tentative de compréhension

This commit is contained in:
Nicolas PENELOUX 2023-11-25 16:44:12 +01:00
parent ad14b5bd46
commit ae2b764821

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@ -67,21 +67,36 @@ let rec synth_expression
: HopixTypes.typing_environment -> HopixAST.expression Position.located
-> HopixTypes.aty
fun env Position.{ value = e; position = pos } ->
fun env Position.{ value = e; position = pos } -> function
| Literal l -> type_of_literal l.value
| Variable(id,tlist) -> failwith "Students! This is your job! Variable"
| Tagged(cons,_,[]) -> HopixTypes.hbool (*Pas sûr, j'ai regardé comme dans hopixInterpreter au début*)
| Apply(a,b) -> failwith "Students! This is your job! Apply"
| Record(field,tliste) -> failwith "Students! This is your job! Record"
| Fun(_) -> failwith "Students! This is your job! Fun synth" (* TODO : ici on ne peut pas synthesisé. cf Cours*)
| TypeAnnotation(expr,t) -> failwith "Students! This is your job! TypeAnnotation"
and type_of_literal l =
match l with
| LInt _ -> HopixTypes.hint
| LChar _ -> HopixTypes.hchar
| LString _ -> HopixTypes.hstring
and check_expression
: HopixTypes.typing_environment -> HopixAST.expression Position.located
-> HopixTypes.aty -> unit
fun env (Position.{ value = e; position = pos } as exp) expected ->
fun env (Position.{ value = e; position = pos } as exp) expected -> function
| Fun df -> failwith "Students! This is your job! Fun check"
and check_value_definition
: HopixTypes.typing_environment -> HopixAST.value_definition
-> HopixTypes.typing_environment
<<<<<<< HEAD
fun env -> function
fun env -> function
| SimpleValue (id, Some ty, ex) ->
failwith "Students! This is your job! (check_value_definition | SimpleValue)"
| RecFunctions _ ->
@ -89,7 +104,6 @@ and check_value_definition
à faire les fonctions récursives *)
failwith "Students! This is your job! (check_value_definition | RecFunctions)"
| _ -> failwith "Students! This is your job!"
>>>>>>> acd881c0dd51529a11929a7e8abb27d101b9297f
let check_definition env = function