fmt.. sorry

This commit is contained in:
Mylloon 2023-10-30 14:53:49 +01:00
parent 30eb4b0eaf
commit ceb2caa21e
Signed by: Anri
GPG key ID: A82D63DFF8D1317F

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@ -3,8 +3,7 @@ open Error
open HopixAST
(** [error pos msg] reports execution error messages. *)
let error positions msg =
errorN "execution" positions msg
let error positions msg = errorN "execution" positions msg
(** Every expression of Hopix evaluates into a [value].
@ -13,9 +12,7 @@ let error positions msg =
Why? The value type and the environment type are mutually recursive
and since we do not want to define them simultaneously, this
parameterization is a way to describe how the value type will use
the environment type without an actual definition of this type.
the environment type without an actual definition of this type. *)
type 'e gvalue =
| VInt of Mint.t
| VChar of char
@ -30,93 +27,118 @@ type 'e gvalue =
(** Two values for booleans. *)
let ptrue = VTagged (KId "True", [])
let pfalse = VTagged (KId "False", [])
We often need to check that a value has a specific shape.
(** We often need to check that a value has a specific shape.
To that end, we introduce the following coercions. A
coercion of type [('a, 'e)] coercion tries to convert an
Hopix value into a OCaml value of type ['a]. If this conversion
fails, it returns [None].
fails, it returns [None]. *)
type ('a, 'e) coercion = 'e gvalue -> 'a option
let fail = None
let ret x = Some x
let value_as_int = function VInt x -> ret x | _ -> fail
let value_as_char = function VChar c -> ret c | _ -> fail
let value_as_string = function VString s -> ret s | _ -> fail
let value_as_tagged = function VTagged (k, vs) -> ret (k, vs) | _ -> fail
let value_as_record = function VRecord fs -> ret fs | _ -> fail
let value_as_location = function VLocation l -> ret l | _ -> fail
let value_as_closure = function VClosure (e, p, b) -> ret (e, p, b) | _ -> fail
let value_as_primitive = function VPrimitive (p, f) -> ret (p, f) | _ -> fail
let value_as_int = function
| VInt x -> ret x
| _ -> fail
let value_as_char = function
| VChar c -> ret c
| _ -> fail
let value_as_string = function
| VString s -> ret s
| _ -> fail
let value_as_tagged = function
| VTagged (k, vs) -> ret (k, vs)
| _ -> fail
let value_as_record = function
| VRecord fs -> ret fs
| _ -> fail
let value_as_location = function
| VLocation l -> ret l
| _ -> fail
let value_as_closure = function
| VClosure (e, p, b) -> ret (e, p, b)
| _ -> fail
let value_as_primitive = function
| VPrimitive (p, f) -> ret (p, f)
| _ -> fail
let value_as_bool = function
| VTagged (KId "True", []) -> true
| VTagged (KId "False", []) -> false
| _ -> assert false
It is also very common to have to inject an OCaml value into
the types of Hopix values. That is the purpose of a wrapper.
(** It is also very common to have to inject an OCaml value into
the types of Hopix values. That is the purpose of a wrapper. *)
type ('a, 'e) wrapper = 'a -> 'e gvalue
let int_as_value x = VInt x
let bool_as_value b = if b then ptrue else pfalse
The flap toplevel needs to print the result of evaluations. This is
(** The flap toplevel needs to print the result of evaluations. This is
especially useful for debugging and testing purpose. Do not modify
the code of this function since it is used by the testsuite.
the code of this function since it is used by the testsuite. *)
let print_value m v =
(** To avoid to print large (or infinite) values, we stop at depth 5. *)
(* To avoid to print large (or infinite) values, we stop at depth 5. *)
let max_depth = 5 in
let rec print_value d v =
if d >= max_depth then "..." else
if d >= max_depth
then "..."
else (
match v with
| VInt x ->
Mint.to_string x
| VChar c ->
"'" ^ Char.escaped c ^ "'"
| VString s ->
"\"" ^ String.escaped s ^ "\""
| VUnit ->
| VLocation a ->
print_array_value d (Memory.dereference m a)
| VTagged (KId k, []) ->
| VTagged (KId k, vs) ->
k ^ print_tuple d vs
| VTuple (vs) ->
print_tuple d vs
| VInt x -> Mint.to_string x
| VChar c -> "'" ^ Char.escaped c ^ "'"
| VString s -> "\"" ^ String.escaped s ^ "\""
| VUnit -> "()"
| VLocation a -> print_array_value d (Memory.dereference m a)
| VTagged (KId k, []) -> k
| VTagged (KId k, vs) -> k ^ print_tuple d vs
| VTuple vs -> print_tuple d vs
| VRecord fs ->
^ String.concat ", " ( (fun (LId f, v) -> f ^ " = " ^ print_value (d + 1) v
) fs) ^ "}"
| VClosure _ ->
| VPrimitive (s, _) ->
Printf.sprintf "<primitive: %s>" s
^ String.concat
", "
( (fun (LId f, v) -> f ^ " = " ^ print_value (d + 1) v) fs)
^ "}"
| VClosure _ -> "<fun>"
| VPrimitive (s, _) -> Printf.sprintf "<primitive: %s>" s)
and print_tuple d vs =
"(" ^ String.concat ", " ( (print_value (d + 1)) vs) ^ ")"
and print_array_value d block =
let r = block in
let n = Mint.to_int (Memory.size block) in
"[ " ^ String.concat ", " (
List.(map (fun i -> print_value (d + 1) (r (Mint.of_int i)))
(ExtStd.List.range 0 (n - 1))
)) ^ " ]"
"[ "
^ String.concat
", "
(fun i -> print_value (d + 1) (r (Mint.of_int i)))
(ExtStd.List.range 0 (n - 1)))
^ " ]"
print_value 0 v
let print_values m vs =
String.concat "; " ( (print_value m) vs)
let print_values m vs = String.concat "; " ( (print_value m) vs)
module Environment : sig
(** Evaluation environments map identifiers to values. *)
@ -146,77 +168,74 @@ module Environment : sig
(** [print env] returns a human readable representation of [env]. *)
val print : t gvalue Memory.t -> t -> string
end = struct
type t =
| EEmpty
| EBind of identifier * t gvalue ref * t
let empty = EEmpty
let bind e x v =
EBind (x, ref v, e)
let bind e x v = EBind (x, ref v, e)
exception UnboundIdentifier of identifier * Position.t
let lookup' pos x =
let rec aux = function
| EEmpty -> raise (UnboundIdentifier (x, pos))
| EBind (y, v, e) ->
if x = y then v else aux e
| EBind (y, v, e) -> if x = y then v else aux e
let lookup pos x e = !(lookup' pos x e)
let update pos x e v =
lookup' pos x e := v
let update pos x e v = lookup' pos x e := v
let last = function
| EBind (x, v, e) -> Some (x, !v, e)
| EEmpty -> None
let print_binding m (Id x, v) =
x ^ " = " ^ print_value m !v
let print_binding m (Id x, v) = x ^ " = " ^ print_value m !v
let print m e =
let b = Buffer.create 13 in
let push x v = Buffer.add_string b (print_binding m (x, v)) in
let rec aux = function
| EEmpty -> Buffer.contents b
| EBind (x, v, EEmpty) -> push x v; aux EEmpty
| EBind (x, v, e) -> push x v; Buffer.add_string b "\n"; aux e
| EBind (x, v, EEmpty) ->
push x v;
aux EEmpty
| EBind (x, v, e) ->
push x v;
Buffer.add_string b "\n";
aux e
aux e
We have everything we need now to define [value] as an instantiation
of ['e gvalue] with ['e = Environment.t], as promised.
(** We have everything we need now to define [value] as an instantiation
of ['e gvalue] with ['e = Environment.t], as promised. *)
type value = Environment.t gvalue
The following higher-order function lifts a function [f] of type
(** The following higher-order function lifts a function [f] of type
['a -> 'b] as a [name]d Hopix primitive function, that is, an
OCaml function of type [value -> value].
let primitive name ?(error = fun () -> assert false) coercion wrapper f
: value
= VPrimitive (name, fun x ->
OCaml function of type [value -> value]. *)
let primitive name ?(error = fun () -> assert false) coercion wrapper f : value =
( name
, fun x ->
match coercion x with
| None -> error ()
| Some x -> wrapper (f x)
| Some x -> wrapper (f x) )
type runtime = {
memory : value Memory.t;
environment : Environment.t;
type runtime =
{ memory : value Memory.t
; environment : Environment.t
type observable = {
new_memory : value Memory.t;
new_environment : Environment.t;
type observable =
{ new_memory : value Memory.t
; new_environment : Environment.t
(** [primitives] is an environment that contains the implementation
@ -224,51 +243,46 @@ type observable = {
let primitives =
let intbin name out op =
let error m v =
"Invalid arguments for `%s': %s\n"
name (print_value m v);
Printf.eprintf "Invalid arguments for `%s': %s\n" name (print_value m v);
assert false (* By typing. *)
VPrimitive (name, fun m -> function
( name
, fun m -> function
| VInt x ->
VPrimitive (name, fun m -> function
( name
, fun m -> function
| VInt y -> out (op x y)
| v -> error m v )
| v -> error m v )
let bind_all what l x =
List.fold_left (fun env (x, v) -> Environment.bind env (Id x) (what x v))
x l
List.fold_left (fun env (x, v) -> Environment.bind env (Id x) (what x v)) x l
(* Define arithmetic binary operators. *)
let binarith name =
intbin name (fun x -> VInt x) in
let binarithops = Mint.(
[ ("`+`", add); ("`-`", sub); ("`*`", mul); ("`/`", div) ]
) in
let binarith name = intbin name (fun x -> VInt x) in
let binarithops = Mint.[ "`+`", add; "`-`", sub; "`*`", mul; "`/`", div ] in
(* Define arithmetic comparison operators. *)
let cmparith name = intbin name bool_as_value in
let cmparithops =
[ ("`=?`", ( = ));
("`<?`", ( < ));
("`>?`", ( > ));
("`>=?`", ( >= ));
("`<=?`", ( <= )) ]
[ "`=?`", ( = ); "`<?`", ( < ); "`>?`", ( > ); "`>=?`", ( >= ); "`<=?`", ( <= ) ]
let boolbin name out op =
VPrimitive (name, fun _ x -> VPrimitive (name, fun _ y ->
out (op (value_as_bool x) (value_as_bool y))))
( name
, fun _ x ->
VPrimitive (name, fun _ y -> out (op (value_as_bool x) (value_as_bool y))) )
let boolarith name = boolbin name (fun x -> if x then ptrue else pfalse) in
let boolarithops =
[ ("`||`", ( || )); ("`&&`", ( && )) ]
let boolarithops = [ "`||`", ( || ); "`&&`", ( && ) ] in
let generic_printer =
VPrimitive ("print", fun m v ->
( "print"
, fun m v ->
output_string stdout (print_value m v);
flush stdout;
VUnit )
let print s =
output_string stdout s;
@ -276,16 +290,18 @@ let primitives =
let print_int =
VPrimitive ("print_int", fun _ -> function
( "print_int"
, fun _ -> function
| VInt x -> print (Mint.to_string x)
| _ -> assert false (* By typing. *)
| _ -> assert false (* By typing. *) )
let print_string =
VPrimitive ("print_string", fun _ -> function
( "print_string"
, fun _ -> function
| VString x -> print x
| _ -> assert false (* By typing. *)
| _ -> assert false (* By typing. *) )
let bind' x w env = Environment.bind env (Id x) w in
@ -298,27 +314,29 @@ let primitives =
|> bind' "true" ptrue
|> bind' "false" pfalse
|> bind' "nothing" VUnit
let initial_runtime () = {
memory = Memory.create (640 * 1024 (* should be enough. -- B.Gates *));
environment = primitives;
let initial_runtime () =
{ memory = Memory.create (640 * 1024 (* should be enough. -- B.Gates *))
; environment = primitives
let rec evaluate runtime ast =
let runtime' = List.fold_left definition runtime ast in
(runtime', extract_observable runtime runtime')
with Environment.UnboundIdentifier (Id x, pos) ->
runtime', extract_observable runtime runtime'
| Environment.UnboundIdentifier (Id x, pos) ->
Error.error "interpretation" pos (Printf.sprintf "`%s' is unbound." x)
(** [definition pos runtime d] evaluates the new definition [d]
into a new runtime [runtime']. In the specification, this
is the judgment:
E, M dv E', M'
E, M dv E', M' *)
and definition runtime d =
(* TODO *)
failwith "Students! This is your job!"
and expression' environment memory e =
@ -328,29 +346,29 @@ and expression' environment memory e =
E, M e v, M'
and E = [runtime.environment], M = [runtime.memory].
and E = [runtime.environment], M = [runtime.memory]. *)
and expression _ environment memory =
(* TODO *)
failwith "Students! This is your job!"
(** This function returns the difference between two runtimes. *)
and extract_observable runtime runtime' =
let rec substract new_environment env env' =
if env == env' then new_environment
if env == env'
then new_environment
else (
match Environment.last env' with
| None -> assert false (* Absurd. *)
| Some (x, v, env') ->
let new_environment = Environment.bind new_environment x v in
substract new_environment env env'
substract new_environment env env')
new_environment =
substract Environment.empty runtime.environment runtime'.environment;
new_memory =
{ new_environment = substract Environment.empty runtime.environment runtime'.environment
; new_memory = runtime'.memory
(** This function displays a difference between two runtimes. *)
let print_observable (_ : runtime) observation =
Environment.print observation.new_memory observation.new_environment