Merge branch 'jalon3'

This commit is contained in:
Mylloon 2023-12-06 19:39:56 +01:00
commit f552e4177b
Signed by: Anri
GPG key ID: A82D63DFF8D1317F

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@ -5,98 +5,618 @@ open HopixAST
(** Error messages *)
let invalid_instantiation pos given expected =
HopixTypes.type_error pos (
"Invalid number of types in instantiation: \
%d given while %d were expected." given expected
"Invalid number of types in instantiation: %d given while %d were expected."
let check_equal_types pos ~expected ~given =
if expected <> given
HopixTypes.(type_error pos
"Type mismatch.\nExpected:\n %s\nGiven:\n %s"
(string_of_aty expected)
(string_of_aty given)))
"Type mismatch.\nExpected:\n %s\nGiven:\n %s"
(string_of_aty expected)
(string_of_aty given)))
(** Linearity-checking code for patterns *)
let rec check_pattern_linearity
: identifier list -> pattern Position.located -> identifier list
= fun vars Position.{ value; position; } ->
failwith "Students! This is your job!"
: identifier list -> pattern Position.located -> identifier list
fun vars Position.{ value; position = _ } ->
match value with
| PWildcard -> vars
| PLiteral _ -> vars
| PVariable v -> linearity_variable v vars
| PTypeAnnotation (p, _) ->
(* Pour les deux matchs qui suivent, on fait la même chose :
On regarde récursivement chaque pattern de chaque liste, et on effectue le
check de linéarité pour chaque pattern.
Seulement, pour PRecord qui est un (label located * pattern located),
on doit séparer en deux matchs distinct pour "ouvrir" la paire de PRecord *)
check_pattern_linearity vars p
| PTaggedValue (_, _, plist) | PTuple plist | POr plist | PAnd plist ->
linearity_pattern_list plist vars
| PRecord (plist, _) -> linearity_precord_list plist vars
and linearity_variable v vars =
if List.mem v.value vars
then (
match v.value with
| Id i ->
(Printf.sprintf "The variable %s has already appeared in this pattern." i))
else v.value :: vars
and linearity_pattern_list plist vars =
List.fold_left (fun vars pat -> check_pattern_linearity vars pat) vars plist
and linearity_precord_list plist vars =
List.fold_left (fun vars (_, pat) -> check_pattern_linearity vars pat) vars plist
(** Type-checking code *)
let check_type_scheme :
HopixTypes.typing_environment ->
Position.t ->
HopixAST.type_scheme ->
HopixTypes.aty_scheme * HopixTypes.typing_environment
= fun env pos (ForallTy (ts, ty)) ->
failwith "Students! This is your job!"
let check_type_scheme
: HopixTypes.typing_environment -> Position.t -> HopixAST.type_scheme
-> HopixTypes.aty_scheme * HopixTypes.typing_environment
fun env pos (ForallTy (ts, ty)) ->
let ts = Position.value ts in
let env = HopixTypes.bind_type_variables pos env ts in
HopixTypes.Scheme (ts, HopixTypes.internalize_ty env ty), env
let synth_literal : HopixAST.literal -> HopixTypes.aty =
let rec check_pattern
: HopixTypes.typing_environment -> HopixAST.pattern Position.located -> HopixTypes.aty
-> HopixTypes.typing_environment
fun env Position.({ value = p; position = pos } as pat) expected ->
failwith "Students! This is your job! (check_pattern)"
let rec synth_expression
: HopixTypes.typing_environment -> HopixAST.expression Position.located
-> HopixTypes.aty
fun env Position.{ value = e; position = _ } ->
match e with
| Literal l -> synth_literal l.value
| Variable (id, tlist) -> synth_variable env id tlist
| Tagged (cons, tlist, elist) -> synth_tagged env cons tlist elist
| Apply (elist1, elist2) -> synth_apply env elist1 elist2
| Record (field, tlist) -> synth_record env field tlist
| Fun (FunctionDefinition (def, expr)) -> synth_fun env def expr
| TypeAnnotation (expr, t) -> synth_tannot env expr t
| Field (expr, lbl, tlist) -> synth_field env expr lbl tlist
| Tuple elist -> synth_tuple env elist
| Sequence elist -> synth_sequence env elist
| Define (vdef, expr) -> synth_define env vdef expr
| Ref expr -> synth_ref env expr
| Assign (expr1, expr2) -> synth_assign env expr1 expr2
| Read expr -> synth_read env expr
| Case (expr, branches) -> synth_case env expr branches
| IfThenElse (ecase, eif, eelse) -> synth_ifthenelse env ecase eif eelse
| While (ecase, expr) -> synth_while env ecase expr
| For (id, ecase, expr1, expr2) -> synth_for env id ecase expr1 expr2
and synth_literal : HopixAST.literal -> HopixTypes.aty =
fun l ->
failwith "Students! This is your job!"
match l with
| LInt _ -> HopixTypes.hint
| LChar _ -> HopixTypes.hchar
| LString _ -> HopixTypes.hstring
let rec check_pattern :
HopixTypes.typing_environment ->
HopixAST.pattern Position.located ->
HopixTypes.aty ->
= fun env Position.({ value = p; position = pos; } as pat) expected ->
failwith "Students! This is your job!"
and synth_pattern
: HopixTypes.typing_environment -> HopixAST.pattern Position.located
-> HopixTypes.aty * HopixTypes.typing_environment
fun env Position.{ value = p; position = pos } ->
match p with
| PWildcard -> pattern_wildcard pos
| PLiteral l -> pattern_literal env l
| PVariable _ -> pattern_variable pos
| PTypeAnnotation (p, ty) -> pattern_tannot env p ty
| PTuple plist -> pattern_tuple env plist
| POr plist -> pattern_or env plist
| PAnd plist -> pattern_and env plist
| PTaggedValue (cons, tlist, plist) -> pattern_tagval env cons tlist plist
| PRecord (plist, tlist) -> pattern_record env plist tlist
and synth_pattern :
HopixTypes.typing_environment ->
HopixAST.pattern Position.located ->
HopixTypes.aty * HopixTypes.typing_environment
= fun env Position.{ value = p; position = pos; } ->
failwith "Students! This is your job!"
and pattern_wildcard : Position.t -> HopixTypes.aty * HopixTypes.typing_environment =
fun pos -> HopixTypes.type_error pos "No types found."
let rec synth_expression :
HopixTypes.typing_environment ->
HopixAST.expression Position.located ->
= fun env Position.{ value = e; position = pos; } ->
failwith "Students! This is your job!"
and pattern_literal
: HopixTypes.typing_environment -> HopixAST.literal Position.located
-> HopixTypes.aty * HopixTypes.typing_environment
fun tenv l -> synth_literal l.value, tenv
and check_expression :
HopixTypes.typing_environment ->
HopixAST.expression Position.located ->
HopixTypes.aty ->
= fun env (Position.{ value = e; position = pos; } as exp) expected ->
failwith "Students! This is your job!"
and pattern_variable : Position.t -> HopixTypes.aty * HopixTypes.typing_environment =
fun pos -> HopixTypes.type_error pos "No types found."
and check_value_definition :
HopixTypes.typing_environment ->
HopixAST.value_definition ->
= fun env def ->
failwith "Students! This is your job!"
and pattern_tannot
: HopixTypes.typing_environment -> HopixAST.pattern Position.located
-> HopixAST.ty Position.located -> HopixTypes.aty * HopixTypes.typing_environment
fun tenv p ty ->
let aty_of_ty = HopixTypes.internalize_ty tenv ty in
match p.value with
| PWildcard -> aty_of_ty, tenv
| PVariable i ->
( aty_of_ty
, HopixTypes.bind_value i.value (HopixTypes.monomorphic_type_scheme aty_of_ty) tenv )
| _ ->
let pattern_type, tenv = synth_pattern tenv p in
check_equal_types p.position ~expected:aty_of_ty ~given:pattern_type;
pattern_type, tenv
and pattern_tuple
: HopixTypes.typing_environment -> HopixAST.pattern Position.located list
-> HopixTypes.aty * HopixTypes.typing_environment
fun tenv plist ->
let tys, tenv =
(fun (tys, tenv) pat ->
let ty, tenv = synth_pattern tenv pat in
ty :: tys, tenv)
([], tenv)
HopixTypes.ATyTuple (List.rev tys), tenv
and pattern_or
: HopixTypes.typing_environment -> HopixAST.pattern Position.located list
-> HopixTypes.aty * HopixTypes.typing_environment
fun tenv plist ->
let ty', tenv' = synth_pattern tenv (List.hd plist) in
let tenv =
(fun tenv pat ->
let pattern_type, tenv = synth_pattern tenv pat in
check_equal_types pat.position ~expected:pattern_type ~given:ty';
ty', tenv
(* TODO : Même code que pattern_or, à revoir ? *)
and pattern_and
: HopixTypes.typing_environment -> HopixAST.pattern Position.located list
-> HopixTypes.aty * HopixTypes.typing_environment
fun tenv plist ->
let ty', tenv' = synth_pattern tenv (List.hd plist) in
let tenv =
(fun tenv pat ->
let pattern_type, tenv = synth_pattern tenv pat in
check_equal_types pat.position ~expected:pattern_type ~given:ty';
ty', tenv
and pattern_tagval
: HopixTypes.typing_environment -> HopixAST.constructor Position.located
-> HopixAST.ty Position.located list option -> HopixAST.pattern Position.located list
-> HopixTypes.aty * HopixTypes.typing_environment
fun tenv cons tlist plist ->
let cons_scheme =
try HopixTypes.lookup_type_scheme_of_constructor cons.position cons.value tenv with
| HopixTypes.Unbound (pos, Constructor (KId c)) ->
HopixTypes.type_error pos (Printf.sprintf "Unbound constructor `%s'." c)
let tys =
(fun x -> HopixTypes.internalize_ty tenv x)
(match tlist with
| Some t -> t
| None -> HopixTypes.type_error cons.position "No types found.")
let tcons =
try HopixTypes.instantiate_type_scheme cons_scheme tys with
| HopixTypes.InvalidInstantiation { expected; given } ->
invalid_instantiation cons.position expected given
let p_args, tenv = synth_list_pattern tenv plist in
( (let expected_args, result =
HopixTypes.destruct_function_type_maximally cons.position tcons
(fun expected given -> check_equal_types cons.position ~expected ~given)
| Invalid_argument _ ->
(* 35-bad *)
~given:(HopixTypes.ATyArrow (result, result)));
, tenv )
and synth_list_pattern tenv = function
| [] -> [], tenv
| p :: plist ->
let ty, tenv = synth_pattern tenv p in
let tys, tenv = synth_list_pattern tenv plist in
ty :: tys, tenv
and pattern_record
: HopixTypes.typing_environment
-> (HopixAST.label Position.located * HopixAST.pattern Position.located) list
-> HopixAST.ty Position.located list option
-> HopixTypes.aty * HopixTypes.typing_environment
fun tenv plist tlist ->
let label = fst (List.hd plist) in
let type_cons, _, labels =
let (LId label_name) = label.value in
try HopixTypes.lookup_type_constructor_of_label label.position label.value tenv with
| HopixTypes.Unbound (pos, Label (LId i)) ->
(Printf.sprintf "There is no type definition for label `%s'." label_name)
let tlist' =
match tlist with
| Some tlist -> (fun t -> HopixTypes.internalize_ty tenv t) tlist
| None -> HopixTypes.type_error label.position "No types found."
let tenv =
(fun tenv (Position.{ position = label_pos; value = label_val }, pat) ->
let label_scheme =
try HopixTypes.lookup_type_scheme_of_label label_pos label_val tenv with
| HopixTypes.Unbound (pos, Label (LId i)) ->
HopixTypes.type_error pos (Printf.sprintf "Unbound label `%s'." i)
let instance_type_scheme =
try HopixTypes.instantiate_type_scheme label_scheme tlist' with
| HopixTypes.InvalidInstantiation { expected; given } ->
invalid_instantiation (Position.position pat) expected given
let _, expected =
HopixTypes.destruct_function_type label_pos instance_type_scheme
let given, tenv = synth_pattern tenv pat in
check_equal_types label_pos ~expected ~given;
ATyCon (type_cons, tlist'), tenv
and synth_variable
: HopixTypes.typing_environment -> identifier Position.located
-> ty Position.located list option -> HopixTypes.aty
fun tenv id tlist ->
(* Get variable type *)
let ty =
try HopixTypes.lookup_type_scheme_of_identifier id.position id.value tenv with
| HopixTypes.Unbound (pos, Identifier (Id i)) ->
HopixTypes.type_error pos (Printf.sprintf "Unbound identifier `%s'." i)
match tlist with
| None -> HopixTypes.instantiate_type_scheme ty []
| Some tlist' ->
(* Pas testé *)
let atlist = (fun t -> HopixTypes.internalize_ty tenv t) tlist' in
(try HopixTypes.instantiate_type_scheme ty atlist with
| HopixTypes.InvalidInstantiation { expected; given } ->
invalid_instantiation id.position expected given)
and synth_tagged
: HopixTypes.typing_environment -> constructor Position.located
-> ty Position.located list option -> expression Position.located list -> HopixTypes.aty
fun tenv cons tlist e_args_list ->
let cons_scheme =
try HopixTypes.lookup_type_scheme_of_constructor cons.position cons.value tenv with
| HopixTypes.Unbound (pos, Constructor (KId c)) ->
HopixTypes.type_error pos (Printf.sprintf "Unbound constructor `%s'." c)
let tys =
(fun x -> HopixTypes.internalize_ty tenv x)
(match tlist with
| Some t -> t
| None -> HopixTypes.type_error cons.position "No types found.")
let tcons =
try HopixTypes.instantiate_type_scheme cons_scheme tys with
| HopixTypes.InvalidInstantiation { expected; given } ->
invalid_instantiation cons.position expected given
let targs = (fun x -> synth_expression tenv x) e_args_list in
let expected_args, result =
HopixTypes.destruct_function_type_maximally cons.position tcons
(fun expected given -> check_equal_types cons.position ~expected ~given)
| Invalid_argument _ ->
(* 35-bad *)
~given:(HopixTypes.ATyArrow (result, result)));
and synth_apply
: HopixTypes.typing_environment -> expression Position.located
-> expression Position.located -> HopixTypes.aty
fun tenv f x ->
let f_type = synth_expression tenv f in
match f_type with
| HopixTypes.ATyArrow (expected, droit) ->
(* a' -> b' *)
let given = synth_expression tenv x in
check_equal_types x.position ~expected ~given;
| _ -> HopixTypes.type_error f.position "Can't apply."
and synth_record
: HopixTypes.typing_environment
-> (label Position.located * expression Position.located) list
-> ty Position.located list option -> HopixTypes.aty
fun tenv field tlist ->
(* Translate the types *)
let fl = fst (List.hd field) in
let cons, _, _ =
HopixTypes.lookup_type_constructor_of_label fl.position fl.value tenv
let tlist' =
match tlist with
| Some tlist -> (fun t -> HopixTypes.internalize_ty tenv t) tlist
| None -> HopixTypes.type_error fl.position "No types found."
(* Type checking *)
(fun (Position.{ position = label_pos; value = label_val }, expr) ->
let label_scheme =
try HopixTypes.lookup_type_scheme_of_label label_pos label_val tenv with
| HopixTypes.Unbound (pos, Label (LId i)) ->
HopixTypes.type_error pos (Printf.sprintf "Unbound label `%s'." i)
let arrow =
try HopixTypes.instantiate_type_scheme label_scheme tlist' with
| HopixTypes.InvalidInstantiation { expected; given } ->
invalid_instantiation (Position.position expr) expected given
let _, expected = HopixTypes.destruct_function_type label_pos arrow in
let given = synth_expression tenv expr in
check_equal_types label_pos ~expected ~given)
ATyCon (cons, tlist')
and synth_fun
: HopixTypes.typing_environment -> pattern Position.located
-> expression Position.located -> HopixTypes.aty
fun tenv pat expr ->
let pat_type, tenv = synth_pattern tenv pat in
let expr_type = synth_expression tenv expr in
ATyArrow (pat_type, expr_type)
and synth_tannot
: HopixTypes.typing_environment -> expression Position.located -> ty Position.located
-> HopixTypes.aty
fun tenv expr ty ->
let ty' = synth_expression tenv expr in
(* Pas sûr de ça *)
check_equal_types expr.position ~expected:(HopixTypes.internalize_ty tenv ty) ~given:ty';
and synth_field
: HopixTypes.typing_environment -> expression Position.located
-> label Position.located -> ty Position.located list option -> HopixTypes.aty
fun tenv expr lbl _tlist ->
let expr_type = synth_expression tenv expr in
match expr_type with
| ATyCon (cons, atlist) ->
let label_scheme =
try HopixTypes.lookup_type_scheme_of_label lbl.position lbl.value tenv with
| HopixTypes.Unbound (pos, Label (LId i)) ->
HopixTypes.type_error pos (Printf.sprintf "Unbound label `%s'." i)
let arrow =
try HopixTypes.instantiate_type_scheme label_scheme atlist with
| HopixTypes.InvalidInstantiation { expected; given } ->
invalid_instantiation (Position.position expr) expected given
(* Peut être inutile ? *)
let _ = HopixTypes.lookup_fields_of_type_constructor lbl.position cons tenv in
snd (HopixTypes.destruct_function_type lbl.position arrow)
| _ as x -> x
and synth_tuple
: HopixTypes.typing_environment -> expression Position.located list -> HopixTypes.aty
fun tenv elist ->
let list_type = (fun x -> synth_expression tenv x) elist in
HopixTypes.ATyTuple list_type
and synth_sequence
: HopixTypes.typing_environment -> expression Position.located list -> HopixTypes.aty
fun tenv elist ->
match elist with
| [] -> HopixTypes.type_error Position.dummy "Invalid sequence."
| [ x ] -> synth_expression tenv x
| x :: l ->
let given = synth_expression tenv x in
check_equal_types x.position ~expected:HopixTypes.hunit ~given;
synth_sequence tenv l
and synth_define
: HopixTypes.typing_environment -> value_definition -> expression Position.located
-> HopixTypes.aty
fun tenv vdef expr ->
let tenv = check_value_definition tenv vdef in
synth_expression tenv expr
and synth_ref
: HopixTypes.typing_environment -> expression Position.located -> HopixTypes.aty
fun tenv expr -> HopixTypes.href (synth_expression tenv expr)
and synth_assign
: HopixTypes.typing_environment -> expression Position.located
-> expression Position.located -> HopixTypes.aty
fun tenv ref expr ->
let refty = synth_expression tenv ref in
match HopixTypes.destruct_reference_type expr.position refty with
| expected ->
let given = synth_expression tenv expr in
check_equal_types expr.position ~expected ~given;
and synth_read
: HopixTypes.typing_environment -> expression Position.located -> HopixTypes.aty
fun tenv ref ->
let refty = synth_expression tenv ref in
HopixTypes.destruct_reference_type ref.position refty
and synth_case
: HopixTypes.typing_environment -> expression Position.located
-> branch Position.located list -> HopixTypes.aty
fun tenv expr branches ->
let casety = synth_expression tenv expr in
(* Test les branches *)
match List.fold_right (synth_branch tenv casety) branches None with
| Some branchesty -> branchesty
| None -> HopixTypes.type_error expr.position "No types found."
and synth_branch
: HopixTypes.typing_environment -> HopixTypes.aty -> branch Position.located
-> HopixTypes.aty option -> HopixTypes.aty option
fun tenv casety branch branchty ->
let (Branch (p, e)) = branch.value in
let given_case, tenv' = synth_pattern tenv p in
check_equal_types p.position ~expected:casety ~given:given_case;
let given_branch = synth_expression tenv' e in
(match branchty with
| None -> ()
| Some ty' -> check_equal_types e.position ~expected:ty' ~given:given_branch);
Some given_branch
and synth_ifthenelse
: HopixTypes.typing_environment -> expression Position.located
-> expression Position.located -> expression Position.located -> HopixTypes.aty
fun tenv ecase eif eelse ->
(* Pas testé !! *)
let ecasety = synth_expression tenv ecase in
check_equal_types ecase.position ~expected:HopixTypes.hbool ~given:ecasety;
let eifty = synth_expression tenv eif in
check_equal_types eif.position ~expected:HopixTypes.hunit ~given:eifty;
let eelsety = synth_expression tenv eelse in
check_equal_types eelse.position ~expected:HopixTypes.hunit ~given:eelsety;
and synth_while
: HopixTypes.typing_environment -> expression Position.located
-> expression Position.located -> HopixTypes.aty
fun tenv ecase c ->
let ecasety = synth_expression tenv ecase in
check_equal_types ecase.position ~expected:HopixTypes.hbool ~given:ecasety;
let exprty = synth_expression tenv c in
check_equal_types c.position ~expected:HopixTypes.hunit ~given:exprty;
and synth_for
: HopixTypes.typing_environment -> identifier Position.located
-> expression Position.located -> expression Position.located
-> expression Position.located -> HopixTypes.aty
fun tenv id estart eend expr ->
let estart_ty = synth_expression tenv estart in
check_equal_types estart.position ~expected:HopixTypes.hint ~given:estart_ty;
let eend_ty = synth_expression tenv eend in
check_equal_types eend.position ~expected:HopixTypes.hint ~given:eend_ty;
let tenv' =
(HopixTypes.monomorphic_type_scheme HopixTypes.hint)
let e_ty = synth_expression tenv' expr in
check_equal_types expr.position ~expected:HopixTypes.hunit ~given:e_ty;
and check_expression
: HopixTypes.typing_environment -> HopixAST.expression Position.located
-> HopixTypes.aty -> unit
fun env (Position.{ position = pos } as exp) expected ->
let given = synth_expression env exp in
check_equal_types pos ~expected ~given
and check_value_definition
: HopixTypes.typing_environment -> HopixAST.value_definition
-> HopixTypes.typing_environment
fun env -> function
| SimpleValue (id, ty, ex) ->
(match ty with
| None -> HopixTypes.type_error ex.position "Type is missing."
| Some ty' ->
let tys, tenv = Position.located_pos (check_type_scheme env) ty' in
check_expression tenv ex (HopixTypes.instantiate_type_scheme tys []);
HopixTypes.bind_value (Position.value id) tys env)
| RecFunctions _ ->
(* Je crois que c'est galère et donc c'est pas grave si on arrive pas
à faire les fonctions récursives *)
failwith "Students! This is your job! (check_value_definition | RecFunctions)"
let check_definition env = function
| DefineValue vdef ->
check_value_definition env vdef
| DefineValue vdef -> check_value_definition env vdef
| DefineType (t, ts, tdef) ->
let ts = Position.value ts in
HopixTypes.bind_type_definition (Position.value t) ts tdef env
let ts = Position.value ts in
HopixTypes.bind_type_definition (Position.value t) ts tdef env
| DeclareExtern (x, tys) ->
let tys, _ = Position.located_pos (check_type_scheme env) tys in
HopixTypes.bind_value (Position.value x) tys env
let tys, _ = Position.located_pos (check_type_scheme env) tys in
HopixTypes.bind_value (Position.value x) tys env
let typecheck env program =
(fun env d -> Position.located (check_definition env) d)
env program
List.fold_left (fun env d -> Position.located (check_definition env) d) env program
type typing_environment = HopixTypes.typing_environment
let initial_typing_environment = HopixTypes.initial_typing_environment
let print_typing_environment = HopixTypes.string_of_typing_environment