> T.Variable (identifier x)
| Some e -> e
| Some e -> e
([], xc)
[], xc
| S.Define (vdef, a) ->
| S.Define (vdef, a) ->
failwith "Students! This is your job!"
let afs, a = expression env a in
| S.Apply (a, bs) ->
(match vdef with
failwith "Students! This is your job!"
| S.SimpleValue (id, b) ->
let bfs, b = expression env b in
afs @ bfs, T.Define (identifier id, a, b)
| S.RecFunctions rdefs ->
let fs, defs = define_recursive_functions env rdefs in
afs @ fs, defines defs a)
| S.Apply (a, bs) -> apply env a bs
| S.IfThenElse (a, b, c) ->
| S.IfThenElse (a, b, c) ->
let afs, a = expression env a in
let afs, a = expression env a in
let bfs, b = expression env b in
let bfs, b = expression env b in
let cfs, c = expression env c in
let cfs, c = expression env c in
afs @ bfs @ cfs, T.IfThenElse (a, b, c)
afs @ bfs @ cfs, T.IfThenElse (a, b, c)
| S.Fun (x, e) as f -> fonction_anonyme env (free_variables f) x e
| S.Fun (x, e) ->
failwith "Students! This is your job!"
| S.AllocateBlock a ->
| S.AllocateBlock a ->
let afs, a = expression env a in
let afs, a = expression env a in
(afs, allocate_block a)
afs, allocate_block a
| S.WriteBlock (a, b, c) ->
| S.WriteBlock (a, b, c) ->
let afs, a = expression env a in
let afs, a = expression env a in
let bfs, b = expression env b in
let bfs, b = expression env b in
let cfs, c = expression env c in
let cfs, c = expression env c in
afs @ bfs @ cfs,
afs @ bfs @ cfs, T.FunCall (T.FunId "write_block", [ a; b; c ])
T.FunCall (T.FunId "write_block", [a; b; c])
| S.ReadBlock (a, b) ->
| S.ReadBlock (a, b) ->
let afs, a = expression env a in
let afs, a = expression env a in
let bfs, b = expression env b in
let bfs, b = expression env b in
afs @ bfs,
afs @ bfs, T.FunCall (T.FunId "read_block", [ a; b ])
T.FunCall (T.FunId "read_block", [a; b])
| S.Switch (a, bs, default) ->
| S.Switch (a, bs, default) ->
let afs, a = expression env a in
let afs, a = expression env a in
let bsfs, bs =
let bsfs, bs =
ExtStd.List.foldmap (fun bs t ->
(fun bs t ->
match (expression env) t with
match (expression env) t with
| None -> (bs, None)
| None -> bs, None
| Some (bs', t') -> (bs @ bs', Some t')
| Some (bs', t') -> bs @ bs', Some t')
) [] (Array.to_list bs)
(Array.to_list bs)
let dfs, default = match default with
let dfs, default =
match default with
| None -> [], None
| None -> [], None
| Some e -> let bs, e = expression env e in bs, Some e
| Some e ->
let bs, e = expression env e in
bs, Some e
afs @ bsfs @ dfs,
afs @ bsfs @ dfs, T.Switch (a, Array.of_list bs, default)
T.Switch (a, Array.of_list bs, default)
and expressions env = function
and expressions env = function
| [] ->
| [] -> [], []
[], []
| e :: es ->
| e :: es ->
let efs, es = expressions env es in
let efs, es = expressions env es in
let fs, e = expression env e in
let fs, e = expression env e in
fs @ efs, e :: es
fs @ efs, e :: es
and literal = function
and literal = function
| S.LInt x -> T.LInt x
| S.LInt x -> T.LInt x
| S.LString s -> T.LString s
| S.LString s -> T.LString s
| S.LChar c -> T.LChar c
| S.LChar c -> T.LChar c
and identifier (S.Id x) = T.Id x
and identifier (S.Id x) = T.Id x
and function_identifier (S.Id x) = T.FunId x
and function_identifier (S.Id x) = T.FunId x
and old_env = make_fresh_variable ()
and curr_env = make_fresh_variable ()
(* Ici, on rajoute notre fonction anonyme dans la liste des
définitions de fonctions *)
and add_liste_funcdef env fid x expr =
let dfs, expr = expression env expr in
let dfs, expr =
let aux x (xs, acc) =
match x with
| T.DefineValue (id, exp) -> xs, T.Define (id, exp, acc)
| x -> x :: xs, acc
List.fold_right aux dfs ([], expr)
dfs @ [ T.DefineFunction (fid, old_env :: x, expr) ]
(* Traitement des fonctions anonymes *)
and fonction_anonyme ?name ?block env f x e =
(* On commence par générer de nouveaux identifiants pour nos fonctions *)
let fname = make_fresh_function_identifier () in
(* On traduit l'id de chaque argument *)
let arguments_x = identifier x in
(* On créé la cloture pour notre fonction anonyme *)
let cloture, env = creation_cloture env name block fname f in
(* On met à jour la liste des définitions de fonctions *)
let dfs = add_liste_funcdef env fname arguments_x e in
dfs, cloture
and creation_cloture env name block fname free_vars =
let env =
match name with
| None -> env
| Some name -> bind_var env name (T.Variable old_env)
match block with
| None ->
(* Cas où on a une simple fonction anonyme *)
let new_clot = new_cloture 0 free_vars in
let blocks, env = add_to_cloture env fname (T.Variable curr_env) free_vars [] in
T.Define (curr_env, new_clot, blocks), env
| Some (block, rdefs) ->
(* Cas pour les fonctions mutuellements récursive *)
add_to_cloture env fname (T.Variable block) free_vars rdefs
(* Fonction qui initialise une cloture de taille espace
+ la taille de la liste de variable (le nombre de variable libre) *)
and new_cloture espace list_variable =
allocate_block (lint (espace + List.length list_variable + 1))
(* Fonction qui rajoute à la cloture l'ensemble de variable libres *)
and add_to_cloture env fname env_var free_vars rdefs =
(* On commence d'abord par écrire dans le premier bloc le nom de
la fonction fopix *)
let first_block = write_block env_var (lint 0) (T.Literal (T.LFun fname)) in
(* Ensuite, on s'occupe d'écrire dans chaque bloc de notre cloture
les variables libres *)
let env, vars_free, k =
(fun (env, list, k) id ->
(* Pour chaque élément de la liste ...
On commence par lié la variable dans le nouvelle environnement
qui se trouve dans l'ancien environnement *)
let curr_env = bind_var env id (read_block (T.Variable old_env) (lint k)) in
(* On cherche la valeur de la variable dans
le dictionnaire du programme *)
let new_valeur =
match Dict.lookup id env.vars with
| None -> T.Variable (identifier id)
| Some v -> v
(* Enfin, on écrit dans notre cloture la valeur de la variable libre
à la position k *)
let new_instr = write_block env_var (lint k) new_valeur in
(* On rappelle notre fonction avec le nouvelle environnement,
en rajoutant notre instruction à la liste d'instruction,
et en incrémentant l'index *)
curr_env, new_instr :: list, k + 1)
(* On commence notre fonction avec l'env de base,
la liste d'instruction vide et l'indice à 1
(0 étant l'initialisation du début) *)
(env, [], 1)
(* Dans le cas d'une récursion, on rajoute chaque fonction dans l'env et
à la liste d'instruction*)
let env, vars_fun, _ =
(fun (env, list, k) (id, id_var) ->
let curr_env = bind_var env id (read_block (T.Variable old_env) (lint k)) in
let new_instr = write_block env_var (lint k) (T.Variable id_var) in
curr_env, new_instr :: list, k + 1)
(* On commence avec k car on a mis k variables libres juste avant *)
(env, [], k)
(* On créé une séquence d'instructions contenant
le premier bloc et la suite *)
let instrs = List.rev ((env_var :: first_block :: vars_free) @ vars_fun) in
seqs instrs, env
(* Revoir les explications c'est pas clair *)
and apply env f arguments =
(* D'abord, on traduit chaque arguments *)
let defs_args, trad_arguments = expressions env arguments in
(* On créé un FunCall en fonction de f *)
match f with
| S.Variable x when Dict.lookup x env.externals <> None || is_a_predefined_function x
(* Si f est une externe fonction, on créé directement un FunCall *)
[], T.FunCall (function_identifier x, trad_arguments)
| _ ->
(* Sinon, ça veut dire que nous l'avons défini au préalable *)
(* On traduit la fonction *)
let defs_func, func = expression env f in
(* On récupère le nom de fonction et son expression *)
let fname, func_expr =
match func with
| T.Variable x -> x, fun x -> x
| _ ->
let fname = make_fresh_variable () in
fname, fun x -> T.Define (fname, func, x)
(* On récupère le pointeur qui pointe vers la première case
de la fonction *)
let get_pointer = read_block (T.Variable fname) (lint 0) in
(* On récupère l'appelle de la fonction *)
let defs_call =
func_expr (T.UnknownFunCall (get_pointer, T.Variable fname :: trad_arguments))
(* Enfin, on concatène toute les parties de la fonction
(la traduction de tout les arguments) *)
let defs = defs_func @ defs_args in
(* Et on renvoie la def de la fonction ainsi que l'appel *)
defs, defs_call
program env p
program env p
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