Publication du jalon 1

This commit is contained in:
Adrien Guatto 2023-10-04 15:40:22 +02:00
parent e794ff11f5
commit 4640f3e910
1050 changed files with 13913 additions and 0 deletions

flap/AUTEURS Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,2 @@

flap/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
# The Flap Compiler
## Prerequisites
Flap requires **OCaml 4.10+**, as well as the tools and libraries listed
below. They should be installed prior to attempting to build Flap.
- The **dune** build system.
- The **utop** enhanced interactive toplevel.
- The **pprint** library.
- The **menhir** parser generator and library.
- The **sexplib** library.
- The **ppx_sexp_conv** syntax extension.
The easiest way to install them is via OPAM.
opam install dune utop pprint menhir sexplib ppx_sexp_conv
In addition, running the test requires the [cram](
tool. It is probably provided by your Linux distribution.
## Build instructions
To compile the compiler, run `dune build` from this directory.
To run the compiler, run `dune exec ./src/flap.exe -- OPTIONS file` from this
directory. Alternatively, `flap.exe` can be found in `_build/default/src/`.
The test suite can be found in the `tests` directory. See the README there.

flap/dune-project Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
(lang dune 2.7)
(using menhir 2.1)
(cram enable)

flap/runtime/runtime.c Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
int equal_string(const char* s1, const char* s2) {
return (strcmp (s1, s2) == 0 ? 1 : 0);
int equal_char(char c1, char c2) {
return (c1 == c2 ? 1 : 0);
void print_string(const char* s) {
printf("%s", s);
void print_int(int64_t n) {
fprintf(stderr, "Students! This is your job!\n");
void observe_int(int64_t n) {
intptr_t* allocate_block (int64_t n) {
return (intptr_t*)malloc (n * sizeof (int64_t));
intptr_t read_block (intptr_t* block, int64_t n) {
return block[n];
int64_t write_block (intptr_t* block, int64_t n, intptr_t v) {
block[n] = v;
return 0;

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@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
(** Command line arguments analysis. *)
let options_list =
ref []
let push local_options =
options_list := !options_list @ local_options
let options names kind doc =
let first_shot =
let state = ref true in
fun s ->
if !state then (state := false; s)
(List.hd (Str.(split (regexp " ") doc)))
in (fun n -> (n, kind, first_shot doc)) names
let optimizers_options () = (fun (module O : Optimizers.Optimizer) -> Arg.(
["--" ^ O.shortname]
(Set O.activated)
(Printf.sprintf " Activate optimization `%s'." O.longname)
)) !Optimizers.optimizers
let show_version_and_exits () =
Printf.printf "flap %s\n%!" Version.number;
exit 0
let generic_options () = Arg.(align (List.flatten [
["--version"; "-v"]
(Unit show_version_and_exits)
" Show the version number and exits.";
["--source"; "-s"]
(String Options.set_source_language)
(" Set the source programming language");
["--target"; "-t"]
(String Options.set_target_language)
(" Set the target programming language");
["--interactive"; "-i"]
(Bool Options.set_interactive_mode)
("(true|false) Set the compiler mode");
["--run"; "-r"]
(Bool Options.set_running_mode)
("(true|false) Ask the compiler to run the compiled code");
["--verbose"; "-V"]
(Bool Options.set_verbose_mode)
("(true|false) Ask the compiler to be verbose");
["--verbose-eval"; "-VV"]
(Bool Options.set_verbose_eval)
("(true|false) Ask the compiler to be show the result of evaluation");
["--dry"; "-d"]
(Bool Options.set_dry_mode)
("(true|false) Ask the compiler not to produce compiled file");
["--unsafe"; "-u"]
(Bool Options.set_unsafe)
("(true|false) Ask the compiler not to typecheck");
["--bench"; "-B"]
(Bool Options.set_benchmark)
("(true|false) Ask the compiler to show evaluation time.");
["--using"; "-!" ]
(String Options.insert_using)
(" Force the compilation to use this intermediate language");
["--types"; "-T"]
(Bool Options.set_show_types)
("(true|false) Ask the compiler to show types for toplevel values.");
["--infer"; "-I"]
(Bool Options.set_infer_types)
("(true|false) Ask the compiler to infer types for toplevel values.");
["--typechecking"; "-C"]
(Bool Options.set_check_types)
("(true|false) Ask the compiler to check types for toplevel values.");
(Bool Options.set_use_sexp_in)
("(true|false) Activate sexp parsing.");
(Bool Options.set_use_sexp_out)
("(true|false) Activate sexp printing.");
["--scripts-dir"; "-IS"]
(String Options.set_scripts_dir)
("[dirname] Set the directory where compiler scripts are located.");
["--include-dir"; "-II"]
(String Options.set_include_dir)
("[dirname] Set the directory where runtime.c is located.");
["--output-file"; "-o"]
(String Options.set_output_file)
"[filename] Set the output file.";
["--fast-pattern-matching"; "-fpm"]
(Bool Options.set_fast_match)
" Enable efficient pattern-matching compilation.";
["--backend"; "-b"]
(String Options.set_backend)
"[architecture] Set the architecture backend, default is x86-64.";
["--regalloc-strategy"; "-R"]
(String Options.set_regalloc)
"[strategy] Set the register allocation strategy, default is naive \
(alternatives: advanced).";
["--debug"; "-D"]
(Bool Options.set_debug_mode)
("(true|false) Ask the compiler to dump internal information");
["--loc"; "-l"]
(Bool Options.set_print_locs)
("(true|false) Ask the compiler to print locations in error messages");
] @ (List.flatten (optimizers_options ()))))
let usage_msg =
"flap [options] input_filename"
let parse () =
Arg.parse !options_list Options.set_input_filename usage_msg
let initialize () =
push (generic_options ())

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@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
(** This module defines a common interface to specify target architectures. *)
module type S = sig
(** The type of hardware registers. *)
type register
(** Hardware registers that can be used by register allocation. *)
val allocable_registers : register list
(** Registers used as effective arguments for functions. *)
val argument_passing_registers : register list
(** Registers that must be preserved through function calls. *)
val callee_saved_registers : register list
(** Registers that are *not* preserved by function calls. *)
val caller_saved_registers : register list
(** The register that holds the value returned by a function. *)
val return_register : register
(** A human representation of register identifier. *)
val string_of_register : register -> string

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@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
(** Compilers. *)
open Languages
(** A compiler translates programs from a source language
into programs of a target language. *)
module type Compiler = sig
module Source : Language
module Target : Language
type environment
val initial_environment : unit -> environment
val translate : Source.ast -> environment -> Target.ast * environment
(** Given a compiler from L1 to L2 and a compiler from L2 to L3,
one can get compiler from L1 to L3. *)
let compose (module C1 : Compiler) (module C2 : Compiler) : (module Compiler) =
let c2_source_is_c1_target =
Obj.magic (* Do not do this at home, kids! *)
(module struct
module Source = C1.Source
module Target = C2.Target
type environment = C1.environment * C2.environment
let initial_environment () =
(C1.initial_environment (), C2.initial_environment ())
let translate source (env1, env2) =
let (intermediate, env1') =
C1.translate source env1
let (target, env2') =
C2.translate (c2_source_is_c1_target intermediate) env2
(target, (env1', env2'))
end : Compiler)
let rec join = function
| [x] -> x
| [x; y] -> compose x y
| x :: xs -> compose x (join xs)
| _ -> assert false
let string_of_compiler_passes xs =
String.concat " -> " ( (fun (module C : Compiler) -> C.Source.extension
) xs)
(** Compiler implementations are stored in the following
mutable association list. *)
let compilers : (string * (string * (module Compiler))) list ref =
ref []
let register (module C : Compiler) =
let source = and target = in
compilers := (source, (target, (module C))) :: !compilers
let compilers_from source =
|> filter (fun (source', _) -> source = source')
|> map snd
let find _ source target using = List.(ExtStd.List.Monad.(
let rec search seen source target =
if List.mem source seen then
else (
take_one (compilers_from source) >>= fun (target', m) ->
if target = target' then
return [(target', m)]
else (
search (source :: seen) target' target >>= fun ms ->
return ((target', m) :: ms)
run (search [] source target)
|> filter (fun p -> for_all (fun u -> exists (fun (l, _) -> l = u) p) using)
|> map (map snd)
let get ?(using=[]) (module Source : Language) (module Target : Language) =
let using = (fun (module L : Language) -> using in
match find compilers using with
| [] ->
"during compilation"
"Sorry, there is no such compiler in flap."
| [x] ->
join x
| xs ->
"during compilation"
("Sorry, there are many ways to implement this compiler in flap:\n" ^
String.concat "\n" ( string_of_compiler_passes xs))
(** There is an easy way to compile a language into itself:
just use the identity function :-). *)
module Identity (L : Language) : Compiler = struct
module Source = L
module Target = L
type environment = unit
let initial_environment () = ()
let translate x () = (x, ())

View file

@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
(** Compilers
A compiler is a translator from a source language to a target
open Languages
module type Compiler = sig
module Source : Language
module Target : Language
(** It is convenient to maintain some information about a program
along its compilation: an environment is meant to store that
kind of information. *)
type environment
val initial_environment : unit -> environment
(** [translate source env] returns a [target] program semantically
equivalent to [source] as a well as an enriched environment
[env] that contains information related to the compilation of
[source]. *)
val translate : Source.ast -> environment -> Target.ast * environment
(** [register compiler] integrates [compiler] is the set of flap's compilers. *)
val register : (module Compiler) -> unit
(** [get ?using source target] returns a compiler from [source] to
[target] built by composing flap's compilers. [using] is empty if
not specified.
[using] represents a list of languages that must appear in the
compilation chain. It is useful to disambiguate between several
choices when distinct compilation chains exist between two
languages. If [using] is not precise enough to kill the
ambiguity, flap issues a global error. *)
val get : ?using:(module Language) list
-> (module Language) -> (module Language) -> (module Compiler)
(** There is an easy way to compile a language into itself:
just use the identity function :-). *)
module Identity (L : Language) : Compiler

View file

@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
module type Language = sig
(** A language as a [name]. *)
val name : string
(** {1 Syntax} *)
(** A syntax is defined by the type of abstract syntax trees. *)
type ast
(** [parse_filename f] turns the content of file [f] into an
abstract syntax tree if that content is a syntactically valid
input. *)
val parse_filename : string -> ast
(** Each language has its own extension for source code filenames. *)
val extension : string
(** [executable_format] should true when programs of the language are directly
executable when dumped on disk as files. *)
val executable_format : bool
(** [parse_string c] is the same as [parse_filename] except that the
source code is directly given as a string. *)
val parse_string : string -> ast
(** [print ast] turns an abstract syntax tree into a human-readable
form. *)
val print_ast : ast -> string
(** {2 Semantic} *)
(** A runtime environment contains all the information necessary
to evaluate a program. *)
type runtime
(** In the interactive loop, we will display some observable
feedback about the evaluation. *)
type observable
(** The evaluation starts with an initial runtime. *)
val initial_runtime : unit -> runtime
(** [evaluate runtime p] executes the program [p] and
produces a new runtime as well as an observation
of this runtime. *)
val evaluate : runtime -> ast -> runtime * observable
(** [print_observable o] returns a human-readable
representation of an observable. *)
val print_observable : runtime -> observable -> string
(** {3 Static semantic} *)
(** During type checking, static information (aka types)
are stored in the typing environment. *)
type typing_environment
(** A typing environment to start with. *)
val initial_typing_environment : unit -> typing_environment
(** [typecheck tenv p] checks if [p] is a well-typed program
and returns an extension of the typing environment [tenv]
with the values defined in the program. *)
val typecheck : typing_environment -> ast -> typing_environment
(** [print_typing_environment tenv] returns a human-readable
representation of [tenv]. *)
val print_typing_environment : typing_environment -> string
(** We store all the language implementations in the following
hashing table. *)
let languages : (string, (module Language)) Hashtbl.t =
Hashtbl.create 13
let extensions : (string, (module Language)) Hashtbl.t =
Hashtbl.create 13
let get (l : string) : (module Language) =
Hashtbl.find languages l
with Not_found ->
Error.global_error "initialization" "There is no such language."
let get_from_extension (l : string) : (module Language) =
Hashtbl.find extensions l
with Not_found ->
Error.global_error "initialization" "This extension is not supported."
let register (module L : Language) =
Hashtbl.add languages (module L);
Hashtbl.add extensions L.extension (module L)

View file

@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
module type Language = sig
(** A language has a [name]. *)
val name : string
(** {1 Syntax} *)
(** The syntax of a language is defined by its Abstract Syntax Trees. *)
type ast
(** [parse_filename f] turns the content of file [f] into an
abstract syntax tree if that content is a syntactically valid
input. *)
val parse_filename : string -> ast
(** Each language has its own extension for source code filenames. *)
val extension : string
(** [executable_format] should true when programs of the language are directly
executable when dumped on disk as files. *)
val executable_format : bool
(** [parse_string c] is the same as [parse_filename] except that the
source code is directly given as a string. *)
val parse_string : string -> ast
(** [print ast] turns an abstract syntax tree into a human-readable
form. *)
val print_ast : ast -> string
(** {2 Semantics} *)
(** A runtime environment contains all the information necessary
to evaluate a program. *)
type runtime
(** In the interactive loop, we will display some observable
feedback about the evaluation. *)
type observable
(** The evaluation starts with an initial runtime. *)
val initial_runtime : unit -> runtime
(** [evaluate runtime p] executes the program [p] and
produces a new runtime as well as an observation
of this runtime. *)
val evaluate : runtime -> ast -> runtime * observable
(** [print_observable o] returns a human-readable
representation of an observable. *)
val print_observable : runtime -> observable -> string
(** {3 Type Checking} *)
(** A typing environment stores static information about the program. *)
type typing_environment
(** The initial typing environment contains predefined static information,
like the type for constants. *)
val initial_typing_environment : unit -> typing_environment
(** [typecheck env p] checks if the program [p] is well-formed
and enriches the typing environment accordingly. If [p] is
not well-formed an {!Error} is issued. *)
val typecheck : typing_environment -> ast -> typing_environment
(** [print_typing_environment] returns a human-readable
representation of a typing environment. *)
val print_typing_environment : typing_environment -> string
(** [get name] returns a language of flap called [name] if it exists. *)
val get : string -> (module Language)
(** [get_from_extension ext] returns a language of flap whose extension
is [ext] if it exists. *)
val get_from_extension : string -> (module Language)
(** [register l] inserts [l] in the set of flap's languages. *)
val register : (module Language) -> unit

flap/src/common/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
type location = int
type 'a block = 'a array
type 'a memory = {
mutable bound : int;
data : 'a block option array;
type 'a t = 'a memory
let create size = {
bound = 0;
data = Array.make size None
exception OutOfMemory
let allocate mem size init =
let size = Mint.to_int size in
if mem.bound >= Array.length then
raise OutOfMemory
else (
let location = mem.bound in <- Some (Array.make size init);
mem.bound <- mem.bound + 1;
exception InvalidDereference of location
let dereference mem location =
match with
| None -> raise (InvalidDereference location)
| Some b -> b
let size block =
Mint.of_int (Array.length block)
let read block i =
block.(Mint.to_int i)
let write block i x =
block.(Mint.to_int i) <- x
let array_of_block block =
let print_location x = "#" ^ string_of_int x

View file

@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
(** This module defines a memory model. *)
(** A memory is data structure... *)
type 'a t
(** that maps locations... *)
type location
(** to blocks of data of type ['a]. *)
type 'a block
(** [create size] produces a fresh memory of [size] potential blocks. *)
val create : int -> 'a t
(** [allocate mem size init] produces a location that points to a fresh block
of size cells. These cells are initialized with [init]. *)
val allocate : 'a t -> Mint.t -> 'a -> location
(** The following exception is raised if no new block can be allocated in the
memory. *)
exception OutOfMemory
(** [dereference mem location] returns the block pointed by [location]. *)
val dereference : 'a t -> location -> 'a block
(** [size block] returns the length of a block. *)
val size : 'a block -> Mint.t
(** [read block i] returns the content of the i-th cell of the block *)
val read : 'a block -> Mint.t -> 'a
(** [write block i x] sets the content of the i-th cell of the block to [x]. *)
val write : 'a block -> Mint.t -> 'a -> unit
(** [array_of_block b] returns the cells of [b] packed in an array. *)
val array_of_block : 'a block -> 'a array
(** [print_location l] returns a human-readable representation of [l]. *)
val print_location : location -> string

flap/src/common/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
include Int64
exception DoesNotFit
let to_int n =
if n < of_int Stdlib.min_int || n > of_int Stdlib.max_int
then raise DoesNotFit
else to_int n
let t_of_sexp s =
of_string @@ Int64.to_string @@ Sexplib.Conv.int64_of_sexp s
let sexp_of_t n =
Sexplib.Conv.sexp_of_int64 @@ Int64.of_string @@ to_string n
let size_in_bytes =

flap/src/common/mint.mli Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
(** This module defines the integer type used in all languages. *)
type t = Int64.t
(** {2 Basic Values} *)
val zero : t
val one : t
(** {2 Arithmetic Operations} *)
val add : t -> t -> t
val sub : t -> t -> t
val mul : t -> t -> t
val div : t -> t -> t
(** {2 Conversions} *)
exception DoesNotFit
val of_int : int -> t
val to_int : t -> int
val of_string : string -> t
val to_string : t -> string
(** {2 Serialization} *)
val t_of_sexp : Sexplib.Sexp.t -> t
val sexp_of_t : t -> Sexplib.Sexp.t
(** {2 Low-level information} *)
val size_in_bytes : int

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@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
(** Optimizers. *)
open Languages
open Compilers
(** An optimizer rewrites programs from a language to try
to improve their efficiency.
An optimizer has a name and its application is optional.
module type Optimizer = sig
val shortname : string
val longname : string
val activated : bool ref
module Source : Language
val translate : Source.ast -> Source.ast
let optimizers : (module Optimizer) list ref =
ref []
let register (module O : Optimizer) =
optimizers := (module O) :: !optimizers
let find_optimizers source =
List.filter (fun (module O : Optimizer) ->
!O.activated && = source
) !optimizers
let optimize
(type t)
(module Source : Language with type ast = t) (ast : t) =
List.fold_left (fun ast (module O : Optimizer) ->
(* Kids, do not do that at home. *)
Obj.magic (O.translate (Obj.magic ast))
) ast (find_optimizers
let optimizing_compiler (module C : Compiler) =
(module struct
module Source = C.Source
module Target = C.Target
type environment = C.environment
let initial_environment = C.initial_environment
let translate source env =
let source = optimize (module Source) source in
C.translate source env
end : Compiler)

View file

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
let parsing_step = "during parsing"
let process ~lexer_init ~lexer_fun ~parser_fun ~input =
parser_fun lexer_fun (lexer_init input)
let process ~lexer_init ~lexer_fun ~parser_fun ~input = try
process ~lexer_init ~lexer_fun ~parser_fun ~input
| Sys_error msg ->
Error.global_error parsing_step msg
| _ ->
Error.global_error parsing_step "Syntax error."

View file

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
(** This module helps combining {!Lexer} and {!Parser}. *)
(** [process lexer_init lexer_fun parser_fun input] initializes a lexer,
and composes it with a parser in order to transform an input text into
an abstract syntax tree. *)
val process :
lexer_init : ('a -> 'lexbuf) ->
lexer_fun : ('lexbuf -> 'token) ->
parser_fun : (('lexbuf -> 'token) -> 'lexbuf -> 'ast) ->
input : 'a ->

flap/src/dune Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
(copy_files# common/*.{ml,mli})
(copy_files# elf/*.{ml,mli})
(copy_files# fopix/*.{ml,mli})
(copy_files# hopix/*.{ml,mli})
(copy_files# hobix/*.{ml,mli})
(copy_files# retrolix/*.{ml,mli})
(copy_files# utilities/*.{ml,mli})
(copy_files# x86-64/*.{ml,mli})
(copy_files fopix/*.{mll,mly})
(copy_files hopix/*.{mll,mly})
(copy_files hobix/*.{mll,mly})
(copy_files retrolix/*.{mll,mly})
(copy_files# ../runtime/runtime.c)
(name flap)
(libraries str unix pprint menhirLib sexplib)
(modules_without_implementation architecture hopixSyntacticSugar)
(preprocess (pps ppx_sexp_conv))
(promote (until-clean))
(ocamllex fopixLexer hopixLexer hobixLexer retrolixLexer)
(modules fopixParser hopixParser hobixParser retrolixParser)
(infer true)
(flags --explain --table))
(env (dev (flags (:standard -warn-error -A -w -9 -w -32))))

flap/src/elf/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
(** The ELF binary format. *)
module AST = ElfAST
let name = "elf"
type ast = AST.t
let parse lexer_init input =
let no_parser () =
"during source analysis"
"There is no parser for ELF in flap."
let parse_filename _ =
no_parser ()
let extension =
let executable_format =
let parse_string _ =
no_parser ()
let print_ast (buf : ast) =
Buffer.contents buf
include ElfInterpreter
include ElfTypechecker

flap/src/elf/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1 @@
type t = Buffer.t

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@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
open Optimizers
(** Register some compilers that have ELF as a target or source language. *)
let initialize () =
Languages.register (module Elf);
Compilers.register (optimizing_compiler (module X86_64toElf));

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@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
(** This module implements the interpreter for X86-64 programs. *)
open ElfAST
type runtime = unit
type observable = {
exit_status : Unix.process_status;
stdout : string;
stderr : string;
let initial_runtime () = ()
let show_runtime _ = ()
let evaluate (_ : runtime) (buf : t) =
(* 1. Generate a temporary .s file.
2. Call gcc to generate an executable linked with runtime.o
3. Execute this program, capturing its stdout/stderr
let fn = Filename.chop_extension (Options.get_input_filename ()) ^ ".elf" in
let oc = open_out fn in
Buffer.output_buffer oc buf;
close_out oc;
ExtStd.Unix.add_exec_bits fn;
let exit_status, stdout, stderr =
ExtStd.Unix.output_and_error_of_command ("./" ^ fn)
(), { exit_status; stdout; stderr; }
let print_observable (_ : runtime) (obs : observable) =
"Process exited with status %s.\nSTDOUT:\n%s\nSTDERR:\n%s\n\n"
(ExtStd.Unix.string_of_process_status obs.exit_status)

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@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
(** There is no typechecker for ELF programs in flap. *)
type typing_environment = unit
let initial_typing_environment () = ()
let typecheck () _ast = ()
let print_typing_environment () = ""

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@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
module Source = X86_64
module Target = Elf
type environment = unit
let initial_environment () =
let installation_directory () =
Filename.dirname Sys.argv.(0)
let gcc ~src ~tgt =
let open Filename in
let runtime =
concat (installation_directory ()) "runtime.c"
"gcc -no-pie -g %s %s -o %s"
let translate (p : X86_64.ast) _env =
(* 1. Generate a temporary .s file.
2. Call gcc to generate an executable linked with runtime.o
3. Execute this program, capturing its stdout/stderr
let asmf = Filename.temp_file "flap" ".s" in
let elff = Filename.temp_file "flap" ".elf" in
let oc = open_out asmf in
PPrint.ToChannel.compact oc (X86_64_PrettyPrinter.program p);
close_out oc;
let exit_status, _, stderr =
ExtStd.Unix.output_and_error_of_command (gcc ~src:asmf ~tgt:elff)
if exit_status <> Unix.WEXITED 0
(Printf.sprintf "Could not assemble or link file \"%s\":\n%s" asmf stderr)
let ic = open_in elff in
let b = ExtStd.Buffer.slurp ic in
close_in ic;
List.iter Sys.remove [asmf; elff];

flap/src/ Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,236 @@
(** The main driver module.
The role of this module is to have [flap] behave as the command
line options say. In particular, these options determine:
- if the compiler is run in interactive or batch mode.
- what is the source language of the compiler.
- what is the target language of the compiler.
(* -------------------------- *)
(* Initialization process *)
(* -------------------------- *)
open Options
let rec initialize () =
initialize_languages ();
initialize_options ();
initialize_prompt ()
and initialize_prompt () =
UserInput.set_prompt "flap> "
and initialize_options () =
CommandLineOptions.initialize ();
if not (!Sys.interactive) then CommandLineOptions.parse ()
and initialize_languages () =
HopixInitialization.initialize ();
ElfInitialization.initialize ();
X86_64_Initialization.initialize ();
RetrolixInitialization.initialize ();
FopixInitialization.initialize ();
HobixInitialization.initialize ()
(** Infer source language from the extension of the input file or from the
related command line option. *)
let infer_source_language () =
if Options.is_source_language_set ()
then Languages.get @@ Options.get_source_language ()
Options.get_input_filename ()
|> Filename.extension
|> Languages.get_from_extension
(** Given the source language and the target language returns
the right compiler (as a first-class module). *)
let get_compiler () : (module Compilers.Compiler) =
let source_language =
infer_source_language ()
let target_language =
if is_target_language_set () then
Languages.get (get_target_language ())
let using = Languages.get (Options.get_using ()) in
Compilers.get ~using source_language target_language
(** The evaluation function evaluates some code and prints the results
into the standard output. It also benchmarks the time taken to
evaluates the code, if asked. *)
let eval runtime eval print =
let now = Unix.gettimeofday () in
let runtime, observation = eval runtime in
let elapsed_time = Unix.gettimeofday () -. now in
if Options.get_benchmark () then
Printf.eprintf "[%fs]\n" elapsed_time;
if Options.get_verbose_eval () then
print_endline (print runtime observation);
(* -------------------- **)
(* Interactive mode *)
(* -------------------- **)
The interactive mode is a basic read-compile-eval-print loop.
let interactive_loop () =
Printf.printf " Flap version %s\n\n%!" Version.number;
let module Compiler = (val get_compiler () : Compilers.Compiler) in
let open Compiler in
let read () =
initialize_prompt ();
let b = Buffer.create 13 in
let rec read prev =
let c = UserInput.input_char stdin in
if c = "\n" then
if prev <> "\\" then (
Buffer.add_string b prev;
Buffer.contents b
) else (
UserInput.set_prompt "....> ";
read c
else (
Buffer.add_string b prev;
read c
read ""
let rec step
: Target.runtime -> Compiler.environment -> Source.typing_environment
-> Target.runtime * Compiler.environment * Source.typing_environment =
fun runtime cenvironment tenvironment ->
match read () with
| "+debug" ->
Options.set_verbose_mode true;
step runtime cenvironment tenvironment
| "-debug" ->
Options.set_verbose_mode false;
step runtime cenvironment tenvironment
| input ->
let ast = Compiler.Source.parse_string input in
let tenvironment =
if Options.get_unsafe () then
Compiler.Source.typecheck tenvironment ast
let cast, cenvironment = Compiler.translate ast cenvironment in
if Options.get_verbose_mode () then
print_endline (Target.print_ast cast);
let runtime = Compiler.Target.(
eval runtime (fun r -> evaluate r cast) print_observable
step runtime cenvironment tenvironment
| e when !Sys.interactive -> raise e (* display exception at toplevel *)
| Error.Error (positions, msg) ->
output_string stdout (Error.print_error positions msg);
step runtime cenvironment tenvironment
| End_of_file ->
(runtime, cenvironment, tenvironment)
| e ->
print_endline (Printexc.get_backtrace ());
print_endline (Printexc.to_string e);
step runtime cenvironment tenvironment
Error.resume_on_error ();
ignore (step
(Target.initial_runtime ())
(Compiler.initial_environment ())
(Source.initial_typing_environment ())
(* ------------- **)
(* Batch mode *)
(* ------------- **)
In batch mode, the compiler loads a file written in the source
language and produces a file written in the target language.
The filename of the output file is determined by the basename
of the input filename concatenated with the extension of the
target language.
If the running mode is set, the compiler will also interpret
the compiled code.
let batch_compilation () =
Error.exit_on_error ();
let module Compiler = (val get_compiler () : Compilers.Compiler) in
let open Compiler in
let input_filename = Options.get_input_filename () in
let module_name = Filename.chop_extension input_filename in
let ast = Source.parse_filename input_filename in
if not (Options.get_unsafe ()) then
let tenv = typecheck (initial_typing_environment ()) ast in
if Options.get_show_types () then (
print_endline (print_typing_environment tenv)
let cast, _ = Compiler.(translate ast (initial_environment ())) in
let output_filename =
if Options.get_output_file () = "" then
let output_filename = module_name ^ Target.extension in
if output_filename = input_filename then
module_name ^ Target.extension ^ "-optimized"
Options.get_output_file ()
if Options.get_verbose_mode () then
output_string stdout (Target.print_ast cast ^ "\n");
if not (Options.get_dry_mode () || output_filename = input_filename) then (
let cout = open_out output_filename in
output_string cout (Target.print_ast cast);
close_out cout;
if Target.executable_format then ExtStd.Unix.add_exec_bits output_filename;
if Options.get_running_mode () then Compiler.Target.(
ignore (
let print =
if Options.get_verbose_eval () then
fun _ _ -> ""
eval (initial_runtime ()) (fun r -> evaluate r cast) print
| e ->
print_endline (Printexc.get_backtrace ());
print_endline (Printexc.to_string e);
exit 1
(** -------------- **)
(** Entry point *)
(** -------------- **)
let main =
initialize ();
match get_mode () with
| _ when !Sys.interactive -> ()
| Interactive -> interactive_loop ()
| Batch -> batch_compilation ()

flap/src/fopix/ Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
(** The fopix programming language. *)
module AST = FopixAST
let name = "fopix"
type ast = FopixAST.t
let parse lexer_init input =
let parse_filename filename =
parse Lexing.from_channel (open_in filename)
let extension =
let executable_format =
let parse_string =
parse Lexing.from_string
let print_ast ast =
FopixPrettyPrinter.(to_string program ast)
include FopixInterpreter
include FopixTypechecker

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@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
(** The abstract syntax tree for Fopix programs. *)
Fopix is a first order language.
Like the C language, Fopix only allows toplevel functions. These
functions can be called directly by using their names in the source
code or indirectly by means of (dynamically computed) function
pointers. Toplevel functions are mutually recursive.
As in C, the control-flow can be structured by loops,
conditionals and switchs.
Contrary to C, Fopix does not make a distinction between statements
and expressions. Besides, the notion of variable is similar to the
one of functional language: variables are immutable.
type program = definition list
and definition =
(** [val x = e] *)
| DefineValue of identifier * expression
(** [def f (x1, ..., xN) = e] *)
| DefineFunction of function_identifier * formals * expression
(** [external f : arity] *)
| ExternalFunction of function_identifier * int
and expression =
(** [0, 1, 2, ], ['a', 'b', ...], ["Dalek", "Master", ...] *)
| Literal of literal
(** [x, y, z, ginette] *)
| Variable of identifier
(** [val x = e1; e2] *)
| Define of identifier * expression * expression
(** [f (e1, .., eN)] *)
| FunCall of function_identifier * expression list
(** [call e with (e1, .., eN)] *)
| UnknownFunCall of expression * expression list
(** [while e do e' end] *)
| While of expression * expression
(** [if e then e1 else e2 end] *)
| IfThenElse of expression * expression * expression
(** [switch e in c1 | c2 | .. | cN orelse e_default end]
where [ci := ! | e]. *)
| Switch of expression * expression option array * expression option
and literal =
| LInt of Mint.t
| LString of string
| LChar of char
| LFun of function_identifier
and identifier =
| Id of string
and formals =
identifier list
and function_identifier =
| FunId of string
and t = program

View file

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
let initialize () =
Languages.register (module Fopix);
Compilers.register (module Compilers.Identity (Fopix));
Compilers.register (module HobixToFopix)

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@ -0,0 +1,395 @@
open Error
open FopixAST
(** [error pos msg] reports runtime error messages. *)
let error positions msg =
errorN "execution" positions msg
(** Every expression of fopi evaluates into a [value]. *)
type value =
| VUnit
| VInt of Mint.t
| VBool of bool
| VChar of char
| VString of string
| VAddress of Memory.location
| VFun of function_identifier
type 'a coercion = value -> 'a option
let value_as_int = function VInt x -> Some x | _ -> None
let value_as_bool = function VBool x -> Some x | _ -> None
let value_as_address = function VAddress x -> Some x | _ -> None
let value_as_unit = function VUnit -> Some () | _ -> None
type 'a wrapper = 'a -> value
let int_as_value x = VInt x
let bool_as_value x = VBool x
let address_as_value x = VAddress x
let unit_as_value () = VUnit
let print_value m v =
let max_depth = 5 in
let rec print_value d v =
if d >= max_depth then "..." else
match v with
| VInt x ->
Mint.to_string x
| VBool true ->
| VBool false ->
| VChar c ->
"'" ^ Char.escaped c ^ "'"
| VString s ->
"\"" ^ String.escaped s ^ "\""
| VUnit ->
| VAddress a ->
print_block m d a
| VFun _ ->
and print_block m d a =
let b = Memory.dereference m a in
let vs = Array.to_list (Memory.array_of_block b) in
"[ " ^ String.concat "; " ( (print_value (d + 1)) vs) ^ " ]"
print_value 0 v
module Environment : sig
type t
val initial : t
val bind : t -> identifier -> value -> t
exception UnboundIdentifier of identifier
val lookup : identifier -> t -> value
val last : t -> (identifier * value * t) option
val print : value Memory.t -> t -> string
end = struct
type t = (identifier * value) list
let initial = []
let bind e x v = (x, v) :: e
exception UnboundIdentifier of identifier
let _ =
Printexc.register_printer (function
| UnboundIdentifier (Id x) ->
Some (Printf.sprintf "Unbound identifier %s" x)
| _ ->
let lookup x e =
List.assoc x e
with Not_found ->
raise (UnboundIdentifier x)
let last = function
| [] -> None
| (x, v) :: e -> Some (x, v, e)
let print_binding memory (Id x, v) =
(* Identifiers starting with '_' are reserved for the compiler.
Their values must not be observable by users. *)
if x.[0] = '_' then
x ^ " = " ^ print_value memory v
let print memory env =
String.concat "\n" (
List.(filter (fun s -> s <> "") (map (print_binding memory) env))
type runtime = {
memory : value Memory.t;
environment : Environment.t;
functions : (function_identifier * (formals * expression)) list;
type observable = {
new_environment : Environment.t;
let initial_runtime () =
let bind_bool s b env = Environment.bind env (Id s) (VBool b) in
let bind_unit s env = Environment.bind env (Id s) VUnit in
memory = Memory.create (640 * 1024);
environment =
|> bind_bool "true" true
|> bind_bool "false" false
|> bind_unit "nothing";
functions = [];
let rec evaluate runtime ast =
let runtime = List.fold_left bind_function runtime ast in
let runtime' = List.fold_left declaration runtime ast in
(runtime', extract_observable runtime runtime')
and bind_function runtime = function
| DefineValue _ ->
| DefineFunction (f, xs, e) ->
{ runtime with
functions = (f, (xs, e)) :: runtime.functions
| ExternalFunction _ ->
and declaration runtime = function
| DefineValue (i, e) ->
let v = expression runtime e in
{ runtime with environment = Environment.bind runtime.environment i v }
| DefineFunction _ ->
| ExternalFunction _ ->
and arith_operator_of_symbol = function
| "`+`" -> Mint.add
| "`-`" -> Mint.sub
| "`/`" -> Mint.div
| "`*`" -> Mint.mul
| _ -> assert false
and cmp_operator_of_symbol = function
| "`<?`" -> ( < )
| "`>?`" -> ( > )
| "`<=?`" -> ( <= )
| "`>=?`" -> ( >= )
| "`=?`" -> ( = )
| _ -> assert false
and boolean_operator_of_symbol = function
| "`&&`" -> ( && )
| "`||`" -> ( || )
| _ -> assert false
and evaluation_of_binary_symbol environment = function
| ("`+`" | "`-`" | "`*`" | "`/`") as s ->
arith_binop environment (arith_operator_of_symbol s)
| ("`<?`" | "`>?`" | "`<=?`" | "`>=?`" | "`=?`") as s ->
arith_cmpop environment (cmp_operator_of_symbol s)
| _ -> assert false
and is_binary_primitive = function
| "`+`" | "`-`" | "`*`" | "`/`" | "`<?`"
| "`>?`" | "`<=?`" | "`>=?`" | "`=?`"
| "`&&`" | "`||`" -> true
| _ -> false
and expression runtime = function
| Literal l ->
literal l
| Variable (Id "true") ->
VBool true
| Variable (Id "false") ->
VBool false
| Variable x ->
Environment.lookup x runtime.environment
| While (cond, e) ->
let rec loop () =
match expression runtime cond with
| VBool true ->
ignore (expression runtime e);
loop ()
| VBool false ->
| _ ->
assert false (* By typing. *)
loop ();
| Switch (e, bs, default) ->
begin match value_as_int (expression runtime e) with
| None -> error [] "Switch on integers only."
| Some i ->
let i = Mint.to_int i in
if i < Array.length bs && bs.(i) <> None then
match bs.(i) with
| None -> assert false (* By condition. *)
| Some t -> expression runtime t
else match default with
| Some t -> expression runtime t
| None -> error [] "No default case in switch."
| IfThenElse (c, t, f) ->
begin match value_as_bool (expression runtime c) with
| Some true -> expression runtime t
| Some false -> expression runtime f
| None -> error [] "Condition is not a boolean."
| Define (x, ex, e) ->
let v = expression runtime ex in
let runtime = { runtime with
environment = Environment.bind runtime.environment x v
expression runtime e
| FunCall (FunId "allocate_block", [size]) ->
begin match value_as_int (expression runtime size) with
| Some size ->
let a = Memory.allocate runtime.memory size VUnit in
VAddress a
| None ->
error [] "A block size should be an integer."
| (FunCall (FunId "read_block", [location; index])) as e ->
begin match
(value_as_address (expression runtime location),
value_as_int (expression runtime index))
| Some location, Some index ->
let block = Memory.dereference runtime.memory location in block index
| None, _ ->
error [] (Printf.sprintf "Expecting a block while evaluating %s" (FopixPrettyPrinter.(to_string expression e)))
| _, None ->
error [] "Expecting an integer."
| FunCall (FunId "equal_string", [e1; e2]) ->
begin match expression runtime e1, expression runtime e2 with
| VString s1, VString s2 -> VBool ( s1 s2 = 0)
| _ -> assert false (* By typing. *)
| FunCall (FunId "equal_char", [e1; e2]) ->
begin match expression runtime e1, expression runtime e2 with
| VChar s1, VChar s2 -> VBool ( s1 s2 = 0)
| _ -> assert false (* By typing. *)
| FunCall (FunId ("observe_int" | "print_int"), [e]) ->
begin match expression runtime e with
| VInt x ->
ignore (print_string (Mint.to_string x));
| _ -> assert false (* By typing. *)
| FunCall (FunId "print_string", [e]) ->
begin match expression runtime e with
| VString s -> print_string s
| _ -> assert false (* By typing. *)
| FunCall (FunId "write_block", [location; index; e]) ->
begin match
(value_as_address (expression runtime location),
value_as_int (expression runtime index))
| Some location, Some index ->
let v = expression runtime e in
let block = Memory.dereference runtime.memory location in
Memory.write block index v;
| None, _ ->
error [] "Expecting a block."
| _, None ->
error [] "Expecting an integer."
| FunCall (FunId (("`&&`" | "`||`") as binop), [e1; e2]) ->
begin match expression runtime e1, binop with
| VBool true, "`&&`" | VBool false, "`||`" -> expression runtime e2
| VBool false, "`&&`" -> VBool false
| VBool true, "`||`" -> VBool true
| _, _ -> assert false (* By typing. *)
| FunCall (FunId s, [e1; e2]) when is_binary_primitive s ->
evaluation_of_binary_symbol runtime s e1 e2
| FunCall (f, arguments) ->
let vs = (expression runtime) arguments in
let (formals, body) = try
List.assoc f runtime.functions
with Not_found ->
let FunId f = f in
error [] (Printf.sprintf "Unbound function `%s'." f)
let runtime =
{ runtime with
environment =
Environment.(List.fold_left2 bind runtime.environment formals vs)
expression runtime body
| UnknownFunCall (e, arguments) ->
begin match expression runtime e with
| VFun f ->
expression runtime (FunCall (f, arguments))
| _ ->
assert false (* By construction. *)
and binop
: type a b.
_ -> string ->
a coercion -> b wrapper -> _ -> (a -> a -> b) -> _ -> _ -> value
= fun m kind coerce wrap runtime op l r ->
let lv = expression runtime l
and rv = expression runtime r in
match coerce lv, coerce rv with
| Some li, Some ri ->
wrap (op li ri)
| _, _ ->
error [] (Printf.sprintf "Invalid %s binary operation between %s and %s."
kind (print_value m lv) (print_value m rv))
and arith_binop env =
binop env.memory "arithmetic" value_as_int int_as_value env
and arith_cmpop env =
binop env.memory "comparison" value_as_int bool_as_value env
and boolean_binop env =
binop env.memory "boolean" value_as_bool bool_as_value env
and literal = function
| LInt x -> VInt x
| LString s -> VString s
| LChar c -> VChar c
| LFun f -> VFun f
and print_string s =
output_string stdout s;
flush stdout;
and extract_observable runtime runtime' =
let rec substract new_environment env env' =
if env == env' then new_environment
match Environment.last env' with
| None -> assert false (* Absurd. *)
| Some (x, v, env') ->
let new_environment = Environment.bind new_environment x v in
substract new_environment env env'
new_environment =
substract Environment.initial runtime.environment runtime'.environment
let print_observable runtime observation =
Environment.print runtime.memory observation.new_environment

View file

@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
{ (* Emacs, be a -*- tuareg -*- to open this file. *)
open Lexing
open Error
open Position
open FopixParser
let next_line_and f lexbuf =
Lexing.new_line lexbuf;
f lexbuf
let error lexbuf =
error "during lexing" (lex_join lexbuf.lex_start_p lexbuf.lex_curr_p)
let newline = ('\010' | '\013' | "\013\010")
let blank = [' ' '\009' '\012']
let digit = ['0'-'9']
let lowercase_alpha = ['a'-'z' '_']
let uppercase_alpha = ['A'-'Z' '_']
let alpha = lowercase_alpha | uppercase_alpha
let alphanum = alpha | digit | '_'
let identifier = alpha alphanum*
rule token = parse
(** Layout *)
| newline { next_line_and token lexbuf }
| blank+ { token lexbuf }
| "/*" { comment 1 lexbuf }
(** Keywords *)
| "val" { VAL }
| "in" { IN }
| "def" { DEF }
| "end" { END }
| "if" { IF }
| "then" { THEN }
| "else" { ELSE }
| "eval" { EVAL }
| "external" { EXTERNAL }
| "switch" { SWITCH }
| "call" { CALL }
| "with" { WITH }
| "orelse" { ORELSE }
| "while" { WHILE }
| "do" { DO }
(** Literals *)
| digit+ as d { INT (Mint.of_string d) }
(** Identifiers *)
| identifier as i { ID i }
(** Infix operators *)
| "=" { EQUAL }
| ":" { COLON }
| "+" { PLUS }
| "*" { STAR }
| "/" { SLASH }
| "-" { MINUS }
| "=?" { EQ }
| ">?" { GT }
| ">=?" { GTE }
| "<?" { LT }
| "<=?" { LTE }
| ":=" { ASSIGNS }
| "&&" { LAND }
| "&" { UPPERSAND }
| "||" { LOR }
| "|" { PIPE }
(** Punctuation *)
| "," { COMMA }
| ";" { SEMICOLON }
| "(" { LPAREN }
| ")" { RPAREN }
| "[" { LBRACKET }
| "]" { RBRACKET }
| "." { END }
| "!" { BANG }
| eof { EOF }
(** Lexing error. *)
| _ { error lexbuf "unexpected character." }
and comment level = parse
| "*/" {
if level = 1 then
token lexbuf
comment (pred level) lexbuf
| "/*" {
comment (succ level) lexbuf
| eof {
error lexbuf "unterminated comment."
| newline {
next_line_and (comment level) lexbuf
| _ {
comment level lexbuf

View file

@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
%{ (* Emacs, be a -*- tuareg -*- to open this file. *)
open FopixAST
%token<Mint.t> INT
%token<string> ID
%nonassoc ASSIGNS
%left LOR
%left LAND
%nonassoc GT GTE LT LTE EQ
%nonassoc LBRACKET
%start<FopixAST.t> program
program: ds=definition* EOF
| error {
let pos = Position.lex_join $startpos $endpos in
Error.error "parsing" pos "Syntax error."
definition: VAL x=located(identifier) EQUAL e=located(expression)
DefineValue (x, e)
| DEF f=located(function_identifier)
LPAREN xs=separated_list(COMMA, identifier) RPAREN
EQUAL e=located(expression)
DefineFunction (f, xs, e)
| EVAL e=located(expression)
DefineValue (Id "_", e)
| EXTERNAL f=located(function_identifier) COLON n=INT
ExternalFunction (f, Int64.to_int n)
Literal l
| x=identifier
Variable x
| VAL x=located(identifier)
Define (x, e1, e2)
| IF
THEN t=located(expression)
ELSE f=located(expression)
IfThenElse (c, t, f)
| f=function_identifier
LPAREN es=separated_list(COMMA, located(expression)) RPAREN
FunCall (f, es)
| l=located(expression) b=binop r=located(expression) {
FunCall (FunId b, [l; r])
| CALL f=located(expression) WITH LPAREN es=separated_list(COMMA, located(expression)) RPAREN
UnknownFunCall (f, es)
| e=located(expression) LBRACKET i=located(expression) RBRACKET {
FunCall (FunId "read_block", [e; i])
| e=located(expression)
LBRACKET i=located(expression) RBRACKET
ASSIGNS v=located(expression) {
FunCall (FunId "write_block", [e; i; v])
| e1=located(expression) SEMICOLON e2=located(expression) {
Define (Id "_", e1, e2)
| WHILE e=expression DO b=expression END
While (e, b)
| SWITCH e=expression IN
bs=separated_list(PIPE, optional_case)
ORELSE d=expression
Switch (e, Array.of_list bs, Some d)
| SWITCH e=expression IN bs=separated_list(PIPE, optional_case) END
Switch (e, Array.of_list bs, None)
| LPAREN e=expression RPAREN {
| e=expression
Some e
%inline binop:
PLUS { "`+`" }
| MINUS { "`-`" }
| STAR { "`*`" }
| SLASH { "`/`" }
| GT { "`>?`" }
| GTE { "`>=?`" }
| LT { "`<?`" }
| LTE { "`<=?`" }
| EQ { "`=?`" }
| LAND { "`&&`" }
| LOR { "`||`" }
%inline literal:
LInt x
| UPPERSAND f=function_identifier
LFun f
%inline identifier: x=ID {
Id x
%inline function_identifier: x=ID {
FunId x
%inline located(X): x=X {

View file

@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
open PPrint
open FopixAST
let ( ++ ) x y =
x ^^ break 1 ^^ y
let located f x = f (Position.value x)
let rec program p =
separate_map hardline definition p
and definition = function
| DefineValue (x, e) ->
nest 2 (
group (string "val" ++ identifier x ++ string "=")
++ group (expression e)
| DefineFunction (f, xs, e) ->
nest 2 (
group (string "def" ++ function_identifier f
++ PPrint.OCaml.tuple ( identifier xs)
++ string "=")
++ group (expression e)
| ExternalFunction (f, n) ->
group (string "external" ++ function_identifier f
++ string ":" ++ string (string_of_int n))
and identifier (Id x) =
string x
and function_identifier (FunId x) =
string x
and expression = function
| Literal l ->
literal l
| Variable x ->
identifier x
| FunCall (FunId f, es) ->
funcall f es
| While (cond, e) ->
nest 2 (
group (string "while"
++ group (expression cond)
++ string "do"
++ group (expression e)
++ string "done")
| IfThenElse (c, t, f) ->
nest 2 (
group (string "if"
++ group (expression c)
++ string "then"
++ group (expression t))
++ nest 2 (
group (string "else"
++ group (expression f))
++ string "end"
| Define (x, e1, e2) ->
nest 2 (
group (
group (string "val"
++ identifier x
++ string "="
++ group (expression e1)
++ string ";"
++ group (expression e2)
| UnknownFunCall (e, es) ->
string "call" ++ parens (expression e) ++ string "with"
++ PPrint.OCaml.tuple ( expression es)
| Switch (e, bs, default) ->
group (string "switch" ++ expression e ++ string "in")
++ group (
branches bs
) ^^ begin match default with
| None -> empty
| Some t -> break 1 ^^ group (string "orelse" ++ expression t)
end ++ string "end"
and branches bs =
let bs = List.mapi (fun i x -> (i, x)) (Array.to_list bs) in
separate_map (string "|" ^^ break 1) (fun (i, t) ->
group (
string (string_of_int i) ^^ match t with
| None -> string "!"
| Some t -> expression t)
) bs
and funcall f es =
match f, es with
| ("`=?`" | "`*`" | "`/`" | "`+`" | "`-`" | "`%`"
| "`<?`" | "`>?`" | "`<=?`" | "`>=?`"),
[ lhs; rhs ] ->
let op = String.(sub f 1 (length f - 2)) in
group (parens (expression lhs ++ string op ++ expression rhs))
| _, _ ->
let ts = PPrint.OCaml.tuple ( expression es) in
group (string f ++ ts)
and literal = function
| LInt x ->
int x
| LChar c ->
char c
| LString s ->
string_literal s
| LFun (FunId f) ->
string ("&" ^ f)
and char c =
group (string "'" ^^ string (Char.escaped c) ^^ string "'")
and string_literal s =
group (string "\"" ^^ string (String.escaped s) ^^ string "\"")
and int x =
string (Mint.to_string x)
let to_string f x =
let b = Buffer.create 13 in
ToBuffer.pretty 0.7 80 b (f x);
Buffer.contents b

View file

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
type typing_environment = unit
let initial_typing_environment () = ()
let typecheck () _ = ()
let print_typing_environment () = ""

View file

@ -0,0 +1,297 @@
(** This module implements a compiler from Hobix to Fopix. *)
(** As in any module that implements {!Compilers.Compiler}, the source
language and the target language must be specified. *)
module Source = Hobix
module S = Source.AST
module Target = Fopix
module T = Target.AST
The translation from Hobix to Fopix turns anonymous
lambda-abstractions into toplevel functions and applications into
function calls. In other words, it translates a high-level language
(like OCaml) into a first order language (like C).
To do so, we follow the closure conversion technique.
The idea is to make explicit the construction of closures, which
represent functions as first-class objects. A closure is a block
that contains a code pointer to a toplevel function [f] followed by all
the values needed to execute the body of [f]. For instance, consider
the following OCaml code:
let f =
let x = 6 * 7 in
let z = x + 1 in
fun y -> x + y * z
The values needed to execute the function "fun y -> x + y * z" are
its free variables "x" and "z". The same program with explicit usage
of closure can be written like this:
let g y env = env[1] + y * env[2]
let f =
let x = 6 * 7 in
let z = x + 1 in
[| g; x; z |]
(in an imaginary OCaml in which arrays are untyped.)
Once closures are explicited, there are no more anonymous functions!
But, wait, how to we call such a function? Let us see that on an
let f = ... (* As in the previous example *)
let u = f 0
The application "f 0" must be turned into an expression in which
"f" is a closure and the call to "f" is replaced to a call to "g"
with the proper arguments. The argument "y" of "g" is known from
the application: it is "0". Now, where is "env"? Easy! It is the
closure itself! We get:
let g y env = env[1] + y * env[2]
let f =
let x = 6 * 7 in
let z = x + 1 in
[| g; x; z |]
let u = f[0] 0 f
(Remark: Did you notice that this form of "auto-application" is
very similar to the way "this" is defined in object-oriented
programming languages?)
Helpers functions.
let error pos msg =
Error.error "compilation" pos msg
let make_fresh_variable =
let r = ref 0 in
fun () -> incr r; T.Id (Printf.sprintf "_%d" !r)
let make_fresh_function_identifier =
let r = ref 0 in
fun () -> incr r; T.FunId (Printf.sprintf "_%d" !r)
let define e f =
let x = make_fresh_variable () in
T.Define (x, e, f x)
let rec defines ds e =
match ds with
| [] ->
| (x, d) :: ds ->
T.Define (x, d, defines ds e)
let seq a b =
define a (fun _ -> b)
let rec seqs = function
| [] -> assert false
| [x] -> x
| x :: xs -> seq x (seqs xs)
let allocate_block e =
T.(FunCall (FunId "allocate_block", [e]))
let write_block e i v =
T.(FunCall (FunId "write_block", [e; i; v]))
let read_block e i =
T.(FunCall (FunId "read_block", [e; i]))
let lint i =
T.(Literal (LInt (Int64.of_int i)))
(** [free_variables e] returns the list of free variables that
occur in [e].*)
let free_variables =
let module M =
Set.Make (struct type t = S.identifier let compare = compare end)
let rec unions f = function
| [] -> M.empty
| [s] -> f s
| s :: xs -> M.union (f s) (unions f xs)
let rec fvs = function
| S.Literal _ ->
| S.Variable x ->
M.singleton x
| S.While (cond, e) ->
failwith "Students! This is your job!"
| S.Define (vd, a) ->
failwith "Students! This is your job!"
| S.ReadBlock (a, b) ->
unions fvs [a; b]
| S.Apply (a, b) ->
unions fvs (a :: b)
| S.WriteBlock (a, b, c) | S.IfThenElse (a, b, c) ->
unions fvs [a; b; c]
| S.AllocateBlock a ->
fvs a
| S.Fun (xs, e) ->
failwith "Students! This is your job!"
| S.Switch (a, b, c) ->
let c = match c with None -> [] | Some c -> [c] in
unions fvs (a :: ExtStd.Array.present_to_list b @ c)
fun e -> M.elements (fvs e)
A closure compilation environment relates an identifier to the way
it is accessed in the compiled version of the function's
Indeed, consider the following example. Imagine that the following
function is to be compiled:
fun x -> x + y
In that case, the closure compilation environment will contain:
x -> x
y -> "the code that extract the value of y from the closure environment"
Indeed, "x" is a local variable that can be accessed directly in
the compiled version of this function's body whereas "y" is a free
variable whose value must be retrieved from the closure's
type environment = {
vars : (HobixAST.identifier, FopixAST.expression) Dict.t;
externals : (HobixAST.identifier, int) Dict.t;
let initial_environment () =
{ vars = Dict.empty; externals = Dict.empty }
let bind_external id n env =
{ env with externals = Dict.insert id n env.externals }
let is_external id env =
Dict.lookup id env.externals <> None
let reset_vars env =
{ env with vars = Dict.empty }
(** Precondition: [is_external id env = true]. *)
let arity_of_external id env =
match Dict.lookup id env.externals with
| Some n -> n
| None -> assert false (* By is_external. *)
(** [translate p env] turns an Hobix program [p] into a Fopix program
using [env] to retrieve contextual information. *)
let translate (p : S.t) env =
let rec program env defs =
let env, defs = ExtStd.List.foldmap definition env defs in
(List.flatten defs, env)
and definition env = function
| S.DeclareExtern (id, n) ->
let env = bind_external id n env in
(env, [T.ExternalFunction (function_identifier id, n)])
| S.DefineValue vd ->
(env, value_definition env vd)
and value_definition env = function
| S.SimpleValue (x, e) ->
let fs, e = expression (reset_vars env) e in
fs @ [T.DefineValue (identifier x, e)]
| S.RecFunctions fdefs ->
let fs, defs = define_recursive_functions fdefs in
fs @ (fun (x, e) -> T.DefineValue (x, e)) defs
and define_recursive_functions rdefs =
failwith "Students! This is your job!"
and expression env = function
| S.Literal l ->
[], T.Literal (literal l)
| S.While (cond, e) ->
let cfs, cond = expression env cond in
let efs, e = expression env e in
cfs @ efs, T.While (cond, e)
| S.Variable x ->
let xc =
match Dict.lookup x env.vars with
| None -> T.Variable (identifier x)
| Some e -> e
([], xc)
| S.Define (vdef, a) ->
failwith "Students! This is your job!"
| S.Apply (a, bs) ->
failwith "Students! This is your job!"
| S.IfThenElse (a, b, c) ->
let afs, a = expression env a in
let bfs, b = expression env b in
let cfs, c = expression env c in
afs @ bfs @ cfs, T.IfThenElse (a, b, c)
| S.Fun (x, e) ->
failwith "Students! This is your job!"
| S.AllocateBlock a ->
let afs, a = expression env a in
(afs, allocate_block a)
| S.WriteBlock (a, b, c) ->
let afs, a = expression env a in
let bfs, b = expression env b in
let cfs, c = expression env c in
afs @ bfs @ cfs,
T.FunCall (T.FunId "write_block", [a; b; c])
| S.ReadBlock (a, b) ->
let afs, a = expression env a in
let bfs, b = expression env b in
afs @ bfs,
T.FunCall (T.FunId "read_block", [a; b])
| S.Switch (a, bs, default) ->
let afs, a = expression env a in
let bsfs, bs =
ExtStd.List.foldmap (fun bs t ->
match (expression env) t with
| None -> (bs, None)
| Some (bs', t') -> (bs @ bs', Some t')
) [] (Array.to_list bs)
let dfs, default = match default with
| None -> [], None
| Some e -> let bs, e = expression env e in bs, Some e
afs @ bsfs @ dfs,
T.Switch (a, Array.of_list bs, default)
and expressions env = function
| [] ->
[], []
| e :: es ->
let efs, es = expressions env es in
let fs, e = expression env e in
fs @ efs, e :: es
and literal = function
| S.LInt x -> T.LInt x
| S.LString s -> T.LString s
| S.LChar c -> T.LChar c
and identifier (S.Id x) = T.Id x
and function_identifier (S.Id x) = T.FunId x
program env p

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@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
open HopixAST
%token EOF
%token<Int32.t> INT
%start<HopixAST.t> program
program: EOF

flap/src/hobix/ Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
(** The hobix programming language. *)
let name = "hobix"
module AST = HobixAST
type ast = HobixAST.t
let executable_format = false
let parse lexer_init input =
let parse_filename filename =
parse Lexing.from_channel (open_in filename)
let extension =
let parse_string s =
parse Lexing.from_string s
let print_ast ast =
HobixPrettyPrinter.(to_string program ast)
let print_expression e =
HobixPrettyPrinter.(to_string expression e)
include HobixInterpreter
include HobixTypechecker

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@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
(** The abstract syntax tree for hobix programs. *)
(** A program is a list of definitions. *)
type program = definition list
and definition =
(** A toplevel declaration for an external value of arity n. *)
| DeclareExtern of identifier * int
(** A toplevel definition for a value. *)
| DefineValue of value_definition
and value_definition =
(** A simple (non recursive) value definition. *)
| SimpleValue of identifier * expression
(** A definition for mutually recursive functions. *)
| RecFunctions of (identifier * expression) list
and expression =
(** A literal is a constant written "as is". *)
| Literal of literal
(** A variable identifies a value. *)
| Variable of identifier
(** A local definition [val x₁ := e₁ ; e₂]. *)
| Define of value_definition * expression
(** A function application [a (b_1, ..., b_N)]. *)
| Apply of expression * expression list
(** A conditional expression of the form [if ... then ... else ... fi]. *)
| IfThenElse of expression * expression * expression
(** An anonymous function [ \ x => e ]. *)
| Fun of identifier list * expression
(** Allocate a block of size n [ alloc_block n ]. *)
| AllocateBlock of expression
(** Write a value v at offset i of block b [ alloc_write b i v ]. *)
| WriteBlock of expression * expression * expression
(** Read a value at offset i of block b [ alloc_read b i ]. *)
| ReadBlock of expression * expression
(** Jump to the i-th branch if i < |bs|, jump to default otherwise
if it is present. [switch i in bs orelse default] *)
| Switch of expression * expression option array * expression option
(** While-loop *)
| While of expression * expression
and literal =
| LInt of Int64.t
| LString of string
| LChar of char
and identifier =
| Id of string
and t = program

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@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
let initialize () =
Languages.register (module Hobix);
Compilers.register (module HopixToHobix);
Compilers.register (module Compilers.Identity (Hobix))

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@ -0,0 +1,418 @@
open Error
open HobixAST
(** [error pos msg] reports runtime error messages. *)
let error positions msg =
errorN "execution" positions msg
(** Every expression of hobix evaluates into a [value]. *)
type 'e gvalue =
| VInt of Int64.t
| VChar of char
| VString of string
| VUnit
| VAddress of Memory.location
| VPrimitive of string * ('e gvalue list -> 'e gvalue)
| VBool of bool
| VFun of identifier list * expression * 'e
type ('a, 'e) coercion = 'e gvalue -> 'a option
let value_as_int = function VInt x -> Some x | _ -> None
let value_as_bool = function VBool x -> Some x | _ -> None
let value_as_char = function VChar c -> Some c | _ -> None
let value_as_addr = function VAddress a -> Some a | _ -> None
let ( >>= ) m f =
match m with
| None -> None
| Some x -> f x
let return x =
Some x
let trust_me = function
| None -> assert false (* Impossible. *)
| Some x -> x
type ('a, 'e) wrapper = 'a -> 'e gvalue
let int_as_value x = VInt x
let bool_as_value x = VBool x
let primitive name ?(error = fun () -> assert false) coercion wrapper f =
VPrimitive (name, fun x ->
match coercion x with
| None -> error ()
| Some x -> wrapper (f x)
let print_value m v =
let max_depth = 5 in
let rec print_value d v =
if d >= max_depth then "..." else
match v with
| VInt x ->
Int64.to_string x
| VBool true ->
| VBool false ->
| VChar c ->
"'" ^ Char.escaped c ^ "'"
| VString s ->
"\"" ^ String.escaped s ^ "\""
| VUnit ->
| VAddress a ->
print_block m d a
| VFun _ ->
| VPrimitive (s, _) ->
Printf.sprintf "<primitive: %s>" s
and print_block m d a =
let b = Memory.dereference m a in
let vs = Array.to_list (Memory.array_of_block b) in
"[ " ^ String.concat "; " ( (print_value d) vs) ^ " ]"
print_value 0 v
module Environment : sig
type t
val empty : t
val bind : t -> identifier -> t gvalue -> t
val update : identifier -> t -> t gvalue -> unit
exception UnboundIdentifier of identifier
val lookup : identifier -> t -> t gvalue
val last : t -> (identifier * t gvalue * t) option
val print : t gvalue Memory.t -> t -> string
end = struct
type t =
| EEmpty
| EBind of identifier * t gvalue ref * t
let empty = EEmpty
let bind e x v =
EBind (x, ref v, e)
exception UnboundIdentifier of identifier
let lookup' x =
let rec aux = function
| EEmpty -> raise (UnboundIdentifier x)
| EBind (y, v, e) ->
if x = y then v else aux e
let lookup x e = !(lookup' x e)
let update x e v =
lookup' x e := v
let last = function
| EBind (x, v, e) -> Some (x, !v, e)
| EEmpty -> None
let print_binding m (Id x, v) =
x ^ " = " ^ print_value m !v
let print m e =
let b = Buffer.create 13 in
let push x v = Buffer.add_string b (print_binding m (x, v)) in
let rec aux = function
| EEmpty -> Buffer.contents b
| EBind (x, v, EEmpty) -> push x v; aux EEmpty
| EBind (x, v, e) -> push x v; Buffer.add_string b "\n"; aux e
aux e
type value = Environment.t gvalue
type formals = identifier list
type runtime = {
memory : value Memory.t;
environment : Environment.t;
type observable = {
new_memory : value Memory.t;
new_environment : Environment.t;
(** [primitives] is an environment that contains the implementation
of all primitives (+, <, ...). *)
let primitives =
let intbin name out op =
VPrimitive (name, function [VInt x; VInt y] -> out (op x y)
| _ ->
Printf.printf "%s\n" name;
assert false (* By typing. *)
let bind_all what l x =
List.fold_left (fun env (x, v) -> Environment.bind env (Id x) (what x v)) x l
(* Define arithmetic binary operators. *)
let binarith name =
intbin name (fun x -> VInt x) in
let binarithops = Int64.(
[ ("`+`", add); ("`-`", sub); ("`*`", mul); ("`/`", div) ]
) in
(* Define arithmetic comparison operators. *)
let cmparith name = intbin name (fun x -> VBool x) in
let cmparithops =
[ ("`=?`", ( = )); ("`<?`", ( < )); ("`>?`", ( > ));
("`>=?`", ( >= )); ("`<=?`", ( <= )) ]
let boolbin name out op =
VPrimitive (name, function [VBool x; VBool y] -> out (op x y)
| _ -> assert false (* By typing. *)
let boolarith name = boolbin name (fun x -> VBool x) in
let boolarithops =
[ ("`||`", ( || )); ("`&&`", ( && )) ]
let print s =
output_string stdout s;
flush stdout;
let print_int =
VPrimitive ("print_int", function
| [ VInt x ] -> print (Int64.to_string x)
| _ -> assert false (* By typing. *)
let print_string =
VPrimitive ("print_string", function
| [ VString x ] -> print x
| _ -> assert false (* By typing. *)
let equal_string =
VPrimitive ("equal_string", function
| [ VString x; VString y ] -> VBool ( x y = 0)
| _ -> assert false (* By typing. *)
let equal_char =
VPrimitive ("equal_char", function
| [ VChar x; VChar y ] -> VBool ( x y = 0)
| _ -> assert false (* By typing. *)
let bind' x w env = Environment.bind env (Id x) w in
|> bind_all binarith binarithops
|> bind_all cmparith cmparithops
|> bind_all boolarith boolarithops
|> bind' "print_int" print_int
|> bind' "print_string" print_string
|> bind' "equal_string" equal_string
|> bind' "equal_char" equal_char
|> bind' "true" (VBool true)
|> bind' "false" (VBool false)
|> bind' "nothing" VUnit
let initial_runtime () = {
memory = Memory.create (640 * 1024);
environment = primitives;
let rec evaluate runtime ast =
let runtime' = List.fold_left definition runtime ast in
(runtime', extract_observable runtime runtime')
with Environment.UnboundIdentifier (Id x) ->
Error.error "interpretation" Position.dummy (Printf.sprintf "`%s' is unbound." x)
(* [definition pos runtime d] evaluates the new definition [d]
into a new runtime [runtime']. In the specification, this
is the judgment:
E, M dᵥ E', M'
and definition runtime d =
match d with
| DefineValue vd ->
value_definition runtime vd
| DeclareExtern _ ->
and value_definition runtime = function
| SimpleValue (x, e) ->
let v = expression runtime.environment runtime.memory e in
{ runtime with environment =
bind_identifier runtime.environment x v
| RecFunctions rdefs ->
{ runtime with environment =
define_recvalues runtime.environment runtime.memory rdefs
and define_recvalues environment memory rdefs =
let environment =
List.fold_left (fun env (x, _) ->
bind_identifier env x VUnit) environment rdefs
let vs = expressions environment memory (snd (List.split rdefs)) in
List.iter2 (fun (x, _) v ->
Environment.update x environment v
) rdefs vs;
(* [expression pos runtime e] evaluates into a value [v] if
E, M e v, M'
and E = [runtime.environment], M = [runtime.memory].
and expression environment memory = function
| Apply (a, b) ->
let vbs () = expressions environment memory b in
begin match expression environment memory a with
| VPrimitive ("`||", _) ->
begin match expression environment memory (List.nth b 0) with
| VBool true -> VBool true
| _ -> expression environment memory (List.nth b 1)
| VPrimitive ("`&&", _) ->
begin match expression environment memory (List.nth b 0) with
| VBool false -> VBool false
| _ -> expression environment memory (List.nth b 1)
| VPrimitive (_, f) ->
f (vbs ())
| VFun (xs, e, environment) ->
expression (List.fold_left2 bind_identifier environment xs (vbs ())) memory e
| _ ->
assert false (* By typing. *)
| While (c, e) ->
let rec aux () =
match expression environment memory c with
| VBool true ->
ignore (expression environment memory e);
aux ()
| VBool false ->
| _ ->
assert false (* By typing. *)
aux ()
| Switch (e, branches, default) ->
begin match expression environment memory e with
| VInt i ->
let i = Int64.to_int i in
if i < 0 then assert false; (* By typing. *)
if i < Array.length branches && branches.(i) <> None then
match branches.(i) with
| None -> assert false (* By condition. *)
| Some t -> expression environment memory t
else begin match default with
| None -> assert false; (* By typing. *)
| Some t -> expression environment memory t
| _ -> assert false (* By typing. *)
| Fun (p, e) ->
VFun (p, e, environment)
| Literal l ->
literal l
| Variable x ->
Environment.lookup x environment
| Define (vd, e) ->
let runtime = value_definition { environment; memory } vd in
expression runtime.environment runtime.memory e
| IfThenElse (c, t, f) ->
let v = expression environment memory c in
begin match value_as_bool v with
| None -> assert false (* By typing. *)
| Some true -> expression environment memory t
| Some false -> expression environment memory f
| AllocateBlock e ->
begin match expression environment memory e with
| VInt x ->
let a = Memory.allocate memory x (VInt in
VAddress a
| _ ->
assert false (* By typing. *)
| WriteBlock (b, i, v) ->
let bv = expression environment memory b in
(value_as_addr bv >>= fun a ->
let bi = expression environment memory i in
value_as_int bi >>= fun i ->
let bb = expression environment memory v in
let b = Memory.dereference memory a in
Memory.write b i bb;
return (VUnit)
) |> trust_me (* By typing. *)
| ReadBlock (b, i) ->
let bv = expression environment memory b in
(value_as_addr bv >>= fun a ->
let bi = expression environment memory i in
value_as_int bi >>= fun i ->
let b = Memory.dereference memory a in
return ( b i)
) |> trust_me (* By typing. *)
and expressions environment memory es =
let rec aux vs = function
| [] ->
List.rev vs
| e :: es ->
let v = expression environment memory e in
aux (v :: vs) es
aux [] es
and bind_identifier environment (x : identifier) v =
Environment.bind environment x v
and literal = function
| LInt x -> VInt x
| LChar c -> VChar c
| LString s -> VString s
and extract_observable runtime runtime' =
let rec substract new_environment env env' =
if env == env' then new_environment
match Environment.last env' with
| None -> assert false (* Absurd. *)
| Some (x, v, env') ->
let new_environment = Environment.bind new_environment x v in
substract new_environment env env'
new_environment =
substract Environment.empty runtime.environment runtime'.environment;
new_memory =
let print_observable _ observation =
Environment.print observation.new_memory observation.new_environment

View file

@ -0,0 +1,206 @@
open Lexing
open Error
open Position
open HobixParser
let next_line_and f lexbuf =
Lexing.new_line lexbuf;
f lexbuf
let error lexbuf =
error "during lexing" (lex_join lexbuf.lex_start_p lexbuf.lex_curr_p)
let string_buffer =
Buffer.create 13
let newline = ('\010' | '\013' | "\013\010")
let blank = [' ' '\009' '\012']
let symbol = [ '+' '-' '*' '/' '<' '=' '>' '?' '&' ]
let digit = ['0'-'9']
let lowercase_alpha = ['a'-'z' '_']
let uppercase_alpha = ['A'-'Z']
let alpha = lowercase_alpha | uppercase_alpha
let alphanum = alpha | digit | '_'
let basic_identifier = lowercase_alpha alphanum*
let prefix_alien_identifier = "`" (alpha | symbol | digit)+
let infix_alien_identifier = "`" (alpha | symbol | digit)+ "`"
let identifier = basic_identifier | prefix_alien_identifier | infix_alien_identifier
let uidentifier = uppercase_alpha alphanum*
let hexa = [ '0'-'9' 'a'-'f' 'A'-'F']
rule token = parse
(** Layout *)
| newline { next_line_and token lexbuf }
| blank+ { token lexbuf }
| "{*" { comment 1 lexbuf }
| "**" { commentline lexbuf }
(** Keywords *)
| "val" { VAL }
| "if" { IF }
| "fi" { FI }
| "while" { WHILE }
| "then" { THEN }
| "else" { ELSE }
| "and" { AND }
| "or" { OR }
| "nothing" { NOTHING }
| "extern" { EXTERN }
| "newblock" { NEWBLOCK }
| "fun" { FUN }
| "switch" { SWITCH }
| "in" { IN }
(** Identifiers *)
| identifier as i { ID i }
| infix_alien_identifier as i { INFIXID i }
(** Literals *)
| digit+ as d { INT (Int64.of_string d) }
| ("0x" |"0X") hexa+ { INT (Int64.of_string (lexeme lexbuf)) }
| ("0b" |"0B") ['0'-'1']+ { INT (Int64.of_string (lexeme lexbuf)) }
| '"' { string lexbuf }
| "'\\n'" { LCHAR '\n' }
| "'\\t'" { LCHAR '\t' }
| "'\\b'" { LCHAR '\b' }
| "'\\r'" { LCHAR '\r' }
| "'\\\\'" { LCHAR '\\' }
| "'\\''" { LCHAR '\'' }
| '\'' ([^ '\\' '\''] as c) '\'' {
if (Char.code c < 32) then
error lexbuf (
"The ASCII character %d is not printable." (Char.code c)
| "'\\" (digit digit digit as i) "'" {
let c = int_of_string i in
if c < 0 || c > 255 then error lexbuf "";
LCHAR (char_of_int c)
| "'\\0" ("x" | "X") (hexa hexa as i) "'" {
let c = int_of_string ("0x" ^ i) in
if c < 0 || c > 255 then error lexbuf "";
LCHAR (char_of_int c)
| "'\\0" ("b" | "B") (['0'-'1']+ as i) "'" {
let c = int_of_string ("0b" ^ i) in
if c < 0 || c > 255 then error lexbuf "";
LCHAR (char_of_int c)
(* </corrige> *)
(** Infix operators *)
| "=" { EQUAL }
| ":" { COLON }
| "=>" { DRARROW }
| "=?" { EQ }
| ">?" { GT }
| ">=?" { GTE }
| "<?" { LT }
| "<=?" { LTE }
| "=>?" { DRARROW }
| "&&" { LAND }
| "||" { LOR }
| "-" { MINUS }
| "+" { PLUS }
| "*" { STAR }
| "/" { SLASH }
(** Punctuation *)
| ":=" { DEQUAL }
| "|" { PIPE }
| ";" { SEMICOLON }
| "(" { LPAREN }
| ")" { RPAREN }
| "[" { LBRACKET }
| "]" { RBRACKET }
| "{" { LBRACE }
| "}" { RBRACE }
| "," { COMMA }
| "\\" { BACKSLASH }
| eof { EOF }
(** Lexing error. *)
| _ { error lexbuf "unexpected character." }
and comment level = parse
| "*}" {
if level = 1 then
token lexbuf
comment (pred level) lexbuf
| "{*" {
comment (succ level) lexbuf
| eof {
error lexbuf "unterminated comment."
| newline {
next_line_and (comment level) lexbuf
| _ {
comment level lexbuf
and commentline = parse
| newline { next_line_and token lexbuf }
| eof { EOF }
| _ { commentline lexbuf }
and string = parse
| "\\n" { Buffer.add_char string_buffer '\n'; string lexbuf }
| "\\t" { Buffer.add_char string_buffer '\t'; string lexbuf }
| "\\b" { Buffer.add_char string_buffer '\b'; string lexbuf }
| "\\r" { Buffer.add_char string_buffer '\r'; string lexbuf }
| '\\' '\'' { Buffer.add_char string_buffer '\''; string lexbuf }
| '\\' '"' { Buffer.add_char string_buffer '"'; string lexbuf }
| "\\\\" { Buffer.add_char string_buffer '\\'; string lexbuf }
| '\\' (_ as c) { error lexbuf
(Printf.sprintf "Bad escape sequence in string '\\%c'" c)
| "\\" (digit digit digit as i) {
let c = int_of_string i in
if c < 0 || c > 255 then error lexbuf "";
Buffer.add_char string_buffer (char_of_int c); string lexbuf
| "\\0" ("x" | "X") (hexa hexa as i) {
let c = int_of_string ("0x" ^ i) in
if c < 0 || c > 255 then error lexbuf "";
Buffer.add_char string_buffer (char_of_int c); string lexbuf
| "\\0" ("b" | "B") (['0'-'1']+ as i) {
let c = int_of_string ("0b" ^ i) in
if c < 0 || c > 255 then error lexbuf "";
Buffer.add_char string_buffer (char_of_int c); string lexbuf
| '"' {
let s = Buffer.contents string_buffer in
Buffer.clear string_buffer;
| _ as c {
Buffer.add_char string_buffer c;
string lexbuf
| eof {
error lexbuf "Unterminated string."

View file

@ -0,0 +1,204 @@
open HobixAST
%token VAL
%token FUN WHILE
%token<string> LSTRING
%token<char> LCHAR
%token<Int64.t> INT
%token<string> ID INFIXID
%type <HobixAST.expression> expression
%nonassoc FUN AND ELSE
%nonassoc DEQUAL
%nonassoc DRARROW
%left LOR
%left LAND
%nonassoc LTE LT GT GTE EQ
%start<HobixAST.t> program
program: ds=definition* EOF
VAL d=value_def
let (x, e) = d in
DefineValue (SimpleValue (x, e))
| FUN d=function_definition ds=mutfun
DefineValue (RecFunctions (d :: ds))
| EXTERN x=identifier COLON n=INT
DeclareExtern (x, Int64.to_int n)
| error {
let pos = Position.lex_join $startpos $endpos in
Error.error "parsing" pos "Syntax error."
%inline value_def:
x=identifier EQUAL e=expression
(x, e)
%inline function_definition:
LPAREN xs=separated_list(COMMA, identifier) RPAREN
EQUAL e=expression
(x, Fun (xs, e))
/* empty */ %prec AND { [] }
| AND d=function_definition ds=mutfun
{ d::ds }
| e1=expression SEMICOLON e2=expression
Define (SimpleValue (Id "__nothing__", e1), e2)
| VAL vdef=value_def SEMICOLON e2=expression
let (id,e1) = vdef in Define (SimpleValue (id, e1),e2)
| FUN d=function_definition ds=mutfun SEMICOLON e=expression %prec FUN
Define (RecFunctions (d::ds), e)
| WHILE e=expression LBRACE b=expression RBRACE
While (e, b)
AllocateBlock e
| b=simple_expression LBRACKET i=expression RBRACKET DEQUAL rhs=expression
WriteBlock (b, i, rhs)
| lhs=expression b=binop rhs=expression
Apply (Variable (Id b), [lhs; rhs])
| IF c=expression THEN t=expression ELSE e=expression FI
IfThenElse (c, t, e)
LPAREN xs=separated_list(COMMA, identifier) RPAREN
DRARROW e=expression
Fun (xs, e)
| SWITCH e=expression IN bs=list(branch) OR ELSE d=default
let i = List.fold_left (fun i (j, _) -> max i j) 0 bs in
let abs = Array.make i None in
List.iter (fun (i, e) -> abs.(i) <- Some e) bs;
Switch (e, abs, d)
%inline default: NOTHING { None }
| e=expression { Some e }
branch: PIPE x=INT DRARROW e=expression
(Int64.to_int x, e)
| a=simple_expression
LPAREN bs=separated_list(COMMA, expression) RPAREN
Apply (a, bs)
| b=simple_expression LBRACKET i=expression RBRACKET
ReadBlock (b, i)
| e=very_simple_expression
Literal l
| x=identifier
HobixAST.Variable x
| LPAREN e=expression RPAREN
%inline binop:
x=INFIXID { String.(sub x 0 (length x - 1)) }
| PLUS { "`+`" }
| MINUS { "`-`" }
| STAR { "`*`" }
| SLASH { "`/`" }
| GT { "`>?`" }
| GTE { "`>=?`" }
| LT { "`<?`" }
| LTE { "`<=?`" }
| EQ { "`=?`" }
| LAND { "`&&`" }
| LOR { "`||`" }
%inline literal:
LInt x
LInt (Int64.neg x)
LString s
LChar c
%inline identifier: x=ID {
Id x

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@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
open PPrint
open ExtPPrint
open HobixAST
let int i = string (Int64.to_string i)
let rec program p =
separate_map hardline (definition) p
and definition = function
| DefineValue vd ->
value_definition "val" vd
| DeclareExtern (x, n) ->
group (string "extern" ++ identifier x
++ string ":" ++ string (string_of_int n))
and value_definition ?(parens=false) what = function
| SimpleValue (x, e) ->
let pe =
if parens then may_paren_expression e else expression e
nest 2 (group (group (string what ++ identifier x ++ string "=")
++ group pe))
| RecFunctions rv ->
group (
string "fun"
++ separate_map
(hardline ^^ string "and" ^^ break 1)
and function_definition (f, e) =
match e with
| Fun (xs, e) ->
group (
identifier f
++ group (string "(" ++ separate_map (string "," ^^ break 1) identifier xs ++ string ")")
++ string "="
) ++ group (expression e)
| _ ->
assert false
and identifier (Id x) =
string x
and expression = function
| Literal l ->
literal l
| While (c, b) ->
nest 2 (group (string "while" ++ may_paren_expression c
++ string "{" ^^ break 1
++ expression b
++ break 1 ^^ string "}"))
| Variable x ->
identifier x
| Define (vd, e2) ->
nest 2 (
group (value_definition ~parens:true "val" vd ^^ string ";"
++ group (expression e2)
| Fun (p, e) ->
nest 2 (group (
group (string "\\" ^^ function_parameters p ++ string "=>") ++
group (expression e)
| Apply (a, bs) ->
group (
parens_at_left_of_application a (expression a)
++ parens (separate_map (string "," ^^ break 1) expression bs)
| IfThenElse (c, t, f) ->
nest 2 (group (
group (string "if"
++ group (may_paren_expression c)
++ string "then"
++ group (may_paren_expression t)
++ nest 2 (group (
string "else"
++ group (may_paren_expression f)
++ string "fi"
| WriteBlock (e1, e2, e3) ->
parens (expression e1) ^^ string "[" ^^ expression e2
^^ string "] := " ^^ may_paren_expression e3
| ReadBlock (e1, e2) ->
parens (expression e1) ^^ string "[" ^^ expression e2 ^^ string "]"
| AllocateBlock e1 ->
expression (Apply (Variable (Id "newblock"), [e1]))
| Switch (i, bs, default) ->
group (string "switch" ++ expression i ++ string "in")
++ group (
branches bs
) ++ string "or else" ++ begin match default with
| None -> string "nothing"
| Some t -> expression t
and branches bs =
let bs = List.mapi (fun i x -> (i, x)) (Array.to_list bs) in
separate_map (string "|" ^^ break 1) (fun (i, t) ->
nest 2 (group (
string (string_of_int i)
++ string "=>"
++ match t with
| None -> string "!"
| Some t -> expression t)
)) bs
and function_parameters xs =
parens (separate_map (string "," ^^ break 1) identifier xs)
and may_paren_expression e = match e with
| Fun _ | Define _ -> parens (expression e)
| _ -> expression e
and literal = function
| LInt x ->
int x
| LChar c ->
char c
| LString s ->
string_literal s
and char c =
group (string "'" ^^ string (Char.escaped c) ^^ string "'")
and string_literal s =
group (string "\"" ^^ string (String.escaped s) ^^ string "\"")
and parens_at_left_of_application e =
match e with
| Apply _ | Variable _ | Literal _ -> fun x -> x
| _ -> parens
and parens_at_right_of_application e =
match e with
| Variable _ | Literal _ -> fun x -> x
| _ -> parens
let to_string f x =
let b = Buffer.create 13 in
ToBuffer.pretty 0.8 80 b (f x);
Buffer.contents b

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@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
(** This module implements a type checker for Hopix. *)
let initial_typing_environment = HopixTypes.initial_typing_environment
type typing_environment = HopixTypes.typing_environment
let typecheck tenv _ =
let print_typing_environment =

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@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
type typing_environment = unit
let initial_typing_environment () = ()
let print_typing_environment _ = ""

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@ -0,0 +1,312 @@
(** From Hopix to Hobix *)
module Source = Hopix
module Target = Hobix
(** The compilation environment.
To translate a program written in a source language into another
semantically equivalent program written in a target language, it
is convenient to carry some information about the correspondence
between the two programs along the process. The compilation
environment is meant to that.
In this particular pass, we want to remember an assignment of
integers to constructor and label identifiers. Therefore, the
compilation environment is composed of two maps representing these
assignments. The environment is populated each time we cross a
type definitions while it is read each time we translate language
constructions related to record and tagged values.
module ConstructorMap = Map.Make (struct
type t = HopixAST.constructor
let compare = compare
module LabelMap = Map.Make (struct
type t = HopixAST.label
let compare = compare
type environment = {
constructor_tags : Int64.t ConstructorMap.t;
label_positions : Int64.t LabelMap.t;
let initial_environment () = {
constructor_tags = ConstructorMap.empty;
label_positions = LabelMap.empty;
let index_of_constructor env k =
ConstructorMap.find k env.constructor_tags
let position_of_label env l =
LabelMap.find l env.label_positions
(** Code generation
A compilation pass produces code. We could directly
write down caml expressions made of applications of
HobixAST constructors. Yet, the resulting code would
be ugly...
A better way consists in defining functions that build
Hobix AST terms and are convenient to use. Here are a
list of functions that may be convenient to you when
you will implement this pass.
(** [fresh_identifier ()] returns a fresh identifier, that is
an identifier that has never been seen before. *)
let fresh_identifier =
let r = ref 0 in
fun () -> incr r; HobixAST.Id ("_h2h_" ^ string_of_int !r)
(** [def w (fun x -> e)] returns an abstract syntax tree of
the form:
val x = w; e
where [x] is chosen fresh.
let def w f =
let x = fresh_identifier () in
HobixAST.(Define (SimpleValue (x, w), f x))
(** [defines [d1; ..; dN] e] returns an abstract syntax tree of
the form:
val d1;
val dN;
let defines =
List.fold_right (fun (x, xe) e ->
HobixAST.(Define (SimpleValue (x, xe), e)))
(** [seq s1 s2] is
val _ = s1;
let seq s1 s2 =
HobixAST.(Define (SimpleValue (fresh_identifier (), s1), s2))
(** [htrue] represents the primitive true in Hobix. *)
let htrue =
HobixAST.(Variable (Id "true"))
(** [seqs [s1; ...; sN] is
val _ = s1;
val _ = s(N - 1);
let rec seqs = function
| [] -> assert false
| [e] -> e
| e :: es -> seq e (seqs es)
(** [is_equal e1 e2] is the boolean expression [e1 = e2]. *)
let is_equal l e1 e2 =
let equality = HobixAST.(match l with
| LInt _ -> "`=?`"
| LString _ -> "equal_string"
| LChar _ -> "equal_char"
) in
HobixAST.(Apply (Variable (Id equality), [e1; e2]))
(** [conj e1 e2] is the boolean expression [e1 && e2]. *)
let conj e1 e2 =
HobixAST.(Apply (Variable (Id "`&&`"), [ e1; e2 ]))
(** [conjs [e1; ..; eN]] is the boolean expression [e1 && .. && eN]. *)
let rec conjs = function
| [] -> htrue
| [c] -> c
| c :: cs -> conj c (conjs cs)
(** [component x i] returns [x[i]] where x is an Hobix expression
denoting a block. *)
let component x i =
failwith "Students! This is your job!"
let located f x = f (Position.value x)
let located' f x = f x
let is_binop = function
| "`+`" | "`-`" | "`*`" | "`/`"
| "`=?`" | "`>=?`" | "`<=?`" | "`>?`" | "`<?`"
| "`||`" | "`&&`" ->
| _ ->
let arity_of_type = HopixAST.(function
| TyVar _ -> 0
| TyCon (_, _) -> 0
| TyArrow (_, _) -> 1
| TyTuple _ -> 0
let eta2 f =
failwith "Students! This is your job!"
(** [program env p] turns an Hopix program into an equivalent
Hobix program. *)
let rec program env p =
let env, defs = ExtStd.List.foldmap definition' env p in
(List.flatten defs, env)
(** Compilation of Hopix toplevel definitions. *)
and definition' env p =
definition env (Position.value p)
and definition env = HobixAST.(function
| HopixAST.DeclareExtern (x, s) ->
let { Position.value = HopixAST.ForallTy (_, ty); _ } = s in
let ty = Position.value ty in
env, [DeclareExtern (located identifier x, arity_of_type ty)]
| HopixAST.DefineValue vd ->
let vd = value_definition env vd in
env, [DefineValue vd]
| HopixAST.DefineType (_, _, tydef) ->
type_definition env tydef, []
and value_definition env = function
| HopixAST.SimpleValue (x, _, e) ->
HobixAST.SimpleValue (located identifier x, located (expression env) e)
| HopixAST.RecFunctions fs ->
HobixAST.RecFunctions ( (function_binding env) fs)
and function_binding env (f, _, fdef) =
(located identifier f, function_definition env fdef)
and function_definition env (HopixAST.FunctionDefinition (x, e)) =
let y = HopixASTHelper.fresh_identifier () in
let wpos t = Position.(with_pos (position x) t) in
let e = HopixAST.(
Case (wpos (Variable (wpos y, None)),
wpos (Branch (x, e))
(HobixAST.Fun ([identifier y], expression env e))
and identifier (HopixAST.Id x) =
HobixAST.Id x
(** Compilation of Hopix expressions. *)
and expression env = HobixAST.(function
| HopixAST.Variable ({ value = HopixAST.Id x }, _) when is_binop x ->
eta2 (HobixAST.Id x)
| HopixAST.Variable (x, _) ->
Variable (located identifier x)
| HopixAST.Tagged (k, _, es) ->
failwith "Students! This is your job!"
| HopixAST.Case (e, bs) ->
failwith "Students! This is your job!"
| HopixAST.Ref e ->
failwith "Students! This is your job!"
| HopixAST.Read r ->
failwith "Students! This is your job!"
| HopixAST.Assign (r, v) ->
failwith "Students! This is your job!"
| HopixAST.While (c, b) ->
HobixAST.While (located (expression env) c,
located (expression env) b)
| HopixAST.Apply (a, b) ->
Apply (located (expression env) a,
[located (expression env) b])
| HopixAST.Literal l ->
Literal (located literal l)
| HopixAST.Define (vd, e) ->
Define (value_definition env vd, located (expression env) e)
| HopixAST.TypeAnnotation (e, _) ->
located (expression env) e
| HopixAST.IfThenElse (c, t, f) ->
let f = located (expression env) f in
HobixAST.IfThenElse (located (expression env) c,
located (expression env) t,
| HopixAST.Record (fs, _) ->
failwith "Students! This is your job!"
| HopixAST.Tuple ts ->
failwith "Students! This is your job!"
| HopixAST.Field (e, l, _) ->
failwith "Students! This is your job!"
| HopixAST.Sequence es ->
seqs ( (located (expression env)) es)
| HopixAST.For (x, start, stop, e) ->
failwith "Students! This is your job!"
| HopixAST.Fun fdef ->
failwith "Students! This is your job!"
(** [expands_or_patterns branches] returns a sequence of branches
equivalent to [branches] except that their patterns do not contain
any disjunction. {ListMonad} can be useful to implement this
transformation. *)
and expands_or_patterns branches =
failwith "Students! This is your job!"
(** [pattern env scrutinee p] returns an HopixAST expression
representing a boolean condition [c] and a list of definitions
[ds] such that:
- [c = true] if and only if [p] matches the [scrutinee] ;
- [ds] binds all the variables that appear in [p].
Precondition: p does not contain any POr.
and pattern env scrutinee p = HobixAST.(
failwith "Students! This is your job!"
and literal = HobixAST.(function
| HopixAST.LInt x -> LInt x
| HopixAST.LString s -> LString s
| HopixAST.LChar c -> LChar c
(** Compilation of type definitions. *)
and type_definition env t =
failwith "Students! This is your job!"
(** Here is the compiler! *)
let translate source env =
program env source

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@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
(** This module implements an optimized compilation of pattern-matching.
It is based on the article
"Compiling Pattern Matching to Good Decision Trees"
written by Luc Maranget
and published in the proceedings of the ML workshop 2005.
open Position
module S = HopixAST
module T = HobixAST
(** A path is a sequence of indices which allow for accessing
a component which may be deeply nested inside a block. *)
type path = int list
(** Each identifier bound by the pattern will finally be associated to
a path. *)
type binding = T.identifier * path
(** A pattern-matching matrix has a row for each possible
case and as many columns as the number of components of
the matched value. *)
type matrix = row list
and row = S.pattern list * binding list * T.expression
(** [nb_columns m] returns the number of columns of [m]. *)
let nb_columns = function
| [] ->
| (ps, _, _) :: rows ->
let n = List.length ps in
assert (List.for_all (fun (ps, _, _) -> List.length ps = n) rows);
(** [string_of_path occ] produces a human-readable version of [occ]. *)
let string_of_path occ =
String.concat "." (List.rev_map string_of_int occ)
(** [string_of_bindings bs] produces a human-readable version of [bs]. *)
let string_of_bindings bs =
String.concat ", " ( (fun (T.Id x, p) ->
Printf.sprintf "%s = %s" x (string_of_path p)
) bs)
(** [string_of_matrix m] produces a human-readable version of [m]. *)
let string_of_matrix m =
let csizes = Array.make (nb_columns m) 0 in
let string_of_pattern i p =
let s = HopixPrettyPrinter.(to_string pattern p) in
csizes.(i) <- max csizes.(i) (String.length s);
let complete_pattern i p =
p ^ String.make (csizes.(i) - String.length p) ' '
let string_of_expression e =
HobixPrettyPrinter.(to_string expression e)
let b = Buffer.create 13 in (fun (ps, bs, e) ->
(List.mapi string_of_pattern ps,
string_of_bindings bs,
string_of_expression e)) m
|> List.iter (fun (ps, bs, e) ->
Buffer.add_string b (
String.concat " " (List.mapi complete_pattern ps)
^ " -> " ^ bs ^ " in " ^ e ^ "\n"
Buffer.contents b
(** We may observe if a value is a tagged value with a specific
constructor or is equal to a given literal. *)
type observation =
| CTag of S.constructor
| CLit of S.literal
(** [head_constructors m] returns the list of observations of the
first column of [m] without repetition. Each observation comes with
its arity. A literal has an arity of 0 and constructor has for arity
the number of arguments it is applied to. This function assumes
that the patterns in the matrix are well-typed, hence we can deduce
the arity of the constructors directly from their application. *)
let head_constructors : matrix -> (observation * int) list =
failwith "Students! This is your job!"
(** [specialize occ c arity m] returns the matrix [m] in which rows that
do not match the observation [c] are removed and the others
have new columns to match the subcomponents of [c].
- [m] must have at least one row and one column.
- [arity] is the arity of [c].
- [occ] is the path to the scrutinee's component matched by the
first column of [m].
let specialize occ c arity (m : matrix) =
failwith "Students! This is your job!"
(** [default occ m] returns the default matrix of [m], that is the matrix
corresponding to the remaining tests to do if the default case of the
first column of [m] has been chosen. *)
let default occ (m : matrix) =
failwith "Students! This is your job!"
(** [split n] returns the list of occurrences [occ.0; occ.1; ..;
occ.(n - 1)]. *)
let split n occ =
failwith "Students! This is your job!"
(** [swap_columns i m] returns a new matrix which is [m] in which
column 0 and column i have been exchanged. *)
let swap_columns i m =
failwith "Students! This is your job!"
(** [swap_occurences i occs] returns a new list of occurrences in
which the occ numbered 0 and the occ numbered i have been
exchanged. *)
let swap_occurences i occs =
failwith "Students! This is your job!"
type decision_tree =
| Fail
| Leaf of binding list * T.expression
| Switch of path * (observation * decision_tree) list * decision_tree option
| Swap of int * decision_tree
let string_of_constructor = function
| CTag (S.KId s) -> s
| CLit l -> HopixPrettyPrinter.(to_string literal l)
(** [string_of_decision_tree t] produces a human-readable version of [t]. *)
let string_of_decision_tree t =
let b = Buffer.create 13 in
let offset = 2 in
let show indent s =
Buffer.add_string b (String.make (offset * indent) ' ' ^ s ^ "\n")
let rec aux prefix indent = function
| Fail ->
show indent (prefix ^ "fail")
| Leaf (bs, e) ->
show indent (
^ string_of_bindings bs
^ HobixPrettyPrinter.(to_string expression e))
| Switch (occ, ts, default) ->
show indent (prefix ^ string_of_path occ ^ "?");
List.iter (fun (c, t) -> aux (string_of_constructor c) (indent + 1) t) ts;
begin match default with
| None -> ()
| Some t -> aux "default: " (indent + 1) t
| Swap (i, t) ->
aux ("swap" ^ string_of_int i ^ ":") (indent + 1) t
aux "" 0 t;
Buffer.contents b
(** [decision_tree_of_matrix m] returns a decision tree that
implements [m] efficiently. *)
let decision_tree_of_matrix (m : matrix) : decision_tree =
failwith "Students! This is your job!"
(** [compile_decision_tree index_of_constructor x t] returns an
expression in Hobix which corresponds to the application of [t] to
[x]. [index_of_constructor k] returns the integer which represents
the constructor k in Hobix. *)
let compile_decision_tree (index_of_constructor : S.constructor -> int) x t =
failwith "Students! This is your job!"
(** [translate branches x] returns an [Hobix] expression which implements
an efficient pattern matching of [x] with the [branches]. *)
let translate (index_of_constructor : S.constructor -> int) bs x =
let matrix = (fun (p, e) -> ([p.value], [], e)) bs in
let decision_tree = decision_tree_of_matrix matrix in
compile_decision_tree index_of_constructor x decision_tree

flap/src/hopix/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
(** The Hopix programming language. *)
let name = "hopix"
module AST = HopixAST
type ast = HopixAST.t
let parse lexer_init input =
let parse_filename filename =
if Options.get_use_sexp_in () then
ExtStd.Stdlib.file_content filename
|> Sexplib.Sexp.of_string
|> HopixAST.program_of_sexp
parse Lexing.from_channel (open_in filename)
let extension =
let executable_format =
let parse_string =
parse Lexing.from_string
let print_ast ast =
if Options.get_use_sexp_out () then
HopixAST.sexp_of_program ast |> Sexplib.Sexp.to_string
HopixPrettyPrinter.(to_string program ast)
let print_expression e =
HopixPrettyPrinter.(to_string expression e)
include HopixInterpreter
include HopixTypechecker

flap/src/hopix/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
(** The abstract syntax tree for hopix programs. *)
open Sexplib.Std
open Position
(** A program is a list of definitions. *)
type program = definition located list
[@@deriving sexp]
and definition =
(** A type definition. *)
| DefineType of
type_constructor located * type_variable located list * type_definition
(** A toplevel declaration for an external value. *)
| DeclareExtern of identifier located * type_scheme located
(** A toplevel definition of value(s). *)
| DefineValue of value_definition
and type_definition =
(** A sum type for tagged values
[K (ty, ..., ty) | ... | Kₙ (tyₙ, ..., tyₘₖ)].
| DefineSumType of (constructor located * ty located list) list
(** A record type { l₁ : ty₁, ..., lₙ : tyₙ}. *)
| DefineRecordType of (label located * ty located) list
(** A type with no visible definition. *)
| Abstract
and expression =
(** A literal is a constant written "as is". *)
| Literal of literal located
(** A variable identifies a value. If this value is polymorphic, it can be
instantiated using a list of types.*)
| Variable of identifier located * ty located list option
(** A tagged value [K <ty_1, ..., ty_m> (e₁, ..., eₙ)]. *)
| Tagged of
constructor located * ty located list option * expression located list
(** A record [{l₁ = e₁, ..., lₙ = eₙ} <ty₁, ..., tyₘ>]. *)
| Record of (label located * expression located) list * ty located list option
(** A record field access [e.l]. *)
| Field of expression located * label located * ty located list option
(** A tuple [(e₁, ..., en)]. *)
| Tuple of expression located list
(** A sequence [e₁ ; ... ; eₙ] *)
| Sequence of expression located list
(** A local definition of value(s) [value_definition; e₂]. *)
| Define of value_definition * expression located
(** An anonymous function [ pattern -> e ]. *)
| Fun of function_definition
(** A function application [a₁ (a₂))]. *)
| Apply of expression located * expression located
(** A reference allocation. *)
| Ref of expression located
(** An assignment. *)
| Assign of expression located * expression located
(** A dereference. *)
| Read of expression located
(** A pattern matching [match (e) { p₁ -> e₁ | ... | pₙ -> eₙ }]. *)
| Case of expression located * branch located list
(** A conditional expression of the form [if (...) ... else ...]. *)
| IfThenElse of expression located * expression located * expression located
(** An unbounded loop of the form [while (...) { ... }]. *)
| While of expression located * expression located
(** A bounded loop of the form [for x in (e₁ to e₂) { ... }]. *)
| For of
identifier located
* expression located * expression located
* expression located
(** A type annotation [(e : ty)]. *)
| TypeAnnotation of expression located * ty located
and value_definition =
(** A toplevel definition for a value. *)
| SimpleValue of expression located polymorphic_definition
(** A toplevel definition for mutually recursive functions. *)
| RecFunctions of function_definition polymorphic_definition list
and 'a polymorphic_definition =
identifier located * type_scheme located option * 'a
and function_definition =
| FunctionDefinition of pattern located * expression located
and type_arguments =
type_variable located list
and pattern =
(** A pattern which is simply an identifier. *)
| PVariable of identifier located
(** A wildcard pattern [_]. *)
| PWildcard
(** A pattern with a type annotation of type form [p : ty] *)
| PTypeAnnotation of pattern located * ty located
(** A literal pattern. *)
| PLiteral of literal located
(** A pattern for a tagged value K <ty₁, ..., tyₙ> (p₁, ..., pₙ). *)
| PTaggedValue of
constructor located * ty located list option * pattern located list
(** A pattern for a record {l₁ = p₁, ..., lₙ = pₙ } < ty₁, ..., tyₘ >. *)
| PRecord of (label located * pattern located) list * ty located list option
(** A pattern for a tuple (p₁, ..., pₙ). *)
| PTuple of pattern located list
(** A disjunctive pattern [ p₁ | ... | pₙ ]. *)
| POr of pattern located list
(** A conjunctive pattern [ p₁ & ... & pₙ ]. *)
| PAnd of pattern located list
and branch =
(** A branch in a pattern matching [p => e]. *)
| Branch of pattern located * expression located
and ty =
(** An instantiated type constructor [t <ty₁, .., tyₙ>]. *)
| TyCon of type_constructor * ty located list
(** A function type [ty₁ → ty₂]. *)
| TyArrow of ty located * ty located
(** A tuple type [ty₁ * ... * tyₙ]. *)
| TyTuple of ty located list
(** A type variable ['a]. *)
| TyVar of type_variable
and type_scheme =
ForallTy of type_variable located list * ty located
and literal =
| LInt of Mint.t
| LString of string
| LChar of char
and identifier =
| Id of string
and type_constructor =
| TCon of string
and type_variable =
| TId of string
and constructor =
| KId of string
and label =
| LId of string
[@@deriving sexp]
type t = program
[@@deriving sexp]

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@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
open HopixAST
module LabelSet = Set.Make (struct
type t = label
let compare = compare
module TypeVariableSet = Set.Make (struct
type t = type_variable
let compare = compare
let fresh_identifier =
let count = ref (-1) in
fun () -> incr count; Id ("id" ^ string_of_int !count)

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@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
let initialize () =
Languages.register (module Hopix);
Compilers.register (module Compilers.Identity (Hopix))

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@ -0,0 +1,356 @@
open Position
open Error
open HopixAST
(** [error pos msg] reports execution error messages. *)
let error positions msg =
errorN "execution" positions msg
(** Every expression of Hopix evaluates into a [value].
The [value] type is not defined here. Instead, it will be defined
by instantiation of following ['e gvalue] with ['e = environment].
Why? The value type and the environment type are mutually recursive
and since we do not want to define them simultaneously, this
parameterization is a way to describe how the value type will use
the environment type without an actual definition of this type.
type 'e gvalue =
| VInt of Mint.t
| VChar of char
| VString of string
| VUnit
| VTagged of constructor * 'e gvalue list
| VTuple of 'e gvalue list
| VRecord of (label * 'e gvalue) list
| VLocation of Memory.location
| VClosure of 'e * pattern located * expression located
| VPrimitive of string * ('e gvalue Memory.t -> 'e gvalue -> 'e gvalue)
(** Two values for booleans. *)
let ptrue = VTagged (KId "True", [])
let pfalse = VTagged (KId "False", [])
We often need to check that a value has a specific shape.
To that end, we introduce the following coercions. A
coercion of type [('a, 'e)] coercion tries to convert an
Hopix value into a OCaml value of type ['a]. If this conversion
fails, it returns [None].
type ('a, 'e) coercion = 'e gvalue -> 'a option
let fail = None
let ret x = Some x
let value_as_int = function VInt x -> ret x | _ -> fail
let value_as_char = function VChar c -> ret c | _ -> fail
let value_as_string = function VString s -> ret s | _ -> fail
let value_as_tagged = function VTagged (k, vs) -> ret (k, vs) | _ -> fail
let value_as_record = function VRecord fs -> ret fs | _ -> fail
let value_as_location = function VLocation l -> ret l | _ -> fail
let value_as_closure = function VClosure (e, p, b) -> ret (e, p, b) | _ -> fail
let value_as_primitive = function VPrimitive (p, f) -> ret (p, f) | _ -> fail
let value_as_bool = function
| VTagged (KId "True", []) -> true
| VTagged (KId "False", []) -> false
| _ -> assert false
It is also very common to have to inject an OCaml value into
the types of Hopix values. That is the purpose of a wrapper.
type ('a, 'e) wrapper = 'a -> 'e gvalue
let int_as_value x = VInt x
let bool_as_value b = if b then ptrue else pfalse
The flap toplevel needs to print the result of evaluations. This is
especially useful for debugging and testing purpose. Do not modify
the code of this function since it is used by the testsuite.
let print_value m v =
(** To avoid to print large (or infinite) values, we stop at depth 5. *)
let max_depth = 5 in
let rec print_value d v =
if d >= max_depth then "..." else
match v with
| VInt x ->
Mint.to_string x
| VChar c ->
"'" ^ Char.escaped c ^ "'"
| VString s ->
"\"" ^ String.escaped s ^ "\""
| VUnit ->
| VLocation a ->
print_array_value d (Memory.dereference m a)
| VTagged (KId k, []) ->
| VTagged (KId k, vs) ->
k ^ print_tuple d vs
| VTuple (vs) ->
print_tuple d vs
| VRecord fs ->
^ String.concat ", " ( (fun (LId f, v) -> f ^ " = " ^ print_value (d + 1) v
) fs) ^ "}"
| VClosure _ ->
| VPrimitive (s, _) ->
Printf.sprintf "<primitive: %s>" s
and print_tuple d vs =
"(" ^ String.concat ", " ( (print_value (d + 1)) vs) ^ ")"
and print_array_value d block =
let r = block in
let n = Mint.to_int (Memory.size block) in
"[ " ^ String.concat ", " (
List.(map (fun i -> print_value (d + 1) (r (Mint.of_int i)))
(ExtStd.List.range 0 (n - 1))
)) ^ " ]"
print_value 0 v
let print_values m vs =
String.concat "; " ( (print_value m) vs)
module Environment : sig
(** Evaluation environments map identifiers to values. *)
type t
(** The empty environment. *)
val empty : t
(** [bind env x v] extends [env] with a binding from [x] to [v]. *)
val bind : t -> identifier -> t gvalue -> t
(** [update pos x env v] modifies the binding of [x] in [env] so
that [x v] [env]. *)
val update : Position.t -> identifier -> t -> t gvalue -> unit
(** [lookup pos x env] returns [v] such that [x ↦ v] ∈ env. *)
val lookup : Position.t -> identifier -> t -> t gvalue
(** [UnboundIdentifier (x, pos)] is raised when [update] or
[lookup] assume that there is a binding for [x] in [env],
where there is no such binding. *)
exception UnboundIdentifier of identifier * Position.t
(** [last env] returns the latest binding in [env] if it exists. *)
val last : t -> (identifier * t gvalue * t) option
(** [print env] returns a human readable representation of [env]. *)
val print : t gvalue Memory.t -> t -> string
end = struct
type t =
| EEmpty
| EBind of identifier * t gvalue ref * t
let empty = EEmpty
let bind e x v =
EBind (x, ref v, e)
exception UnboundIdentifier of identifier * Position.t
let lookup' pos x =
let rec aux = function
| EEmpty -> raise (UnboundIdentifier (x, pos))
| EBind (y, v, e) ->
if x = y then v else aux e
let lookup pos x e = !(lookup' pos x e)
let update pos x e v =
lookup' pos x e := v
let last = function
| EBind (x, v, e) -> Some (x, !v, e)
| EEmpty -> None
let print_binding m (Id x, v) =
x ^ " = " ^ print_value m !v
let print m e =
let b = Buffer.create 13 in
let push x v = Buffer.add_string b (print_binding m (x, v)) in
let rec aux = function
| EEmpty -> Buffer.contents b
| EBind (x, v, EEmpty) -> push x v; aux EEmpty
| EBind (x, v, e) -> push x v; Buffer.add_string b "\n"; aux e
aux e
We have everything we need now to define [value] as an instantiation
of ['e gvalue] with ['e = Environment.t], as promised.
type value = Environment.t gvalue
The following higher-order function lifts a function [f] of type
['a -> 'b] as a [name]d Hopix primitive function, that is, an
OCaml function of type [value -> value].
let primitive name ?(error = fun () -> assert false) coercion wrapper f
: value
= VPrimitive (name, fun x ->
match coercion x with
| None -> error ()
| Some x -> wrapper (f x)
type runtime = {
memory : value Memory.t;
environment : Environment.t;
type observable = {
new_memory : value Memory.t;
new_environment : Environment.t;
(** [primitives] is an environment that contains the implementation
of all primitives (+, <, ...). *)
let primitives =
let intbin name out op =
let error m v =
"Invalid arguments for `%s': %s\n"
name (print_value m v);
assert false (* By typing. *)
VPrimitive (name, fun m -> function
| VInt x ->
VPrimitive (name, fun m -> function
| VInt y -> out (op x y)
| v -> error m v)
| v -> error m v)
let bind_all what l x =
List.fold_left (fun env (x, v) -> Environment.bind env (Id x) (what x v))
x l
(* Define arithmetic binary operators. *)
let binarith name =
intbin name (fun x -> VInt x) in
let binarithops = Mint.(
[ ("`+`", add); ("`-`", sub); ("`*`", mul); ("`/`", div) ]
) in
(* Define arithmetic comparison operators. *)
let cmparith name = intbin name bool_as_value in
let cmparithops =
[ ("`=?`", ( = ));
("`<?`", ( < ));
("`>?`", ( > ));
("`>=?`", ( >= ));
("`<=?`", ( <= )) ]
let boolbin name out op =
VPrimitive (name, fun _ x -> VPrimitive (name, fun _ y ->
out (op (value_as_bool x) (value_as_bool y))))
let boolarith name = boolbin name (fun x -> if x then ptrue else pfalse) in
let boolarithops =
[ ("`||`", ( || )); ("`&&`", ( && )) ]
let generic_printer =
VPrimitive ("print", fun m v ->
output_string stdout (print_value m v);
flush stdout;
let print s =
output_string stdout s;
flush stdout;
let print_int =
VPrimitive ("print_int", fun _ -> function
| VInt x -> print (Mint.to_string x)
| _ -> assert false (* By typing. *)
let print_string =
VPrimitive ("print_string", fun _ -> function
| VString x -> print x
| _ -> assert false (* By typing. *)
let bind' x w env = Environment.bind env (Id x) w in
|> bind_all binarith binarithops
|> bind_all cmparith cmparithops
|> bind_all boolarith boolarithops
|> bind' "print" generic_printer
|> bind' "print_int" print_int
|> bind' "print_string" print_string
|> bind' "true" ptrue
|> bind' "false" pfalse
|> bind' "nothing" VUnit
let initial_runtime () = {
memory = Memory.create (640 * 1024 (* should be enough. -- B.Gates *));
environment = primitives;
let rec evaluate runtime ast =
let runtime' = List.fold_left definition runtime ast in
(runtime', extract_observable runtime runtime')
with Environment.UnboundIdentifier (Id x, pos) ->
Error.error "interpretation" pos (Printf.sprintf "`%s' is unbound." x)
(** [definition pos runtime d] evaluates the new definition [d]
into a new runtime [runtime']. In the specification, this
is the judgment:
E, M dv E', M'
and definition runtime d =
failwith "Students! This is your job!"
and expression' environment memory e =
expression (position e) environment memory (value e)
(** [expression pos runtime e] evaluates into a value [v] if
E, M e v, M'
and E = [runtime.environment], M = [runtime.memory].
and expression _ environment memory =
failwith "Students! This is your job!"
(** This function returns the difference between two runtimes. *)
and extract_observable runtime runtime' =
let rec substract new_environment env env' =
if env == env' then new_environment
match Environment.last env' with
| None -> assert false (* Absurd. *)
| Some (x, v, env') ->
let new_environment = Environment.bind new_environment x v in
substract new_environment env env'
new_environment =
substract Environment.empty runtime.environment runtime'.environment;
new_memory =
(** This function displays a difference between two runtimes. *)
let print_observable (_ : runtime) observation =
Environment.print observation.new_memory observation.new_environment

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@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
{ (* -*- tuareg -*- *)
open Lexing
open Error
open Position
open HopixParser
let next_line_and f lexbuf =
Lexing.new_line lexbuf;
f lexbuf
let error lexbuf =
error "during lexing" (lex_join lexbuf.lex_start_p lexbuf.lex_curr_p)
let newline = ('\010' | '\013' | "\013\010")
let blank = [' ' '\009' '\012']
let digit = ['0'-'9']
rule token = parse
(** Layout *)
| newline { next_line_and token lexbuf }
| blank+ { token lexbuf }
| eof { EOF }
(** Lexing error. *)
| _ { error lexbuf "unexpected character." }

View file

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
%{ (* -*- tuareg -*- *)
open HopixAST
open Position
%token EOF
%start<HopixAST.t> program
program: EOF
%inline located(X): x=X {
Position.with_poss $startpos $endpos x

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@ -0,0 +1,394 @@
open PPrint
open ExtPPrint
open HopixAST
open Position
let int i = string (Mint.to_string i)
let colon = string ","
let semicolon = string ";"
let sqbrackets d = string "[" ^^ d ^^ string "]"
let angles d = string "<" ^^ d ^^ string ">"
let separate_postgrouped_map sep f xs =
let rec aux = function
| [] -> empty
| x :: xs -> group (sep ^^ f x) ^^ break 1 ^^ aux xs
match xs with
| [] -> empty
| x :: xs -> f x ^^ break 1 ^^ aux xs
let gtype_definition sep what around ks =
around (break 1 ^^ group (
separate_postgrouped_map (break 1 ^^ string sep ^^ break 1) what ks
let rec program p =
separate_map hardline (located definition) p
and definition = function
| DefineType (t, ts, tdef) ->
nest 2 (
group (group (string "type"
++ located type_constructor t
^^ group (type_parameters_angles ts))
++ string "=")
++ type_definition tdef)
| DeclareExtern (x, t) ->
group (string "extern" ++ located identifier x
++ string ":" ++ located type_scheme t)
| DefineValue vdef ->
group (value_definition false vdef)
and rec_function_definition paren rv =
group (string "fun"
^^ space
^^ separate_map (hardline ^^ string "and" ^^ space)
(fun (x, d) ->
nest 2 (
group (located identifier x ^^ break 1 ^^
let sep = space ^^ string "=" ^^ break 1 in
located (function_definition paren sep) d)))
and function_definition paren sep = function
| FunctionDefinition (p, e) ->
group (located pattern p)
^^ sep ^^ group (located (if_paren_expression paren) e)
and type_parameters ts =
separate_map (comma ^^ break 1) (located type_variable) ts
and type_parameters_angles = function
| [] ->
| ts ->
angles (type_parameters ts)
and type_parameters_bracketed = function
| [] ->
| ts ->
sqbrackets (type_parameters ts)
and type_definition = function
| DefineSumType ks ->
gtype_definition "|" dataconstructor_definition (fun x -> x) ks
| DefineRecordType ls ->
gtype_definition "," label_definition braces ls
| Abstract ->
and label (LId s) =
string s
and dataconstructor_definition (k, tys) =
match tys with
| [] ->
located dataconstructor k
| _ ->
group (located dataconstructor k
++ parens (
separate_map (string "," ^^ break 1) (located ty) tys
and label_definition (l, t) =
group (located label l ++ string ":" ++ located ty t)
and dataconstructor (KId k) =
string k
and value_definition paren = function
| SimpleValue (x, ot, e) ->
nest 2 (group (group (
string "let" ++ located identifier x
^^ optional_type_scheme_annotation ot
++ string "=")
++ group (located (if_paren_expression paren) e
| RecFunctions (f :: fs) ->
rec_function "fun" f ++
separate_map (break 1) (rec_function "and") fs
| RecFunctions [] ->
assert false (* By parsing. *)
and rec_function prefix (f, ot, fdef) =
group (nest 2 (
group (string prefix
^^ optional_type_scheme_annotation ot
++ located identifier f)
++ function_definition true (space ^^ string "=" ^^ break 1) fdef
and optional_type_annotation = function
| None -> empty
| Some t -> type_annotation t
and type_annotation t =
group (break 1 ^^ string ":" ++ located ty t)
and optional_type_scheme_annotation = function
| None -> empty
| Some t -> type_scheme_annotation t
and type_scheme_annotation t =
group (break 1 ^^ string ":" ++ located type_scheme t)
and type_scheme (ForallTy (ts, t)) =
type_parameters_bracketed ts ^^ located ty t
and ty t = match t with
| TyCon (tcon, []) ->
type_constructor tcon
| TyCon (tcon, tys) ->
group (type_constructor tcon
^^ angles (
separate_map (string "," ^^ break 1) (located ty) tys
| TyVar tvar ->
type_variable tvar
| TyTuple tys ->
parens (separate_map (break 1 ^^ string "*" ^^ break 1) (located ty) tys)
| TyArrow (in_, out) ->
group (
((located may_paren_ty) in_
++ string "->") ++ located may_paren_ty out)
and may_paren_ty t =
match t with
| TyArrow _ -> parens (ty t)
| _ -> ty t
and type_constructor (TCon s) =
string s
and type_variable (TId x) =
string x
and identifier (Id x) =
string x
and is_infix s =
String.length s >= 2 && s.[0] = '`' && s.[String.length s - 1] = '`'
and infix_operator s =
string (String.(sub s 1 (length s - 2)))
and expression = function
| Literal l ->
located literal l
| Variable (x, tys) ->
located identifier x ^^ optional_type_instantiation tys
| TypeAnnotation (e, t) ->
parens (located expression e ++ group (string ":" ++ located ty t))
| Define (vdef, e2) ->
nest 2 (
group (value_definition true vdef ++ string ";"
^^ break 1 ^^ group (located expression e2)
| Fun (fdef) ->
string "\\"
++ function_definition true (space ^^ string "->" ^^ break 1) fdef
| Record (ls, tys) ->
braces (separate_map (comma ^^ break 1) make_label ls)
^^ optional_type_instantiation tys
| Apply ({ value = Apply ({ value = Variable ({ value = Id x; _ }, _); _ }, lhs); _ }, rhs)
when is_infix x ->
parens (located expression lhs ++ infix_operator x ++ located expression rhs)
| Apply (a, b) ->
group (
located may_paren_expression a
++ located may_paren_expression b
| IfThenElse (c, t, e) ->
group (string "if" ++ guarded_expression (c, t))
^^ else_expression e
| Tagged (k, ts, es) ->
group (
located dataconstructor k
^^ optional_type_instantiation ts
^^ (match es with
| [] ->
| es ->
parens (
separate_map (colon ^^ break 1) (located expression) es
| Tuple es ->
group (
parens (
separate_map (colon ^^ break 1) (located expression) es
| Case (e, bs) ->
group (
group (group (
string "match"
++ parens (located expression e)) ++ string "{"
++ group (separate_map (break 1) (located branch) bs)
++ string "}"
| Field (e, l, ts) ->
located may_paren_expression e ^^ string "." ^^ located label l
^^ optional_type_instantiation ts
| Sequence es ->
separate_map (semicolon ^^ break 1) (located may_paren_expression) es
| Ref e ->
string "ref" ++ located may_paren_expression e
| Assign (lhs, rhs) ->
group (located may_paren_expression lhs
++ string ":="
++ located expression rhs)
| Read e ->
group (parens (string "!" ++ located may_paren_expression e))
| While (e, b) ->
nest 2 (group (string "while" ++ parens (located expression e)
++ braces' (located expression b)))
| For (x, start, stop, e) ->
nest 2 (group (
string "for"
++ located identifier x
++ string "from"
++ parens (located expression start)
++ string "to"
++ parens (located expression stop)
++ braces' (located expression e)))
and delimit l r d =
surround 2 1 (!^ l) d (!^ r)
and braces' d =
delimit "{" "}" d
and make_label (l, e) =
located label l ++ string "=" ++ located expression e
and guarded_expression (c, t) =
nest 2 (
parens (located expression c)
^^ (break 1)
^^ prefix 2 1 (!^ "then") (braces' (located expression t))
and optional_type_instantiation = function
| None ->
| Some tys ->
^^ string "<"
++ separate_map (comma ^^ break 1) (located may_paren_ty) tys
++ string ">"
and else_expression e =
break 1 ^^ prefix 2 1 (!^ "else") (braces' (located expression e))
and function_type_arguments = function
| None ->
| Some ts ->
angles (separate_map (break 1) (located ty) ts)
and may_paren_under_if e = match e with
| IfThenElse _ ->
parens (expression e)
| _ ->
expression e
and delimited = function
| Record _ | For _ | Variable _ | Tagged _ | Literal _
| While _ | Tuple _ | TypeAnnotation _ ->
(* Delimited expressions, no need to put parenthesis around.
Some inner sub-expressions may need parens, though *)
| Define _ | IfThenElse _ | Fun _ | Apply _ | Field _
| Ref _ | Read _ | Assign _ | Case _ | Sequence _ ->
and may_paren_expression e =
if delimited e then expression e else parens (expression e)
and if_paren_expression b e =
if b && not (delimited e) then parens (expression e) else expression e
and branch (Branch (p, e)) =
group (nest 2 (group (string "|" ++ located pattern p ++ string "->")
++ located may_paren_expression e))
and patterns ps =
parens (separate_map (comma ^^ break 1) (located pattern) ps)
and pattern = function
| PWildcard ->
string "_"
| PVariable x ->
located identifier x
| PTypeAnnotation (p, t) ->
parens (located pattern p ++ string ":" ++ located ty t)
| PTaggedValue (k, tys, ps) ->
located dataconstructor k
^^ optional_type_instantiation tys
^^ (match ps with
| [] ->
| ps ->
parens (separate_map (comma ^^ break 1) (located pattern) ps)
| PTuple ps ->
parens (separate_map (comma ^^ break 1) (located pattern) ps)
| PRecord (ls, tys) ->
braces (separate_map (comma ^^ break 1) label_pattern ls)
++ optional_type_instantiation tys
| PAnd ps ->
(separate_map (break 1 ^^ string "&" ^^ break 1) (located pattern) ps)
| POr ps ->
(separate_map (break 1 ^^ string "|" ^^ break 1) (located pattern) ps)
| PLiteral l ->
located literal l
and label_pattern (f, p) =
located label f ++ string "=" ++ located pattern p
and literal = function
| LInt x ->
int x
| LChar c ->
char c
| LString s ->
string_literal s
and char c =
group (string "'" ^^ string (Char.escaped c) ^^ string "'")
and string_literal s =
group (string "\"" ^^ string (String.escaped s) ^^ string "\"")
let to_string f x =
let b = Buffer.create 13 in
ToBuffer.pretty 0.8 80 b (group (f x));
Buffer.contents b

View file

@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
open Position
open HopixAST
(** [fresh_identifier ()] returns a new fresh identifier each time it
is called. *)
val fresh_identifier : unit -> identifier
(** [make_multi_assignments [e1; ...; eN] [f1; ...; fN]] returns
an expression of the form:
let x_1 = f1 in
let x_N = fN in
e1 := x1;
eN := xN
] *)
val make_multi_assignments
: expression located list -> expression located list -> expression
(** [make_delayed_computation e] returns an expression of the form:
[ \() => e ]
val make_delayed_computation : expression located -> expression

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@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
(** This module implements a bidirectional type checker for Hopix. *)
open HopixAST
(** Error messages *)
let invalid_instantiation pos given expected =
HopixTypes.type_error pos (
"Invalid number of types in instantiation: \
%d given while %d were expected." given expected
let check_equal_types pos ~expected ~given =
if expected <> given
HopixTypes.(type_error pos
"Type mismatch.\nExpected:\n %s\nGiven:\n %s"
(string_of_aty expected)
(string_of_aty given)))
(** Linearity-checking code for patterns *)
let rec check_pattern_linearity
: identifier list -> pattern Position.located -> identifier list
= fun vars Position.{ value; position; } ->
failwith "Students! This is your job!"
(** Type-checking code *)
let check_type_scheme :
HopixTypes.typing_environment ->
Position.t ->
HopixAST.type_scheme ->
HopixTypes.aty_scheme * HopixTypes.typing_environment
= fun env pos (ForallTy (ts, ty)) ->
failwith "Students! This is your job!"
let synth_literal : HopixAST.literal -> HopixTypes.aty =
fun l ->
failwith "Students! This is your job!"
let rec check_pattern :
HopixTypes.typing_environment ->
HopixAST.pattern Position.located ->
HopixTypes.aty ->
= fun env Position.({ value = p; position = pos; } as pat) expected ->
failwith "Students! This is your job!"
and synth_pattern :
HopixTypes.typing_environment ->
HopixAST.pattern Position.located ->
HopixTypes.aty * HopixTypes.typing_environment
= fun env Position.{ value = p; position = pos; } ->
failwith "Students! This is your job!"
let rec synth_expression :
HopixTypes.typing_environment ->
HopixAST.expression Position.located ->
= fun env Position.{ value = e; position = pos; } ->
failwith "Students! This is your job!"
and check_expression :
HopixTypes.typing_environment ->
HopixAST.expression Position.located ->
HopixTypes.aty ->
= fun env (Position.{ value = e; position = pos; } as exp) expected ->
failwith "Students! This is your job!"
and check_value_definition :
HopixTypes.typing_environment ->
HopixAST.value_definition ->
= fun env def ->
failwith "Students! This is your job!"
let check_definition env = function
| DefineValue vdef ->
check_value_definition env vdef
| DefineType (t, ts, tdef) ->
let ts = Position.value ts in
HopixTypes.bind_type_definition (Position.value t) ts tdef env
| DeclareExtern (x, tys) ->
let tys, _ = Position.located_pos (check_type_scheme env) tys in
HopixTypes.bind_value (Position.value x) tys env
let typecheck env program =
(fun env d -> Position.located (check_definition env) d)
env program
type typing_environment = HopixTypes.typing_environment
let initial_typing_environment = HopixTypes.initial_typing_environment
let print_typing_environment = HopixTypes.string_of_typing_environment

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@ -0,0 +1,493 @@
open HopixAST
open HopixASTHelper
let type_error = Error.error "typechecking"
type variable = type_variable
type aty =
| ATyVar of type_variable
| ATyCon of type_constructor * aty list
| ATyTuple of aty list
| ATyArrow of aty * aty
let make_fresh_name_generator () =
let r = ref (-1) in
let mangle () =
if !r > 26 then
"a" ^ string_of_int !r
String.make 1 (Char.(chr (code 'a' + !r)))
fun () ->
incr r; TId ("`" ^ mangle ())
let fresh = make_fresh_name_generator ()
let rec hprod_destruct = function
| ATyTuple tys -> List.(flatten (map hprod_destruct tys))
| ty -> [ty]
let hprod tys =
ATyTuple (List.(flatten (map hprod_destruct tys)))
let rec aty_of_ty = function
| TyVar x -> ATyVar x
| TyCon (t, ts) -> ATyCon (t, aty_of_ty' ts)
| TyArrow (ins, out) -> ATyArrow (aty_of_ty' ins, aty_of_ty' out)
| TyTuple ins -> hprod ( aty_of_ty' ins)
and aty_of_ty' x = aty_of_ty (Position.value x)
let pretty_print_aty bound_vars aty =
let fresh = make_fresh_name_generator () in
let r = ref [] in
let print_var =
fun x ->
(if not (List.mem x bound_vars) then
else try
List.assoc x !r
with Not_found ->
let y = fresh () in
r := (x, y) :: !r;
) |> function (TId x) -> x
let rec print_aty = function
| ATyVar x ->
print_var x
| ATyArrow (ins, out) ->
let ins = print_aty' ins in
let out = print_aty' out in
ins ^ " -> " ^ out
| ATyTuple tys ->
String.concat " * " ( print_aty' tys)
| ATyCon (TCon x, []) ->
| ATyCon (TCon x, ts) ->
x ^ "<" ^ String.concat ", " ( print_aty' ts) ^ ">"
and print_aty' = function
| (ATyArrow (_, _)) as t -> "(" ^ print_aty t ^ ")"
| x -> print_aty x
let s = print_aty aty in
(s, !r)
let string_of_aty aty = fst (pretty_print_aty [] aty)
let tvar x =
ATyVar (TId x)
let ( --> ) tys ty =
List.fold_left (fun ty aty -> ATyArrow (aty, ty)) ty (List.rev tys)
exception NotAFunction
let output_type_of_function = function
| ATyArrow (_, ty) -> ty
| _ -> raise NotAFunction
let constant x = TCon x, ATyCon (TCon x, [])
let tcunit, hunit = constant "unit"
let tcbool, hbool = constant "bool"
let tcint, hint = constant "int"
let tcstring, hstring = constant "string"
let tcchar, hchar = constant "char"
let tcref = TCon "mut"
let href ty = ATyCon (tcref, [ty])
exception NotAReference
let type_error_wrong_shape shape pos given =
type_error pos
"This expression has type %s which should be a %s type."
(string_of_aty given)
type 'res destruction_fun = Position.t -> aty -> 'res
let destruct_function_type pos ty =
match ty with
| ATyArrow (dom, cod) ->
dom, cod
| given ->
type_error_wrong_shape "function" pos given
let rec destruct_function_type_maximally pos = function
| ATyArrow (ins, out) ->
let ins', out = destruct_function_type_maximally pos out in
(ins :: ins', out)
| ty ->
([], ty)
let destruct_product_type pos ty =
match ty with
| ATyTuple tys ->
| given ->
type_error_wrong_shape "product" pos given
let destruct_constructed_type pos ty =
match ty with
| ATyCon (tc, tys) ->
tc, tys
| given ->
type_error_wrong_shape "constructed" pos given
let destruct_reference_type pos ty =
match ty with
| ATyCon (tc, [ty]) when tc = tcref ->
| given ->
type_error_wrong_shape "reference" pos given
let rec occurs x = function
| ATyVar tv -> x = tv
| ATyCon (_, tys) -> List.exists (occurs x) tys
| ATyArrow (ins, out) -> List.exists (occurs x) [out; ins]
| ATyTuple tys -> List.exists (occurs x) tys
let free_type_variables ty =
let rec aux accu = function
| ATyVar tv -> TypeVariableSet.add tv accu
| ATyCon (_, tys) -> aux' accu tys
| ATyArrow (ins, out) -> aux (aux accu out) ins
| ATyTuple tys -> aux' accu tys
and aux' accu tys = List.fold_left aux accu tys
aux TypeVariableSet.empty ty
type aty_scheme = Scheme of type_variable list * aty
let rec ty_of_aty' = function
| ATyVar tv ->
TyVar tv
| ATyCon (tycon, atys) ->
TyCon (tycon, ty_of_aty atys)
| ATyArrow (atydom, atycod) ->
TyArrow (ty_of_aty atydom, ty_of_aty atycod)
| ATyTuple atys ->
TyTuple ( ty_of_aty atys)
and ty_of_aty aty = Position.unknown_pos (ty_of_aty' aty)
let type_scheme_of_aty_scheme (Scheme (bound, aty)) =
ForallTy ( Position.unknown_pos bound, ty_of_aty aty)
let pp_aty_scheme atys =
HopixPrettyPrinter.type_scheme @@ type_scheme_of_aty_scheme atys
let free_type_variables_scheme (Scheme (bound, aty)) =
let open TypeVariableSet in
diff (free_type_variables aty) (of_list bound)
let mk_type_scheme ty =
Scheme (TypeVariableSet.elements @@ free_type_variables ty, ty)
let monomorphic_type_scheme ty =
Scheme ([], ty)
exception NotAMonotype
let type_of_monotype = function
| Scheme ([], ty) -> ty
| _ -> raise NotAMonotype
exception InvalidInstantiation of { expected : int; given : int; }
let rec substitute phi = function
| ATyVar tv ->
(try List.assoc tv phi with Not_found -> ATyVar tv)
| ATyArrow (ins, out) ->
ATyArrow (substitute phi ins, substitute phi out)
| ATyCon (t, tys) ->
ATyCon (t, (substitute phi) tys)
| ATyTuple tys ->
hprod ( (substitute phi) tys)
let instantiate_type_scheme (Scheme (ts, ty)) types =
if List.(length ts <> length types) then
raise (InvalidInstantiation { expected = List.length ts;
given = List.length types; });
let substitution = List.combine ts types in
substitute substitution ty
let refresh_type_scheme (Scheme (ts, ty)) =
let ts' = (fun _ -> fresh ()) ts in
let phi = List.(map (fun (x, y) -> (x, ATyVar y)) (combine ts ts')) in
Scheme (ts', substitute phi ty)
type type_information =
| Abstract
| Sum of constructor list
| Record of label list
type typing_environment = {
values : (identifier * aty_scheme) list;
constructors : (constructor * aty_scheme) list;
destructors : (label * aty_scheme) list;
type_constructors : (type_constructor * (int * type_information)) list;
type_variables : type_variable list;
let pp_typing_environment env =
let open PPrint in
let pp_binding pp_id (x, tys) =
group (pp_id x ^^ space ^^ colon ^/^ pp_aty_scheme tys)
group @@ separate_map
(semi ^^ break 1)
(pp_binding HopixPrettyPrinter.identifier) env.values
let free_type_variables_env_values { values; _ } =
(fun free (_, tys) ->
TypeVariableSet.union free @@ free_type_variables_scheme tys)
let generalize_type_scheme env aty =
let open TypeVariableSet in
let free_aty = free_type_variables aty in
let free_env = free_type_variables_env_values env in
Scheme (elements @@ diff free_aty free_env, aty)
let diffdomain tenv tenv' =
let d =
List.fold_left (fun s (x, _) ->
if not (List.mem_assoc x tenv.values) then x :: s else s
) [] tenv'.values
List.sort compare d
type binding =
| Identifier of identifier
| TypeConstructor of type_constructor
| Constructor of constructor
| Label of label
exception Unbound of Position.position * binding
let string_of_binding = function
| Identifier (Id x) -> Printf.sprintf "identifier `%s'" x
| TypeConstructor (TCon t) -> Printf.sprintf "type constructor `%s'" t
| Constructor (KId k) -> Printf.sprintf "constructor `%s'" k
| Label (LId l) -> Printf.sprintf "label `%s'" l
let check_well_formed_type pos env ty =
let rec aux = function
| ATyVar ((TId a) as x) ->
if not (List.mem x env.type_variables) then
type_error pos (
Printf.sprintf "Ill-formed type: unbound type variable %s." a
| ATyCon (tcon, atys) ->
let (arity, _) = List.assoc tcon env.type_constructors in
List.iter aux atys;
if List.length atys <> arity then
type_error pos "Ill-formed type: invalid arity."
with Not_found ->
type_error pos "Ill-formed type: unbound type constructor.")
| ATyTuple tys ->
List.iter aux tys
| ATyArrow (ins, out) ->
aux ins;
aux out
aux ty
let internalize_ty env ty =
let pos = Position.position ty in
let ty = Position.value ty in
let aty = aty_of_ty ty in
check_well_formed_type pos env aty;
let empty_typing_environment = {
values = [];
constructors = [];
type_constructors = [];
destructors = [];
type_variables = []
let print_tenv env =
Printf.sprintf "tvs: %s\n" (
String.concat ", " ( (fun (TId x) -> x) env.type_variables)
let bind_type_variable pos env tv =
if List.mem tv env.type_variables then
type_error pos (
"The type variable `%s' is already bound in the environment."
(HopixPrettyPrinter.(to_string type_variable tv))
{ env with type_variables = tv :: env.type_variables }
let bind_type_variables pos env ts =
List.fold_left (fun env t ->
bind_type_variable pos env t
) env ts
let is_type_variable_defined _ env tv =
List.mem tv env.type_variables
let bind_value x scheme env = {
env with values = (x, scheme) :: env.values
type 'key type_scheme_lookup_fun =
Position.t -> 'key -> typing_environment -> aty_scheme
let lookup_type_scheme_of_identifier pos x env =
List.assoc x env.values
with Not_found ->
raise (Unbound (pos, Identifier x))
let make_pre_type_environment env ts x arity tdef =
let env = bind_type_variables Position.dummy env ts in
let type_constructors = (x, (arity, tdef)) :: env.type_constructors in
{ env with type_constructors; constructors = [] }
let bind_abstract_type x ts env =
let arity = List.length ts in
let type_constructors = (x, (arity, Abstract)) :: env.type_constructors in
{ env with type_constructors }
let bind_sum_type_definition x ts ds env =
let arity = List.length ts in
let constructors = (fun (k, _) -> Position.value k) ds in
let pre_env = make_pre_type_environment env ts x arity (Sum constructors) in
let constructor_definition (k, tys) =
let atys = (internalize_ty pre_env) tys in
let scheme =
Scheme (ts, atys --> ATyCon (x, (fun v -> ATyVar v) ts))
(Position.value k, scheme)
let constructors = constructor_definition ds @ env.constructors in
let type_constructors =
(x, (arity, Sum ( fst constructors))) :: env.type_constructors
{ env with type_constructors; constructors }
let bind_record_type_definition x ts fs env =
let arity = List.length ts in
let labels = (fun (l, _) -> Position.value l) fs in
let pre_env = make_pre_type_environment env ts x arity (Record labels) in
let destructor_definition (l, ty) =
let aty = internalize_ty pre_env ty in
let scheme =
Scheme (ts, [ATyCon (x, (fun v -> ATyVar v) ts)] --> aty)
(Position.value l, scheme)
let destructors = destructor_definition fs @ env.destructors in
let type_constructors =
(x, (arity, Record labels)) :: env.type_constructors
{ env with type_constructors; destructors }
let bind_type_definition x ts td tenv =
match td with
| DefineSumType ks ->
bind_sum_type_definition x ts ks tenv
| DefineRecordType fs ->
bind_record_type_definition x ts fs tenv
| Abstract ->
bind_abstract_type x ts tenv
let lookup_type_scheme_of_constructor pos k env =
List.assoc k env.constructors
with Not_found ->
raise (Unbound (pos, Constructor k))
let lookup_type_scheme_of_label pos l env =
List.assoc l env.destructors
with Not_found ->
raise (Unbound (pos, Label l))
let lookup_information_of_type_constructor pos ((TCon t) as tc) env =
try let _, info = List.assoc tc env.type_constructors in info
with Not_found ->
type_error pos Printf.(sprintf "Unbound type constructor %s." t)
let lookup_fields_of_type_constructor pos ((TCon t) as tc) env =
match lookup_information_of_type_constructor pos tc env with
| Record fields -> fields
| _ -> type_error pos Printf.(sprintf "Type %s is not a record type." t)
let lookup_type_constructor_of_label pos l env =
let label_type_definition (_, (_, d)) =
match d with
| Record labels -> List.mem l labels
| _ -> false
let (tycon, (arity, labels)) =
List.find label_type_definition env.type_constructors
let labels = match labels with Record ls -> ls | _ -> assert false in
(tycon, arity, labels)
with Not_found ->
raise (Unbound (pos, Label l))
let initial_typing_environment () =
empty_typing_environment |>
List.fold_right (fun ti env -> bind_abstract_type ti [] env) [
tcunit; tcstring; tcchar; tcint; tcbool
] |>
bind_abstract_type (TCon "mut") [TId "'a"]
|> List.fold_right (fun (x, s) env ->
bind_value (Id x) (mk_type_scheme s) env
) [
"true", hbool;
"false", hbool;
"nothing" , hunit;
"print_int", [hint] --> hunit;
"print_string", [hstring] --> hunit;
"print", [tvar "'a"] --> hunit;
"`||`", [hbool; hbool] --> hbool;
"`&&`", [hbool; hbool] --> hbool;
"`=?`", [hint; hint] --> hbool;
"`<=?`", [hint; hint] --> hbool;
"`>=?`", [hint; hint] --> hbool;
"`<?`", [hint; hint] --> hbool;
"`>?`", [hint; hint] --> hbool;
"`+`", [hint; hint] --> hint;
"`*`", [hint; hint] --> hint;
"`-`", [hint; hint] --> hint;
"`/`", [hint; hint] --> hint;
let print_type_scheme (Scheme (ts, aty)) =
let sty, subst = pretty_print_aty ts aty in
let ts = List.(map (fun x -> assoc x subst) ts) in
let forall =
let type_variable (TId s) = s in
match ts with
| [] -> ""
| ts -> "[" ^ String.concat ", " ( type_variable ts) ^ "] "
forall ^ sty
let string_of_declaration (Id x, s) =
x ^ " : " ^ print_type_scheme s
let string_of_typing_environment tenv =
let excluded = initial_typing_environment () in
let values = List.filter (fun (x, _) ->
not (List.mem_assoc x excluded.values)
) (List.rev tenv.values)
String.concat "\n" ( string_of_declaration values)

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@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
open HopixAST
(** Abstract syntax for types.
The following internal syntax for types is the same as the one for
the types [ty] defined in {!HopixAST} except that all positions
have been erased.
type aty =
| ATyVar of type_variable
| ATyCon of type_constructor * aty list
| ATyTuple of aty list
| ATyArrow of aty * aty
type aty_scheme = Scheme of type_variable list * aty
val string_of_aty : aty -> string
val monomorphic_type_scheme : aty -> aty_scheme
val instantiate_type_scheme : aty_scheme -> aty list -> aty
type 'res destruction_fun = Position.t -> aty -> 'res
val destruct_function_type : (aty * aty) destruction_fun
val destruct_function_type_maximally : (aty list * aty) destruction_fun
val destruct_product_type : aty list destruction_fun
val destruct_constructed_type : (type_constructor * aty list) destruction_fun
val destruct_reference_type : aty destruction_fun
type typing_environment
val initial_typing_environment : unit -> typing_environment
val string_of_typing_environment : typing_environment -> string
val bind_type_variable :
Position.t -> typing_environment -> type_variable -> typing_environment
val bind_type_variables :
Position.t -> typing_environment -> type_variable list -> typing_environment
val internalize_ty : typing_environment -> ty Position.located -> aty
type binding =
| Identifier of identifier
| TypeConstructor of type_constructor
| Constructor of constructor
| Label of label
val string_of_binding : binding -> string
exception Unbound of Position.position * binding
exception InvalidInstantiation of { expected : int; given : int; }
type 'key type_scheme_lookup_fun =
Position.t -> 'key -> typing_environment -> aty_scheme
val lookup_type_scheme_of_constructor : constructor type_scheme_lookup_fun
val lookup_type_scheme_of_label : label type_scheme_lookup_fun
val lookup_type_scheme_of_identifier : identifier type_scheme_lookup_fun
val lookup_type_constructor_of_label
: Position.t -> label -> typing_environment ->
type_constructor * int * label list
val lookup_fields_of_type_constructor
: Position.t -> type_constructor -> typing_environment -> label list
val bind_value
: identifier -> aty_scheme -> typing_environment -> typing_environment
val bind_type_definition
: type_constructor -> type_variable list -> type_definition
-> typing_environment -> typing_environment
val type_error : Position.t -> string -> 'a
val hunit : aty
val hint : aty
val hbool : aty
val hstring : aty
val hchar : aty
val hprod : aty list -> aty
val href : aty -> aty
val generalize_type_scheme : typing_environment -> aty -> aty_scheme
val string_of_typing_environment : typing_environment -> string

flap/src/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
(** Options *)
open ExtStd
let error msg =
"during analysis of options"
let make_string_option what kind =
let language = ref "" in
let get () =
if !language = "" then
error (Printf.sprintf "You should specify the %s %s using '--%s'."
kind what kind);
let set = ( := ) language in
let is_set () = !language <> "" in
get, set, is_set
let (get_source_language, set_source_language, is_source_language_set) =
make_string_option "language" "source"
let (get_target_language, set_target_language, is_target_language_set) =
make_string_option "language" "target"
type mode = Interactive | Batch
let mode = ref Batch
let set_mode = ( := ) mode
let get_mode () = !mode
let (get_input_filename, set_input_filename, is_input_filename_set) =
make_string_option "filename" "input"
let using : string list ref = ref []
let insert_using x = using := x :: !using
let get_using () = !using
let set_interactive_mode = function
| true -> set_mode Interactive
| false -> set_mode Batch
let set_running_mode, get_running_mode = Ref.as_functions false
let set_verbose_mode, get_verbose_mode = Ref.as_functions false
let set_dry_mode, get_dry_mode = Ref.as_functions false
let set_benchmark, get_benchmark = Ref.as_functions false
let set_unsafe, get_unsafe = Ref.as_functions false
let set_show_types, get_show_types = Ref.as_functions false
let set_infer_types, get_infer_types = Ref.as_functions false
let set_check_types, get_check_types = Ref.as_functions true
let set_verbose_eval, get_verbose_eval = Ref.as_functions false
let set_use_sexp_in, get_use_sexp_in = Ref.as_functions false
let set_use_sexp_out, get_use_sexp_out = Ref.as_functions false
let set_scripts_dir, get_scripts_dir = Ref.as_functions "/bin"
let set_include_dir, get_include_dir = Ref.as_functions "/usr/include"
let set_output_file, get_output_file = Ref.as_functions ""
let set_fast_match, get_fast_match = Ref.as_functions false
let set_backend, get_backend = Ref.as_functions "x86-64"
let set_regalloc, get_regalloc = Ref.as_functions "naive"
let set_debug_mode, get_debug_mode = Ref.as_functions false
let set_print_locs, get_print_locs = Ref.functions_of_ref Error.print_locs
let get_architecture () : (module Architecture.S) =
match get_backend () with
| "x86-64" -> (module X86_64_Architecture)
| s -> error (Printf.sprintf "`%s' is not a valid architecture." s)
type regalloc_variant = Naive | Realistic
let get_regalloc_variant () =
match get_regalloc () with
| "naive" -> Naive
| "realistic" -> Realistic
| s -> error (
Printf.sprintf "`%s' is not a valid register allocation strategy." s

View file

@ -0,0 +1,404 @@
(** This module implements a compiler from Fopix to Retrolix. *)
Here are the two main problems to be solved.
1. Fopix has complex expressions while Retrolix has only atomic
instructions. In addition, in Fopix, scopes can arbitrarily nested
while Retrolix has only one scope per function.
2. Fopix is independent from the calling conventions of the target
architecture while Retrolix is not. In particular, hardware registers
are used in Retrolix to pass the first arguments to a function while
in Fopix there is no such mechanism.
let error pos msg =
Error.error "compilation" pos msg
(** As in any module that implements {!Compilers.Compiler}, the source
language and the target language must be specified. *)
module Source = Fopix
module Target = Retrolix
module S = Source.AST
module T = Target.AST
(** We are targetting the X86_64_Architecture. *)
module Arch = X86_64_Architecture
(** The compilation environment stores the list of global
variables (to compute local variables) and a table
representing a renaming (for alpha-conversion). *)
type environment = T.IdSet.t * (S.identifier * S.identifier) list
(** Initially, the environment is empty. *)
let initial_environment () = (T.IdSet.empty, [])
(** [fresh_label ()] returns a new identifier for a label. *)
let fresh_label =
let c = ref 0 in
fun () -> incr c; T.Label ("l" ^ string_of_int !c)
(** [fresh_label ()] returns a new identifier for a variable. *)
let fresh_variable =
let c = ref 0 in
fun () -> incr c; T.(Id ("X" ^ string_of_int !c))
(** [translate' p env] turns a Fopix program [p] into a Retrolix
program using [env] to retrieve contextual information. *)
let rec translate' p env =
(** The global variables are extracted in a first pass. *)
let (globals, renaming) = env in
let globals = List.fold_left get_globals globals p in
let env = (globals, renaming) in
(** Then, we translate Fopix declarations into Retrolix declarations. *)
let defs = (declaration globals) p in
(defs, env)
and identifier (S.Id x) =
T.Id x
and register r =
T.((`Register (RId (Arch.string_of_register r)) : lvalue))
and get_globals env = function
| S.DefineValue (x, _) ->
push env x
| _ ->
and push env x =
T.IdSet.add (identifier x) env
and declaration env = T.(function
| S.DefineValue (S.Id x, e) ->
let x = Id x in
let ec = expression (`Variable x) e in
let locals = locals env ec in
DValues ([x], (locals, ec @ [labelled T.Ret]))
| S.DefineFunction (S.FunId f, xs, e) ->
let in_registers_arguments, _, remaining = Arch.(
(fun r x ->
labelled (Assign (`Variable (identifier x),
[(register r :> rvalue)])))
let save_registers, restore_registers = List.(
if Options.(get_regalloc_variant () = Realistic) then
split ( (fun r ->
let x = `Variable (fresh_variable ()) in
let r = register r in
labelled (Assign (x, Copy, [(r :> rvalue)])),
(fun () -> labelled (Assign (r, Copy, [x])))
) Arch.allocable_callee_saved_registers)
else ([], []))
let return =
labelled Ret
let prolog =
@ save_registers
let postlog =
( (fun f -> f ()) restore_registers) @
let function_body =
let x = `Variable (fresh_variable ()) in
expression x e @ [
labelled (Assign (register Arch.return_register, Copy, [x]))
let ec = prolog @ function_body @ postlog in
let remaining = identifier remaining in
let locals = locals env ec in
let locals = List.filter (fun x -> not (List.mem x remaining)) locals in
DFunction (FId f, remaining, (locals, ec))
| S.ExternalFunction (S.FunId f, _) ->
DExternalFunction (FId f)
(** [expression out e] compiles [e] into a block of Retrolix
instructions that stores the evaluation of [e] into [out]. *)
and expression out = T.(function
| S.Literal l ->
[labelled (Assign (out, Copy, [ `Immediate (literal l) ]))]
| S.Variable (S.Id "true") ->
expression out (S.(Literal (LInt (
| S.Variable (S.Id "false") ->
expression out (S.(Literal (LInt (
| S.Variable (S.Id x) ->
[labelled (Assign (out, Copy, [ `Variable (Id x) ]))]
| S.Define (S.Id x, e1, e2) ->
(** Hey student! The following code is wrong in general,
hopefully, you will implement [preprocess] in such a way that
it will work, right? *)
expression (`Variable (Id x)) e1 @ expression out e2
| S.While (c, e) ->
let tc = expression out e in
let l = fresh_label () in
let cc = condition (first_label tc) l c in
cc @ tc @ [labelled (Jump (first_label cc))]
@ [l, Comment "Exit of while loop"]
| S.IfThenElse (c, t, f) ->
let tc = expression out t
and fc = expression out f in
let l = fresh_label () in
condition (first_label tc) (first_label fc) c
@ tc
@ [labelled (Jump l) ]
@ fc
@ [l, Comment "Join control point"]
| S.FunCall (S.FunId "`&&`", [e1; e2]) ->
expression out (S.(IfThenElse (e1, e2, Variable (Id "false"))))
| S.FunCall (S.FunId "`||`", [e1; e2]) ->
expression out (S.(IfThenElse (e1, Variable (Id "true"), e2)))
| S.FunCall (S.FunId f, es) when is_binop f ->
assign out (binop f) es
| S.FunCall (S.FunId f, _) as e when is_condition f ->
expression out (S.(
IfThenElse (e, Literal (LInt, Literal (LInt
| S.FunCall (S.FunId f, actuals) ->
call None (`Immediate (LFun (FId f))) actuals out
| S.UnknownFunCall (ef, actuals) ->
let f, ef = as_rvalue ef in
ef @ (call None f actuals out)
| S.Switch (e, cases, default) ->
let f, ef = as_rvalue e in
let l = fresh_label () in
let cases = Array.to_list cases in
let ldefault, cdefault =
match default with
| None -> None, []
| Some e -> let l, le = expression_block l out e in (Some l, le)
let branch lces = function
| None -> (match ldefault with
| None -> assert false (* By exhaustiveness. *)
| Some l -> (lces, l))
| Some e ->
let (l, lces') = expression_block l out e in
(lces @ lces', l)
let lces, lcases = ExtStd.List.foldmap branch cdefault cases in
ef @ [
labelled (T.Switch (f, Array.of_list lcases, ldefault))
@ lces
@ [(l, Comment "Join control point")]
and expression_block l out (e : S.expression) =
let lstart = fresh_label () in
let ec = expression out e in
(lstart, [(lstart, T.Comment "Start block")] @ ec @ [labelled (T.Jump l)])
and call tail =
match tail with
| None ->
| Some _ ->
failwith "Not implemented yet"
and push_input_arguments actuals =
let xs, es = List.(split (map as_rvalue actuals)) in
(** The first four arguments are passed to a0 ... a3. *)
let in_registers_arguments, _, remaining = Arch.(
(fun r x ->
labelled (Target.AST.(Assign (`Register (RId (string_of_register r)),
(List.flatten es @ in_registers_arguments, remaining)
and normal_call f actuals out = Target.AST.(
(** Implementing calling conventions. *)
let _save_registers, _restore_registers = List.(
map (fun r ->
let x = `Variable (fresh_variable ()) in
let r = register r in
labelled (Assign (x, Copy, [(r :> rvalue)])),
(fun () -> labelled (Assign (r, Copy, [x])))
) Arch.caller_saved_registers |> split)
let in_registers_arguments, remaining = push_input_arguments actuals in
let result_register = register Arch.return_register in
let get_result =
labelled (
Assign (out, Copy, [ (result_register :> rvalue)])
@ [(labelled (Target.AST.Call (f, remaining, false)))]
@ [get_result]
and as_rvalue e =
let x = `Variable (fresh_variable ()) in
(x, expression x e)
and as_rvalues rs f =
let xs, es = List.(split (map as_rvalue rs)) in
List.flatten es @ f xs
and assign out op rs =
as_rvalues rs (fun xs ->
[labelled (T.Assign (out, op, xs))]
and condition lt lf c =
T.(match c with
| S.FunCall (S.FunId "`&&`", [a; b]) ->
let lta = fresh_label () in
condition lta lf a
@ [ (lta, Comment "Left-hand-side of conjunction is true.") ]
@ condition lt lf b
| S.FunCall (S.FunId "`||`", [a; b]) ->
let lfa = fresh_label () in
condition lt lfa a
@ [ (lfa, Comment "Left-hand-side of disjunction is false.") ]
@ condition lt lf b
| S.FunCall (S.FunId f, [a; b]) when is_condition f ->
as_rvalues [a; b] @@ fun args -> [
labelled (ConditionalJump (condition_op f, args, lt, lf))
| c ->
let x = fresh_variable () in
expression (`Variable x) c
@ [ labelled (ConditionalJump (EQ, [ `Variable x;
`Immediate (LInt (Mint.of_int 0)) ],
and first_label = function
| [] -> assert false
| (l, _) :: _ -> l
and labelled i =
(fresh_label (), i)
and literal = T.(function
| S.LInt x ->
LInt x
| S.LFun (S.FunId f) ->
LFun (FId f)
| S.LChar c ->
LChar c
| S.LString s ->
LString s
and is_binop = function
| "`+`" | "`-`" | "`*`" | "`/`" -> true
| _ -> false
and binop = T.(function
| "`+`" -> Add
| "`-`" -> Sub
| "`*`" -> Mul
| "`/`" -> Div
| _ -> assert false (* By [is_binop] *)
and is_condition = function
| "`<?`" | "`>?`" | "`=?`" | "`<=?`" | "`>=?`" -> true
| _ -> false
and condition_op = T.(function
| "`<?`" -> LT
| "`>?`" -> GT
| "`<=?`" -> LTE
| "`>=?`" -> GTE
| "`=?`" -> EQ
| _ -> assert false
let fresh_name =
let c = ref 0 in
fun (S.Id x) -> incr c; S.Id (x ^ string_of_int !c)
let rec preprocess p (globals, renaming) =
let renaming, p = ExtStd.List.foldmap declaration renaming p in
(p, (globals, renaming))
and rename renaming x =
let y = fresh_name x in
((x, y) :: renaming, y)
and declaration renaming = S.(function
| DefineValue (x, e) ->
let renaming, x' = rename renaming x in
(renaming, DefineValue (x', expression renaming e))
| DefineFunction (f, xs, e) ->
let renaming', xs = ExtStd.List.foldmap rename renaming xs in
(renaming, DefineFunction (f, xs, expression renaming' e))
| ExternalFunction (f, n) ->
(renaming, ExternalFunction (f, n))
and expression renaming = S.(function
| Variable x ->
Variable (try List.assoc x renaming with Not_found -> x)
| Define (x, e1, e2) ->
let renaming, x' = rename renaming x in
Define (x',
expression renaming e1,
expression renaming e2)
| FunCall (f, es) ->
FunCall (f, (expression renaming) es)
| IfThenElse (e1, e2, e3) ->
IfThenElse (expression renaming e1,
expression renaming e2,
expression renaming e3)
| UnknownFunCall (f, es) ->
UnknownFunCall (expression renaming f, (expression renaming) es)
| Literal l ->
Literal l
| While (e, s) ->
While (expression renaming e, expression renaming s)
| Switch (e, es, d) ->
Switch (expression renaming e, ( (expression renaming)) es, (expression renaming) d)
(** [translate p env] turns the fopix program [p] into a semantically
equivalent retrolix program. *)
let translate p env =
let p, env = preprocess p env in
let p, env = translate' p env in
(p, env)

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@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
(** The retrolix programming language. *)
module AST = RetrolixAST
let name = "retrolix"
type ast =
let parse lexer_init input =
let parse_filename filename =
parse Lexing.from_channel (open_in filename)
let extension =
let executable_format =
let parse_string =
parse Lexing.from_string
let print_ast ast =
ExtPPrint.to_string RetrolixPrettyPrinter.program ast
include RetrolixInterpreter
include RetrolixTypechecker

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@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
(** The abstract syntax tree for retrolix programs. *)
Retrolix is a "Register-Transfer-Language" inspired by one of the
intermediate languages of Compcert, a certified compiler for C.
Retrolix is an idealized low-level language for the target
Contrary to standard assembly code, a program in Retrolix can
- define and call functions ;
- use an arbitrary number of local variables (also named pseudo-registers) ;
- refer to literals directly in instructions (no data segment).
Like assembly code, a program in Retrolix:
- has only access to very basic instructions ;
- can use hardware registers ;
- must follow the target architecture calling conventions regarding register
usage to pass function arguments and return ; and register values
preservation through function calls.
Retrolix is designed to express low-level optimizations in a
target-agnostic way. It is similar to LLVM's IR or GCC's GIMPLE
except that it is simplified for pedagogical purpose.
type literal =
| LInt of Mint.t
| LFun of function_identifier
| LChar of char
| LString of string
and identifier = Id of string
and label = Label of string
and function_identifier = FId of string
type register = RId of string
type lvalue = [ `Variable of identifier | `Register of register ]
type rvalue = [ lvalue | `Immediate of literal ]
type t = definition list
and definition =
(** DValues (xs, b) is a block [b] that defines global variables [xs]. *)
| DValues of identifier list * block
(** DFunction (f, xs, ys, b) is a function definition with formal
parameters [xs], and block [b]. *)
| DFunction of function_identifier * identifier list * block
| DExternalFunction of function_identifier
and block =
(** a block consists in a list of local variables and a list of
instructions. *)
identifier list * labelled_instruction list
and labelled_instruction =
label * instruction
and instruction =
(** call r (r1, ⋯, rN) tail *)
| Call of rvalue * rvalue list * bool
(** ret r *)
| Ret
(** l ← op r1, ⋯, rN *)
| Assign of lvalue * op * rvalue list
(** jump *)
| Jump of label
(** jumpif condition r1, r2 → 1, 2 *)
| ConditionalJump of condition * rvalue list * label * label
(** switch r -> l1, ..., lN orelse l. *)
| Switch of rvalue * label array * label option
(** ;; comment *)
| Comment of string
(** exit *)
| Exit
and op =
| Copy
| Add | Mul | Div | Sub
| And | Or
and condition =
| GT | LT | GTE | LTE | EQ
(** We will need the following pieces of information to be carrying
along the translation: *)
module IdCmp = struct
type t = identifier
let equal = (=)
let compare = compare
let print (Id s) = PPrint.string s
let hash = Hashtbl.hash
module IdSet = ExtStd.Set (IdCmp)
module IdMap = ExtStd.Map (IdCmp)
module IdHT = Hashtbl.Make (IdCmp)
module FIdCmp = struct
type t = function_identifier
let compare = compare
module FIdSet = Set.Make (FIdCmp)
module FIdMap = Map.Make (FIdCmp)
module LabelCmp = struct
type t = label
let equal = (=)
let hash = Hashtbl.hash
let compare = compare
let print (Label s) = PPrint.string s
module LabelSet = ExtStd.Set (LabelCmp)
module LabelMap = ExtStd.Map (LabelCmp)
module LabelTab = Hashtbl.Make (LabelCmp)
In Retrolix, the toplevel value declarations define global
variables. The identifiers of these variables must be distinct.
exception GlobalIdentifiersMustBeUnique of identifier
(** [globals p] returns the global variables of the program [p]. It
checks that each definition is unique. *)
let globals =
List.fold_left (fun globals -> function
| DValues (xs, _) ->
let add globals x =
if IdSet.mem x globals then
raise (GlobalIdentifiersMustBeUnique x);
IdSet.add x globals
List.fold_left add globals xs
| _ ->
) IdSet.empty
(** [externals p] returns the extern functions of the program [p]. *)
let externals =
List.fold_left (fun externals -> function
| DExternalFunction f ->
FIdSet.add f externals
| _ ->
) FIdSet.empty
Every function in Retrolix starts with a declaration
of local variables. So we need a way to compute the
local variables of some generated code. This is the
purpose of the next function.
(** [locals globals b] takes a set of variables [globals] and returns
the variables use in the list of instructions [b] which are not
in [globals]. *)
let locals globals b =
let unions = List.fold_left union empty in
let rec locals (_, i) =
match i with
| Call (r, rs, _) ->
unions ([rvalue r] @ rvalue rs)
| Assign (l, _, rs) ->
unions (rvalue (l :> rvalue) :: rvalue rs)
| ConditionalJump (_, rs, _, _) ->
unions ( rvalue rs)
| _ ->
and rvalue = function
| `Variable x when not (IdSet.mem x globals) -> singleton x
| _ -> empty
elements (unions ( locals b))

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@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
open RetrolixAST
open RetrolixUtils
let activated = ref false
module Source = Retrolix
let shortname = "cf"
let longname = "constant folding"
(** {2 The Analysis Itself} *)
module ConstantDomain =
let global_variables = ref []
module D =
type t =
| Bot
| Const of RetrolixAST.literal
| Top
let print x =
match x with
| Bot ->
PPrint.string "Bot"
| Const l ->
RetrolixPrettyPrinter.literal l
| Top ->
PPrint.string "Top"
let equal =
let compare =
let le x y =
failwith "Student! This is your job!"
let bot =
failwith "Student! This is your job!"
let lub x y =
failwith "Student! This is your job!"
module DV = RetrolixDataflowUtils.PerLValueProperty(D)
include DV
(* This function sets to [Top] every lvalue that may have been modified by
an opaque function call: caller-saved registers, global variables. *)
let clobber_registers_and_globals x =
failwith "Student! This is your job!"
let transfer (lab, insn) x =
failwith "Student! This is your job!"
module ConstantAnalysis = RetrolixDataflowEngines.Default(ConstantDomain)
(** {2 Putting Everything Together} *)
let error lab msg =
Printf.eprintf "%sundefined behavior (%s)\n"
(ExtPPrint.to_string (RetrolixPrettyPrinter.label 0) lab)
exit 1
let analyze ((locals, _) as block) =
failwith "Student! This is your job!"
let rewrite sol (lab, insn) =
let _, r = sol lab in
failwith "Students! This is your job!"
let translate p =
ConstantDomain.global_variables := RetrolixUtils.global_variables p;
RetrolixUtils.transform_blocks analyze rewrite p

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@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
open RetrolixDataflowSigs
open AST
(** This module implements a slow and inefficient dataflow engine using a very
naive iteration strategy, with no acceleration at all. *)
module Naive : ENGINE =
functor (D : DOMAIN) ->
module D = D
module Edge = struct
type t = unit
let compare =
let print () = PPrint.empty
module FG = RetrolixDataflowUtils.FlowGraph(Edge)
open FG
type result = label -> (D.t * D.t)
let same_solution s1 s2 =
(fun (x1, x2) (y1, y2) -> D.equal x1 y1 && D.equal x2 y2)
let input_of, output_of =
let get f sol v = f (LabelMap.find v.FG.Vertex.label sol) in
get fst, get snd
let join_input x v sol =
let x', y = LabelMap.find v.FG.Vertex.label sol in
LabelMap.add v.FG.Vertex.label (D.lub x x', y) sol
let join_output y v sol =
let (x, _) = LabelMap.find v.FG.Vertex.label sol in
LabelMap.add v.FG.Vertex.label (x, y) sol
let transfer dir gr sol =
let is_fwd = dir = `Forward in
let fold_outputs =
if is_fwd then G.fold_successors else G.fold_predecessors
let transfer_vertex v sol =
let y = D.transfer (v.Vertex.label, v.Vertex.insn) (input_of sol v) in
let sol = join_output y v sol in
(fun out () -> join_input y out)
G.fold_vertices transfer_vertex gr.graph sol
let analyze ?(init = `Input ~direction block =
let gr = FG.flow_graph_of_block (fun () -> ()) block in
if Options.get_debug_mode () then
let fn = Filename.temp_file "cfg" ".dot" in
let oc = open_out fn in
FG.G.dump_graphviz gr.graph oc;
close_out oc;
Printf.printf "[dataflow] CFG stored in %s.\n" fn
let start =
let input_vertices =
@@ FG.Vertex.label
@@ match direction with
| `Forward -> FG.G.initial_vertices gr.graph
| `Backward -> FG.G.terminal_vertices gr.graph
(fun v init_sol ->
let vl = FG.Vertex.label v in
let x =
match init with
| `Input x ->
if LabelSet.mem vl input_vertices then x else
| `All f ->
f vl
LabelMap.add vl (x, init_sol)
let rec fix i current =
if Options.get_debug_mode () then
Printf.printf "[dataflow] Solution at iteration %d:\n" i;
(fun (i, o) -> PPrint.OCaml.tuple [D.print i; D.print o])
let next = transfer direction gr current in
if same_solution current next then current else fix (i + 1) next
let res = fix 0 start in
fun lab -> LabelMap.find lab res
(** This module implements a more efficient strategy involving a worklist and
iterative computation of the solution. *)
module Worklist : ENGINE =
functor (D : DOMAIN) ->
module D = D
module Edge = struct
type t = unit
let compare () () = 0
let print () = PPrint.empty
module FG = RetrolixDataflowUtils.FlowGraph(Edge)
open FG
type result = label -> (D.t * D.t)
let analyze ?(init = `Input ~direction block =
let work = Queue.create () in
let dirty = LabelTab.create 100 in
failwith "Students! This is your job!"
module Default : ENGINE = Naive

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@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
module AST = RetrolixAST
(** A property is the result of a dataflow analysis. The set of properties
should form a semilattice, that is, be ordered, have a least element, and a
least upper bound operator. *)
module type PROPERTY =
(** The type of properties. *)
type t
val print : t -> PPrint.document
val equal : t -> t -> bool
val compare : t -> t -> int
(** The ordering relation of the semilattice. *)
val le : t -> t -> bool
(** The smallest element of the semilattice. *)
val bot : t
(** The least upper bound (or "join") of the semilattice. *)
val lub : t -> t -> t
(** A domain provides a space of properties together with a transfer function
that specifies the semantics of an instruction w.r.t. to properties. *)
module type DOMAIN =
include PROPERTY
val transfer : AST.labelled_instruction -> t -> t
(** An analysis provides a way to compute the result of a dataflow analysis for
the specified domain D. *)
module type ANALYSIS =
module D : DOMAIN
type result = AST.label -> (D.t * D.t)
val analyze :
?init:[ `Input of D.t | `All of AST.label -> D.t ] ->
direction:[ `Forward | `Backward ] ->
AST.block ->
(** An engine implements an algorithm turning a domain into an analysis for this
domain. *)
module type ENGINE = functor (D : DOMAIN) -> ANALYSIS with module D = D

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@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
open RetrolixDataflowSigs
module AST = RetrolixAST
module Utils = RetrolixUtils
module PP = RetrolixPrettyPrinter
module PerLValueProperty (P : PROPERTY)
: PROPERTY with type t = P.t Utils.LValueMap.t = struct
type t = P.t Utils.LValueMap.t
let print m =
Utils.LValueMap.print P.print m
let equal =
Utils.LValueMap.equal P.equal
let compare =
let le m1 m2 =
(fun k x ->
let y = try Utils.LValueMap.find k m2 with Not_found -> in
P.le x y)
let bot =
let lub m1 m2 =
let p_of_opt xo = match xo with None -> | Some x -> x in
let merge _ xo yo = Some (P.lub (p_of_opt xo) (p_of_opt yo)) in
Utils.LValueMap.merge merge m1 m2
let bot_lvalues lvs =
(fun m lv -> Utils.LValueMap.add lv m)
(lvs @ RetrolixUtils.register X86_64_Architecture.all_registers)
module FlowGraph (Edge : Digraph.EDGE) = struct
open RetrolixAST
module Vertex = struct
type t =
label : label;
insn : instruction;
let print { label; insn; } =
(label, insn)
module Label = struct
type t = label
let compare =
let print = RetrolixPrettyPrinter.label 0
let label { label; _ } = label
module G = Digraph.Make(Edge)(Vertex)
type t =
initial : label;
locals : IdSet.t;
graph : G.t;
let flow_graph_of_block make_default_edge ((locals, insns) : block) =
let initial =
match insns with
| [] ->
failwith "flow_graph_of_block: empty block"
| (initial, _) :: _ ->
let locals =
List.fold_left (fun locals id -> IdSet.add id locals) IdSet.empty locals
let graph =
(fun graph (label, insn) -> G.add_vertex graph { label; insn; })
let graph =
let targets = RetrolixUtils.instruction_targets insns in
(fun graph (src, _, ldsts) ->
(fun graph dst -> G.add_edge graph ~src ~dst (make_default_edge ()))
{ initial; locals; graph; }

View file

@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
open RetrolixAST
open RetrolixUtils
let activated = ref false
module Source = Retrolix
let shortname = "dce"
let longname = "dead-code elimination"
(** {2 The Analysis Itself} *)
module LivenessDomain =
type t = LValueSet.t
let print = LValueSet.print
let equal = LValueSet.equal
let compare =
let bot =
failwith "Students! This is your job!"
let le =
failwith "Students! This is your job!"
let lub =
failwith "Students! This is your job!"
let global_variables =
ref bot
let gen insn =
failwith "Students! This is your job!"
let kill insn =
failwith "Students! This is your job!"
let transfer (_, insn) liveout =
failwith "Students! This is your job!"
module LivenessAnalysis = RetrolixDataflowEngines.Default(LivenessDomain)
(** {2 Putting Everything Together} *)
let analyze block =
failwith "Students! This is your job!"
let rewrite sol (lab, insn) =
failwith "Students! This is your job!"
let translate p =
LivenessDomain.global_variables :=
@@ (fun v -> `Variable v)
@@ RetrolixUtils.global_variables p;
RetrolixUtils.transform_blocks analyze rewrite p

View file

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
open Optimizers
(** Register some compilers that process Retrolix programs. *)
let initialize () =
Languages.register (module Retrolix);
Compilers.(register (optimizing_compiler (module Identity (Retrolix))));
Compilers.(register (optimizing_compiler (module FopixToRetrolix)))

View file

@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
open RetrolixAST
open RetrolixLivenessAnalysis
open RetrolixUtils
(** Interference graph. *)
(** In the interference graph, there will be two kinds of edges: *)
type relation =
(** If two variables cannot be represented in the same register
because their liveness ranges intersect, we say that they are in
a conflict relation. *)
| Conflict
(** If two variables are related by a MOVE instruction, we will try
to put them in the same register, we say that they are in
a preference relation. *)
| Preference
(** Interference graph. *)
module EdgeLabel = struct
type t = relation
let compare = compare
let all = [Conflict; Preference]
let to_string = function Conflict -> "c" | Preference -> "p"
module NodeLabel = struct
type t = RetrolixAST.lvalue
let compare = compare
let to_string = RetrolixUtils.string_of_lvalue
module InterferenceGraph = Graph.Make (EdgeLabel) (NodeLabel)
type t = InterferenceGraph.t
(** [add_node g n] inserts [n] in [g] if it is not already there. *)
let add_node g n =
try InterferenceGraph.add_node g [n]
with InterferenceGraph.InvalidNode -> g
(** [add_relation g c n1 n2] creates an edge of kind [c] between [n1]
and [n2]. This function inserts [n1] and [n2] in [g] if needed.*)
let add_relation g c n1 n2 =
assert (n1 <> n2);
let g = add_node g n1 in
let g = add_node g n2 in
InterferenceGraph.add_edge g n1 c n2
(** [are_in_relation g c] is a predicate returning [true] if [n1]
and [n2] are in relation [c] in [g]. *)
let are_in_relation g c n1 n2 =
InterferenceGraph.are_connected g n1 c n2
(** The empty graph. *)
let empty_graph = InterferenceGraph.empty
To construct the interference graph:
1. At any non-move instruction that defines variable a (where
live-out variables are b1, ..., bj) add interference edges (a, b1),
..., (a, bj).
2. At a move instruction a c (where variables b1, ..., bj are
live-out) add interference edges (a, b1), ..., (a, bj) for any bi
that is not the same as c. Besides, add an preference edge (a, c)
if a and c are not in interference. Notice that interference
overrides preference: if a subsequel instruction implies an
interference between a and c, the preference relation is removed.
[forbidden] represents the list of global variables: they must not be
colorized. Hence, they more or less behave as the hardware registers.
let interference_graph forbidden b liveness : t =
failwith "Student! This is your job!"

View file

@ -0,0 +1,383 @@
(** This module implements the interpreter of the Retrolix programming
language. *)
open Error
open RetrolixAST
let error msg =
global_error "retrolix execution" msg
(** ----------------------- *)
(** {1 Runtime definition } *)
(** ----------------------- *)
(** This exception is raised to stop the machine. *)
exception ExitNow
type data =
| DUnit
| DInt of Mint.t
| DBool of bool
| DString of string
| DChar of char
| DLocation of Memory.location
| DFun of function_identifier
let print_data m data =
let max_depth = 5 in
let rec print_value d v =
if d >= max_depth then "..."
else match v with
| DUnit -> "()"
| DInt x -> Mint.to_string x
| DLocation l -> print_block (d + 1) l
| DFun (FId f) -> "@" ^ f
| DBool true -> "true"
| DBool false -> "false"
| DChar c -> "'" ^ Char.escaped c ^ "'"
| DString s -> "\"" ^ String.escaped s ^ "\""
and print_block d a =
let b = Memory.dereference m a in
let vs = Array.to_list (Memory.array_of_block b) in
"[ " ^ String.concat "; " ( (print_value d) vs) ^ " ]"
print_value 0 data
let type_of = function
| DUnit -> "unit"
| DInt _ -> "int"
| DLocation _ -> "location"
| DFun _ -> "function_ptr"
| DChar _ -> "char"
| DString _ -> "string"
| DBool _ -> "bool"
let coercion_error expectation v =
error ("Expecting " ^ expectation ^ " get " ^ type_of v)
let as_int = function DInt x -> x | v -> coercion_error "int" v
let as_loc = function DLocation x -> x | v -> coercion_error "location" v
let as_fun = function DFun f -> f | v -> coercion_error "function_ptr" v
let from_unit () = DUnit
let from_int x = DInt x
let from_location x = DLocation x
let from_fid x = DFun x
let is_intermediate (Id x) = (x.[0] = 'X')
module IdMap = Map.Make (struct
type t = identifier
let compare = compare
module RIdMap = Map.Make (struct
type t = register
let compare = compare
module FIdMap = Map.Make (struct
type t = function_identifier
let compare = compare
type runtime = {
gvariables : data IdMap.t;
lvariables : data IdMap.t;
registers : data RIdMap.t;
mutable memory : data Memory.t;
functions : function_definition FIdMap.t
and function_definition = {
formals : identifier list;
body : block;
type observable = {
new_variables : data IdMap.t
let initial_runtime () = {
gvariables = IdMap.empty;
lvariables = IdMap.empty;
registers = RIdMap.empty;
memory = Memory.create (640 * 1024);
functions = FIdMap.empty;
let print_runtime runtime =
let idmap m =
String.concat "," ( (fun (Id s, v) ->
Printf.sprintf "%s = %s" s (print_data runtime.memory v)
) (IdMap.bindings m))
let ridmap m =
String.concat "," ( (fun (RId s, v) ->
Printf.sprintf "%s = %s" s (print_data runtime.memory v)
) (RIdMap.bindings m))
let gvariables = idmap
and lvariables = idmap
and registers = ridmap
Printf.sprintf "\
gvariables = %s\n\
lvariables = %s\n\
registers = %s\n\
(gvariables runtime.gvariables)
(lvariables runtime.lvariables)
(registers runtime.registers)
(** -------------------------- *)
(** {1 Instruction execution } *)
(** -------------------------- *)
let evaluate runtime0 (ast : t) =
let extract_function_definition runtime = function
| DValues _ -> runtime
| DFunction (f, formals, body) ->
{ runtime with functions =
FIdMap.add f { formals; body } runtime.functions
| DExternalFunction _ ->
let rec program runtime ds =
let runtime = List.fold_left extract_function_definition runtime ds in
List.fold_left definition runtime ds
and definition runtime = function
| DValues (xs, b) ->
let runtime =
{ runtime with
gvariables = List.fold_left
(fun gvariables x -> IdMap.add x DUnit gvariables)
block runtime b
| DFunction _ ->
| DExternalFunction _ ->
and block runtime b =
let jump_table = Hashtbl.create 13 in
let rec make = function
| [(l, i)] ->
Hashtbl.add jump_table l (i, None)
| (l, i) :: ((l', _) :: _ as is) ->
Hashtbl.add jump_table l (i, Some l');
make is
| [] -> assert false
make (snd b);
let locals0 = runtime.lvariables in
let locals = fst b in
let start_label = fst (List.hd (snd b)) in
let start = Hashtbl.find jump_table start_label in
let runtime =
List.fold_left (fun r x ->
bind_local r x (DInt
) runtime locals
let runtime = instruction runtime jump_table start_label start in
{ runtime with lvariables = locals0 }
and instruction runtime jump_table l (i, next) =
let jump l runtime =
if not (Hashtbl.mem jump_table l) then
let Label l = l in
failwith (Printf.sprintf "Label %s not found" l)
instruction runtime jump_table l (Hashtbl.find jump_table l)
let continue runtime =
match next with
| None -> runtime
| Some l -> jump l runtime
match i with
| Call (f, rs, _) ->
call runtime (rvalue runtime f) ( (rvalue runtime) rs)
|> continue
| Ret ->
| Assign (x, o, rs) ->
assign runtime x (op l runtime o ( (rvalue runtime) rs))
|> continue
| Jump l ->
jump l runtime
| ConditionalJump (c, rs, l1, l2) ->
if condition l c ( (rvalue runtime) rs) then
jump l1 runtime
jump l2 runtime
| Comment _ ->
continue runtime
| Switch (r, ls, default) ->
begin match rvalue runtime r with
| DInt x ->
let x = Mint.to_int x in
if x < Array.length ls then
jump ls.(x) runtime
begin match default with
| None -> failwith "Non exhaustive switch."
| Some l -> jump l runtime
| _ ->
assert false (* By typing. *)
| Exit ->
and rvalue runtime = function
| `Variable x ->
IdMap.find x runtime.lvariables
with Not_found ->
IdMap.find x runtime.gvariables
with Not_found ->
let Id x = x in
failwith (Printf.sprintf "Variable %s not found" x)
| `Register x ->
RIdMap.find x runtime.registers
with Not_found ->
| `Immediate l ->
literal l
and op _ _ o vs =
match o, vs with
| Copy, [ v ] -> v
| Add, [ DInt x; DInt y ] ->
DInt (Mint.add x y)
| Mul, [ DInt x; DInt y ] ->
DInt (Mint.mul x y)
| Div, [ DInt x; DInt y ] ->
DInt (Mint.div x y)
| Sub, [ DInt x; DInt y ] ->
DInt (Mint.sub x y)
| _, _ ->
assert false
and condition (Label l) op vs =
match op, vs with
| GT, [ DInt x1; DInt x2 ] -> x1 > x2
| LT, [ DInt x1; DInt x2 ] -> x1 < x2
| GTE, [ DInt x1; DInt x2 ] -> x1 >= x2
| LTE, [ DInt x1; DInt x2 ] -> x1 <= x2
| EQ, [ DInt x1; DInt x2 ] -> x1 = x2
| _, vs ->
failwith (
Printf.sprintf "Line %s: Invalid comparison with %s\n"
(String.concat " " ( type_of vs))
and literal = function
| LInt x -> DInt x
| LFun f -> DFun f
| LString s -> DString s
| LChar c -> DChar c
and assign runtime lvalue v =
match lvalue with
| `Variable x ->
if IdMap.mem x runtime.lvariables then
{ runtime with lvariables = IdMap.add x v runtime.lvariables }
else if IdMap.mem x runtime.gvariables then
{ runtime with gvariables = IdMap.add x v runtime.gvariables }
else failwith "Assignment to an unbound variable."
| `Register x ->
{ runtime with registers = RIdMap.add x v runtime.registers }
and call runtime fv vs =
match fv with
| DFun f ->
let fdef = FIdMap.find f runtime.functions in
let runtime = List.fold_left2 bind_local runtime fdef.formals vs in
block runtime fdef.body
with Not_found ->
external_function runtime vs f
| _ ->
assert false
and external_function runtime vs (FId f) =
let module Arch : Architecture.S = (val Options.get_architecture ()) in
let mk_reg r = `Register (RId (Arch.string_of_register r)) in
let return value runtime = Arch.(
assign runtime (mk_reg return_register) value
let vs = Arch.(
List.(map (rvalue runtime) (map mk_reg argument_passing_registers))
) @ vs
match f, vs with
| "allocate_block", (DInt size :: _) ->
let addr = Memory.allocate runtime.memory size (DInt in
return (DLocation addr) runtime
| "write_block", (DLocation location :: DInt i :: v :: _) ->
let block = Memory.dereference runtime.memory location in
Memory.write block i v;
return DUnit runtime
| "read_block", (DLocation location :: DInt i :: _) ->
let block = Memory.dereference runtime.memory location in
return ( block i) runtime
| "equal_char", (DChar c1 :: DChar c2 :: _) ->
return (DInt (Int64.of_int (if c1 = c2 then 1 else 0))) runtime
| "equal_string", (DString s1 :: DString s2 :: _) ->
return (DInt (Int64.of_int (if s1 = s2 then 1 else 0))) runtime
| ("observe_int" | "print_int"), (DInt i :: _) ->
print_string (Mint.to_string i);
flush stdout;
return DUnit runtime
| "print_char", (DChar i :: _) ->
print_char i;
return DUnit runtime
| "print_string", (DString i :: _) ->
print_string i;
return DUnit runtime
| "add_eight_int",
(DInt i1 :: DInt i2 :: DInt i3 :: DInt i4
:: DInt i5 :: DInt i6 :: DInt i7 :: DInt i8 :: _) ->
let r =
List.fold_left Mint.add [i1; i2; i3; i4; i5; i6; i7; i8]
return (DInt r) runtime
| _ ->
"NoSuchFunction or InvalidApplication of `%s' \
(%d argument(s) provided : %s)."
(List.length vs)
(String.concat " " ( type_of vs));
return DUnit runtime
and bind_local runtime x v =
{ runtime with lvariables = IdMap.add x v runtime.lvariables }
let extract_observable runtime =
{ new_variables =
(fun x _ -> not (IdMap.mem x runtime0.gvariables
|| is_intermediate x))
let runtime = program runtime0 ast in
let observable = extract_observable runtime in
(runtime, observable)
let print_observable runtime obs =
String.concat "\n" ( (fun (Id k, v) ->
Printf.sprintf "%s = %s" k (print_data runtime.memory v)
) (IdMap.bindings obs.new_variables))

View file

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
(** This module removes all useless MOV in a program. *)
open RetrolixAST
(** [kill_moves p] produces a program [p] in which we have deleted
all the moves whose destination and source are equal. *)
let kill_moves p =
let rec definition = function
| DValues (xs, b) ->
DValues (xs, block b)
| DFunction (f, xs, b) ->
DFunction (f, xs, block b)
| x ->
and block (locals, instructions) =
(locals, (fun (l, i) -> (l, instruction i)) instructions)
and instruction = function
| Assign (x, Copy, [r]) when (x :> rvalue) = r ->
Comment "Killed move"
| i ->
in definition p

View file

@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
{ (* Emacs, use -*- tuareg -*- to open this file! *)
open Lexing
open Error
open Position
open RetrolixParser
let next_line_and f lexbuf =
Lexing.new_line lexbuf;
f lexbuf
let error lexbuf =
error "during lexing" (lex_join lexbuf.lex_start_p lexbuf.lex_curr_p)
let string_buffer =
Buffer.create 13
let newline = ('\010' | '\013' | "\013\010")
let blank = [' ' '\009' '\012']
let digit = ['0'-'9']
let lowercase_alpha = ['a'-'z' '_']
let uppercase_alpha = ['A'-'Z' '_']
let alpha = lowercase_alpha | uppercase_alpha
let alphanum = alpha | digit
let identifier = alpha alphanum*
let hexa = [ '0'-'9' 'a'-'f' 'A'-'F']
rule token = parse
(** Layout *)
| newline { next_line_and token lexbuf }
| blank+ { token lexbuf }
| ";;" ([^';' '\n']* as c) { COMMENT c }
(** Keywords *)
| "add" { ADD }
| "mul" { MUL }
| "div" { DIV }
| "sub" { SUB }
| "copy" { COPY }
| "and" { AND }
| "or" { OR }
| "gt" { GT }
| "gte" { GTE }
| "lt" { LT }
| "lte" { LTE }
| "eq" { EQ }
| "jumpif" { JUMPIF }
| "jump" { JUMP }
| "switch" { SWITCH }
| "orelse" { ORELSE }
| "exit" { EXIT }
| "def" { DEF }
| "globals" { GLOBALS }
| "end" { END }
| "local" { LOCAL }
| "ret" { RET }
| "call" { CALL }
| "tail" { TAIL }
| "external" { EXTERNAL }
| identifier as i { ID i }
| '%' (identifier as i) { RID i }
(** Literals *)
| digit+ as d { INT (Mint.of_string d) }
| '"' { string lexbuf }
| "'\\n'" { LCHAR '\n' }
| "'\\t'" { LCHAR '\t' }
| "'\\b'" { LCHAR '\b' }
| "'\\r'" { LCHAR '\r' }
| "'\\\\'" { LCHAR '\\' }
| "'\\''" { LCHAR '\'' }
| '\'' ([^ '\\' '\''] as c) '\'' {
if (Char.code c < 32) then
error lexbuf (
"The ASCII character %d is not printable." (Char.code c)
| "'\\" (digit digit digit as i) "'" {
let c = int_of_string i in
if c < 0 || c > 255 then error lexbuf "";
LCHAR (char_of_int c)
| "'\\0" "x" (hexa hexa as i) "'" {
let c = int_of_string ("0x" ^ i) in
if c < 0 || c > 255 then error lexbuf "";
LCHAR (char_of_int c)
| "'\\0" "o" (['0'-'7']+ as i) "'" {
let c = int_of_string ("0o" ^ i) in
if c < 0 || c > 255 then error lexbuf "";
LCHAR (char_of_int c)
| "'\\0" "b" (['0'-'1']+ as i) "'" {
let c = int_of_string ("0b" ^ i) in
if c < 0 || c > 255 then error lexbuf "";
LCHAR (char_of_int c)
(** Punctuation *)
| ":" { COLON }
| ";" { SEMICOLON }
| "," { COMMA }
| "(" { LPAREN }
| ")" { RPAREN }
| "<-" { LARROW }
| "->" { RARROW }
| "&" { UPPERSAND }
| eof { EOF }
(** Lexing error. *)
| _ { error lexbuf "unexpected character." }
and string = parse
| "\\n" { Buffer.add_char string_buffer '\n'; string lexbuf }
| "\\t" { Buffer.add_char string_buffer '\t'; string lexbuf }
| "\\b" { Buffer.add_char string_buffer '\b'; string lexbuf }
| "\\r" { Buffer.add_char string_buffer '\r'; string lexbuf }
| '\\' '\'' { Buffer.add_char string_buffer '\''; string lexbuf }
| '\\' '"' { Buffer.add_char string_buffer '"'; string lexbuf }
| "\\\\" { Buffer.add_char string_buffer '\\'; string lexbuf }
| '\\' (_ as c) { error lexbuf
(Printf.sprintf "Bad escape sequence in string '\\%c'" c)
| "\\" (digit digit digit as i) {
let c = int_of_string i in
if c < 0 || c > 255 then error lexbuf "";
Buffer.add_char string_buffer (char_of_int c); string lexbuf
| "\\0" "x" (hexa hexa as i) {
let c = int_of_string ("0x" ^ i) in
if c < 0 || c > 255 then error lexbuf "";
Buffer.add_char string_buffer (char_of_int c); string lexbuf
| "\\0" "b" (['0'-'1']+ as i) {
let c = int_of_string ("0b" ^ i) in
if c < 0 || c > 255 then error lexbuf "";
Buffer.add_char string_buffer (char_of_int c); string lexbuf
| "\\0" "o" (['0'-'7']+ as i) {
let c = int_of_string ("0o" ^ i) in
if c < 0 || c > 255 then error lexbuf "";
Buffer.add_char string_buffer (char_of_int c); string lexbuf
| '"' {
let s = Buffer.contents string_buffer in
Buffer.clear string_buffer;
| _ as c {
Buffer.add_char string_buffer c;
string lexbuf
| eof {
error lexbuf "Unterminated string."

View file

@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
Liveness Analysis
Liveness analysis is a *data flow* analysis. This means that it
overapproximates the set of possible values that can get involved
at each program point. The notion of "set of possible values" here
should be understood in a very broad set as it usually characterize
an abstract semantic notion like "the definitions that are
available", "the variables that are alive", ... etc.
To do that, the analysis works on the control-flow graph (CFG) (i)
by defining a *transfer function* for each node that
overapproximates the effects of the node instruction on the values
; (ii) by refining the overapproximation iteratively until a
fixpoint is reached.
More precisely, a transfer function is defined by two functions
_IN_ and _OUT_ such that for each program point , IN() is the set
of possible values entering and OUT() is the set of possible
values leaving . If the _domain_ of the transfer function is equiped
with a partial order with no infinite descending chain and if
_IN_ and _OUT_ are monotonic with respect to this partial order,
then by Kleene-Knaster-Tarski's theorem, there exist a fixpoint.
For liveness analysis, the transfer functions are defined as follows:
1. The analysis abstract domain contains sets of alive variables.
The partial order is . Given that there is only a finite number
of variables, there is no infinite descending chain.
2. x IN()
if x (OUT() \ DEF()) ( ' -> , x OUT(')) x USE()
x OUT()
if ', -> ', x IN(')
- USE() is the set of variables possibly read at .
- DEF() is the set of variables possibly written at .
or equivalently, removing the redundancy between IN and OUT:
IN() = USE() (OUT() DEF())
OUT() = _{s successors ()} IN(s)
Notice that OUT() only depends on the values IN(s) obtained from
its successors. This is a characteristic of *backward data flow
analysis*. We will consider *forward* analyses is a forthcoming
open RetrolixAST
open RetrolixUtils
The result of the liveness analysis is a mapping from program
points to pairs of sets of variables.
type liveness_analysis_result = {
live_in : LSet.t LabelMap.t;
live_out : LSet.t LabelMap.t;
let empty_results =
live_in = LabelMap.empty;
live_out = LabelMap.empty;
let string_of_results r =
(string_of_lmap r.live_in)
(string_of_lmap r.live_out)
(** [def i] returns the variables defined by the instruction [i]. *)
let def i =
failwith "Student! This is your job!"
(** [use i] returns the variables used by [i]. *)
let use i =
failwith "Student! This is your job!"
(** [instructions_of_labels b] returns a function [instruction_of_label]
such that [instruction_of_label l] returns the instruction labelled by
[l] in the block [b]. *)
let instructions_of_labels ((_, is) : block) =
let m = LabelMap.(List.fold_left (fun m (l, i) -> add l i m) empty is) in
fun l -> try LabelMap.find l m with Not_found -> assert false
(** [liveness_analysis b] returns the liveness analysis of block [b].
There are many ways to implement this analysis, but some
implementations will converge faster than others! Let us recall
what we said during the course:
1. A backward analysis converges faster by traversing the CFG
from exit to entry.
2. A fixpoint computation is better implemented using a *work list*
that maintains the nodes whose analysis may need a refinement.
Typically, in the case of the liveness analysis, when considering a
node [n], we compute [IN(n)] and if it has changed we must update
[OUT(p)] for all predecessors of [n] and consider these predecessors
on more time. (This again suggests a backward traversal of the CFG.)
let liveness_analysis b : liveness_analysis_result =
failwith "Student! This is your job!"
Some debugging functions.
let debug_liveness b results =
if Options.get_verbose_mode () then RetrolixPrettyPrinter.(
let get_decoration space m l =
let s = try LabelMap.find l m with Not_found -> LSet.empty in
[PPrint.string ("{ " ^ string_of_lset s ^ " }")]
@ (if space then [PPrint.empty] else [])
let decorations = {
pre = get_decoration false results.live_in;
post = get_decoration true results.live_out
let p = ExtPPrint.to_string (block decorations) b in
Printf.eprintf "Liveness:\n%s\n" p;
let process b =
liveness_analysis b |> debug_liveness b

View file

@ -0,0 +1,194 @@
%{ (* Emacs, use -*- tuareg -*- to open this file! *)
open RetrolixAST
let fresh_label =
let r = ref 0 in
fun () -> incr r; Label ("_L" ^ string_of_int !r)
let bool_of_unit_option o =
match o with None -> false | Some () -> true
%token<Mint.t> INT
%token<char> LCHAR
%type<lvalue> lvalue
%type<rvalue> rvalue
%start<RetrolixAST.t> program
program: ds=definition* EOF
| error {
let pos = Position.lex_join $startpos $endpos in
Error.error "parsing" pos "Syntax error."
definition: GLOBALS LPAREN xs=separated_list(COMMA, identifier)
RPAREN b=block END {
DValues (xs, b)
| DEF f=function_identifier
LPAREN xs=separated_list(COMMA, identifier) RPAREN
DFunction (f, xs, b)
| EXTERNAL f=function_identifier
DExternalFunction f
locals: LOCAL xs=separated_nonempty_list(COMMA, identifier) COLON
| /* empty word */
block: xs=locals ls=labelled_instruction*
(xs, ls)
identifier: x=ID {
Id x
labelled_instruction: l=label COLON i=instruction SEMICOLON {
(l, i)
| i=instruction SEMICOLON {
(fresh_label (), i)
label: l=ID {
Label l
orelse_label: ORELSE l=label {
CALL f=rvalue
LPAREN xs=separated_list(COMMA, rvalue) RPAREN t=option(TAIL)
Call (f, xs, bool_of_unit_option t)
| f=function_identifier
LPAREN xs=separated_list(COMMA, rvalue) RPAREN t=option(TAIL)
Call (`Immediate (LFun f), xs, bool_of_unit_option t)
| l=lvalue LARROW o=op xs=separated_list(COMMA, rvalue)
Assign (l, o, xs)
| JUMP l=label
Jump l
| JUMPIF c=condition xs=separated_list(COMMA, rvalue)
RARROW l1=label COMMA l2=label
ConditionalJump (c, xs, l1, l2)
| SWITCH rv=rvalue
RARROW ls=separated_list(COMMA, label)
Switch (rv, Array.of_list ls, dl)
Comment c
GT { GT }
| LT { LT }
| GTE { GTE }
| LTE { LTE }
| EQ { EQ }
ADD { Add }
| MUL { Mul }
| DIV { Div }
| SUB { Sub }
| COPY { Copy }
| AND { And }
| OR { Or }
`Variable v
| r=register
`Register r
register: r=RID
RId r
(l :> rvalue)
| l=literal
`Immediate l
literal: x=INT
LInt x
| UPPERSAND x=function_identifier
LFun x
LChar c
LString s
%inline located(X): x=X {
Position.with_poss $startpos $endpos x
function_identifier: x=ID
FId x

View file

@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
(** This module offers a pretty-printer for Retrolix programs. *)
open PPrint
open RetrolixAST
let located f x = f (Position.value x)
let max_label_length c =
List.fold_left (fun m (Label l, _) -> max m (String.length l)) 0 c
let ( ++ ) x y =
x ^^ break 1 ^^ y
let vcat = separate_map hardline (fun x -> x)
type decorations = {
pre : label -> document list;
post : label -> document list;
let nodecorations = { pre = (fun _ -> []); post = (fun _ -> []) }
let rec program ?(decorations=nodecorations) p =
vcat ( (definition decorations) p)
and definition decorations = function
| DValues (xs, b) ->
group (string "globals" ++ parens (identifiers xs))
^^ hardline
^^ block decorations b ++ string "end" ^^ hardline
| DFunction (f, xs, b) ->
group (string "def"
++ function_identifier ~uppersand:false f
++ parens (identifiers xs))
^^ hardline
^^ block decorations b ++ string "end" ^^ hardline
| DExternalFunction f ->
group (string "external" ++ function_identifier ~uppersand:false f)
and block decorations (ls, b) =
let shift = max_label_length b in
locals ls ^^ vcat ( (labelled_instruction decorations shift) b)
and identifiers xs =
separate_map (comma ^^ space) identifier xs
and identifier (Id x) =
string x
and function_identifier ?(uppersand = true) (FId x) =
string (if uppersand then "&" ^ x else x)
and locals = function
| [] ->
| xs ->
group (string "local" ++ group (identifiers xs) ++ string ":") ^^ break 1
and labelled_instruction decorations lsize (l, i) =
vcat (
(decorations.pre l)
@ [ group (label lsize l ^^ group (instruction i) ^^ string ";") ]
@ ( l)
and label lsize (Label l) =
string (Printf.sprintf "%*s: " lsize l)
and instruction = function
| Call (f, xs, tail) ->
string "call" ++ rvalue f ++ parens (rvalues xs)
++ (if tail then string "tail" else empty)
| Ret ->
string "ret"
| Assign (l, o, rs) ->
lvalue l ++ string "<-" ++ string (op o) ++ rvalues rs
| Jump (Label l) ->
string "jump" ++ string l
| ConditionalJump (c, rs, Label l1, Label l2) ->
string "jumpif" ++ string (condition c) ++ rvalues rs
++ string "->" ++ string l1 ^^ string ", " ++ string l2
| Comment s ->
string (";; " ^ s)
| Switch (r, ls, default) ->
string "switch" ++ rvalue r
++ separate_map (break 0 ^^ comma ^^ space) slabel (Array.to_list ls)
++ (match default with None -> empty | Some l -> string "orelse" ++ slabel l)
| Exit ->
string "exit"
and slabel (Label s) =
string s
and lvalue = function
| `Variable x -> identifier x
| `Register r -> register r
and rvalue = function
| #lvalue as l -> lvalue l
| `Immediate l -> literal l
and rvalues rs =
separate_map (break 0 ^^ comma ^^ space) rvalue rs
and literal = function
| LInt x -> string (Mint.to_string x)
| LFun f -> function_identifier f
| LString s -> string ("\"" ^ String.escaped s ^ "\"")
| LChar c -> string ("'" ^ Char.escaped c ^ "'")
and register (RId x) = string ("%" ^ x)
and op = function
| Copy -> "copy"
| Add -> "add"
| Mul -> "mul"
| Div -> "div"
| Sub -> "sub"
| And -> "and"
| Or -> "or"
and condition = function
| GT -> "gt"
| LT -> "lt"
| GTE -> "gte"
| LTE -> "lte"
| EQ -> "eq"
let instruction i = group (instruction i)

View file

@ -0,0 +1,225 @@
The register allocation translates a Retrolix program into an
equivalent Retrolix program that uses hardware registers as much as
possible to hold intermediate results.
Register allocation is done in two steps:
- a static analysis called "Liveness Analysis of Variables" is
performed to compute a graph. This graph overapproximates the interference
relation of program variables, i.e. the intersection between the
live ranges of variables. The nodes of the graph are the program
variables and, in this graph, a node for 'x' and a node 'y' are
connected iff 'x' and 'y' are in interference.
- a graph coloring algorithm is executed on the interference graph:
if two variables live at the same time, then their values cannot
be carried by the same register ; thus, it suffices to use a different
color for their nodes. Graph coloring is NP-complete. Yet, we will
use a simple recursive algorithm that provides good results in
open RetrolixAST
open RetrolixUtils
open RetrolixInterferenceGraph
Register allocation is an optimization.
Hence, we register this translation as such in the compiler.
let activated = ref false
module Source = Retrolix
let shortname = "regalloc"
let longname = "register allocation"
Coloring, definitions and operators.
type colorization = Color of register | OnStack | Undecided
type coloring = colorization LValueMap.t
let color_of_register r =
match RetrolixUtils.register r with `Register r -> r | _ -> assert false
let colors = color_of_register X86_64_Architecture.allocable_registers
let is_precolored_node n =
match n with
| `Register r -> List.mem r colors
| _ -> false
let nb_colors = List.length colors
let colorization coloring x =
try LValueMap.find x coloring with Not_found -> Undecided
let assign_colorization coloring x c =
LValueMap.add x c coloring
(** In the initial coloring, hardware registers are colored by themselves. *)
let initial_coloring : coloring =
List.fold_left (fun c r ->
let color = Color (color_of_register r)
and register = RetrolixUtils.register r in
assign_colorization c register color)
let string_of_colorization = function
| OnStack -> "On stack"
| Color r -> RetrolixUtils.string_of_register r
| Undecided -> "undecided"
let string_of_coloring coloring =
LValueMap.bindings coloring |> (fun (x, c) ->
Printf.sprintf "%s -> %s\n"
(string_of_lvalue x) (string_of_colorization c)
) |> String.concat ""
(** [build_variable_relations forbidden b] computes the interference
graph for the block [b], assuming that coloring global variables
is [forbidden]. *)
module G = RetrolixInterferenceGraph.InterferenceGraph
let build_variable_relations forbidden b : G.t =
RetrolixLivenessAnalysis.process b |>
RetrolixInterferenceGraph.interference_graph forbidden b
(** [rewrite_block coloring b] rewrites [b] to use more hardware
registers as described by [coloring]. *)
let rewrite_block coloring (xs, is) =
let lv : lvalue -> lvalue = function
| `Variable (Id _) as v ->
begin match colorization coloring v with
| Color r -> `Register r
| OnStack -> v
| Undecided -> v
| l -> l
let rv = function
| `Immediate l -> `Immediate l
| #lvalue as l -> (lv l :> rvalue)
let var x = `Variable x in
let xs = filter (fun x -> colorization coloring (var x) = OnStack) xs in
let is = map (fun (l, i) -> (l, RetrolixUtils.map_on_value lv rv i)) is in
(xs, is)
Graph simplification
Given an interference graph, there are three possible cases:
1. The graph only contains nodes that are not colorable because
they are hardware registers or global variables for instance.
The [initial_coloring] is fine for this graph.
2. There is a simplifiable node in the graph, that is a node whose
degree is strictly less than the number of available [colors].
3. There are no simplifiable nodes in the graph. The coloring
algorithm must try different from simplification to continue
its work.
type simplify_result =
| PrecoloredGraph
| SimplifiableNode of NodeLabel.t
| NoSimplifiableNode
(** [simplify uncolorable g] observes [g] to determine the
[simplify_result]. [uncolorable] is a predicate to filter
nodes that are not colorable. *)
let simplify (uncolorable : NodeLabel.t -> bool) g : simplify_result =
failwith "Student! This is your job!"
Variable spilling
At some point, if there is no more simplification (or coalescing)
to do, we must choose a variable that can be potentially spilled,
that is allocated [OnStack]. As graph coloring is NP-complete,
there is no way to quickly compute a local optimal choice. Yet,
considering the graph and the instructions, some reasonable
heuristic can be defined.
(** [pick_spilling_candidate uncolorable g b] returns a node to
consider for spilling. *)
let pick_spilling_candidate (uncolorable : NodeLabel.t -> bool) g _
: NodeLabel.t =
failwith "Student! This is your job!"
(** [colorize_block_variables_naively forbidden b] rewrites [b] to
use more hardware registers if that is possible. [forbidden]
is a list of variables that cannot be stored in hardware registers. *)
let colorize_block_variables_naively forbidden b =
failwith "Student! This is your job!"
We can coalesce two nodes if they are not in conflict and if Briggs'
or George's criterion is satisfied.
let can_coalesce g n1 n2 =
failwith "Student! This is your job!"
(** [colorize_block_variables_meticulously forbidden b] performs
register allocation on [b] trying to optimize variable copy. *)
let colorize_block_variables_meticulously forbidden b =
failwith "Student! This is your job!"
Putting all together.
let translate_block forbidden b = Options.(
match get_regalloc_variant () with
| Naive ->
colorize_block_variables_naively forbidden b
| Realistic ->
colorize_block_variables_meticulously forbidden b
let translate p =
let variables = (fun x -> `Variable x) in
let globals = variables (RetrolixUtils.global_variables p) in
let rec program ds = definition ds
and definition = function
| DValues (xs, b) ->
DValues (xs, translate_block globals b)
| DFunction (f, xs, b) ->
DFunction (f, xs, translate_block (variables xs @ globals) b)
| DExternalFunction f ->
DExternalFunction f
program p |> RetrolixKillMove.kill_moves

View file

@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
(** A scope-checker for Retrolix programs. *)
open RetrolixAST
(** {2 Errors} *)
let type_error ?(loc = Position.dummy) message =
Error.error "typechecking" loc message
let unknown_variable (Id xn) =
type_error ("Unbound variable " ^ xn)
let unknown_function (FId fn) =
type_error ("Unbound function " ^ fn)
let unknown_label (Label ln) =
type_error ("Unbound label " ^ ln)
let duplicate_global (Id xn) =
type_error ("Global variable " ^ xn ^ " has been declared twice")
let duplicate_function (FId fn) =
type_error ("Function " ^ fn ^ " has been declared twice")
let duplicate_label (Label ln) =
type_error ("Label " ^ ln ^ " has been declared twice")
(** {2 Runtime functions} *)
let runtime_funs =
(fun fn -> FId fn)
"observe_int"; "print_int";
(** {2 Environments} *)
type typing_environment =
variables : IdSet.t;
functions : FIdSet.t;
labels : LabelSet.t
let print_typing_environment _ =
let initial_typing_environment () =
variables = IdSet.empty;
functions = FIdSet.of_list runtime_funs;
labels = LabelSet.empty;
let var_is_declared env x =
IdSet.mem x env.variables
let fun_is_declared env f =
FIdSet.mem f env.functions
let label_is_declared env l =
LabelSet.mem l env.labels
let declare_var env x =
{ env with variables = IdSet.add x env.variables; }
let declare_vars ?on_shadowing env xs =
let f =
match on_shadowing with
| None -> fun _ _ -> ()
| Some f -> fun env x -> if var_is_declared env x then f x
let declare_enrich_var env x = f env x; declare_var env x in
List.fold_left declare_enrich_var env xs
let define_label env l =
if label_is_declared env l then duplicate_label l;
{ env with labels = LabelSet.add l env.labels; }
let define_labels env body =
List.fold_left (fun env (l, _) -> define_label env l) env body
let declare_fun env f =
{ env with functions = FIdSet.add f env.functions; }
let with_labels ~base ~labelled =
{ base with labels = labelled.labels; }
(** {2 Type-checking} *)
let typecheck_literal env lit =
match lit with
| LInt _ | LChar _ | LString _ ->
| LFun f ->
if not (fun_is_declared env f) then unknown_function f
let typecheck_lvalue env (lv : lvalue) =
match lv with
| `Variable x ->
if not (var_is_declared env x) then unknown_variable x
| `Register _ ->
let typecheck_rvalue env (rv : rvalue) =
match rv with
| `Immediate lit ->
typecheck_literal env lit
| #lvalue as lv ->
typecheck_lvalue env lv
let typecheck_rvalues env =
List.iter (typecheck_rvalue env)
let typecheck_label env l =
if not (label_is_declared env l) then unknown_label l
let typecheck_labels env =
List.iter (typecheck_label env)
let typecheck_instruction env ins =
match ins with
| Call (rv1, rvs, _) ->
typecheck_rvalues env (rv1 :: rvs)
| Ret | Comment _ | Exit ->
| Assign (lv, _, rvs) ->
typecheck_lvalue env lv;
typecheck_rvalues env rvs
| Jump l ->
typecheck_label env l
| ConditionalJump (_, rvs, l1, l2) ->
typecheck_rvalues env rvs;
typecheck_label env l1;
typecheck_label env l2
| Switch (rv, ls, lo) ->
typecheck_rvalue env rv;
Array.iter (typecheck_label env) ls;
ExtStd.Option.iter (typecheck_label env) lo
let typecheck_labelled_instruction env (_, ins) =
typecheck_instruction env ins
let typecheck_block env (locals, body) =
let env = declare_vars env locals in
let env = define_labels env body in
List.iter (typecheck_labelled_instruction env) body;
let enrich_env_with_def env def =
match def with
| DValues (globals, _) ->
declare_vars ~on_shadowing:duplicate_global env globals
| DFunction (f, _, _) | DExternalFunction f ->
if fun_is_declared env f then duplicate_function f;
declare_fun env f
let typecheck_def env def =
let env' =
match def with
| DValues (_, block) ->
typecheck_block env block
| DFunction (_, params, block) ->
let env = declare_vars env params in
typecheck_block env block
| DExternalFunction _ ->
with_labels ~base:env ~labelled:env'
let typecheck env ast =
let env = List.fold_left enrich_env_with_def env ast in
List.fold_left typecheck_def env ast

View file

@ -0,0 +1,199 @@
(** This module provides helper functions for Retrolix program
analysis and manipulation. *)
open RetrolixAST
module LValueOrd = struct
type t = lvalue
let compare = compare
let print = RetrolixPrettyPrinter.lvalue
module LValueMap = ExtStd.Map (LValueOrd)
module LValueSet = ExtStd.Set (LValueOrd)
module LabelOrd = struct
type t = label
let compare (Label l1) (Label l2) = l1 l2
type location = lvalue
module LSet = Set.Make (struct
type t = location
let compare = compare
let find_default d k m =
try LabelMap.find k m with Not_found -> d
let join rs =
List.fold_left (fun s x -> LSet.add x s) LSet.empty rs
let string_of_register (RId r) = r
let string_of_lvalue = function
| `Register (RId r) -> r
| `Variable (Id r) -> r
let string_of_label (Label s) = s
let string_of_lset s =
String.concat " " ( string_of_lvalue (LSet.elements s))
let string_of_lmap m =
String.concat "\n" ( (fun (l, s) ->
Printf.sprintf " %s : %s\n" (string_of_label l) (string_of_lset s)
) (LabelMap.bindings m)
let register r =
`Register (RId (X86_64_Architecture.string_of_register r))
let global_variables p =
let translate p =
let rec program ds =
List.(concat (map definition ds))
and definition = function
| DValues (xs, _) ->
| _ ->
program p
translate p
let map_on_value lvalue rvalue = function
| Call (r, rs, b) ->
Call (rvalue r, rvalue rs, b)
| Ret ->
| Assign (l, o, rs) ->
Assign (lvalue l, o, rvalue rs)
| Jump l ->
Jump l
| ConditionalJump (c, rs, l1, l2) ->
ConditionalJump (c, rvalue rs, l1, l2)
| Switch (r, ls, l) ->
Switch (rvalue r, ls, l)
| Comment c ->
Comment c
| Exit ->
(** [predecessors b] returns a function [pred] such that [pred l]
returns the predecessors of [l] in the control flow graph of
the block [b]. *)
let predecessors b =
let block m (_, instructions) =
let new_predecessor prev m curr =
let s = LabelMap.find curr m in
let s = LabelSet.add prev s in
LabelMap.add curr s m
with Not_found ->
LabelMap.add curr (LabelSet.singleton prev) m
let rec traverse m = function
| (label, Jump goto_label) :: instructions ->
let m = new_predecessor label m goto_label in
traverse m instructions
| (label, ConditionalJump (_, _, l1, l2)) :: instructions ->
let m = List.fold_left (new_predecessor label) m [l1; l2] in
traverse m instructions
| (label, Switch (_, labels, default)) :: instructions ->
let labels =
(match default with None -> [] | Some x -> [x])
@ (Array.to_list labels)
let m = List.fold_left (new_predecessor label) m labels in
traverse m instructions
| (ilabel, _) :: (((nlabel, _) :: _) as instructions) ->
let m = new_predecessor ilabel m nlabel in
traverse m instructions
| [ _ ] | [] ->
traverse m instructions
let m = block LabelMap.empty b in
fun l -> try LabelMap.find l m with Not_found -> LabelSet.empty
let nondefault_targets insn =
match insn with
| Call _ | Ret | Assign _ | Comment _ | Exit ->
| Jump l ->
| ConditionalJump (_, _, l1, l2) ->
[l1; l2]
| Switch (_, a, o) ->
ExtStd.Option.fold (fun l acc -> acc @ [l]) o (Array.to_list a)
let instruction_targets (insns : labelled_instruction list) =
let targets _ insn next_lab =
match insn with
| Call (_, _, false) | Assign _ | Comment _ ->
| Call (_, _, true) | Ret | Exit ->
| Jump lab ->
| ConditionalJump (_, _, lab1, lab2) ->
[lab1; lab2]
| Switch (_, laba, labo) ->
ExtStd.Option.fold (fun lab acc -> acc @ [lab]) labo (Array.to_list laba)
let rec loop insns =
match insns with
| [] ->
| (lab, insn) :: insns ->
targets lab insn (match insns with [] -> [] | (lab, _) :: _ -> [lab]))
:: loop insns
loop insns
let map_blocks f definitions =
let definition def =
match def with
| DValues (xs, block) ->
DValues (xs, f block)
| DFunction (fn, xs, block) ->
DFunction (fn, xs, f block)
| DExternalFunction _ ->
in definition definitions
let map_instructions f ((locals, insns) : block) =
(locals, (fun ((l, _) as li) -> l, f li) insns)
let transform_block f g block =
let open PPrint in
let info = f block in
if Options.get_debug_mode () then
(!^ "Input block:"
^//^ RetrolixPrettyPrinter.block
let block = map_instructions (g info) block in
if Options.get_debug_mode () then
(!^ "Output block:"
^//^ RetrolixPrettyPrinter.block
let transform_blocks f g definitions =
map_blocks (transform_block f g) definitions

View file

@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
type ('k, 'v) dict =
('k * 'v) list
type ('k, 'v) t = ('k, 'v) dict
let empty = []
let lookup k d =
Some (List.assoc k d)
with Not_found ->
let insert k v d =
(k, v) :: d
let to_list d = d
let of_list d = d
let equal d1 d2 =
List.for_all (fun (k, v) ->
lookup k d2 = Some v
) d1
&& List.(length d1 = length d2)

View file

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
type ('k, 'v) dict
type ('k, 'v) t = ('k, 'v) dict
val empty : ('k, 'v) dict
val lookup : 'k -> ('k, 'v) dict -> 'v option
val insert : 'k -> 'v -> ('k, 'v) dict -> ('k, 'v) dict
val to_list : ('k, 'v) dict -> ('k * 'v) list
val of_list : ('k * 'v) list -> ('k, 'v) dict
val equal : ('k, 'v) dict -> ('k, 'v) dict -> bool

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@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
module type EDGE = sig
include ExtStd.PrintableType
module type VERTEX = sig
include ExtStd.PrintableType
module Label : ExtStd.OrderedPrintableType
val label : t -> Label.t
module Make (Edge : EDGE) (Vertex : VERTEX) = struct
module VM = ExtStd.Map(Vertex.Label)
module VPM = ExtStd.Map(ExtStd.OrderedPrintablePairs(Vertex.Label))
type vinfo =
contents : Vertex.t;
incoming : (Vertex.Label.t * Edge.t) list;
outgoing : (Vertex.Label.t * Edge.t) list;
(** The type of directed graphs. *)
type t =
vertices : vinfo VM.t;
edges : Edge.t VPM.t;
let print { vertices; edges; } =
let open PPrint in
let edge_list =
(fun (v, e) -> OCaml.tuple [Vertex.Label.print v; Edge.print e])
let vinfo { contents; incoming; outgoing; } =
"contents", Vertex.print contents;
"incoming", edge_list incoming;
"outgoing", edge_list outgoing;
"vertices", VM.print vinfo vertices;
"edges", VPM.print Edge.print edges;
let dump_graphviz gr oc =
let dquotes s = "\"" ^ String.escaped s ^ "\"" in
let label l = dquotes @@ ExtPPrint.to_string Vertex.Label.print l in
let dump_vertex (vl, v) =
output_string oc (label vl);
output_string oc "[label = ";
output_string oc
(dquotes @@ ExtPPrint.to_string ~width:40 Vertex.print v.contents);
output_string oc "];\n"
let dump_edge ((srcl, dstl), _) =
output_string oc (label srcl);
output_string oc " -> ";
output_string oc (label dstl);
output_string oc ";\n"
output_string oc "digraph {\n";
List.iter dump_vertex @@ List.of_seq @@ VM.to_seq gr.vertices;
List.iter dump_edge @@ List.of_seq @@ VPM.to_seq gr.edges;
output_string oc "}\n"
let empty =
vertices = VM.empty;
edges = VPM.empty;
exception Vertex_already_present of Vertex.Label.t
exception Vertex_not_found of Vertex.Label.t
exception Edge_already_present of Vertex.Label.t * Vertex.Label.t
let add_vertex gr v =
let vl = Vertex.label v in
if VM.mem vl gr.vertices
then raise (Vertex_already_present vl);
let vi = { contents = v; incoming = []; outgoing = []; } in
{ gr with vertices = VM.add vl vi gr.vertices; }
let find_vertex_info gr v =
try VM.find v gr.vertices with Not_found -> raise (Vertex_not_found v)
let add_edge gr ~src ~dst e =
if VPM.mem (src, dst) gr.edges then raise (Edge_already_present (src, dst));
let srci = find_vertex_info gr src in
let dsti = find_vertex_info gr dst in
let srci = { srci with outgoing = (dst, e) :: srci.outgoing; } in
let dsti = { dsti with incoming = (src, e) :: dsti.incoming; } in
{ vertices = VM.(add src srci @@ add dst dsti @@ gr.vertices);
edges = VPM.add (src, dst) e gr.edges; }
let find_vertex vl gr =
(find_vertex_info gr vl).contents
let fold_vertices f gr acc =
VM.fold (fun _ vi acc -> f vi.contents acc) gr.vertices acc
let fold_edges f gr acc =
VPM.fold (fun (srcl, dstl) e acc ->
let src = find_vertex srcl gr in
let dst = find_vertex dstl gr in
f ~src ~dst e acc)
type 'a edge_folder = Vertex.t -> Edge.t -> 'a -> 'a
let fold_successors srcl (f : 'a edge_folder) acc gr =
let srci = find_vertex_info gr srcl in
(fun acc (dstl, e) -> f (find_vertex dstl gr) e acc)
let fold_predecessors dstl f acc gr =
let dsti = find_vertex_info gr dstl in
(fun acc (srcl, e) -> f (find_vertex srcl gr) e acc)
let iter_vertices f gr =
VM.iter (fun _ v -> f v.contents) gr.vertices
let iter_edges f gr =
(fun (srcl, dstl) e ->
let src = find_vertex srcl gr in
let dst = find_vertex dstl gr in
f ~src ~dst e)
type edge_iter = Vertex.t -> Edge.t -> unit
let iter_successors f gr srcl =
let srci = find_vertex_info gr srcl in
List.iter (fun (dstl, e) -> f (find_vertex dstl gr) e) srci.outgoing
let iter_predecessors f gr dstl =
let dsti = find_vertex_info gr dstl in
List.iter (fun (srcl, e) -> f (find_vertex srcl gr) e) dsti.incoming
let initial_vertices, terminal_vertices =
let gather proj gr =
(fun _ v l -> if proj v = [] then v.contents :: l else l)
gather (fun v -> v.incoming), gather (fun v -> v.outgoing)

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@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
(** A module for directed graphs.
This module, like the one in {!m Graph}, provides a functional
representation of directed graphs.
module type EDGE = sig
include ExtStd.PrintableType
module type VERTEX = sig
include ExtStd.PrintableType
module Label : ExtStd.OrderedPrintableType
val label : t -> Label.t
module Make (Edge : EDGE) (Vertex : VERTEX) : sig
(** The type of directed graphs. *)
type t
(** Pretty-print the internal representation of the graph for debugging. *)
val print : t -> PPrint.document
(** Dump the graph in the Graphviz "dot", so that it can later be displayed by
dotty and friends. *)
val dump_graphviz : t -> out_channel -> unit
(** {2 Exceptions} *)
exception Vertex_not_found of Vertex.Label.t
exception Edge_already_present of Vertex.Label.t * Vertex.Label.t
(** {2 Graph construction operations} *)
(** The empty digraph. *)
val empty : t
exception Vertex_already_present of Vertex.Label.t
(** [add_vertex gr v] add the vertex [v] to the graph [gr]. This function
raises {!e Vertex_already_present} if a node with label [V.label v] has
already been added to [gr]. *)
val add_vertex : t -> Vertex.t -> t
(** [add_edge gr ~src ~dst e] adds an edge [e] between two vertices [src] and
[dst] of [gr], identified by their labels. This function raises {!e
Vertex_not_found} when either [src] or [dst] is not already present in
[gr], and raises {!e Edge_already_present} when an edge between [src] and
[dst] has already been added. *)
val add_edge : t -> src:Vertex.Label.t -> dst:Vertex.Label.t -> Edge.t -> t
(** {2 Graph traversal operations} *)
(** [find_vertex vl g] finds the vertex with label [vl] in [g], or raises {!
Vertex_not_found} if [g] contains no such vertex. *)
val find_vertex : Vertex.Label.t -> t -> Vertex.t
(** [fold_vertices f acc gr] applies [f v1 (f v2 (... acc))] to all the
vertices [vi] of [gr]. They are enumerated in no particular order. *)
val fold_vertices : (Vertex.t -> 'a -> 'a) -> t -> 'a -> 'a
type 'a edge_folder = Vertex.t -> Edge.t -> 'a -> 'a
(** [fold_edges f acc gr] is similar to [fold_vertices] but applies to the
edges of [gr]. *)
val fold_edges :
(src:Vertex.t -> dst:Vertex.t -> Edge.t -> 'a -> 'a) -> t -> 'a -> 'a
val fold_successors : Vertex.Label.t -> 'a edge_folder -> 'a -> t -> 'a
val fold_predecessors : Vertex.Label.t -> 'a edge_folder -> 'a -> t -> 'a
(** [iter_vertices f gr] applies function [f] to every vertex of [gr], in no
particular order. *)
val iter_vertices : (Vertex.t -> unit) -> t -> unit
type edge_iter = Vertex.t -> Edge.t -> unit
(** [iter_edges f gr] applies function [f] to every edge of [gr], in no
particular order. *)
val iter_edges :
(src:Vertex.t -> dst:Vertex.t -> Edge.t -> unit) -> t -> unit
(** [iter_successors f gr v] applies function [f] to every outgoing edge of
[v] in [gr], in LIFO order. This function raises {!e Vertex_not_found} when
[v] has not been added to [gr]. *)
val iter_successors : edge_iter -> t -> Vertex.Label.t -> unit
(** [iter_predecessors f gr v] applies function [f] to every incoming edge of
[v] in [gr], in LIFO order. This function raises {!e Vertex_not_found} when
[v] has not been added to [gr]. *)
val iter_predecessors : edge_iter -> t -> Vertex.Label.t -> unit
(** [initial_vertices gr] returns the list of all nodes of [gr] that have no
predecessors. *)
val initial_vertices : t -> Vertex.t list
(** [terminal_vertices gr] returns the list of all nodes of [gr] that have no
successors. *)
val terminal_vertices : t -> Vertex.t list

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let exit_flag = ref true
let exit_on_error () = exit_flag := true
let resume_on_error () = exit_flag := false
let print_locs = ref true
exception Error of Position.t list * string
let print_error positions msg =
Printf.sprintf "%s%s\n"
(if !print_locs
then String.concat "\n"
( (fun p -> Position.string_of_pos p ^": ") positions)
else "")
let error_alert positions msg =
if !exit_flag then (
output_string stderr (print_error positions msg);
exit 1
else raise (Error (positions, msg))
let global_error kind msg =
error_alert [] (Printf.sprintf "Global Error (%s)\n %s" kind msg)
let errorN kind poss msg =
error_alert poss (Printf.sprintf "Error (%s)\n %s" kind msg)
let error kind pos = errorN kind [pos]
let error2 kind pos1 pos2 = errorN kind [pos1; pos2]

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(** This module provides a uniform way of reporting (located) error messages. *)
(** [exit_on_error ()] forces the program to stop if an error is encountered.
(This is the default behavior.) *)
val exit_on_error: unit -> unit
(** [resume_on_error ()] makes the program throw the exception {!Error}
if an error is encountered. *)
val resume_on_error: unit -> unit
(** The value of [print_locs] controls whether locations are printed by the
functions of this module. It is set to [true] by default. *)
val print_locs : bool ref
exception Error of Position.t list * string
(** [print_error positions msg] formats an error message. *)
val print_error : Position.t list -> string -> string
(** [error k p msg] prints [msg] with [k] as a message prefix and stops
the program. *)
val error : string -> Position.t -> string -> 'a
(** [error2 k p1 p2 msg] prints two positions instead of one. *)
val error2 : string -> Position.t -> Position.t -> string -> 'a
(** [errorN k ps msg] prints several positions. *)
val errorN : string -> Position.t list -> string -> 'a
(** [global_error k msg] prints [msg] with [k] as a message prefix and stops
the program. *)
val global_error : string -> string -> 'a

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(** This module extends the PPrint library. *)
open PPrint
let ribbon = 0.7
let to_string ?(width = 120) f x =
ignore width;
let b = Buffer.create 13 in
ToBuffer.pretty ribbon 120 b (f x);
Buffer.contents b
let to_channel ?(channel = stdout) ?(width = 80) doc =
ignore width;
PPrint.ToChannel.pretty ribbon 80 channel doc;
print_newline ()
let ( ++ ) x y = x ^^ break 1 ^^ y
let assoc_list ?(bind = "=") ?(sep = ",") pp_key pp_val assl =
let b = string (" " ^ bind) in
separate_map (string sep) (fun (k, v) -> pp_key k ^^ b ^/^ pp_val v) assl
let record =
OCaml.record ""

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@ -0,0 +1,340 @@
(** This module extends some modules of the standard library. *)
module Ref = struct
let functions_of_ref r =
(fun x -> r := x), (fun () -> !r)
let as_functions default =
functions_of_ref (ref default)
module List = struct
include List
exception EmptyListHasNoMin
let min_assoc_list xs =
let rec aux k' v' = function
| [] ->
(k', v')
| (k, v) :: xs ->
if v < v' then aux k v xs else aux k' v' xs
match xs with
| [] -> raise EmptyListHasNoMin
| (k, v) :: xs -> aux k v xs
exception InvalidSwap
let rec swap i x' xs =
match i, xs with
| 0, x :: xs ->
x, x' :: xs
| _, x :: xs ->
let y, xs' = swap (i - 1) x' xs in
y, x :: xs'
| _, _ ->
raise InvalidSwap
let rec range start stop =
if stop < start then [] else start :: range (start + 1) stop
let asymmetric_map2 f =
let rec aux accu xs ys =
match xs, ys with
| xs, [] ->
(List.rev accu, xs, [])
| [], ys ->
(List.rev accu, [], ys)
| x :: xs, y :: ys ->
aux (f x y :: accu) xs ys
aux []
let repeat k v =
let rec aux accu k =
if k = 0 then accu else aux (v :: accu) (k - 1)
aux [] k
let repeatf k f =
let rec aux accu k =
if k = 0 then accu else aux (f () :: accu) (k - 1)
aux [] k
let rec uniq = function
| [] -> []
| [x] -> [x]
| x :: ((y :: _) as xs) -> if x = y then uniq xs else x :: uniq xs
(** [index_of p l] returns the index of the first element [x] of [l]
such [p x = true]. Raise [Not_found] otherwise. *)
let index_of : ('a -> bool) -> 'a list -> int =
fun p l ->
let rec aux i = function
| [] -> raise Not_found
| x :: xs -> if p x then i else aux (succ i) xs
aux 0 l
(** [all_distinct ls] returns true if all the elements of [ls]
are distinct. *)
let all_distinct ls =
let ls = List.sort ls in
let rec aux = function
| [] | [_] -> true
| x :: y :: ys -> x <> y && aux (y :: ys)
aux ls
let all_equal ls =
let rec aux = function
| [] | [_] -> true
| x :: y :: ys -> x = y && aux (y :: ys)
aux ls
let transpose xs =
assert (all_equal ( length xs));
let rec aux rows =
match rows with
| [] -> assert false
| [] :: _ -> []
| rows ->
let row', rows = map (fun l -> (hd l, tl l)) rows |> split in
row' :: aux rows
aux xs
let unique_value ls =
match uniq ls with
| [x] -> Some x
| _ -> None
let foldmap f init =
let rec aux (accu, ys) = function
| [] ->
(accu, List.rev ys)
| x :: xs ->
let accu, y = f accu x in
aux (accu, y :: ys) xs
aux (init, [])
exception FoldMap2
let foldmap2 f init l1 l2 =
let rec aux (accu, ys) = function
| [], [] ->
(accu, List.rev ys)
| x :: xs, z :: zs ->
let accu, y = f accu x z in
aux (accu, y :: ys) (xs, zs)
| _, _ ->
raise FoldMap2
aux (init, []) (l1, l2)
let update_assoc k v l =
let rec aux = function
| [] -> [(k, v)]
| ((k', _) as x) :: l -> if k = k' then (k, v) :: l else x :: aux l
aux l
module Monad : sig
type 'a t
val return : 'a -> 'a t
val ( >>= ) : 'a t -> ('a -> 'b t) -> 'b t
val take_one : 'a list -> 'a t
val fail : 'a t
val and_try : 'a t -> 'a t -> 'a t
val run : 'a t -> 'a list
end = struct
type 'a t = 'a list
let return x = [x]
let ( >>= ) x f = List.(flatten (map f x))
let fail = []
let and_try a b = a @ b
let run x = x
let take_one x = x
let last l = List.(hd (rev l))
let update
(find : 'k -> 'c -> 'v)
(add : 'k -> 'v -> 'c -> 'c)
(k : 'k) (m : 'c)
(default : 'v)
(f : 'v -> 'v)
: 'c =
let v = find k m in
add k (f v) m
with Not_found ->
add k (f default) m
module Random = struct
let int_in_range start stop =
start + (stop - start + 1)
module Option = struct
let map f = function
| None -> None
| Some x -> Some (f x)
let iter f = function
| None -> ()
| Some x -> f x
let fold f x acc =
match x with
| None -> acc
| Some x -> f x acc
module Stdlib = struct
let ( |< ) default e x =
try e x with _ -> default
let file_content filename =
let cin = open_in filename in
let b = Buffer.create 24 in
let rec read () =
try Buffer.add_channel b cin 1; read () with End_of_file -> ()
read ();
close_in cin;
Buffer.contents b
module Buffer = struct
include Buffer
let slurp ?(buffer_size = 4096) ic =
let b = Buffer.create buffer_size in
let rec loop () =
match Buffer.add_channel b ic buffer_size with
| () ->
loop ()
| exception _ ->
loop ()
module Unix = struct
open Unix
let output_and_error_of_command ?(env = Unix.environment ()) cmd =
let cin, cout, cerr = open_process_full cmd env in
let stdin = Buffer.slurp cin in
let stderr = Buffer.slurp cerr in
let status = close_process_full (cin, cout, cerr) in
status, Buffer.contents stdin, Buffer.contents stderr
let output_of_command cmd =
let status, stdin, _ = output_and_error_of_command cmd in
status, stdin
let string_of_process_status = function
| WEXITED k -> Printf.sprintf "exited(%d)" k
| WSTOPPED k -> Printf.sprintf "stopped(%d)" k
| WSIGNALED k -> Printf.sprintf "signaled(%d)" k
let add_exec_bits filename =
let st = stat filename in
chmod filename (st.st_perm lor 0o111)
module Hashtbl = struct
let counting_table (type a) () : (a -> int) * (a -> unit) =
let t = Hashtbl.create 13 in
let get k = try Hashtbl.find t k with Not_found -> 0 in
let incr k = Hashtbl.replace t k (get k + 1) in
(get, incr)
module Array = struct
let present_to_list a =
List.(rev (fold_left (fun accu -> function
| None -> accu
| Some t -> t :: accu) [] (Array.to_list a)))
module Pair = struct
let swap (x, y) = (y, x)
module type PrintableType = sig
type t
val print : t -> PPrint.document
module type OrderedPrintableType = sig
include Map.OrderedType
include PrintableType with type t := t
module OrderedPrintablePairs (T : OrderedPrintableType) = struct
type t = T.t * T.t
let compare (x1, y1) (x2, y2) =
let n = x1 x2 in
if n <> 0 then n else y1 y2
let print (x, y) = PPrint.OCaml.tuple [T.print x; T.print y]
module Set (T : OrderedPrintableType) =
module M = Set.Make(T)
include M
let print s =
let open PPrint in
surround_separate_map 2 1
(string "{}")
(string "{")
(string "," ^^ break 1)
(string "}")
(List.of_seq @@ M.to_seq s)
module Map (T : OrderedPrintableType) =
module M = Map.Make(T)
include M
let print value m =
let open PPrint in
let pp (k, v) = prefix 2 1 (T.print k ^^ string " =") (value v) in
surround_separate_map 2 1
(string "{}")
(string "{")
(string "," ^^ break 1)
(string "}")
(List.of_seq @@ M.to_seq m)

flap/src/utilities/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,428 @@
(** A module for graphs.
The implementation is based on purely functional datastructures
only: we make use of OCaml's standard modules Map and Set.
The implementation is generic with respect to the type of labels
for nodes and for edges. The module is therefore a functor
parameterized by the two descriptions of these types and their
(** The type for edge labels.
We assume that there is a relatively small number of edge labels.
These labels are comparable and enumerable.
module type EdgeLabelSig = sig
include Set.OrderedType
(** [all] enumerates all the possible edge labels. *)
val all : t list
(** [to_string e] converts [e] in a human readable value. *)
val to_string : t -> string
(** The type for node labels.
Node labels must be comparable.
module type NodeLabelSig = sig
include Set.OrderedType
(** [to_string n] converts [n] in a human readable value. *)
val to_string : t -> string
(** The functor is parameterized by the previous two signatures. *)
module Make (EdgeLabel : EdgeLabelSig) (NodeLabel : NodeLabelSig) =
(** A type for maps whose keys are integers. *)
module IntMap = Map.Make (struct type t = int let compare = compare end)
let int_map_update k m d f = ExtStd.update IntMap.find IntMap.add k m d f
(** A type for maps whose keys are edge labels. *)
module EdgeLabelMap = Map.Make (EdgeLabel)
(** A type for maps whose keys are node labels. *)
module NodeLabelMap = Map.Make (NodeLabel)
(** Internally, each node has an identifier which is a small integer. *)
type nodeid = NodeId of int
module IdCmp = struct type t = nodeid let compare = compare end
(** A type for maps whose keys are node identifiers. *)
module NodeIdMap = Map.Make (IdCmp)
let nodeid_map_update k m d f =
ExtStd.update NodeIdMap.find NodeIdMap.add k m d f
(** A type for sets of node identifiers. *)
module NodeIdSet = Set.Make (IdCmp)
(** The type for graphs.
The datastructure maintains redundant information about the
graph using multiple maps. Each map provides a logarithmic
complexity for important services of the datastructure, namely
the computation of nodes of least [degrees] and the computation
of a node [neighbourhood].
A node is externally characterized by a list of node labels
while internally it is characterized by a node identifier. We
also maintain this mapping using maps, namely [node_of_label]
and [labels].
[next_node_id] is a counter that helps determining the identifier
for a newly created node.
type t = {
next_node_id : int;
node_of_label : nodeid NodeLabelMap.t;
labels : NodeLabel.t list NodeIdMap.t;
neighbours : NodeIdSet.t NodeIdMap.t EdgeLabelMap.t;
degrees : NodeIdSet.t IntMap.t EdgeLabelMap.t
let string_of_nodeid (NodeId x) = string_of_int x
(** [dump g] returns a text-based representation of the graph, for
debugging. *)
let dump g =
let neighbours =
EdgeLabelMap.bindings g.neighbours |> (fun (c, m) ->
NodeIdMap.bindings m |> (fun (id, ids) ->
Printf.sprintf "%s -%s-> %s"
(string_of_nodeid id)
(EdgeLabel.to_string c)
(String.concat "," ( string_of_nodeid (NodeIdSet.elements ids)))
) |> List.flatten |> String.concat "\n"
let degrees =
EdgeLabelMap.bindings g.degrees |> (fun (c, m) ->
IntMap.bindings m |> (fun (d, ids) ->
Printf.sprintf "%d =%s=> %s"
(EdgeLabel.to_string c)
(String.concat "," ( string_of_nodeid (NodeIdSet.elements ids)))
) |> List.flatten |> String.concat "\n"
Printf.sprintf "%s\n%s\n" neighbours degrees
(** The empty graph. *)
let empty =
let degrees =
(fun m e -> EdgeLabelMap.add e IntMap.empty m)
let neighbours =
(fun m e -> EdgeLabelMap.add e NodeIdMap.empty m)
next_node_id = 0;
node_of_label = NodeLabelMap.empty;
labels = NodeIdMap.empty;
exception InvalidNode
exception InvalidEdge
let defined_node g n = NodeLabelMap.mem n g.node_of_label
exception UnboundNode of NodeLabel.t
let id_of_node g n = try
NodeLabelMap.find n g.node_of_label
with Not_found ->
raise (UnboundNode n)
let nodes_of_id g n = NodeIdMap.find n g.labels
let nodes g = snd (NodeIdMap.bindings g.labels)
(** Sanity check for the data structure. *)
let sanity_check = false
exception InconsistentDegree
let check_consistent_degree g =
(** The number of neighbours of [x] is the degree of [x]. *)
let valid_degree c x ngb =
let xdegree = NodeIdSet.cardinal ngb in
NodeIdSet.mem x (IntMap.find xdegree (EdgeLabelMap.find c g.degrees))
EdgeLabelMap.iter (fun c ngbs ->
NodeIdMap.iter (fun x ngb ->
if not (valid_degree c x ngb) then (
raise InconsistentDegree
) ngbs
) g.neighbours
let update_neighbour update_set g id1 e id2 =
(** We focus on [e]. *)
let nbg = EdgeLabelMap.find e g.neighbours
and deg = EdgeLabelMap.find e g.degrees in
(** What is the degree of id1? *)
let id1_nbg = try NodeIdMap.find id1 nbg with _ -> assert false in
let id1_deg = NodeIdSet.cardinal id1_nbg in
(** Update the neighbours of id1 with update_set id2. *)
let nbg = nodeid_map_update id1 nbg NodeIdSet.empty (update_set id2) in
(** Update the degree of id1. *)
let deg = int_map_update id1_deg deg NodeIdSet.empty (NodeIdSet.remove id1) in
let deg =
if IntMap.find id1_deg deg = NodeIdSet.empty then
IntMap.remove id1_deg deg
let id1_nbg = try NodeIdMap.find id1 nbg with _ -> assert false in
let id1_deg = NodeIdSet.cardinal id1_nbg in
let deg = int_map_update id1_deg deg NodeIdSet.empty (NodeIdSet.add id1) in
(** Finally, update the graph. *)
let neighbours = EdgeLabelMap.add e nbg g.neighbours
and degrees = EdgeLabelMap.add e deg g.degrees in
let g = { g with neighbours; degrees } in
(** If you suspect a bug in the implementation of the graph data
structure, which is always possible. Activating sanity check
might help you to track it down. *)
if sanity_check then check_consistent_degree g;
let add_neighbour = update_neighbour NodeIdSet.add
let del_neighbour = update_neighbour NodeIdSet.remove
(** [add_node g [n1;...;nN]] returns a new graph that extends [g] with
a new node labelled by [n1;...;nN]. None of the [nI] can be used
by another node in [g]. Otherwise, [InvalidNode] is raised.
In the sequel, the new node can be identified by any [nI].
let add_node g ns =
(** First, a fresh identifier for the node. *)
let nodeid = NodeId g.next_node_id in
let next_node_id = g.next_node_id + 1 in
(** Second, we check that [ns] are not used by any other node. *)
if List.exists (defined_node g) ns then
raise InvalidNode;
(** Third, update maps. *)
let node_of_label =
List.fold_left (fun m n -> NodeLabelMap.add n nodeid m) g.node_of_label ns
let labels = NodeIdMap.add nodeid ns g.labels in
let neighbours = (fun nbg ->
NodeIdMap.add nodeid NodeIdSet.empty nbg
) g.neighbours
(** Initially, the node has a degree 0 since it has no neighbour. *)
let degrees =
(fun deg -> int_map_update 0 deg NodeIdSet.empty (NodeIdSet.add nodeid))
{ next_node_id; node_of_label; labels; degrees; neighbours }
(** [add_edge g n1 e n2] returns a new graph that extends [g] with a
new edge between [n1] and [n2]. The edge is labelled by [e]. If [n1]
or [n2] does not exist, then [InvalidNode] is raised. *)
let add_edge g n1 e n2 =
if not (defined_node g n1 && defined_node g n2) then
raise InvalidNode;
let id1 = id_of_node g n1 and id2 = id_of_node g n2 in
let g = add_neighbour g id1 e id2 in
let g = add_neighbour g id2 e id1 in
(** [neighbours g e n] returns the neighbours of [n] in [g]. *)
let neighbours g e n =
let id = id_of_node g n in
let ids =
NodeIdSet.elements (NodeIdMap.find id (EdgeLabelMap.find e g.neighbours))
in (fun id -> NodeIdMap.find id g.labels) ids
(** [del_node g n] returns a new graph that contains [g] minus the
node [n] and its edges. *)
let del_node g n =
let id = id_of_node g n in
let g =
EdgeLabelMap.fold (fun e nbg g ->
let nnbg = NodeIdMap.find id nbg in
NodeIdSet.fold (fun id' g ->
let g = del_neighbour g id' e id in
let g = del_neighbour g id e id' in
) nnbg g
) g.neighbours g
let neighbours = (fun nbg ->
NodeIdMap.remove id nbg
) g.neighbours
let degrees = (fun deg ->
let deg0 = IntMap.find 0 deg in
let deg0 = NodeIdSet.remove id deg0 in
if deg0 = NodeIdSet.empty then
IntMap.remove 0 deg
IntMap.add 0 deg0 deg
) g.degrees
let node_of_label = List.fold_left (fun node_of_label l ->
NodeLabelMap.remove l node_of_label
) g.node_of_label (NodeIdMap.find id g.labels)
let labels = NodeIdMap.remove id g.labels in
{ g with node_of_label; neighbours; labels; degrees }
(** [del_edge g n1 e n2] *)
let del_edge g n1 e n2 =
let i1 = id_of_node g n1 and i2 = id_of_node g n2 in
let g = del_neighbour g i1 e i2 in
del_neighbour g i2 e i1
(** [edges g e] returns all the edges of kind [e] in [g]. *)
let edges g e =
let nbg = EdgeLabelMap.find e g.neighbours in
let edges =
NodeIdMap.fold (fun id ids edges ->
NodeIdSet.fold (fun id' edges ->
(NodeIdMap.find id g.labels, NodeIdMap.find id' g.labels) :: edges
) ids edges) nbg []
let edges = (fun (n1, n2) ->
if n1 < n2 then (n1, n2) else (n2, n1)
) edges
let edges = List.sort compare edges in
ExtStd.List.uniq edges
let min_degree exclusion_criteria g c nc =
let cdegrees = EdgeLabelMap.find c g.degrees in
let forbidden = EdgeLabelMap.find nc g.neighbours in
let rec aux degrees =
let k, ids = IntMap.min_binding degrees in
let rec aux' ids =
let id = NodeIdSet.choose ids in
let excluded = List.exists exclusion_criteria (nodes_of_id g id) in
if not excluded
&& NodeIdMap.find id forbidden = NodeIdSet.empty then
Some (k, List.hd (NodeIdMap.find id g.labels))
aux' (NodeIdSet.remove id ids)
with Not_found ->
aux (IntMap.remove k degrees)
aux' ids
with Not_found -> None
aux cdegrees
(** [are_connected g n1 e n2] *)
let are_connected g n1 e n2 =
let id1 = id_of_node g n1 in
let id2 = id_of_node g n2 in
NodeIdSet.mem id2 (NodeIdMap.find id1 (EdgeLabelMap.find e g.neighbours))
(** [pick_edge g e] *)
let pick_edge g e =
let degrees = EdgeLabelMap.find e g.degrees in
let k, ids = IntMap.max_binding degrees in
if k = 0 then None
let id = NodeIdSet.choose ids in
let nbg = EdgeLabelMap.find e g.neighbours in
let nbgid = NodeIdMap.find id nbg in
let id2 = NodeIdSet.choose nbgid in
Some (List.hd (nodes_of_id g id), List.hd (nodes_of_id g id2))
with Not_found ->
(** [merge g n1 n2] *)
let merge g n1 n2 =
let i1 = id_of_node g n1 and i2 = id_of_node g n2 in
let nodes1 = nodes_of_id g i1 and nodes2 = nodes_of_id g i2 in
let nbgs =
(fun e ->
(e, List.filter (fun n -> not (List.mem n1 n) && not (List.mem n2 n))
(neighbours g e n1 @ neighbours g e n2)))
let g = del_node g n1 in
let g = del_node g n2 in
let g = add_node g (nodes1 @ nodes2) in
List.fold_left (fun g (e, nbgs) ->
List.fold_left (fun g ns ->
add_edge g n1 e (List.hd ns)
) g nbgs
) g nbgs
(** [all_labels g n] *)
let all_labels g n =
let i = id_of_node g n in
nodes_of_id g i
(** [show g labels] represents the graph [g] in the DOT format and
uses [dotty] to display it. *)
let show g labels =
let dot_node (NodeId n, ns) =
let ns =
String.concat "," ( (fun n ->
NodeLabel.to_string n ^ (match labels n with None -> "" | Some s -> " => " ^ s)
) ns)
Printf.sprintf "n%d [label=\"%s\"];" n ns
let dot_nodes =
String.concat "\n" ( dot_node (NodeIdMap.bindings g.labels))
let seen = Hashtbl.create 13 in
let dot_edge (NodeId n) c (NodeId n') =
let n, n' = min n n', max n n' in
if not (Hashtbl.mem seen (n, n')) then (
Hashtbl.add seen (n, n') ();
Printf.sprintf "n%d -- n%d [label=\"%s\"];" n n' (EdgeLabel.to_string c)
) else ""
let neighbour c (id, ids) =
String.concat "\n" ( (dot_edge id c) (NodeIdSet.elements ids))
let dot_edges_of_kind (c, ngb) =
String.concat "\n" ( (neighbour c) (NodeIdMap.bindings ngb))
let dot_edges =
String.concat "\n" ( dot_edges_of_kind (EdgeLabelMap.bindings g.neighbours))
let dot =
Printf.sprintf "graph g {\n%s\n%s\n}" dot_nodes dot_edges
let fname, cout = Filename.open_temp_file "flap" ".dot" in
output_string cout dot;
close_out cout;
Printf.printf "Graph written in %s. (You need to install dotty to display it.)\n%!" fname;
ignore (Sys.command ("dotty " ^ fname ^ "&"))

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@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
(** A module for undirected graphs.
This module provides a functional data structure to represent a
graph which nodes contain a set of labels and which edges can have
one label too.
We maintain the invariant that two nodes always have different
labels: thus, nodes are identified by their labels.
module type EdgeLabelSig = sig
include Set.OrderedType
(** [all] enumerates all the possible edge labels. *)
val all : t list
(** [to_string e] converts [e] in a human readable value. *)
val to_string : t -> string
module type NodeLabelSig = sig
include Set.OrderedType
(** [to_string n] converts [n] in a human readable value. *)
val to_string : t -> string
module Make (EdgeLabel : EdgeLabelSig) (NodeLabel : NodeLabelSig) : sig
(** The type for graphs. *)
type t
(** The empty graph. *)
val empty : t
(** [add_node g [n1;...;nN]] returns a new graph that extends [g] with
a new node labelled by [n1;...;nN]. None of the [nI] can be used
by another node in [g]. Otherwise, [InvalidNode] is raised.
In the sequel, the new node can be identified by any [nI].
val add_node : t -> NodeLabel.t list -> t
exception InvalidNode
exception InvalidEdge
(** [add_edge g n1 e n2] returns a new graph that extends [g] with a
new edge between [n1] and [n2]. The edge is labelled by [e]. If [n1]
or [n2] does not exist, then [InvalidNode] is raised. *)
val add_edge : t -> NodeLabel.t -> EdgeLabel.t -> NodeLabel.t -> t
(** [del_edge g n1 e n2] returns a new graph that restricts [g] by removing
thge edge between [n1] and [n2]. The edge is labelled by [e]. If [n1]
or [n2] does not exist, then [InvalidNode] is raised. If there is no
such edge between [n1] and [n2] then [InvalidEdge] is raised. *)
val del_edge : t -> NodeLabel.t -> EdgeLabel.t -> NodeLabel.t -> t
(** [del_node g n] returns a new graph that contains [g] minus the
node [n] and its edges. *)
val del_node : t -> NodeLabel.t -> t
(** [neighbours g e n] returns the neighbours of [n] in [g]
that are connected with an edge labelled by [e]. One neighbour is
characterized by all its node labels. *)
val neighbours : t -> EdgeLabel.t -> NodeLabel.t -> NodeLabel.t list list
(** [edges g e] returns all the edges of kind [e] in [g].
WARNING: This function is inefficient! Use it only for debugging. *)
val edges : t -> EdgeLabel.t -> (NodeLabel.t list * NodeLabel.t list) list
(** [nodes g] returns all the nodes of [g]. *)
val nodes : t -> NodeLabel.t list list
(** [min_degree excluded g c nc] returns a node [n] of minimal degree for [c]
that has no edge for [nc] and so that not [excluded c], or returns None
if no such node exists. *)
val min_degree :
(NodeLabel.t -> bool)
-> t -> EdgeLabel.t -> EdgeLabel.t -> (int * NodeLabel.t) option
(** [pick_edge g c] returns an arbitrary edge for [c] or None if
there is no such edge. *)
val pick_edge : t -> EdgeLabel.t -> (NodeLabel.t * NodeLabel.t) option
(** [merge g n1 n2] returns a new graph which is [g] in which [n1]
and [n2] have been merged. *)
val merge : t -> NodeLabel.t -> NodeLabel.t -> t
(** [all_labels g n] returns all the node labels of node [n]. *)
val all_labels : t -> NodeLabel.t -> NodeLabel.t list
(** [are_connected g n1 e n2] returns true iff [n1] and [n2] are connected
by [e]. *)
val are_connected : t -> NodeLabel.t -> EdgeLabel.t -> NodeLabel.t -> bool
(** [show g labels] runs [dotty] to display the graph [g]. [labels n] may
optionally return an additional information to be display in the node
for [n]. *)
val show : t -> (NodeLabel.t -> string option) -> unit
val dump : t -> string

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@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
type t = int
exception LiteralExceeds16bits of int
(** [check_invariant x] ensures that the integer [x] is a valid
representation for a 16 bits signed integer. *)
let check_invariant x =
failwith "Students! This is your job!"
(** [hi x] returns the 16 highest bits of [x]'s 32 bits. *)
let hi x =
failwith "Students! This is your job!"
(** [low x] returns the 16 lowests bits of [x]'s 32 bits. *)
let low x =
failwith "Students! This is your job!"
(** [of_int x] turns an OCaml integer literal into a 16 bits literal. *)
let of_int x =
check_invariant x;
(** [of_int32 x] turns an OCaml integer literal into a 16 bits literal. *)
let of_int32 x =
of_int (Int32.to_int x)
(** [to_string x] turns an integer [x] into a string. *)
let to_string x =
string_of_int x

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@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
(** This module implements 16 bits signed integers. *)
type t
(** This exception is raised if a literal is too large to be
represented using only 16 bits. *)
exception LiteralExceeds16bits of int
(** [of_int32 x] turns an OCaml integer literal into a 16 bits literal. *)
val of_int32 : Int32.t -> t
(** [of_int x] turns an OCaml integer literal into a 16 bits literal. *)
val of_int : int -> t
(** [hi x] returns the 16 highests bits of [x]'s 32 bits. *)
val hi : Int32.t -> t
(** [low x] returns the 16 lowests bits of [x]'s 32 bits. *)
val low : Int32.t -> t
(** [to_string x] turns an integer [x] into a string. *)
val to_string : t -> string

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@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
include Stdlib.List
let map_fold_right
: type a b c. (a -> b -> c * b) -> a list -> b -> c list * b =
fun f xs acc ->
(fun x (ys, acc) -> let y, acc = f x acc in y :: ys, acc)
([], acc)

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@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
type 'a t = 'a list
let pick cs = cs
let return a = [a]
let fail = []
let ( >>= ) m f =
List.(flatten (map f m))
let run m = m

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@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
The list monad
or "non deterministic computations in OCaml"
or "list comprehension in OCaml"
As any monad, the purpose of the list monad is to represent in
OCaml computations that are not directly expressible in OCaml.
OCaml is a deterministic language: there is at most one value for
each expression, i.e. at most one result for each computation.
What if we want to represent computations that have zero, one
or many results? For instance, imagine the following algorithm:
pick x in {1..10}
pick y in {1..10}
return (x + y)
This algorithm is non deterministic because "pick" takes one of
the integers in the set {1..10}. Imagine that we want to know
all possible executions of this program. How to do that?
Before answering that question, you may wonder why it would be
useful to write such a program and then ask for all its execution.
The answer is: because that is exactly the syntax of sequences
defined by comprehension! So, it is a concise and declarative way
to represent a set of values defined by means of generators,
combinaisons and filters. In other words, the previous program
represents what a mathematician would write:
{ x + y | x [1..10], y [1.10] }
Nice, isn't it?
Now, let us come back to monads. In OCaml, there is no "pick"
but we can program it. More generally, we can *represent*
computations that are non deterministic as terms of type ['a t].
type 'a t
A value of type ['a t] is a computation that may produce nothing or
a value of type 'a or many values of type 'a.
(** [pick s] is a non deterministic operation that takes one of the
element of [s]. You do not know which one. *)
val pick : 'a list -> 'a t
(** [return x] is a non deterministic computation that evaluates
into [x]. *)
val return : 'a -> 'a t
(** [fail] is a non deterministic computation with no result. *)
val fail : 'a t
(** [m >>= (fun x -> e)] is a computation that first executes
[m], name its result [x] and then executes [e]. [x] may
correspond to zero, one or many values of type ['a] but
you consider it as a single potential value.
val ( >>= ) : 'a t -> ('a -> 'b t) -> 'b t
(** Now, here is how to write the previous program using these
let allsums =
pick (range 0 10) >>= (fun x ->
pick (range 0 10) >>= (fun y ->
return (x + y)
(assuming [range start stop] is the list of integers between
[start] and [stop]).
Finally, how to get all these integers? Just use [run]:
val run : 'a t -> 'a list
For instance, [run allsums] evaluates into:
[0; 1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 9; 1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 9; 10; 2; 3; 4; 5;
6; 7; 8; 9; 10; 11; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 9; 10; 11; 12; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 9; 10;
11; 12; 13; 5; 6; 7; 8; 9; 10; 11; 12; 13; 14; 6; 7; 8; 9; 10; 11; 12; 13;
14; 15; 7; 8; 9; 10; 11; 12; 13; 14; 15; 16; 8; 9; 10; 11; 12; 13; 14; 15;
16; 17; 9; 10; 11; 12; 13; 14; 15; 16; 17; 18]

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@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
let map f = function
| None -> None
| Some x -> Some (f x)
let destruct default f = function
| None -> default ()
| Some x -> f x

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@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
open Sexplib.Std
open Lexing
type lexing_position = Lexing.position
let lexing_position_of_sexp p =
[%of_sexp: string * int * int * int] p
|> fun (pos_fname, pos_lnum, pos_bol, pos_cnum) ->
{ pos_fname; pos_lnum; pos_bol; pos_cnum }
let sexp_of_lexing_position p =
[%sexp_of: string * int * int * int]
(p.pos_fname, p.pos_lnum, p.pos_bol, p.pos_cnum)
type t =
start_p : lexing_position;
end_p : lexing_position
} [@@deriving sexp]
type position = t
type 'a located =
value : 'a;
position : t;
} [@@deriving sexp]
let value { value = v } =
let position { position = p } =
let destruct p =
(p.value, p.position)
let located f x =
f (value x)
let located_pos f x =
f (position x) (value x)
let with_pos p v =
value = v;
position = p;
let with_poss p1 p2 v =
with_pos { start_p = p1; end_p = p2 } v
let map f v =
value = f v.value;
position = v.position;
let iter f { value = v } =
f v
let mapd f v =
let w1, w2 = f v.value in
let pos = v.position in
({ value = w1; position = pos }, { value = w2; position = pos })
let dummy =
start_p = Lexing.dummy_pos;
end_p = Lexing.dummy_pos
let unknown_pos v =
value = v;
position = dummy
let start_of_position p = p.start_p
let end_of_position p = p.end_p
let filename_of_position p =
let line p =
let column p =
p.pos_cnum - p.pos_bol
let characters p1 p2 =
(column p1, p2.pos_cnum - p1.pos_bol) (* intentionally [p1.pos_bol] *)
let join x1 x2 =
start_p = if x1 = dummy then x2.start_p else x1.start_p;
end_p = if x2 = dummy then x1.end_p else x2.end_p
let lex_join x1 x2 =
start_p = x1;
end_p = x2
let join_located l1 l2 f =
value = f l1.value l2.value;
position = join l1.position l2.position;
let string_of_lex_pos p =
let c = p.pos_cnum - p.pos_bol in
(string_of_int p.pos_lnum)^":"^(string_of_int c)
let string_of_pos p =
let filename = filename_of_position p in
let l = line p.start_p in
let c1, c2 = characters p.start_p p.end_p in
if filename = "" then
Printf.sprintf "Line %d, characters %d-%d" l c1 c2
Printf.sprintf "File \"%s\", line %d, characters %d-%d" filename l c1 c2
let pos_or_undef = function
| None -> dummy
| Some x -> x
let cpos lexbuf =
start_p = Lexing.lexeme_start_p lexbuf;
end_p = Lexing.lexeme_end_p lexbuf;
let with_cpos lexbuf v =
with_pos (cpos lexbuf) v
let string_of_cpos lexbuf =
string_of_pos (cpos lexbuf)
let joinf f t1 t2 =
join (f t1) (f t2)
let ljoinf f =
List.fold_left (fun p t -> join p (f t)) dummy
let join_located_list ls f =
value = f ( (fun l -> l.value) ls);
position = ljoinf (fun x -> x.position) ls

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@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
(** Extension of standard library's positions. *)
(** {2 Extended lexing positions} *)
(** Abstract type for pairs of positions in the lexing stream. *)
type t
type position = t
(** Decoration of a value with a position. *)
type 'a located =
value : 'a;
position : t;
} [@@deriving sexp]
(** [value dv] returns the raw value that underlies the
decorated value [dv]. *)
val value: 'a located -> 'a
(** [position dv] returns the position that decorates the
decorated value [dv]. *)
val position: 'a located -> t
(** [destruct dv] returns the couple of position and value
of a decorated value [dv]. *)
val destruct: 'a located -> 'a * t
(** [located f x] applies [f] to the value of [x]. *)
val located : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a located -> 'b
(** [located_pos f x] applies [f] to the position and value of [x]. *)
val located_pos : (t -> 'a -> 'b) -> 'a located -> 'b
(** [with_pos p v] decorates [v] with a position [p]. *)
val with_pos : t -> 'a -> 'a located
(** [with_cpos p v] decorates [v] with a lexical position [p]. *)
val with_cpos: Lexing.lexbuf -> 'a -> 'a located
(** [with_poss start stop v] decorates [v] with a position [(start, stop)]. *)
val with_poss : Lexing.position -> Lexing.position -> 'a -> 'a located
(** [unknown_pos x] decorates [v] with an unknown position. *)
val unknown_pos : 'a -> 'a located
(** This value is used when an object does not come from a particular
input location. *)
val dummy: t
(** [map f v] extends the decoration from [v] to [f v]. *)
val map: ('a -> 'b) -> 'a located -> 'b located
(** [iter f dv] applies [f] to the value inside [dv]. *)
val iter: ('a -> unit) -> 'a located -> unit
(** [mapd f v] extends the decoration from [v] to both members of the pair
[f v]. *)
val mapd: ('a -> 'b1 * 'b2) -> 'a located -> 'b1 located * 'b2 located
(** {2 Accessors} *)
(** [column p] returns the number of characters from the
beginning of the line of the Lexing.position [p]. *)
val column : Lexing.position -> int
(** [column p] returns the line number of to the Lexing.position [p]. *)
val line : Lexing.position -> int
(** [characters p1 p2] returns the character interval
between [p1] and [p2] assuming they are located in the same
line. *)
val characters : Lexing.position -> Lexing.position -> int * int
(** [start_of_position p] returns the beginning of a position [p]. *)
val start_of_position: t -> Lexing.position
(** [end_of_position p] returns the end of a position [p]. *)
val end_of_position: t -> Lexing.position
(** [filename_of_position p] returns the filename of a position [p]. *)
val filename_of_position: t -> string
(** {2 Position handling} *)
(** [join p1 p2] returns a position that starts where [p1]
starts and stops where [p2] stops. *)
val join : t -> t -> t
(** [lex_join l1 l2] returns a position that starts at [l1] and stops
at [l2]. *)
val lex_join : Lexing.position -> Lexing.position -> t
(** [string_of_lex_pos p] returns a string representation for
the lexing position [p]. *)
val string_of_lex_pos : Lexing.position -> string
(** [string_of_pos p] returns the standard (Emacs-like) representation
of the position [p]. *)
val string_of_pos : t -> string
(** [pos_or_undef po] is the identity function except if po = None,
in that case, it returns [undefined_position]. *)
val pos_or_undef : t option -> t
(** {2 Interaction with the lexer runtime} *)
(** [cpos lexbuf] returns the current position of the lexer. *)
val cpos : Lexing.lexbuf -> t
(** [string_of_cpos p] returns a string representation of
the lexer's current position. *)
val string_of_cpos : Lexing.lexbuf -> string

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let prompt = ref ""
let set_prompt = ( := ) prompt
let print_prompt () =
output_string stdout !prompt;
flush stdout
let input_char =
let display_prompt = ref true in
let ask stdin =
if !display_prompt then begin
display_prompt := false;
print_prompt ()
let c = input_char stdin in
if c = '\n' then display_prompt := true;
String.make 1 c
let set_ascii () = ()

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@ -0,0 +1 @@
include StdUserInput

flap/src/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1 @@
let number = "19.1"

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@ -0,0 +1,584 @@
(** This module implements a compiler from Retrolix to X86-64 *)
(** In more details, this module performs the following tasks:
- turning accesses to local variables and function parameters into stack
loads and stores ;
- generating initialization code and reserving space in the .data section for
global variables ;
- reserving space in the .data section for literal strings.
(* TODO tail recursion *)
let error ?(pos = Position.dummy) msg =
Error.error "compilation" pos msg
(** As in any module that implements {!Compilers.Compiler}, the source
language and the target language must be specified. *)
module Source = Retrolix
module Target = X86_64
module S = Source.AST
module T = Target.AST
module Str = struct type t = string let compare = end
module StrMap = Map.Make(Str)
module StrSet = Set.Make(Str)
(** {2 Low-level helpers} *)
let scratchr = X86_64_Architecture.scratch_register
let scratch = `Reg scratchr
let rsp = `Reg X86_64_Architecture.RSP
let rbp = `Reg X86_64_Architecture.RBP
let rdi = `Reg X86_64_Architecture.RDI
(** [align n b] returns the smallest multiple of [b] larger than [n]. *)
let align n b =
let m = n mod b in
if m = 0 then n else n + b - m
(** {2 Label mangling and generation} *)
let hash x = string_of_int (Hashtbl.hash x)
let label_for_string_id id =
".S_" ^ string_of_int id
let label_of_retrolix_label (s : string) =
let label_of_function_identifier (S.FId s) =
label_of_retrolix_label s
let data_label_of_global (S.Id s) =
label_of_retrolix_label s
let init_label_of_global (xs : S.identifier list) =
".I_" ^ hash xs
let label_of_internal_label_id (id : T.label) =
".X_" ^ id
let fresh_label : unit -> T.label =
let r = ref 0 in
fun () -> incr r; label_of_internal_label_id (string_of_int !r)
let fresh_string_label : unit -> string =
let r = ref 0 in
fun () -> let n = !r in incr r; label_for_string_id n
(** {2 Environments} *)
type environment =
externals : S.FIdSet.t;
(** All the external functions declared in the retrolix program. *)
globals : S.IdSet.t;
(** All the global variables found in the Retrolix program, each with a
unique integer. *)
data_lines : T.line list;
(** All the lines to be added to the .data section of the complete file. *)
let make_environment ~externals ~globals () =
let open T in
let data_lines =
(fun ((S.Id id_s) as id) lines ->
Label (data_label_of_global id)
:: Instruction (Comment id_s)
:: Directive (Quad [Lit])
:: lines
let data_lines =
(fun (S.FId f) lines -> Directive (Extern f) :: lines)
let is_external env (f : S.rvalue) =
match f with
| `Immediate (S.LFun f) ->
S.FIdSet.mem f env.externals
| _ ->
let is_global env f =
S.IdSet.mem f env.globals
let register_string s env =
let open T in
let l = fresh_string_label () in
{ env with data_lines = Label l :: Directive (String s) :: env.data_lines; }
(* The following function is here to please Flap's architecture. *)
let initial_environment () =
make_environment ~externals:S.FIdSet.empty ~globals:S.IdSet.empty ()
let register_globals global_set env =
let open T in
let globals, data_lines =
(fun ((S.Id id_s) as id) (globals, lines) ->
S.IdSet.add id globals,
Label (data_label_of_global id)
:: Instruction (Comment id_s)
:: Directive (Quad [Lit])
:: lines
(S.IdSet.empty, env.data_lines)
{ env with globals; data_lines; }
(** {2 Abstract instruction selectors and calling conventions} *)
module type InstructionSelector =
(** [mov ~dst ~src] generates the x86-64 assembly listing to copy [src] into
[dst]. *)
val mov : dst:T.dst -> src:T.src -> T.line list
(** [add ~dst ~srcl ~srcr] generates the x86-64 assembly listing to store
[srcl + srcr] into [dst]. *)
val add : dst:T.dst -> srcl:T.src -> srcr:T.src -> T.line list
(** [sub ~dst ~srcl ~srcr] generates the x86-64 assembly listing to store
[srcl - srcr] into [dst]. *)
val sub : dst:T.dst -> srcl:T.src -> srcr:T.src -> T.line list
(** [mul ~dst ~srcl ~srcr] generates the x86-64 assembly listing to store
[srcl * srcr] into [dst]. *)
val mul : dst:T.dst -> srcl:T.src -> srcr:T.src -> T.line list
(** [div ~dst ~srcl ~srcr] generates the x86-64 assembly listing to store
[srcl / srcr] into [dst]. *)
val div : dst:T.dst -> srcl:T.src -> srcr:T.src -> T.line list
(** [andl ~dst ~srcl ~srcr] generates the x86-64 assembly listing to store
[srcl & srcr] into [dst]. *)
val andl : dst:T.dst -> srcl:T.src -> srcr:T.src -> T.line list
(** [orl ~dst ~srcl ~srcr] generates the x86-64 assembly listing to store
[srcl | srcr] into [dst]. *)
val orl : dst:T.dst -> srcl:T.src -> srcr:T.src -> T.line list
(** [conditional_jump ~cc ~srcl ~srcr ~ll ~lr] generates the x86-64 assembly
listing to test whether [srcl, srcr] satisfies the relation described by
[cc] and jump to [ll] if they do or to [lr] when they do not. *)
val conditional_jump :
cc:T.condcode ->
srcl:T.src -> srcr:T.src ->
ll:T.label -> lr:T.label ->
T.line list
(** [switch ~default ~discriminant ~cases ()] generates the x86-64 assembly
listing to jump to [cases.(discriminant)], or to the (optional) [default]
label when discriminant is larger than [Array.length cases].
The behavior of the program is undefined if [discriminant < 0], or if
[discriminant >= Array.length cases] and no [default] has been given. *)
val switch :
?default:T.label ->
discriminant:T.src ->
cases:T.label array ->
unit ->
T.line list
module type FrameManager =
(** The abstract data structure holding the information necessary to
implement the calling convention. *)
type frame_descriptor
(** Generate a frame descriptor for the function with parameter [params] and
locals [locals]. *)
val frame_descriptor :
params:S.identifier list ->
locals:S.identifier list ->
(** [location_of fd v] computes the address of [v] according to the frame
descriptor [fd]. Note that [v] might be a local variable, a function
parameter, or a global variable. *)
val location_of : frame_descriptor -> S.identifier -> T.address
(** [function_prologue fd] generates the x86-64 assembly listing to setup
a stack frame according to the frame descriptor [fd]. *)
val function_prologue : frame_descriptor -> T.line list
(** [function_epilogue fd] generates the x86-64 assembly listing to setup a
stack frame according to the frame descriptor [fd]. *)
val function_epilogue : frame_descriptor -> T.line list
(** [call fd ~kind ~f ~args] generates the x86-64 assembly listing to setup
a call to the function at [f], with arguments [args], with [kind]
specifying whether this should be a normal or tail call. *)
val call :
frame_descriptor ->
kind:[ `Normal | `Tail ] ->
f:T.src ->
args:T.src list ->
T.line list
(** {2 Code generator} *)
(** This module implements an x86-64 code generator for Retrolix using the
provided [InstructionSelector] and [FrameManager]. *)
module Codegen(IS : InstructionSelector)(FM : FrameManager) =
let translate_label (S.Label l) =
label_of_retrolix_label l
let translate_variable fd v =
`Addr (FM.location_of fd v)
let translate_literal lit env =
match lit with
| S.LInt i ->
T.Lit i, env
| S.LFun f ->
T.Lab (label_of_function_identifier f), env
| S.LChar c ->
T.Lit (Mint.of_int @@ Char.code c), env
| S.LString s ->
let l, env = register_string s env in
T.Lab l, env
let translate_register (S.RId s) =
X86_64_Architecture.register_of_string s
let translate_lvalue fi lv =
match lv with
| `Variable v ->
translate_variable fi v
| `Register reg ->
`Reg (translate_register reg)
let translate_rvalue fi rv env =
match rv with
| `Immediate lit ->
let lit, env = translate_literal lit env in
`Imm lit, env
| (`Variable _ | `Register _) as lv ->
translate_lvalue fi lv, env
let translate_rvalues fi rvs env =
(fun rv (rvs, env) ->
let rv, env = translate_rvalue fi rv env in
rv :: rvs, env)
([], env)
let translate_label_to_operand (S.Label l) =
`Imm (T.Lab l)
let translate_cond cond =
match cond with
| S.GT -> T.G
| S.LT -> T.L
| S.GTE -> T.GE
| S.LTE -> T.LE
| S.EQ -> T.E
let translate_instruction fd ins env : T.line list * environment =
let open T in
begin match ins with
| S.Call (f, args, is_tail) ->
let kind = if is_tail then `Tail else `Normal in
let f, env = translate_rvalue fd f env in
let args, env = translate_rvalues fd args env in fd ~kind ~f ~args,
| S.Assign (dst, op, args) ->
let dst = translate_lvalue fd dst in
let args, env = translate_rvalues fd args env in
let inss =
match op, args with
| S.Add, [ srcl; srcr; ] ->
IS.add ~dst ~srcl ~srcr
| S.Sub, [ srcl; srcr; ] ->
IS.sub ~dst ~srcl ~srcr
| S.Mul, [ srcl; srcr; ] ->
IS.mul ~dst ~srcl ~srcr
| S.Div, [ srcl; srcr; ] ->
IS.div ~dst ~srcl ~srcr
| S.And, [ srcl; srcr; ] ->
IS.andl ~dst ~srcl ~srcr
| S.Or, [ srcl; srcr; ] ->
IS.orl ~dst ~srcl ~srcr
| S.Copy, [ src; ] -> ~dst ~src
| _ ->
error "Unknown operator or bad arity"
inss, env
| S.Ret ->
FM.function_epilogue fd @ insns [T.Ret],
| S.Jump l ->
T.jmpl ~tgt:(translate_label l);
| S.ConditionalJump (cond, args, ll, lr) ->
let cc = translate_cond cond in
let srcl, srcr, env =
match args with
| [ src1; src2; ] ->
let src1, env = translate_rvalue fd src1 env in
let src2, env = translate_rvalue fd src2 env in
src1, src2, env
| _ ->
failwith "translate_exp: conditional jump with invalid arity"
~srcl ~srcr
~ll:(translate_label ll) ~lr:(translate_label lr),
| S.Switch (discriminant, cases, default) ->
let discriminant, env = translate_rvalue fd discriminant env in
let cases = translate_label cases in
let default = translate_label default in
IS.switch ?default ~discriminant ~cases (),
| S.Comment s ->
Comment s;
| S.Exit -> ~src:(liti 0) ~dst:rdi
@ fd ~kind:`Normal ~f:(`Imm (Lab "exit")) ~args:[],
let translate_labelled_instruction fi (body, env) (l, ins) =
let ins, env = translate_instruction fi ins env in
List.rev ins @ T.Label (translate_label l) :: body,
let translate_labelled_instructions fi env inss =
let inss, env =
List.fold_left (translate_labelled_instruction fi) ([], env) inss
List.rev inss, env
let translate_fun_def ~name ?(desc = "") ~params ~locals gen_body =
let open T in
let fd = FM.frame_descriptor ~params ~locals in
let prologue = FM.function_prologue fd in
let body, env = gen_body fd in
Directive (PadToAlign { pow = 3; fill = 0x90; }) :: Label name
:: (if desc = ""
then prologue
else Instruction (Comment desc) :: prologue)
@ body,
let translate_block ~name ?(desc = "") ~params (locals, body) env =
(fun fi -> translate_labelled_instructions fi env body)
let translate_definition def (body, env) =
match def with
| S.DValues (xs, block) ->
let ids = ExtPPrint.to_string RetrolixPrettyPrinter.identifiers xs in
let name = init_label_of_global xs in
let def, env =
~desc:("Initializer for " ^ ids ^ ".")
def @ body, env
| S.DFunction ((S.FId id) as f, params, block) ->
let def, env =
~desc:("Retrolix function " ^ id ^ ".")
~name:(label_of_function_identifier f)
def @ body, env
| S.DExternalFunction (S.FId id) ->
T.(Directive (Extern id)) :: body,
let generate_main _ p =
let open T in
let body =
Directive (PadToAlign { pow = 3; fill = 0x90; });
Label "main";
Instruction (Comment "Program entry point.");
Instruction (T.subq ~src:(`Imm (Lit 8L)) ~dst:rsp);
(* Call all initialization stubs *)
let body =
let call body def =
match def with
| S.DValues (ids, _) ->
let l = init_label_of_global ids in
Instruction (T.calld ~tgt:(Lab l)) :: body
| S.DFunction _ | S.DExternalFunction _ ->
List.fold_left call body p
let body =
T.calld ~tgt:(Lab "exit");
T.movq ~src:(liti 0) ~dst:rdi;
@ body
Directive (Global "main") :: List.rev body
(** [translate p env] turns a Retrolix program into a X86-64 program. *)
let translate (p : S.t) (env : environment) : T.t * environment =
let env = register_globals (S.globals p) env in
let pt, env = List.fold_right translate_definition p ([], env) in
let main = generate_main env p in
let p = T.data_section :: env.data_lines @ T.text_section :: main @ pt in
T.remove_unused_labels p, env
(** {2 Concrete instructions selectors and calling conventions} *)
module InstructionSelector : InstructionSelector =
open T
let mov ~(dst : dst) ~(src : src) =
failwith "Students! This is your job!"
let bin ins ~dst ~srcl ~srcr =
failwith "Students! This is your job!"
let add ~dst ~srcl ~srcr =
failwith "Students! This is your job!"
let sub ~dst ~srcl ~srcr =
failwith "Students! This is your job!"
let mul ~dst ~srcl ~srcr =
failwith "Students! This is your job!"
let div ~dst ~srcl ~srcr =
failwith "Students! This is your job!"
let andl ~dst ~srcl ~srcr =
failwith "Students! This is your job!"
let orl ~dst ~srcl ~srcr =
failwith "Students! This is your job!"
let conditional_jump ~cc ~srcl ~srcr ~ll ~lr =
failwith "Students! This is your job!"
let switch ?default ~discriminant ~cases () =
failwith "Students! This is your job!"
module FrameManager(IS : InstructionSelector) : FrameManager =
type frame_descriptor =
param_count : int;
(** Number of parameters. *)
locals_space : int;
(** Amount of space dedicated to local variables in the stack frame. *)
stack_map : Mint.t S.IdMap.t;
(** Maps stack-allocated variable names to stack slots expressed as
frame-pointer relative offsets. *)
(** [empty_frame fd] returns [true] if and only if the stack frame described
by [fd] is empty. *)
let empty_frame fd =
fd.param_count = 0 && fd.locals_space = 0
(** [stack_usage_after_prologue fd] returns the size, in bytes, of the stack
space after the function prologue. *)
let stack_usage_after_prologue fd =
+ (if empty_frame fd then 0 else 1) * Mint.size_in_bytes
+ fd.locals_space
let frame_descriptor ~params ~locals =
(* Student! Implement me! *)
{ param_count = 0; locals_space = 0; stack_map = S.IdMap.empty; }
let location_of fd id =
failwith "Students! This is your job!"
let function_prologue fd =
(* Student! Implement me! *)
let function_epilogue fd =
(* Student! Implement me! *)
let call fd ~kind ~f ~args =
failwith "Students! This is your job!"
module CG =
let translate = CG.translate

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