Etape S.Fun (ne marche surement pas)

This commit is contained in:
Nicolas PENELOUX 2023-12-17 21:20:58 +01:00
parent 34c2a6c8e3
commit f7567888c9

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@ -179,6 +179,7 @@ let initial_environment () = { vars = Dict.empty; externals = Dict.empty }
let bind_external id n env = { env with externals = Dict.insert id n env.externals }
let is_external id env = Dict.lookup id env.externals <> None
let reset_vars env = { env with vars = Dict.empty }
let bind_var env id expr = {env with vars = Dict.insert id expr env.vars }
(** Precondition: [is_external id env = true]. *)
let arity_of_external id env =
@ -245,11 +246,21 @@ let translate (p : S.t) env =
| S.Fun (x, e) as f ->
(* 1.3 (3)
TODO: J'ai une boucle infini ici je comprends rien *)
let fname = make_fresh_function_identifier () in
let x = identifier x in
let efs, e = expression env e in
let ffs, f = expression env f in
(T.DefineFunction (fname, x, e) :: efs) @ ffs, f
(T.DefineFunction (fname, x, e) :: efs) @ ffs, f*)
(* TODO : debug ce truc *)
let fname = make_fresh_function_identifier () in
let arguments_x = identifier x in
let cloture, env = creation_cloture env fname (free_variables f) in
let dfs = add_liste_funcdef env fname arguments_x e in
dfs, cloture
| S.AllocateBlock a ->
let afs, a = expression env a in
afs, allocate_block a
@ -292,6 +303,43 @@ let translate (p : S.t) env =
| S.LString s -> T.LString s
| S.LChar c -> T.LChar c
and identifier (S.Id x) = T.Id x
and function_identifier (S.Id x) = T.FunId x in
and function_identifier (S.Id x) = T.FunId x
(*Ici, on rajoute notre fonction anonyme dans la liste des définitions de fonctions*)
(* Pas sûr pour les T.Id, pareil dans les autres fonctions d'ailleurs*)
and add_liste_funcdef env fid x expr =
let dfs, expr = expression env expr in
dfs @ [T.DefineFunction(fid,(T.Id "oldenvironment")::x,expr)]
and creation_cloture env ?block fname free_vars =
match block with
| None ->
let new_clot = new_cloture 0 free_vars in
let blocks, env = add_to_cloture env fname (T.Variable (T.Id "environment")) free_vars in
T.Define (T.Id "environment",new_clot,blocks), env
and new_cloture espace list_variable =
allocate_block (lint (espace + List.length list_variable + 1))
and add_to_cloture env fname env_var free_vars =
let first_block = write_block env_var (lint 0) (T.Literal (T.LFun fname)) in
let env, vars_free, k =
List.fold_left (fun(env,list,k) id ->
let new_env = bind_var env id (read_block (T.Variable (T.Id "oldenvironment")) (lint k)) in
let new_valeur =
match Dict.lookup id env.vars with
| None -> T.Variable (identifier id)
| Some v -> v in
let new_instr = write_block env_var (lint k) new_valeur in
(new_env, new_instr::list, k+1)
free_vars in
let instrs = List.rev (env_var::first_block::vars_free) in
seqs instrs, env
program env p